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Jake Mitchell

Page 12

by Jennifer Foor

  “Don’t do this, Reese. You’re playing with fire.”

  “I can’t help it. I want you. I want you to touch me like you did at the cabin. I need you to help me make this pain go away; the ache that I constantly have for resolution. You don’t admit it, and maybe I don’t either, but this thing between us isn’t going away. Its power continues to consume my every thought. I’m tired of the fight. Please, just make it all go away.”

  I was in a deep pile of shit, with nothing but a rock hard cock and a woman begging me to be with her; a woman I loved to the brink of life. How could I deny what I wanted more than anything? “Take off your clothes.” It was a direct order. I didn’t need to sugar coat it. She knew I’d take care of her every desire. I’d memorized every inch of skin on her body for that purpose. This woman was meant to be mine. I couldn’t continue denying what was happening right in front of us. The more I fought to do the right thing, the less ability I held to stay away.

  I watched as she shimmied out of her pants, taking her underwear with them. The bra was the last article of clothing to go, and I couldn’t for the life of me, look away. Her sensual body beckoned to be tended to. I stretched my arm out and touched her hot, naked skin. She stepped closer, climbing on top of me with little effort. I didn’t push her away, or tell her to stop. My strength to fight this was gone. A fire ignited in my pants when her hand cupped my groin. She slid down and licked my jeans over where my dick was already growing. She was seducing me, and I was letting her. Once again I was hers to have. I’d given in, because denying her was like not being able to breathe. The idea of never touching her left the air too thick to inhale. I needed her like grass needed water. She was my everything and this was our moment. Like the first time, everything else around us disappeared. It was as if the world stopped spinning when we were together. I felt complete, needed, wanted, and above all, desired. She was my temptress, and I was in awe of her. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to bring her satisfaction. I craved her kiss, her touch, and more than anything, her heart.

  In only a few seconds she had my pants unzipped. Her hand slid gradually inside of the opening, finding my stiff cock waiting. As much as I wanted to watch her lips devouring it, I needed to taste her sweet kiss. I longed to feel her tongue playing against mine. Reese came up and looked right in my eyes as she planted a wet, adoring kiss on me. Her tongue danced with mine, just like I anticipated it would. When that wasn’t enough to fulfill my craving, I picked her up until she was sitting on my face. I could smell her arousal as I narrowed in on her exposed pussy. The second my tongue made contact with her soft pie I lost myself in it, lapping her up like a hungry beast. She leaned forward and clung to the headboard for support. I went wild, using my nose and whiskers to make sure every crevice was tended to. Her body bucked on top of my face, but I couldn’t stop. I was determined to lick her dry, for the sole purpose of getting her soaked all over again. “I can’t get enough of you,” I said against her thigh when I paused from my task.

  Reese stood up on the bed, leaving me curious to what was going on. Then, as she lowered back down I understood. She’d twisted her body around and was already getting ahold of my dick. With her ass in my face it was hard to focus on what she was doing, when I still had work to do. I caressed the cheeks, watching as her skin jiggled. I think I scared her a bit when I spread her cheeks to get a better view of her little hole. Her moaning at the tip of my cock caused me to close my eyes. An immediate vibration whipped through me, making it hard to concentrate.

  I lifted her ass up a bit to locate and devour her shiny pussy some more. As her lips jerked me off, I slipped my tongue deep inside of her.

  She cried out, so loud that I knew people outside could hear. It didn’t matter. I wasn’t stopping, not for any reason.

  I continued sucking and teasing her lower lips until they reddened from so much attention. Then I couldn’t stop myself from taking my tongue and licking it all the way up to her other little hole.

  Reese gasped and stopped blowing me. I felt her face press against my thigh as I continued teasing her asshole. She’d asked for all of me, and I was going to make sure she was well provided for. I could feel her cumming as I shoved two fingers in her pussy and used my thumb to rub her swelled clit. My tongue stayed at it, licking the entrance to her ass as if it was candy. In that instant I knew I’d given her immense pleasure.

