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Triple K Set

Page 3

by Beck, J. L.

  There was no time for her to wonder about Jet’s odd behavior or anything else, as the door opened and an older woman stood there.

  “Mom, this is Miss Plush.” Kanda chuckled after she said it and shook her head. “She’s here for the cooking job.”

  The older woman with gray streaked black hair was dressed similar to her daughter. She gave Kanda a wry look as if to wonder why she was laughing. “Well, nice to meet ya.” She titled her head. “I’m Mable Kincade. You live in town, right?”

  Brea nodded.

  “You work at that diner?”

  “I wait tables there, but there’s been many times when I’ve had to cook.”

  “They use a lot of frozen and canned stuff there, don’t they?” The older woman held an expression of disgust.

  After Kanda’s advice, Brea knew where this was leading. “Yeah, it’s too bad, but they do. Those cooks wouldn’t know what a pinch or a smidgen was, even if they were pinched just a smidgeon.”

  The older woman looked startled, and then let out a loud, cackling laugh.

  Kanda laughed too and gave Brea a wink. “Well, I got chores, so I’ll let you two hash this out.” She gave a wink with the bad pun and turned, making her way down the hallway.

  “Well, I don’t know what else I could ask, seein’ how you gave the best application I ever heard!” Mable announced.

  Brea batted her eyes at the older woman’s odd way. She never actually filled one out, but thought better of saying anything.

  “Now, you do know you’ll need to fix breakfast, lunch and dinner?”

  Feeling elated that she may have gotten this job, she purposely ignored the daunting description and nodded.

  “Have you got a good car?”

  Brea raised her brows, and then shook her head. She had a helluva bad car and now, it was truly just a junk pile. She felt like this might get in the way of the job.

  “Oh, well. What do ya think of coming out here to live?”

  Startled by this prospect, she hadn’t even considered as part of this quest to win the man of her wet dreams, Brea shrugged her shoulders. “Um, where exactly would I be staying?”

  “We got a small cottage and it ain’t been used in a while, but that means you won’t have ta worry none about bills and such,” the older woman added.

  “Okay, well when do I start?”

  “By dinnertime, I hope.” A voice came from behind her.

  At the sound of his voice, she spun around so fast that she almost stumbled.

  Jet gave her a grin. “I was hoping old Mable would hire you, because I‘ve been thinking about that fried chicken all dammed afternoon!”

  Her stomach fluttered at just the way he looked at her. He had changed out of his chaps and those jeans he wore made him look good enough to—

  “Well, of course I hired her!” Mable piped in. “And she’s gonna be stayin’ out here too.”

  His eyes widened a little. “Yeah?”

  Mable clicked her tongue. “Don’t be such a dammed nuisance, boy. How about you show her to the cutter cabin?”

  He blinked his eyes. “That’s been empty a long time.”

  Mable nodded. “Well, she can’t sleep in the bunkhouse, ya know? Though them men would sure whoop it up about that all right.” She let out a low chuckle as she shook her head. “I’ll get Vikki to clean it up right quick.” She glanced over at Brea. “Go on with him, Miss Plush, and then he’ll bring you back to the kitchens, okay?”

  Go on with him? Brea only heard that one part. She was almost giddy with excitement and an enormous case of nerves.

  Jet turned to her. “Well?”

  Nodding her head, she smiled over at Mable.

  The older woman ginned back.

  Jet walked down the hallway and she watched how those jeans encased a fine male ass. I have absolutely no shame! She thought as she found herself wondering what his butt would feel like in her grip. Suddenly, she bumped right into those firm cheeks. “Oh!” she gasped out.

  He flipped around and steadied her. “I’m sorry.”

  I’m not! She thought wickedly, as she felt her face flush. I’ll run you over, then you can flip me over and—

  Wearing that wonderful smile, he shook his head at her. “You’re gonna run me over one way or another, aren’t you?”

