Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel

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Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel Page 16

by Cookie Jones

  It dawned on me as I finished the mock up that I wanted to work, have a career, do something with my life…be with Clary and no one else. Shit, I wanted it wholeheartedly and had absolutely no reservations.

  “You’re behind this aren’t you?” I glanced up and spoke to my dad. I figured it wouldn’t look crazy if I were alone. “You put her in my life and everything else just…fell into place. Sneaky…I’ll give you that, very sneaky,” I said and then shook my head with a small smirk.

  I didn’t resent my father anymore; if it made any sense I felt like I understood him better. I couldn’t complain because…hell, I loved Clary and the baby. Once I was done with the mock up I called Daniel’s office at Z&R Architecture to make an appointment for the next day. After that I had to use some pull to get Clary and I a reservation at a nicer restaurant near the park.

  “Now, time to wow Clary,” I said, feeling pretty good about myself as I drove to her job.

  “Hey, you, just on time,” Clary gave me a breathtaking smile as I walked into her office. I secretly loved that her office was probably the size of the front of our apartment.

  “Have I ever told you how sexy you look sitting at that desk?” I asked and she giggled.

  “Well, I think that time when we had sex on it said enough,” she said and I grinned.

  “It only gets better, you have no idea how adventurous I can get,” I told her and she quirked an eyebrow at me while walking over.


  I nodded, and gave her a secret grin before kissing her squarely on the mouth.

  “Come on, I want to show you something,” I told her and she looked at me curiously.

  “What is it?” she asked and I snorted.

  “You’ll see, don’t worry, it won’t kill you or anything,” I said and she laughed. When we got to the parking garage and stopped by the sleek white Audi, Clary stared at it in confusion for a second and then her jaw dropped.

  “Oh my gosh, you got a new car?” she said in excitement and I laughed. “It’s…did you know I secretly had a crush on the Audi R8? Like…I’d do some things to this car,” she said and I cracked up. “It’s so sexy, is it an automatic?”

  “Yeah, but maybe you can teach me how to drive manual and I can trade it,” I said and she nodded.

  “Yes, that’s freaking imperative are you kidding? Do you know what this means, Nick?” she asked me and I grinned.

  “No, what?”

  “Even though I’ll probably lose, we have to race, we just have to…and I have to drive this car, otherwise I’d have to kick you out of my house,” she said and I cracked up all over again.

  “I didn’t know you had this whole car enthusiast side about you, hell yeah, we’re racing. I booked us some time on the track after dinner,” I said and her eyes widened as if she had been given the best Christmas present.

  “Oh my gosh, I love you!”

  She actually skipped and leaped up to give me a hug. I plastered a smile on my face as my heart beat at like fifty miles per hour. I don’t think she realized what she said…that she said it out loud to me. “…I mean…” of course she backtracked as I let her go and she slid down to stand on her own.

  “It’s okay, its too early for that…I know, it slipped out,” I said and she took a deep breath.

  “Nick, you’re perfect…I—”

  “Don’t, I’ve already heard what I wanted to hear,” I told her and gave her a real reassuring smile then leaned down to kiss her.

  “Also, I’m not normally this girly about things…cars are sort of like a weak spot. I think it balances out all my lawyerly seriousness,” she said and I laughed.

  “Yeah, you had a full on momentary lapse, but that’s okay. As long as it’s only with me,” I told her and she scoffed.

  “Of course…only with you,” she said sarcastically and I gave her a look. “I mean yes only you, Nick,” she said with more conviction and I nodded.

  “Only one car on the road,” I said and tried to come up with some analogy about cars and how I was the only one for her. “Okay, that fell flat, I have to work on that one.”

  She giggled and I gestured over to her car.

  “Follow me to dinner?” she sighed wistfully and ran her fingers along the hood of the R8.

  “O-kay…” she said and sighed. Then she literally spoke to the car, “I’ll see you later,” she said and blew it a kiss.

  “Now I’m starting to regret buying it. Is there going to be some competition I should be aware of?” I asked and she giggled.