  I wasn’t offended when she couldn’t continue pleasing me. I’d left her limp and speechless. While I began to massage her ass again, she rolled off of me. Reese spun around, displaying the most desire-filled grimace. Her intentions were clear, and as her body came back down over mine, I knew we were just getting started.

  Since I was still dressed, Reese took her time helping me remove my clothes. Somehow my pants had been shoved down, so it was easy to wriggle out of them the rest of the way. She paused to hunch over and tease my standing erection with her tongue. I watched as she ducked down further and licked my balls. Thankful I’d taken a shower after practice, I tightened my muscles in order to hold in an explosion that was ready to erupt.

  When Reese felt like she had me on the brink she kissed her way up my stomach, flicking each of my nipples with her tongue as she gradually made it even further. The moment our lips met I was lost in her kiss. I sat us up and let her remove my shirt that she’d shoved up in order to explore. Now naked, I was prepared to continue on our venture. I was drunk on love, and the intoxicated feeling was so much better than any alcohol I’d ever consumed.

  Making love with her was so easy. No matter what position we were in I had to be holding her. It was so real, so intense to the brink of euphoria. She was my heaven, and I fought to grasp what exactly that meant.

  Nearly two hours later we lay tangled together on her bed, our hands were still laced, while I massaged her fingers with my thumb. Our eyes were focused on each other, and I knew she was waiting for me to say something, though I didn’t want to think. All I needed was to share this moment with her.

  I pulled her hand up and kissed it tenderly. “I don’t think I can back away from this any longer, not when I want you all for myself.”

  I said it out loud, while she stared at me with shocked eyes. I knew what I was saying, and what it meant for my brother, but I no longer cared. I needed her to be mine, and I was going to make it happen, no matter what I had to do.

  Chapter 17


  While I waited for a reply I worried she’d fight me about it. Continuing this affair had dire consequences, and the idea of hurting my brother was still a main concern. Though I couldn’t deny my feelings for Reese, I had to be careful.

  “I don’t see how we can make it work, Jake.”

  Her words crushed me, and even as prepared as I thought I was, they still felt like a kick to my tender balls. “I get it.”

  “No,” she brought her free hand up to touch my face. “I didn’t mean it like that. I just think it’s best if we keep it a secret for now. You’ve got the championship game coming up, and Jax isn’t going to take this lightly. We can’t let him know.”

  “Yeah, I’d rather him not find out at all, but that’s not possible.”

  “Jake,” she said in a whisper. “I want this. I swear I do. I know it without even having to consider what it means.”

  “There’s no easy way.” I realize that I was scheming against my own brother, but it was to protect a catastrophe. “You still love him, so it won’t be hard to stay together.”

  “It’s not the same now. I don’t know what I feel right now, not after this with you. I’m not saying sex changed me, but this connection is…”

  “Intense,” I answered for her.

  “It’s raw and real. I feel like we have no secrets.”

  I looked away for a moment and tried to fight what I was about to say. “I heard you tell him you loved him last night. I’m not going to lay here and tell you it didn’t sting.”

  “I think we both love Jax. It’s just not eno
ugh for me, not anymore. I’ve known from the beginning that he was hardwired. Our differences interested me at first. Now they’re clearly not what I want for my future. I hate to say this, but being with you has opened my eyes to what I was missing. It’s kind of your fault that I’m falling out of love with your brother.”

  How does one reply to that kind of statement? I certainly couldn’t thank her for the compliment, because it was painful to experience. “When you put it that way I feel like a piece of cow shit in the middle of a busy highway. Oh wait! It’s a truck, plowing over me until I disintegrated into nothing.”

  She lightly smacked my chest. “Oh my god, did you really say that?”

  I let myself laugh, knowing it felt good for a brief moment. “Maybe.”

  She rolled over on her back and stared at the ceiling like I was. “What the hell are we going to do, Jake? How did this happen?”

