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Let Me Save You

Page 9

by Samantha Wolfe

  "I really do. I've always enjoyed working with my hands. I've been doing it practically my whole life," I said, finding David really easy to talk to. "That's probably why I like working on cars too."

  "I don't know how to build or fix squat," David said with a laugh. "I'm kind of jealous. I guess that's what happens when you grow up in a house full of females."

  I wanted to ask about his family, but I was afraid he'd ask about mine. I couldn't risk a panic attack in the middle of a busy restaurant or looking weak in front of this guy. Sydney saved me from my awkward silence.

  "David grew up with his grandmother, his mom, and his twin sister, Diana," she elaborated.

  "It was a lot of estrogen," David chimed in with a shake of his head. "I'm surprised that I can even grow a beard." He rubbed his hand across his facial hair. I squeezed Sydney's hand under the table, knowing what she had done for me and grateful for it.

  "How is Diana doing?" Sydney asked him about his sister to keep the focus on David's family, to protect me. She squeezed my hand in return. Holy fuck, I loved her so much for that.

  "She's excited about being pregnant again," he said with relief. "It's Tony and Diana's third kid. I'm just happy it diverts my mom and grandmother's attention away from me. I have no interest in marriage or kids right now." He shook his head adamantly at that last statement, and I got the feeling that there was a long story involved to make him feel that way. It made me wonder about those things myself. I realized that I could see myself marrying Sydney someday and the thought of her being pregnant with my baby didn't fill me with dread at all. In fact, it kind of turned me on. Wow, who the fuck am I? I hadn't entertained thoughts like that ever before, except for one other time and that had ended badly. I shook off any thoughts of Delaney with a shiver of disgust. Sydney was nothing like her.

  The waiter returned to take our orders, and I ordered the same thing I had last time I was here, the fillet mignon. Sydney ordered the salmon, and David decided on a cheeseburger for himself. It was an odd choice for such a high-end restaurant.

  "Oh, my God," David said with a deep sigh as the waiter walked away from our table. "You have no idea how much I've been craving American food. I think I forgot what a cheeseburger tastes like."

  "Well, this is the place to get one," I added. "The food here is amazing."

  "Your friend works here, right?"

  "Yeah. Lydia is the sous chef here. She's my best friend Andy's girlfriend."

  "You should meet them, David," Sydney suggested. "They're an amazing couple. I think you'd like them." That made me wonder what Andy would make of this situation. He'd probably think it was hilarious and enjoy watching me squirm through it.

  The two of them started talking about David's family some more, and I enjoyed the reprieve of not really having to join in. It quickly became apparent that they were very close friends, but nothing about their interaction suggested more than that. Their easy conversation about his family started to make me feel uncomfortable. I used to be able to do that, but now just thinking about my family filled me with dread and grief. Would I ever be able to talk to Sydney about my family? Would Sydney always have to deflect conversations away from the subject? It made me feel inadequate suddenly as I watched David showing Sydney pictures of his two nephews on his phone. I could feel a sudden tight thick feeling in my throat, and I was extremely grateful when the waiter finally showed up with our food, before I could dwell too long on thoughts of everything that I'd lost and the person I had become.

  The food was delicious, like it always was here. My steak was perfect, and the moans that Sydney made over her salmon practically gave me the shivers as a longing to be inside her swept through me.

  "My God," David mumbled through the first bite of his burger as his eyes closed with pleasure. "This burger could give someone an orgasm." I snorted out a sudden laugh since I had literally just been thinking about sex myself.

  "David," Sydney admonished him with an exasperated shake of her head.

  "Sorry. It's been a while," David said apologetically with a grin.

  "Since you had a cheeseburger or an orgasm?" I asked him with a wry smile, unable to help myself. David returned my smirk and opened his mouth to reply.

  "Okay!" Sydney interrupted. "That's the end of this subject. Ew!" It made me feel good that she was grossed out by the idea David's sex life.

  "Give me a break, Syd," David responded; his mouth still twisted wryly. "It's been ten months since I could be inappropriate in English with anyone."

  "I'd like to hear some inappropriate things in Ukrainian," I suggested out of sheer curiosity.