  “No, no…I’m normal, I promise,” she said and I watched her walk to her car with a sway to her hips.

  “Is that walk for me or the car?” I asked and she laughed.

  “It’s for you, but if the car sees, there’s nothing I can do,” she said and I shook my head.

  “You are something else…look,” I told her and covered the car’s headlights as if it were its eyes.

  “Nick, our child might have a hard time making friends,” she called out across the space and I laughed hard.

  “Don’t worry we’ll find her a Gina and a Buddy, she’ll be fine,” I said and Clary smiled before she got into her car.

  I revved up the Audi and then led the way home to change, then we were off to the restaurant.

  “Oh my goodness…this is one of Gaston Fritz’s restaurants, it’s like impossible to get a reservation here. Impossible,” Clary said as we walked in.

  “Well being a Price apparently pays off. Dad’s company has made many a person’s wealth grow,” I said and Clary smiled.

  She looked phenomenal in her floor length sleek dress. It was a simple cocktail dress, cut at the knee and all white. I wanted to drag it off with my teeth the second she stepped out of that closet.

  “I’m going to have a hard time letting other people see you,” I said and she laughed.

  “Other people are seeing me Nick,” she said and I shook my head.

  “I mean guys, who would do more than just look, I don’t know…I might be getting into a few fights tonight,” I said and Clary hit my arm playfully as we stepped up to the host’s podium.

  “Price, for two?” I said and the host was sharp as he led us to our table.

  The serving staff was like a well oiled machine, as soon as we were seated our water glasses were filled, and menus presented.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever been to a place this fancy since I lived with my parents,” I said and Clary tilted her head, surprised.

  Her curly hair tumbled over her shoulder then and I groaned.

  “Must you be so beautiful in public?” I asked her and she gave me a sweet intimate smile.

  “Yes, if you’re looking at me,” she said almost shyly and I wanted to open up my chest and put her right inside.

  “I don’t want you to feel awkward or anything, but…you know I’m pretty in love with you right?” I asked her and she was taken by surprise for a moment.

  “I know…” she hesitated and I shook my head at her.

  “I just want to make sure you knew, that’s all. No pressure…or anything,” I grinned at her and she rolled her eyes at me, but laughed.

  “Of course not, you only set up probably the best evening ever and told me you love me and look…well, edible in that suit,” she said and my grin widened.

  “Damn right,” I said and she laughed again.

  The server came around with the wine menu and explained how we could order around the selection of whites and reds.

  “Ah, we won’t be having wine tonight, my wife is pregnant,” I told the server and tried to keep a straight face. I could feel the weight of Clary’s gaze on my face.

  “Oh, well we do have a selection of non alcoholic cocktails that I can recommend,” he said and smiled at Clary politely.

  She was definitely a bit frazzled but managed to listen to their selection and order something.

  “I’ll have what she’s having,” I said and then for good measure, “my wife,
I’ll have what my wife is having.”

  The server was obviously trying to hold back a smile and be professional, but he had caught sight of Clary’s wide eyed stare at me. She probably thought I had lost it.

  “Your wife?” Clary said after the server had gone and I shrugged and picked up the menu all nonchalant.

  “Yeah, why not?” I said and her jaw dropped. “It was that or I say my Clary…and embarrass you further,” I said and slowly a smile spread across her lips and she shook her head at me.

  “Nick, you are really, really something else,” she said and chuckled.

  “I know, I’m one of a kind. Made for you,” I said and she giggled.

  “How do you know that?” she asked and I shrugged.

  “I figure if a woman can turn me on fully clothed, just by smiling at me, then she’s the one for me. And if I can nail your ‘best evening ever,’ I’m made for you,” I said simply and she smiled, all shy again.

  “Stop, it’s too much, Nick. The sweetness is killing me,” she said and I grinned.

  Man she was perfect. Dinner was beyond great; we needed to have more time where we just got to be together. Obviously, it would be a little harder once I was working too, but damned if I wasn’t going to figure out a way to have more of those moments.