  “Well, it started when I smacked you in the face with a football. Then I saw you naked, and all bets were off once I got you alone in that cabin.”

  She shoved me again while turning to lean on her elbow. “Stop messing around. I’m being serious.”

  “Doesn’t it feel good to not be serious?”

  “Listen to me. We need to figure this out.” She pointed her index finger and poked me in the chest. “I can’t bear to break his heart.”

  “I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but stay with him, at least until football is over. We’ll come up with a solution, and then we can figure out how we’re going to work, if that’s what you really want.”

  “Okay.” She seemed to settle down for the time being. Then after a few minutes she sat straight up. “Wait. If I stay with Jax, he’s going to expect things from me. You’re not saying -.”

  “Yeah, I am.” I covered my face, annoyed with the knowledge of what she’d continue doing with my brother. “Look it’s not like I want to share you.”

  “I can’t…it’s not…Jake seriously. I can’t do that.”

  I leaned forward and kissed her, taking my time to capture her undivided attention. “I’d do anything to be with you, Reese, even if that includes pretending to be okay with you fucking my brother. There’s just one stipulation that you’re not going to like.”

  “What? What could be worse than whoring myself out to keep from hurting someone?”

  “I’m not going to sleep with you again until it’s really over. It’s too much. It’s me or Jax. I’m not saying it to hurt you. I’m doing it because you’re the one thing I can’t imagine ever taking for granted. You’re worth the wait. I think I’ve proved that already.”

  She knew I was trying to be noble the best I could. With tear-filled eyes she looked down and nodded. “Okay. You’re right.” She paused for a moment to prevent from crying. “I’ll do it. I’ll stay with Jax, and keep him happy.”

  I kissed her forehead. “Good. I better get going. Class has been over for a while and I know he’s probably tried to call.”

  She reached for her phone. “Shit. I turned off my phone earlier. What if he’s on his way here? What if he’s out in the hallway? Holy shit, he could find us together.”

  I scrambled around looking for my clothes while she turned her device on and called my brother.

  “Jax. Hey. I know I’m sorry. I didn’t feel good, so I cut class and stayed in bed. I’m just getting up. No, don’t come over yet. I need to get a shower. Okay. I’ll see you soon.” She looked right at me when she said her last three words. “I love you too.”

  When Reese hung up from her call I pulled her into my arms. “I’ll text you when I can.”

  “I hate this. It’s wrong, and I feel terrible.”

  “I know. Maybe time will help us heal. I’ll talk to you soon.” I kissed her one more time, savoring it in case I had to wait a long time for another one. Then I left her standing naked in the room.

  When I stepped foot outside I went a different route to get back to my dorm, just to prevent from running into Jax. I couldn’t face him, not after spending the afternoon in the arms of Reese.

  The damage was done. As much as I had tried to fight my feelings, I couldn’t let her slip away, not when I knew she was meant to be mine. Somehow I kept telling myself that things would work out. She’d gradually form a wedge between her and Jax, and then after some time they’d break up. We’d sneak around for months until finally working up the courage to come out as a couple. In my head it seemed feasible.

  I arrived back at my room to find Jax standing in front of a mirror. He was flexing his muscles and taking selfies of himself. “Dude, check this out.”

  He turned to display that his fly was down. He’d put MY designer sunglasses over his dick, so it appeared to look like a face with a trunk. It was disturbing to say the least. “Shit. What the hell, Jax. What’s wrong with your own glasses?”

  While still cringing at the image, he handed them back to me. “Here. They looked better in the shot.”

  “I’m never fucking wearing these again. Thanks a lot.”

  “No problem. Look at this though.” He held up the shot of him shirtless while making his muscles pop with the other appendages being the less obvious in the photo. “It’s cool, right? I’m making it my profile picture.”

  “You’ve got serious issues.”

  “Says the guy who needs to get laid like yesterday. I’m worried about you, bro. If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. I keep my dick oiled up for a reason.” By oiled he meant inside of Reese. I stuck my hands in my pockets to hide the fists that I’d formed. I had no right to her, I knew that, but it didn’t make any of this easier.

