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Triple K Set

Page 13

by Beck, J. L.

  “Do you know—um…?”

  “Do I know where she went?” Kanda finished for him.

  He nodded and stepped closer, his hat clenched in his hands.

  Kanda suddenly felt sorry for her brother. For the first time in her life, she felt sympathy for him. He’s clearly hurting. Why—he loves her! Kanda felt bad for misleading him; she knew Brea was coming back. But at the same time…she thought she might just be feeling different now about some things and she was gonna break her own steadfast rule. She was going to interfere. “She went to Victoria, to a ranch just off the 70 at mile marker 30.”

  He stood for a long, tense moment. Then, he gazed over at Wade.

  “I’ll make sure Kandy gets back to the Triple K, mate.”

  Cole’s eyes widened at the rarely used nickname.

  Kanda shook her head at him with a stern warning in her eyes.

  Still standing in the doorway, Cole looked unsure.

  “I’m a big girl, Cole. I can take care of myself.”

  “I’ll tell Mom that you’re okay.”

  Kanda grinned at him. “Oh yes. I’m sure she’s gonna be thrilled to pieces about this.”

  Cole laughed for the first time since he busted in. “And you can bet I’m gonna glorify it as much as possible.” He winked at her. “Seeing as to how we Kincades seem to be real good at elaboratin’.” He turned and left.

  Wade sighed and walked over to where she stood. “Well, I suppose we should get going.”

  Kanda looked at him. She took in that strong jawline and stared at those yummy lips, her eyes boldly straying lower to his wide chest, which she knew, was hard as stone.

  “Hello?” he called to her.

  Her eyes shot up to his face.

  “You seemed lost there for a minute. I said I’d better return you to your ranch.”

  Nodding her head, she knew she had been lost. It all had been like a dream and she’d gotten close to having her trip to the moon. Here he was, the very man who could be the astronaut. Then, her brother had to go and mess it all up!

  She also knew she wanted to be with this man. What would another type of girl do when in this situation? How can I tell him that I want to—want to be with him? She couldn’t believe she was gonna do something like this. Releasing a huge sigh, her eyes rolled in her head and her knees buckled.

  He caught her in his arms and she met with that hard chest. “Are you okay?”

  The warmth from his body felt so good and she didn’t answer.

  Wade scooped her up with ease and swung her around. He then placed her gently onto the bed

  Kanda had never fainted, not in her whole life. She hadn’t now either, but she knew that she just crossed a line she never believed herself capable of. She’d used the oldest female trick in the book to get what she wanted. No—none of this was like her at all. And as she smelled the fresh scent of his neck? She was God damned glad about it!

  After a few minutes, Kanda’s lids fluttered and she gazed up at Wade.

  He sat next to her on the bed, grinning at her.

  “Okay, so I faked it,” she admitted.

  He shook his head with seeming humor.

  “I’m sorry. I know what you said earlier about females playing games, and then what do I do?”

  He threw his head back and laughed.

  Startled, she sat up and stared at him.

  Swiping a tear of laughter away, he gazed back at her. “I’m flattered.”

  Kanda got defensive. “Well hell, you should be!”

  His smile dropped away and he gave her a questioning look.

  “I ain’t ever pulled a stunt like that before!”

  Reaching out, he grabbed her arms.

  Gasping, the rest of her defensive speech drifted away.

  “You didn’t have to start now either,” he whispered. “Just tell me the truth. I prefer that, anytime.” He chuckled low. “Although, I was entertained for a few minutes there.”

  Another first for her, a total loss of her footing. She’d never experienced any of this before in her life and she just didn’t know what to do or how to do it.

  Wade pulled her close to where his lips were just touching hers.

  She shook all over as she took a great big gulp of air.

  “Tell me.” The words were nearly said right into her mouth.

  “I—I…” she stuttered like a child.

  He swiped her lip with his warm tongue. “I don’t bite.”

  Flustered, she was getting angry at herself. His mouth being so close made hers water and other parts of her were watering badly. Another new experience. She was wet as hell! Look what a chicken shit you are! For all your life you’ve been braving things no woman ever dared and yet…? Look at you, shaking like a schoolgirl and feeling like a child. “I just wanted to stick around for a while longer.” Her voice was small and barely audible, though she’d meant it to be firm and strong.

  “All you have to do is tell me whatever it is you want and I will do it.”

  A lump formed in her throat.” What—what if…?” She tried again. “What if I don’t know?”

  “I think you know, I think you know exactly.”

  She didn’t know how to tell him; she’d never admitted it to anyone. “I really don’t know.” Her eyes filled with tears. “I’ve never…”

  Wade’s expression changed and he sat up straight. “What?”

  She looked away. “I have been kissed, fondled and such, but I never…”

  “You mean never—like…?” It seemed to be his turn at being at a loss for words.

