Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel

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Pregnant By A Bad Boy: A Dramatic Urban BWWM Romance Novel Page 17

by Cookie Jones

  “Nick, just go, fuck me,” she said on an impatient moan.

  Just like the rare few times before when she ordered it of me, I nearly came on the spot. I always tried to be careful with her, but with the cars roaring by in the background and the sexy ass look on Clary’s face as she bit her lip it was hard to keep my head straight. I thrust into her and loved that her moans could be as loud as she wanted. They were mostly drowned out by the racing. It didn’t take long for either of us. Clary’s sex clenched around my cock rhythmically and I knew her orgasm was intense from how tightly she clenched around me.


  I grit my teeth and then let the sharp release spear though me. I thrust into her deep and, barely down from her first orgasm, she came again and cried out my name. By the time we both came down from that, I was ready to go again.

  “We should get home…and to bed,” she said and I nodded.

  “Yeah, definitely,” I breathed and we practically raced home where I made love to her slow for a change and brought her a few more orgasms.

  “Nick…” Clary said sleepily after I had cleaned her up a little.

  “Yeah?” I said and kissed the side of her bare breast.

  “I love you, too,” she said. It was almost an admission, but also a declaration.

  I found her gaze and saw she was completely alert, not too sleepy and just throwing out the words haphazardly.

  “Holy shit,” I said and she grinned. “Are you sure? I mean…are you serious?” I asked her and she giggled.

  “Yes, I’m sure and I’m serious,” she said and I felt like doing a victory dance, but didn’t because that would have been a momentary lapse. Instead I kissed her deeply.

  “I love you, too,” I said, “I mean, I love you,” I amended and she giggled again.

  “I know…now can you come cuddle with me?” she asked and I nodded.

  “Yeah definitely, wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” I said and opened my arms once I laid down next to her.

  She snuggled against me and I felt that her stomach was a bit more distended than usual.

  “Oh my God, your belly grew!” I said excitedly and she laughed.

  “It did?” she asked and laid flat on her back so we could both see. “Oh man, yeah, I have a baby bump now!” she said and I couldn’t stop rubbing it.

  “You’re growing and soon you’ll be big enough to come out and see how beautiful mommy is and how dashing daddy is,” I spoke to her tummy and Clary giggled every time my breath tickled her skin. “Also you have the best godparents ever, they will definitely make sure you’re spoiled…” I looked up at Clary as it dawned on me. “I don’t want our baby to turn out spoiled,” I said and she laughed and pulled me back up to her.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll instill good values,” she said and I nodded.

  “Right, we can do that…you’re right,” I said and she kissed me twice before resettling against my chest.

  “You’re going to be a great dad, Nick,” she sighed and that hit me in the chest just as much as her I love you did. I really loved Clary, I really fucking did.

  The Final Chapter


  Waking up the next morning for work was hard. Nick and I were up late and even my morning sickness hadn’t woken up yet. Nick was fast asleep next to me so I checked my schedule for the day. Jayce should be back from New Haven and I had to interview him one last time. I saw a text from my dad that said ‘thumbs up.’ He liked Jayce for the senior position. Other than handling Jayce, there was dealing with our bigger case and I really couldn’t fall behind on that paperwork. Then I realized that I was the boss and had the right to delegate. We had a whole slew of paralegals who could help out with paper work. I texted Stacy that I’d be in late and what to get done while I wasn’t there. I’d simply have to reschedule for later with Jayce.

  Once I had my peace of mind I fell back to sleep pretty quickly. Then woke again a few hours later to the smell of cinnamon pancakes. My stomach growled and I got up, donned my robe, and walked out to the kitchen to find Nick making pancakes, shirtless, of course. I was glad I told him that I loved him, because I really did and there was no shying away from it anymore.

  “Hey,” I said, all blasé.

  “Hey, gorgeous, want some pancakes?” he said and the biggest grin spread across my lips.

  “Yes, please!” I couldn’t help my giddiness, it broke through.