  “Okay, now we get to race!” Clary said as we were waiting for our cars from valet.

  “Only if my car gets back in one piece from these guys,” I said and Clary clutched at her chest, her eyes gone wide and everything.

  “Don’t you say that, I will sue Gaston Fritz himself,” she said gravely and I cracked up, then pulled her close for a deep kiss.

  I made a show of it, sweeping her off her feet and all. We got a few catcalls and Clary was all cheeks when she was upright again.

  “Remind me to never, ever piss you off,” I said and she grinned.

  “I will,” she said spritely and I just realized that I gave her the victory over every potential argument we might have.

  The cars came rumbling up and I tipped the valets, then it was off to the track just a little way out of the city, toward Long Island.

  “I can’t believe you’re going to race me in that dress,” I told her once we were checked in and idling on the track.

  “Yes, just so I can say I raced you in a dress and also so I can say you got beat in a race by a girl…wearing a dress,” Clary said while she walked over to the hood of her car.

  “Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?” I asked and she waved me away.

  “I’m just flipping a switch,” she said and my jaw dropped.

  “Your car is modified?” I asked and then vividly imagined having sex with her on the hood of that thing. Though she’d probably prefer the hood of my car.


  “That’s not fair, I don’t have any boosts or whatever in mine,” I said and she shrugged.

  “Actually, my car is at a bit of a disadvantage, so this makes up for that,” she said and I glanced around, looking for some sort of official. The track would only be open for a few hours more, so most people were filing out with their souped up cars and such.

  “Dude, she’s gonna race you in a dress?” some spectator walked up to my car and I sighed.

  “Yeah, she’ll probably beat me, too,” I said and he chuckled.

  “That’s hot,” he said and his eyes glued themselves on Clary.

  I turned to him and pointed in the opposite direction.

  “Get gone man,” I said and he held up his hands in surrender and backed away to the sidelines.

  “Okay, I’m ready,” Clary said as she got back into her car and buckled up.

  I got into mine and hoped the sports mode would show for something against Clary. We drove up to the designated starting line for drag races and an official, so to speak, he just worked at the track, came up to each of us to make sure we were good and knew the rules and whatnot. Then he backed up a little, dead center of our cars and gave the go signal. My foot hit the gas and the R8 took off. I’ve raced before, but never in an actual sports car. I wasn’t even paying attention to Clary, I just drove and had the time of my life whipping down the road. I noticed Clary when she started inching ahead of me. I glanced at her briefly, she was focused on the road. It was neck and neck for a good bit, but as soon as she hit sixth gear she had me. We crossed the finish line and started to slow.

  “I think you cheated!” I yelled out of the window and she shook her head.

  When we came to a stop and got out I put my hands on my hips to stand by what I said.

  “My car can reach two hundred. The R8 is sexy, but it only gets to about one ninety-six without any modifications.”

  “Yeah, but you flipped a switch!” I said and she shrugged.

  “Just to stabilize it some more, sometimes the Jag can get away from you,” she said and I’m not going to lie, I pouted a little bit.

  “Man, I thought I could actually beat you,” I said and she smiled widely.

  “We really should have made some sort of bet or something. You owe me unlimited foot rubs!” she said and I snorted.

  “Yeah, yeah, bask in your victory. Let’s get these off the track,” I said and we drove back to the starting line. I heard the laughs as soon as I got out.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’d like to see any of you in her class try to beat her,” I said and Clary rubbed my chest when she got out of the car.

  “It’s okay, Nick, I’ve beaten a lot of guys before,” she said and we created a little bubble on the sidelines of the track.

  I put my hand over her belly and she smiled up at me.

  “How’s she doing?” I asked.

  “Good, in there nice and tight…though if it turns out ‘she’ is a boy—”

  “I’ll love him just the same, I’m just saying she because I want God to hear and hopefully grant my wish,” I said and that made Clary really laugh.