  Brea froze. Was that an open line or what? Her mind pictured him yet again, with her rubbing her bare body all over that sleek skin of his. Without thought of the repercussions of it, she was looking all the way down along his hard looking faded jeans and her eyes widened when she realized the bulge in those jeans was too prominent and hard to be for real.

  Noticing where her eyes had stopped, he leaned closer to her. “Yeah, I am ready to be run over,” he whispered close.

  Her breath stuck in her chest. That was a come on! Her eyes swung up to his blue orbs. “By me?” she asked in an astounded tone.

  “That is, if you’re willing?” He seemed to study her face for a tense moment. “But I gotta be sure first.”

  Puzzled, Brea was blinking her eyes. “Sure?”

  He turned away. “Yeah, we’ll get to that later. Right now, I’m trying hard not to be a dammed nuisance, remember?” He chuckled again.

  Brea felt her heart pounding in her chest. Oh, my God, oh, my God! She tried hard to get a hold of herself. He is definitely noticing me now! Brea had been with a few guys and she’d had sex a few times over the years, but it wasn’t the best now that she really thought about it. Those guys just didn’t turn her on like this one did. I bet I would explode in the first minute, if he ever really made a pass at me.

  Seemingly oblivious to her thoughts of sex and explosions, he lead her out through the back entrance and walked up a stone lined path.

  Shaking all over, she was busy attempting to get herself calm again. She just couldn’t do it though, when his sexy backside was swaying so deliciously in front of her. Her steps did slow though, because now she was getting nervous for more than one reason when she thought of the big job she’d just got hired for. What the hell am I doing? Coming out here, trying to get a job I may not know how to do? While blindly following a guy who’s at best, moody and unpredictable?

  Suddenly, Brea remembered one of those cute crotched messages in a frame her mom had hanging in her kitchen: Don’t be sittin’ around dreamin’ your life away. You gotta go out and live your dreams! When she saw it, she’d rolled her eyes and thought of how corny it was. Not now though. She knew she’d rather go for it all and fail, then to sit alone in that stuffy apartment, wondering what to do to change her sorry ass life.

  Pushing away her insecurities and doubts, while telling herself that she could cook with the best of em, she refocused her attention on the hot dream of a man she was currently pursuing as he strode his sexy way up a flower lined walk.

  Finally, they came to this cute old cottage; it had shutter type windows and vines growing up along the walls. Jet sighed and motioned to the little house. “It isn’t much and it probably needs cleaning.”

  She actually liked the way it looked from the outside. It had that sweet old charm and it was made of adobe just like the big house. “I’m sure it’ll be okay.”

  Opening the door, he stepped aside to allow her to pass.

  Catching a whiff of him as she passed close to his hard looking frame, she almost felt lightheaded. He smelled like fresh soap, like he’d just washed up, but he also had a different scent and it was heavenly. I wonder why I never picked up on that before? I mean, I used to lean in close at the diner, just to steal whiffs. Shaking away the affect of it, her eyes adjusted to the dim light. The little house appeared to be tidy and clean.

  Jet stepped in behind her and flipped on the light switch. “What the hell?” He looked all around.

  The place had been cleaned up, Brea had guessed. There were even flowers on the table. Yep, she could definitely live here. “This is nice!”

  Shaking his head, he wore an odd expression. “Something’s up
here.” He walked toward the back and stopped at a door. Leaning his face close to the wood, he then pulled his dark head back as though the wood had stung him.

  She was puzzled by his seemingly sudden disgruntled mood. “It will suit me fine, Jet.”

  Pausing at her statement, he gazed over at her with a glittering azure glare and his expression looked angry.

  Shocked, she stared back at him, wondering how she’d suddenly made him so mad.

  “That was what I needed to be sure about.” He released a heavy breath while reaching down, turning the doorknob and opening the door.

  Brea wrinkled her brow at the odd way he was acting and stepped closer to the bedroom doorway.

  Inside the room was—Jet? Her eyes rounded at the unbelievable sight before her. This was one of those moments when you would rub your eyes and blink to clear your vision, because you just didn’t believe what you were seeing. What the...?