  “I did something right last night,” Nick said as he walked over to me and I giggled.

  “What do you mean?” I asked and he kissed my jaw and neck before kissing my lips.

  “You’re not usually a morning person,” he said and I laughed.

  “Well, it's also because I got to sleep in,” I said and he nodded.

  “I’ve got to go soon to present the mock up, I’m kind of nervous,” he said and my eyes widened.

  “If its anything like your other work I’m sure its amazing. Can I see?” I asked and Nick told me to get his laptop. I got it and set it up on the breakfast bar then Nick logged into whatever program he used and let me scroll around the 3D rendering.

  “Wow…is this like a skyscraper building, or just a regular…office building?”

  “Either or, it’s just a matter of adding and subtracting floors and changing around a few structural technicalities. Do you think it looks cool?”

  “Yeah, if it ever gets built I might move my offices,” I said and Nick grinned wide. “Don’t be nervous, I think he’ll like it on the spot as long as you’re strong about whatever technical stuff an architect would look at,” I said and Nick nodded.

  “Yeah, I quadruple checked everything,” he said and then kissed me on the cheek before going to serve up the pancakes.

  It felt nice to not have morning sickness and being able to spend time in the morning with Nick. Plus, his pancakes were amazing. After breakfast I wished Nick good luck before he left then I got ready for work myself. As I was driving I wondered why I hadn’t heard from Gina lately. I’m sure her new job would be pretty hectic, but she would have called after our dinner. I gave her a call and had to leave a message, of course.

  When I walked into my office, I was pretty sure Stacy finally broke and told everyone I was pregnant because there was a congratulations banner across my desk and a card signed from everyone, not to mention a huge gift basket with bottles and unisex baby clothes.

  “Stacy,” I called her in and she poked her head through the doors, a look of guilt on her face. “Don’t worry you’re not in trouble, is this from everyone?” I asked and she nodded.

  “I know you didn’t want anyone knowing yet, but some people were curious about Mr. Price visiting so often, though it wasn’t any of their business anyways, and it's not like you to come in late and, well…in my defense of you it came out,” she said all on one breath and I laughed.

  “Well, that’s okay, they’d have found out sooner or later. I love this,” I said and looked at the basket again with a small smile. Soon I’d have a ton of baby clothes and diapers and stuff in the apartment, the basket was like the first drop.

  “Oh, that’s great, everyone who pitched in are on the junior floor waiting to see if you liked it or not,” she said and I put my bag down to go and thank my employees.

  “You guys really shouldn’t have done that, though, a simple card would have been nice,” I said as we walked down to the elevators.

  “They all got really excited, even some of the paralegals,” Stacy said and I wondered if it was that apparent that I basically had no love life before Nick. When we reached the floor where most of our junior partners had their offices, I got congratulations everywhere I went. I made sure to thank everyone Stacy directed me to and afterwards called Jayce up for his last interview.

  “So how did it go with my dad?” I asked him as we rode the elevator up and Jayce smiled.

  “Mr. Richards is great, it's easy to see how he made such a large firm from a one-man practice barely thirty years ago.�

  Jayce had respect in his voice as he spoke about Dad and I liked that.

  “That’s wonderful, I hope he wasn’t too hard on you during your time with him?”

  “Just hard enough, he asked all the questions he needed to, but I had an answer for everything so I’m hopeful I made a good impression on him,” Jayce said and we passed into my office. He, of course, noticed my still decorated desk.

  “Everyone was excited about you being pregnant, there were a lot of jokes about ‘the new Richards and Richards heir,’” Jayce chuckled and, of course, I immediately thought about Nick.

  “That’s only if he or she wants to be,” I said good-naturedly and smoothly covered up my brief pause. Jayce sat across from my desk and I simply sat next to him since he was basically my equal then at work.

  “So Mr. Richards told me that this would be my final interview and that you’d tell me your decision…” Jayce said and I nodded.