  Her heart pounded heavily in her chest and in her ears. “I’m a 27-year-old virgin.” The words said out loud seemed to be a weight lifting from her chest and she released a huge breath.

  Wade bit at his lip. “I didn’t realize—I mean…” He scooted back and stood up.

  Her heart seemed to sink in her chest at the stunned expression he wore. “So, now if I tell you exactly what I want…”

  His piercing blue-eyed gaze bored into hers.

  “…Will you do it?”


  All dressed up with no place to go…

  Front porch of the Plush Ranch

  Brea stepped out onto the daisy-filled verandah. Her eyes were immediately assaulted with color from the multitudes of different versions of her mama’s favorite flower in every vase and hanging pot. Daises were all over the place. While you looked at them all, there was a feeling like if you really believed it? Everything could come up daisies.

  Shaking her head, Brea had always known her ma had a flair for everything and this ranch was her best creation to date. Sure, at first she’d been shocked at what her mother had done here. Really…a ranch full of studs out to please the plush type woman? Who would’ve thought up such an idea?

  There are all types of men, my dear. But a woman can tell the kind that likes ’em big. Brea tilted her head as she remembered the saying. Really? Well, I never thought Cole would go for me, all big boned and plenty of curves. She remembered just then what he’d said when he first saw her in the au-naturel. His eyes were burning a hole right through her at the time. ‘You’re fucking gorgeous, and you turn me on like no other woman I’ve seen!’

  Brea shivered from the memory and tried to get ahold of herself. She needed to get focused on what lie ahead. To get to the ranch and get her cowboy back. All she needed to do now was to thank her mama for the makeover and get into that monster of a truck.

  She looked all around and spotted her to the left of the house, talking to someone in the parking area. She loved to watch Daisy in action; she was always so lively and today was no exception. Always enter a room with pizzazz, shake what ya got and leave while being applauded. Yeah, her mother did that every day. But can I?

  She was taking an awful chance that Cole would even notice her again after what he thought about her motives. Brea peered down at her outfit. It hadn’t been what she would have expected the odd Mr. Morty to
pick out for her. It was a white sundress with a fluffy lace ruffle and red cowboy boots to match. She felt like a different person. Hell, she looked like a different person. Her attention wandered back to where her mother stood.

  Daisy was waving her arms as if she was worked up about something and Brea squinted to see who was getting her riled. Her body went completely rigid.

  Cole gazed up at her and their eyes met.

  She thought her legs might buckle as he strode over to the high porch. She loved to watch him just walking, his powerful body moving with such a cowboy like stride. Her mouth almost watered at the sight.

  Daisy stood right where he left her and she watched the scene with no expression on her face.

  He stopped at the bottom step and gazed up at her.

  Brea shook all over and she felt her throat swell up.

  Seemingly mesmerized, he studied her from the tips of her new red boots all the way up to her face.

  It seemed like an eternity to her. What was he thinking? Why was he here? Her heart pounded in her ears as she all but held her breath.

  Then, he suddenly rushed up the steps and swooped her into his arms.

  Brea shrieked as it was the very last thing she thought he would do. “Oh!” she gasped.

  Easily swinging her around, Cole headed for the entrance to the house.

  “Wha—What are you doing?”

  He gave her no answer, and his face held no expression as he opened the door. He was walking fast and headed through the lobby.

  “Give the man room!” shouted her mother from behind them.

  Pedro and a few other men, along with Coco and Mr. Morty stood at the base of the stairs and they all parted as Daisy had instructed.

  “Oh, Lordy!” Coco gasped out. “Look at this tamer, will ya?” she asked no one in particular. “Hot damn, what a man!” Her eyes followed the tall, well-built cowboy up the stairs.

  Brea peeked over Cole’s shoulder at Coco’s stunned face and then swung her gaze over at her mother, standing in the elaborate foyer.

  “First floor, 2nd door on the left!” Daisy called out and gave Brea a huge wink.

  Cole carried her all the way up the long flight of stairs without a word.

  Brea wondered two things now: How did he find me and was he angry with me?

  He made his way down the hall and the door was wide open. He went through it, turned around and kicked it shut with his boot.

  Brea was pretty scared by now. What is this all about?

  He carried her to the huge brass bed and set her down on it, making sure she was standing upright on it.

  Stunned and full of questions, she stared down at him.

  Still unsmiling, he took a few steps back and peered up at her.

  Brea grew very nervous, standing there in all her finery and with her new look.

  His eyes started at her red boots and then traced a slow path up along her lace ruffle to her white sundress. This looking over was a more heated one than before. He didn’t seem to guard his expression at all, even letting out a groan.

  At the burn in his eyes, Brea felt like she might just faint and fall right off the huge bed.