  "Like vybliadok?" he said enthusiastically with a huge grin as he met my eyes. "That means son of a bitch."

  "It sounds kind of like Russian," I commented as I met his grin with one of my own.

  "They're very similar. How about koorvah?"

  "Oh, I like the sound of that one," I responded with amusement.

  "It means fuck," David said.

  "No wonder you like that one," Sydney added with a loud laugh. "You wouldn't be able to communicate without the 'f' word." I turned and scowled at her for a second.

  "It can also mean whore," David added.

  "That's weird." I snorted. "What if you want to call someone a fucking whore? How would that work?"

  "Then you'd say iebana shlooha."

  "Wow, their obscenities are really complicated." I cocked my head to the side and leaned forward. "How would you say cunt?" I asked just as a waitress walked by, glaring at my words. I smiled broadly at David.

  "Okay, that's enough," Sydney finally interjected. "No more Ukrainian swearing, this is a nice place, not a dive bar."

  "Let me introduce you to the fun police," David said to me as he cocked one eyebrow and pointed a thumb at Sydney. She glared at him with pursed lips. We both smiled at her innocently.

  "Where did you learn Ukrainian, anyway?" I asked him when Sydney finally smiled back at us.

  "From my grandmother," he explained with a proud expression. "She grew up and spent most of her life there. She immigrated here with my mother in the mid 80s after my grandfather passed away."

  "Had you ever visited the Ukraine before now?" I asked him.

  "No, this was my first time. Talk about eye opening," he said with a sigh. "Did you know it's considered rude to smile at strangers in their culture? It took me days to stop doing it. I was wandering around freaking people out."

  "You do smile a lot," Sydney added.

  "And everything there is so tiny; the streets, the homes, even the silverware. I felt like a giant."

  "That sound awful," I said with a grimace.

  "All the young women dressed up and walking around in high heels certainly helped make up for it though," David said with a wicked smile. There went my last hope that he was gay.

  "David, you know I don't want to hear about any of that," Sydney said with a look of distaste.

  "Hey, I didn't mention anything about any young hot Ukrainian ladies I may or may not have allegedly hooked up with," he replied with raised hands and a knowing look directed at me.

  "Just stop. Please," she pleaded. "What I don't know won't hurt me or gross me out." She placed her napkin on her now empty plate and pushed back from the table. "If you gentlemen will excuse me. I need to go to the ladies' room." She said "gentleman" with a thick layer of sarcasm. David and I stood when she did. He sat down first as she walked away. I, on the other hand, stood staring helplessly at Sydney's swaying ass in that heart-stopping dress of hers as she crossed the dining room. I sat down abruptly when I felt myself getting turned on. Erections and dress pants are a recipe for disaster.

  David met my eyes with a warm smile after I sat back down. "You really like her don't you?" he said quietly.

  "No." I shook my head, meeting his eyes with a soft smile. "I love her."

  "She's like a sister to me, Jensen. I love her too, and I'm trusting her with you." He leaned toward me, his eyes suddenly cold a
nd deadly serious. "Don't fuck it up." The implied threat in his words hit home. Sydney must not have told him that I had already fucked it up once, and she had taken me back anyway.

  "I'm not planning on it." Of course, I didn't plan on it the first time either. The thought terrified me, because now I knew that I couldn't live without her anymore. Fucking this up would destroy me long before David ever got a piece of me. No pressure, Hayes, I thought sarcastically, no pressure at all.

  "So what did you think of David?" Sydney asked me as we pulled out of the restaurant parking lot to drive home. How did I answer that question? I found myself unable to hate the guy. The three of us had lingered long after desert talking, and David and I had gotten to know each other better. He was genuine and funny. I could see myself calling him a friend of my own someday, but I found myself comparing myself to him and feeling like I just didn't measure up. He really seemed to have his shit together. The driven way he had pursued his career and fulfilled his goal of going to the Ukraine impressed me. His calm and easy-going manner only made me feel like a fucked-up fraud of a man. I saw in David all the things that I wasn't anymore, and it made me question what Sydney saw in me that she had never seen in him.

  "He seems like a really nice guy," I finally answered her. "I liked him."