  “I wanted to see how you would handle the new Raven and Co case, are you familiar with the particulars?” I asked him and he sat up straight and launched into a very methodical and thorough way of handling the situation with Raven and Co and how to proceed in their hearing with the state. By the end of his speech, I had to say, I was impressed.

  “Well, Jayce, that’s exactly how I see it, you’re perfect,” I said happily and he smiled bashfully and tried to wave away my compliment.

  “It’s the most logical way to handle their expansion,” he said and I nodded.

  “It is and that’s why we want you to have the senior position here,” I said and Jayce almost didn’t catch what I said, or it took a minute for it to dawn on him.

  “I’m senior partner?” he asked, a look of shock on his face and I laughed.

  “Well, you have to sign some paperwork first, but yes, the position is yours,” I said and a slow ecstatic smile spread across his face.

  “Thank you, thank you so much, Clary.”

  I stood up with Jayce and he gave me an exuberant hug and then seemed to remember himself and shook my hand, which made me laugh.

  “I think we’ll have a great time working together,” I said and Jayce nodded; he was really, really happy.

  “Honestly, Clary this is basically my dream, thank you so much. I have to call Mr. Richards to thank him, too,” Jayce said and I nodded.

  “Yes, definitely do that. I will give you a call once all the paperwork is ready to be signed, then you can move into the office next door.”

  I smiled and Jayce took a huge relieved breath. I had to hold in my laughter as he thanked me as he was leaving the office. Soon Stacy would have another executive assistant to chat with on the floor. There were three large offices and three smaller adjoining ones on the floor so I guessed that meant sometime after Jayce, Dad and I could think about promoting another senior partner. Then it occurred to me that I could take Jayce along on my meeting with the executives of Raven and Co later on.

  Just as I was about to go for late lunch, Nick called me.

  “I got the position! Clary, Daniel made me one of his chief concept designers!” Nick practically yelled into the speaker excitedly and I smiled. Everyone was just ecstatic that day.

  “That’s great, Nick! I’m so happy for you. What are you doing now?” I asked him.

  “I’m in the stairwell waiting to go sign some paperwork, soon I’ll be on payroll,” he said and I cracked up.

  “Yeah, that happens when you have a job,”

  “And they have great benefits, too, I’ll have health insurance!” he said and I was briefly horrified that he didn’t have health insurance before.

  “I hope you get that soon, it’s kind of important,” I said and he laughed.

  “Yeah, it’s all getting sorted out today, they want me to start as soon as possible because they want to use my design for a building they were commissioned for. I’ll have my own office, it’ll have my name on the door…you can visit me for lunch and we can have office sex…in my office!” he said and I cracked up.

  “That is also a great work perk,” I giggled and he took a deep breath.

  “Also, I had more of that Cuban coffee and I’m a little wired,” he said and I tsked at him.

  “We’re going to have to get you in an AA group for that soon,” I said and he chuckled.

  “Well, we were up for most of the night,” he said in a lower tone and I smirked.

  “That we were. Oh, you wouldn’t believe what some of the people from work did, they found out about the baby and got me this huge gift basket, there’s so much stuff in there.”

  I glanced at the basket that was sitting on the floor next to my desk.

  “I think I even see a breast pump in there,” I said and Nick actually giggled.

  “Can we play with it when we get home?” he asked and I rolled my eyes.

  “No,” I said pointedly and Nick complained like a second grader.

  “So we should go out tonight to celebrate,” I told him.

  “I was thinking we could stay in and celebrate,” he said and I smirked.

  “Of course that’s what you were thinking, but no I want to set up something nice,” I said and he pouted, but gave in, of course.

  After that Nick had to go and as I went to get a sandwich from a nearby deli I set up dinner with Gina, Buddy, and on a whim called Marge to see if she wouldn’t mind driving into town…then that meant I had to call my mom and dad as well. The whole family was getting together.