  “Nick, you’re an idiot,” she said and I smiled like the proudest guy on earth for making his girl laugh.

  “And you’re sexy. Do you wanna go again?” I asked and pointed at the track.

  “I want to drive your car,” she said and gave me a hopeful smile.

  “Alright, have at it, I know you’ve been dying to,” I said and she snatched the key fob from me and hopped into the R8.

  Literally, within minutes, she was speeding down the track again. I had to say it was fun; Clary tried to teach me how to drive her car and we had a long discussion over the merits of paddle shifters. By the time the track closed, we both had huge smiles on our faces.

  “There’s…one more thing I wanted to do though,” I said as we were about to get in the cars to head home.

  “What’s that?” she asked and I waggled my eyebrows at her.

  “You know,” I said and she laughed.

  “Are you serious? Right now?” she asked and I nodded.

  “Oh yeah, lets drive around and find a ‘semi-public’ spot,” I told her and she bit her lip on a smile.

  There was a nice spot outside the track, sort of hidden by two huge trees, but through the gate behind them, the track was wide open and highly visible. We parked in the cover of the trees.

  “This is the perfect spot,” I said and she got out of the car and smirked.

  “This was…the spot,” she said and I grinned like the damn Cheshire cat.

  “Even fucking better,” I said and then caught her around the waist and lifted her a little to sit her down on the hood of my car.

  “Where are your heels?” I asked and she gave me a bland look.

  “It’s dangerous to drive in heels, Nick, I’m pregnant,” she said and I burst into laughter.

  “But it’s not dangerous to drive at damn near two hundred miles per hour?”

  She simply shrugged. “Not if you know what you’re doing and have no distractions,” she said and I quirked a brow.

  “Oh, so I wasn’t a distraction for you. Suave looking guy, curls flying in the wind, driving a car you admitte
d that you’d do…’things’ to?” I asked and she snorted.

  “I’m sure that would have been a distraction, but I’m not sure that’s what I saw,” she said. “You looked so giddy behind the wheel and your hair was flying all over the place, I was surprised you didn’t crash,” she said and I shook my head.

  “Nope, not me, I have the ability to see through my hair. It’s actually a skill one has to develop,” I said and she giggled.

  “You’re so silly…” she said and I leaned into her and pressed a kiss just under her jaw. I heard the sound of a throaty engine revving and looked over Clary’s head at the track.

  “Must be some after hours private race set up,” I said and Clary looked back, too.

  “They could see us…” she said and I chuckled.

  “Wasn’t that why the last time was so exciting?” I asked her and kissed her neck that time.

  She simply hummed as a reply and I slid my hand up her calf and thigh. I fucking loved her legs. Clary surprised me by taking over. She spun with me so that I was leaning against the car and then she trailed kisses along my jaw while her hand went to the bulge in my pants and rubbed against it. I practically growled at the pleasure that spread through me. I captured her mouth with mine and licked into her mouth. She moaned at my intensity and then she unbuckled my pants and pulled my cock out. When she began to stroke it with both hands I groaned and slid my hands into her hair and around her nape.

  “Get on the car, Nick, slide up,” she ordered me breathlessly and hell if that didn’t turn me on even more.

  I followed her instruction and realized she just needed access. She slid her mouth over the head of my cock and I tried really hard not to thrust deep into her mouth. She took me deep anyway and I had to fist my hands at my sides. I was trying hard to restrain myself, but her silky mouth was just perfect around me.

  “Fuck, Clary…” I groaned and then became acutely aware of the loud ass cars shooting by on the other side of the fence. Clary sucked me with vigor then and had my damn toes curling. Soon I was going to come if she didn’t let up. I sat up and forced her to pull back.

  “It’s your turn to get on the hood,” I said hoarsely and she did.

  I pushed up her dress and had to tear her panties, because I didn’t have the time or patience to get them off properly. Clary moaned as if that had excited her and I made sure she was wet enough before I slowly pushed inside of her. She was so tight and perfect…


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