  “My dick is none of your concern. I assure that it works just fine.”

  “Did your hand tell you that?” His cocky mood was both annoying and reassuring at the same time. Though I felt guilty, he didn’t have a clue about what was going on between Reese and me.

  “My hand doesn’t talk back. It never tells me no, and I don’t even have to buy it shit. I’d say I’m the one winning.”

  He shooed me away. “You’re pathetic. I’m out of here anyway. My girl isn’t good. I’m going to take her a protein shake.” He grabbed his crotch as if I didn’t know what he meant.

  “That’s sick. I hope she throws up all over you.” Really I was wondering how I could accidentally impair him to prevent him from touching her.

  “You’re just jealous. That’s probably why you hate her so much. You know she’s a keeper.”

  I had to look away. He didn’t know how accurate he was. I plopped down on my bed face first and put my pillow over my head. Jax jumped on my back and started humping me, laughing as he did it. “Come on you stupid fuckstick, get off of me.”

  “That was my goodbye kiss, dicklicker,” he said while jumping off and heading toward the door. “Don’t wait up. I’m not planning on coming back.” He blew me a kiss and batted his eyes. “I love you, boo.”

  I tossed my pillow at him as the door shut.

  Knowing that my brother was heading over to Reese’s room, I got a hair up my ass to send her a message. I wanted her to still be thinking about me, because I was petrified she’d change her mind about what we discussed.

  You’re never far from my heart. Please don’t forget that. – J

  Chapter 18


  His text came through as I was preparing to get a shower. For the first time in days I wasn’t crying. Jake made me feel better, and I hated that he had to leave. With Jax on the way I knew I had to rid my room of any proof that he’d been there. I ripped the sheets off my bed and grabbed my spare set. With the bed fresh, I’d hurried into the bathroom, hating the idea of having to wash the remnants of our love making away.

  You’re never far from my heart. Please don’t forget that. – J

  It was just another reminder of why I knew my feelings for him were consuming me. I struggled with what to write back, only to be startled by Jax’s voice. “Baby, where are you?”

  I tightened t
he towel around my body and quickly erased the message so he wouldn’t see it. “I’m in here. Hang on, I’ll be right out.” I took a few seconds to lean on the sink and gather my courage. It wasn’t that he repulsed me. I still had deep feelings for Jax. They were just hidden behind my blooming relationship with his brother. I was more afraid of what he’d expect of me. Being with both of them was impossible to fathom, but sleeping with them only hours apart of each other made me sick to my stomach. I wasn’t that kind of person.

  By the time I made it out of the bathroom I found Jax butt-naked sprawled out on my bed. “It took you long enough,” he announced with a confident half-smile.

  “Jax, I told you I don’t feel good.”

  “Why don’t you come here and let me make it all better? Better yet, just drop the towel and climb on top of me.”

  I crossed my arms, trying desperately to come up with a reason to reject him. “You don’t want what I have. I’ve been in the bathroom all day.” My lies were piling up. “It’s a virus I think.”

  “I’ve got sexual healing. Come on. Give me a hug. I feel like I haven’t held you in days.”

  Jake’s words echoed in my mind. I had to be with Jax. It was important to keep him happy.

  I dropped the towel and climbed on the bed beside him. I knew exactly what had gone wrong in this relationship. We weren’t compatible, not like I was with Jake. As long as we’d been seeing each other, he didn’t know me like he should. Jax was fueled by his never failing sex drive. He wanted everything his way. The more I thought about the clearer it was that I’d been blinded by my attraction to him.

  He pulled me closer, kissing my nose, like he always did. “I love you so much, woman.”

  I closed my eyes while resting my head on his chest. Every second that passed was like a lifetime of broken promises filling my mind. I didn’t want to hurt this man, especially to the extent that loving his brother would do. I hadn’t planned for this to happen.


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