  Brea was astonished right down to her toes as she stared. Oh, and all of that glorious skin she’d dreamed of was on display while he was holding onto a pair of hips, pumping hard into a woman’s behind. Totally stunned, she swung her gaze up to look at his face.

  “Jet!” he shouted from next to her while he glared at the couple on the bed.

  The man who was apparently the real Jet halted his pleasure pumping and swung his gaze over. “Hey, bro!” He called out in greeting. “Um, could you shut the door for few? I’m kind of busy here.” He seemed entirely oblivious to Brea’s presence altogether.

  Enraged, Jet’s twin turned to her. “Do you wanna wait for your turn?”

  The question was bad enough, but she was still too confused to register the insult. Twins? Jet has a brother and I have been coming onto him all day? “Wha-what?” she stammered.

  He stalked out through the front doorway.

  Brea was too embarrassed to stay with the pair of lovers and she was definitely feeling lost here. It was like double vision, only she knew she was definitely sober. “Wait!’ she called out.

  He was walking fast with an angry stride up the path.

  Halting, she placed her hands onto her jean-clad hips and decided that the full double-barreled approach was needed here. “Wait a fucking minute!” she shouted at the top of her lungs.

  At her yell, he did in fact stop and turn to face her.

  She took a deep breath while staring at his furious expression. “I didn’t know.”

  Still angry looking, he shrugged his wide shoulders.

  With no clue about what the hell was happening, she suddenly felt like the one who’d been duped. After all, he never told her he wasn’t Jet. She’d called him by that name a couple of times today, and yet he never said anything. “And what was that remark about my turn?”

  Shoving his hands into his jean pockets, he looked troubled. “Yeah, that might’ve been out of line, all right.”

  “It was, because I had no clue.” Brea held her ground. “So, are you gonna tell me your name?”

  His expression softened a little and he took a few steps toward her. “If you’ll tell me where the hell you got a name like Plush, then I’ll tell ya.” His cobalt eyes twinkled at her.

  Surprised by the sudden shift of his mood, she just stared.

  He took another step closer. “I mean, if a name ever fit someone?”

  Brea finally got the joke. “Oh, you mean because I’m fat?”

  “Fat?” He blinked his eyes at the description.

  She nodded solemnly, and then looked away from this Adonis like cowboy as tears sprang in her eyes.

  His hands were on her arms and he was pulling her close as she gasped and stared up at him. “I only meant that you’re plush in all the right places, and I will just bet your skin feels like velvet.”

  Brea couldn’t swallow as that sweet elusive scent he exuded swamped her senses again, while those cobalt eyes seemed to burn at her while he spoke.

  “You’re the kind of woman that looks…” He placed his lips right up next to hers. “…Delicious to me.”

  Being this close to that yummy looking mouth, she wondered if a human being could actually melt like a chocolate bar left out in the sun. Her eyes had a will of their own and remained glued to those full lips of his.

  “Cole,” he whispered.


  “My name is Cole.” He let go of her and stepped back.

  She had to steady herself because she felt like her legs had just turned to jelly. “I did notice differences, you know?” she blurted out before she even thought about what she was saying.

  Tilting his head at her, he stared at her face.

  His intense gaze entirely unnerved her, but she was determined to brave this out. This may not be the man she was after in the beginning, but the tides had definitely turned. Just because this wasn’t what she expected didn’t mean she was gonna give up now. “I mean, between you and Jet.”

  “Oh, yeah, and what were these differences?”

  Brea decided that she did need to play her Momma’s playbook all the way, keep them guessing and that’ll keep them interested. “I’ll tell you when I’m sure.”


  Moving ahead of him on the walk, she tried hard to appear confident. “We’ll get to it later, if you’re willing?” She heard the stunned silence behind her. Momma would be so proud! Yeah, big man, I just know that you’re looking at my wonderful plushy butt now! A smug grin spread out on her face as she bravely sashayed her way back into the main house.


  All It Takes Is M&Ms.