  "That makes me so happy." She beamed at me, her eyes bright and stunning as she looked at me. I took her hand and brought the back of it to my lips for a soft kiss.

  "Good," I said warmly. Making her happy was all I ever really wanted.

  We had parted ways with David outside the restaurant, and he had agreed to have lunch with Sydney the next day when she had asked. It took an effort not to growl at him in protest of them spending time together. I had felt like an overbearing jealous asshole, and I had to tamp it down hard when my primal instincts made me want to snatch her away from his parting hug and beat the shit out of him. I wished that I didn't feel so insecure about myself. I had never felt this way before in a relationship, and it really worried me, but I couldn't bring myself to admit any of this to Sydney. Now that we were alone together I just wanted to take her home and lay claim to her body repeatedly, so she wouldn't forget that she was mine. The urge was overwhelming, like I needed to prove my worth to her somehow.

  I needed her so badly that I suddenly couldn't catch my breath, and I had to touch her. I put my hand on Sydney's left knee and pulled the fabric of her dress up with my fingers until I was touching bare skin. Her skin felt so soft against my calloused fingertips as I slowly slid my hand up her inner thigh. I heard her breath catch, but she didn't try to stop me. My fingers brushed against the edge of her panties, and I let out a deep shuddering breath. I slipped my fingers under the elastic band and found her warm and wet for me. She whimpered as my fingers moved across her soft folds until I found her swollen nub.

  "Fuck," I whispered with need as her hips thrust forward against my hand. I glanced over to see her head slumped back against the seat; her eyes closed, and lips parted. I returned my eyes to the road and moved the tip of my index finger in slow circles over her clit. I could hear her breath stutter as she pressed her legs together with aching need. I abruptly pulled my hand away so I could downshift for a red light.

  "Oh, please don't stop," she whimpered. For the first time ever, I hated my goddamn manual transmission. I'd never make her come if I kept having to shift.

  "Touch yourself," I growled at her as the solution came to me. "Make yourself fall apart for me." I glanced over to see the unsure look on her face. "Your pleasure is mine, give it to me," I demanded hoarsely.

  "Yes." She moaned and slid her right hand between her thighs, her breath catching as her fingers disappeared under her panties. "I'm so swollen and wet for you," she whispered to me. My grip on the steering wheel tightened until my knuckles were white. Her low moans increased as she began pleasuring herself.

  "Let me hear how good it feels, baby," I whispered harshly as I panted heavily through my open mouth. "Don't hold back." She placed her free hand over mine on the shifter, squeezing tightly. I listened to her ragged breaths as they became faster. She moaned time and again, the pitch and frequency increasing as her climax got nearer. Then suddenly she held her breath for a moment, her fingers digging painfully into my hand. I looked over to watch her fall apart. Her back arched up off the seat back, then she let out a loud wail as her body shuddered and convulsed. Her cheeks were flushed pink as her chest rose and fell hard and fast, my name tumbling from her lips until she fell backward limply into her seat. It was the most beautiful, sexiest fucking thing I had ever seen.

  I released the shifter, grabbed her right hand, and brought it up to my lips. I sucked her fingers into my mouth with a low groan of desire as I tasted her pleasure on my tongue. She stared at me with hooded eyes, her smile warm and filled with satisfaction. I pulled her fingers out of my mouth and kissed them before releasing her hand. "You're so beautiful when you come for me," I whispered raggedly as I readjusted myself, my cock so hard it hurt.

  I pulled into my condo complex a moment later and drove into my garage as the door opened. I shut off the car as I closed the garage door then took off my seatbelt and reached for her, cradling her face in my hands. I covered her lips with mine, kissing her desperately, claiming her mouth. She grabbed my lapels and crushed her lips harder against me; her fevered moans spurring me on.

  "I need you inside me," she moaned against my lips. I let go of her with a deep snarling growl and opened the car door and climbed out. I stepped around the vehicle with purposeful strides and opened her door, grabbing her and lifting her up and out of my car. I pulled her tight against my body with an arm, my other hand rising to wrap my fingers firmly around her throat. The trust she gave me as her eyes and body softened in submission made me growl with need.