  After the meeting with Raven and Co, and a very attentive and dedicated Jayce, I hurried home to change clothes and meet my parents and Marge who were driving in. Gina called me as I was unlocking the front door.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I answered and Gina sighed on the other line. “Don’t tell me you won’t make it to dinner?”

  I lugged the gift basket inside and took a breath, the thing was heavy.

  “No, no…it’s not that. How do you think my family would react to my marrying someone not Jewish?” she asked and the biggest grin spread across my lips.

  “What!” I gasped and Gina laughed. “Well, first and foremost, you can always remind them that your kids would still be Jewish, of course, and also I’m sure Buddy wouldn’t mind having a Jewish ceremony,” I said as a matter of fact and she sighed in relief.

  “You’re right…and he can always convert if he wants…”

  “So what are you telling me right now, though, Gina?” I asked and literally stood in the middle of the living room and held my breath.

  “I don’t know…I think I’m…falling for Buddy,” she said almost glumly and I laughed.

  “Why so reluctant about it?” I asked and she sighed.

  “I don’t know…you know me, when I date I’m fun Gina, but then if I spend too much time with one guy, the real Gina comes out and my mouth gets ahead of me and guys can’t handle it so they bail. It’s like…with Buddy things are so different. He likes my general loudness and agrees with most of my strong opinions and when he disagrees he’s good at, like, debating in a way that doesn’t end up with my foot up his ass you know? Then, we had sex and holy shit…” she said and I just stood there wide eyed, Gina had never spoken about a guy like that before, it was wonderful.

  “So basically, yeah…we may end up getting married,” she said and I couldn’t stop smiling.

  “Aww, Gina,” I said and she groaned at my tone.

  “And this is all your fault,” she said and I laughed.

  “Well if you guys end up married, then I’ll take the blame,” I said happily and Gina snorted.

  After a few more minutes I got off of the phone with her to get ready. By the time I was done, my parents were knocking on the door.

  “Mommy, Daddy!” I greeted them and they both laughed and gave a group hug.

  “How are you, how’s my grandbaby doing?” my dad said and Mom gasped when she felt my belly and the growing bump.

  “Just fine, he or she is growing happily,” I informed them and my
dad noticed the gift basket by the door and picked it up. “That’s from the job, it’s been made official in the office,” I said and he chuckled.

  “Wow, they got you some good stuff,” he said and then Marge arrived and all we were waiting for was Buddy and Gina.

  Nick was to meet us at the restaurant. I realized that I’d have to get used to people touching my belly as it got bigger. My mom was too much, she wanted me to measure it and start like some sort of log.

  “You know people do that, it’s cute…” she said and I shook my head.

  “Did you do that when you were pregnant with me? Outside of the doctor’s office?” I asked and she shrugged.

  “It was just a thought…” She almost pouted and I patted her hand reassuringly.

  “So does Nick know we’re all here?” Marge asked me curiously.

  She looked absolutely normal, no fancy outfit that usually consisted of either a skirt or slacks and blouse paired with a matching blazer. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail where it was usually in a bun and she wore a blouse over jeans and plain flats. No doubt everything was still designer, but she looked relaxed, kind of like my mom usually dressed. Also she didn’t have so much sadness in her eyes.

  “No, the most he’ll think is that it’s dinner with Buddy and Gina…who are finally here,” I said when another knock on the door sounded.

  “Hey, Clary! Hey, godbaby,” Buddy actually talked to my tummy and then greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. Gina followed him in with a fond smile on her face and then she saw the grin on my face and rolled her eyes.

  “Just stop,” she said, but smiled anyway and I gave her a hug.

  “Okay all, let's stay together as a group and proceed to the hallway,” I put on my tour group leader voice and we all head to one of the best Chinese all you can eat places in Chinatown.

  Nick confessed to having a love for the cuisine, so it was perfect. Not to mention the space was open and had a nice family vibe. I chose a good sized table near the door so that I’d know when Nick arrived. When he did walk in he had a silly smile on his face as if he walked into paradise.


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