  Cole followed her in and she was waiting for him, like a lost puppy in the park because she didn’t know where the hell the kitchen was. All that smart sashaying, then she had to stop like a fool and figure out where to go.

  He winked at her and walked on past.

  Now, she was gonna be the lucky audience for that nice ass again.

  “I watched yours all the way up the walk!” he commented back over his shoulder.

  Brea slowed her steps. “What?”

  “You have one that I could probably squeeze all day long,” he kept teasing.

  She knew her cheeks were flushing. He’d known I was drooling over his jean-covered ass? Dang-it, I knew there was something different about him before. Flirting. Jet never did it and now I realize why. He wasn’t attracted to me. But damn, his brother was. I hope I can convince him of a few things too. “Well, I’ve been watching your sweet butt all day and…” Her voice fell away as she realized what she was admitting to.

  He halted in the hall and swung around. “You mean you were watching Jet’s.”

  Shaking her head vehemently, she looked into his eyes. “I never saw his ass before. He had it on a stool every time he came to the diner.”

  Cole chuckled. “Now that? I can believe!” He shook his head at her. “I will take you to the kitchens now, but just so you know? We have unfinished business to take care of later.” He turned away and launched into whistling some tune as he went around the corner.

  Unfinished…? Brea was astounded. Did he really mean that he was truly interested? Or was he playing some kind of a game, like maybe some head-trip about jealousy over his twin? For the first time in this chase the man of your dreams adventure Brea realized that she could get hurt by this good looking cowboy.

  “Are you coming or not?” he called out.

  His shout broke through her musings and she jumped with a start. Following behind that too fine behind, she came into a huge kitchen. Brea had never seen one this big.

  Cole looked around. “Maybe Kanda can show you around, since Vikki is occupied.” He gazed back at her.

  She stood feeling lost and knew he was watching her. Well, go to where the food is, Miss Sassy. You’ve got to show this man you are capable and confident. She wandered over to the large fridge and opened it, bending over she searched through the lower shelves to find meat, chicken and sausage. Then the drawer below that was full of produce. “Do you know ho
w many guys I’ll be cooking for?”

  Silence reigned from behind her.

  “Cole?” She peered back over her shoulder.

  He was staring at her.

  She turned around. “Is everything—?”

  He strode over and moved her body back.

  Gasping, she felt the cold air from the fridge tickling the back of her legs as she gazed into his eyes.

  “Did you just do that on purpose?”

  Confused, she shook her head. “Do what?”

  “No, you didn’t, did you?” He stared at her lips.

  Oh, man—he’s gonna kiss me? Oh, wow!

  “Look, I’ve rushed into things before…” He let go of her and stepped back.

  “Before?” she asked. Before what?

  “And I always got the wrong idea or the wrong woman.”

  Dammit, how can I prove I’m the right woman with the right idea? Her insides were shaking. “You mean like—?”

  “Never mind what I meant. It isn’t fair for you to just be thrown into a kitchen you’ve never been in, and with no help.” He sighed. “I will go and get somebody, okay?”

  All she could do was nod. Thrown into a whirling hot tornado, you mean! Not fair—is right. Dammit, and he almost kissed me that time.

  He left through a side door.

  Releasing a shaky breath, she thought about what he’d said—the wrong woman, the wrong idea? Then, she wondered who in the hell fucked with this awesome man. She just wanted to find them and punch them in the face!

  “Hello there!”

  Looking over, she saw him in the doorway. Only, she knew it was the wrong him. Jet… and he was probably the one who needed to be punched. Something about these hot twins just wasn’t right. “Hello,” she responded.

  His raven hair was ruffled and he looked like he’d tucked his shirt a little too hastily into his jeans. He grinned and wandered in. “You’re gonna be the new cook?”

  Brea stared at him. Why is it I never noticed how smug he always looked, like a fat cat who just hogged up all the cream in the bowl and was busy looking satisfied? She turned to the fridge and removed the large pack of chicken. I never thought I’d say it, but he isn’t getting any cream from this bowl! “Yep, and I’d better get started if I’m gonna make dinner in time.”


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