  "You're mine," I snarled deeply and bit her lower lip then sucked it into my mouth to chase the pain away. "Mine." She mewled and writhed against me. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her up the stairs into the house, striding through the living room and up the stairs to my room.

  I set her on her feet facing away from me and pulled the zipper of her dress down, then peeled it off until it fell to the floor in a pool around her feet. I unhooked her bra and pulled it off her arms and threw it aside. I grabbed the sides of her panties and yanked them down to her ankles and removed them as she gasped with anticipation. She felt so warm as I pressed my body against her back and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her relax back into me, and I reached up between her breasts and put my fingers around her throat again. Her soft moan told me she liked it, so I squeezed my fingers tight for a second then released the pressure. She groaned deeply in response, arching her back toward me.

  "Get on the bed," I commanded, my voice coming out deep and gravely with desire. She climbed up onto the bed on her hands and knees. I grabbed each of her feet in turn and pulled the sandals from her feet. I yanked her by the hips toward me, until her knees were near the edge of the mattress. I gripped the back of her neck and pushed her face down into the bedding with her ass up in the air. "Don't move an inch," I told her as I stepped back and removed my jacket. I stared at her delicious ass as I tossed the jacket on the floor and began unbuttoning my shirt. I could see how wet she was, and I could smell her desire. I hastened to pull off my shoes and lowered my boxers and pants. I stepped out of them and absently stroked my cock in my hand as I stepped closer to Sydney. I dropped to my knees behind her and buried my face in her core, licking her from the front to the back in a long lingering stroke of my tongue. She moaned and trembled against me.

  "This is mine," I growled against her folds. I licked up higher until the tip of my tongue laved across the tight little hole of her ass. "This is mine." She groaned and pushed back against me. I stood and glided my hands up her sides until I squeezed her breasts in my hands. "These are mine." She hummed in pleasure as I rolled her nipples between my fingers. I reached up to her face and pushed two fingers into her mouth as she moan
ed deeply and sucked on them. "This is mine."

  "Yes," she whispered after I took my fingers from between her lips. I gripped the base of my cock and rubbed the head against her soaking wet pussy.

  "Mine," I snarled and slammed myself into her hard and deep, feeling her insides ripple around me as I hit bottom. "Fuck!" I shouted as she cried out from the sudden penetration. Then I began fucking her hard and fast with my hands on her hips, her back arching as her climax hit her almost immediately. I reached up and grabbed her hair, wrapping it around my fist to get a better grip as she screamed out her pleasure. "Can you feel me, baby? Can you feel how hard I am for you?" I asked between gritted teeth as I pounded into her.

  "Yes, yes, yes!" she screamed, and I could feel her pushing back into me with every stroke.

  "So good, so tight," I groaned. Sydney took in a deep breath and screamed long and loudly as another orgasm took her. Her insides clamped down on my dick, milking and squeezing me so hard my eyes rolled back in my head. "Oh, fuck!" I shouted. I felt the tingling pressure building up in my balls, my entire body tensing in anticipation. I reached around and pressed my fingers into her clit when her climax began to wane, sending her flying back up again and screaming my name in her ecstasy. My own orgasm exploded out of me, waves of unbelievable pleasure blasting through me and out from my balls to my cock, filling her up as my cum came out of me in long hard streams. I shouted her name, throwing my head back with abandon as she screamed incoherently along with me.

  I felt Sydney's body go limp, and I held her up by her hips as my orgasm ebbed away. I didn't want to pull out of her yet. I didn't want to give up this profound emotional and physical connection with her. I leaned forward until my cheek rested on her back. "I love you so much, baby. So very much," I whispered raggedly against her sweat dampened skin between panting breaths.

  "Love you," she replied breathlessly as an aftershock made her convulse against me. When I finally pulled my cock out of her, she was a limp pile of limbs on the bed. I understood completely as my legs threatened to give out from under me. They felt heavy and uncoordinated, but I managed to crawl up on the bed and pull the blanket and sheet down. I pulled Sydney's limp form up the bed until her head rested on a pillow then covered her up. She sighed and snuggled down into the covers with a relaxed smile.


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