  His searching gaze seemed to pause and then moved up along her curves to her breasts where his hot perusal lingered. Finally, he met her stunned gaze. “Why are you all made up like this?”

  His deep voice rumbled right through her. It’d only been two days since she saw him or heard his voice, but it felt like forever. Her hungry eyes took him in. His wide shoulders and well-muscled chest were wrapped in a clean, crisp-looking long sleeved white button up shirt, tucked into some faded jeans that encased what she knew was the best built bod she’d ever seen. Her body was instantly on fire just from the sight of him.

  “Well?” he asked after a minute or more had passed.

  “Um—I thought—maybe…?” she faltered.

  “You left town,” he stated quietly. It was a statement, not a question.

  She nodded, unsure of where all this was going.

  “Are you gonna quit the ranch?”

  She shook her head.

  “Well, why are you here at this—this place?”

  Brea looked into his troubled eyes. “My Ma was here.”

  “And that’s why you’re here?”

  “Yes, why else?”

  “Okay, so why are you all made-up?”

  It seemed they just went full circle and were getting nowhere fast. Brea’s nerves seemed to snap with a crackle as she drew a deep breath. “I was aiming to get your attention, Mister Kincade!” Her words came out in a rush of breath.

  Cole look surprised as he peered up at her. “My attention?”

  Brea curled her hands into fists. Her mama always said, men were always first up to the bar, but always the last to figure out how to order a dammed drink. “Everything I’ve done in the last week was for that purpose!”

  He took a step closer to the bed. “You wanted my brother.” His voice was so low it was barely audible.

  Brea knew this was the defining moment. How was she gonna convince him? How could she explain the ‘to do’ list? She peered down at this cowboy who owned her heart. She had wanted to have a life with him and she realized that this right here? This was her shot, her one shot and it had to be right on target. “Yes, back when I didn’t know there were two of you. It was the only name I had at the time. Now? There’s only one of you and I was never confused after I knew about the twin thing. There’s only one Kincade in my mind, and in my heart…just one.” Tears formed in her eyes as she clenched and unclenched her fists.

  Cole stood very still, his eyes remaining latched to hers.

  Brea held her breath and gritted her teeth so hard she thought she may need dental work after this was over. “I thought you left for good,” she whispered. “That I ruined it all.”

  Cole took a step back and said not a thing.

  He doesn’t believe me! Brea felt the wind rush out of her as her heart plummeted. She moved to step down from the bed.

  “No.” Cole stepped close again and raised his hand up. “Stay right there.”

  Halting, she was confused now. “What? Why?”

  For the first time since he showed up, Cole smiled. “Cause…that’s where you belong.”

  Brea tilted her head at him.

  “Up on a pedestal.” He stepped up to the bed and his eyes sparkled at her. “I’m sorry I ran.” He moved closer to the bed as he spoke.

  At his apology, she gasped and held her breath.

  “I’m dumb like that, you know?” Well—what I’m trying to say is…” He sighed. “I guess my daddy was right. He always said that if you’re too busy riding a high horse, then it’ll be hard to get down gracefully.”

  Tears formed in her eyes as she shook her head.

  “I’m the one who ruined it. I had you right there and what did I do?”

  Brea kept shaking her head, because she couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “I gave in to the old stuff that was there.” He grabbed her around the waist and pressed his face to her stomach. “Instead of what I shoulda’ done.”

  Brea was shaking uncontrollably “And what should you have done, Cole?” Her voice cracked with her tears.

  “This.” He brought her down to the floor and kissed her hard.

  Astonished to no end, Brea reeled with it. Her body was immediately ablaze from the heat of his mouth. Oh, God! Oh, yes! Her mind screamed as she kissed him back.

  His hands roamed along her ruffled dress and blazed a hot trail right through the material. He then broke the kiss and gazed at her face. “But…”

  Breathing heavily, Brea thought the room almost spun around her.

  Sitting her down on the bed, he looked around the room. “I want my Plush girl.”

  Her eyes fluttered at his strange sentence as she watched him grab things from the bedside table.

  Cole knelt down in front of her and opened up a container, he then swiped a tissue throu
gh it. “I don’t like all this colored slop you’re covering up with.”

  Brea was truly baffled as he drew his hand up, swiping her cheeks, nose and chin with the tissue.

  “Close them wonderful peepers, Brea.”

  She did—she would do anything this cowboy wanted.

  With a gentle motion, he swiped more cream across her eyes.

  She waited while he took a few seconds, then felt more tissue and cream on her face.

  “There.” He chuckled while grabbing her face with both hands.

  Her eyes popped open to see him looking at her lips. “Looks like I already took care of getting rid of the lipstick with my mouth.”

  “But I thought—”

  He pressed his fingers to her mouth. “I want you like you were, like you are.”

  Brea gulped and her eyes got teary again.

  He stood her up and she was like a ragdoll in his hands as he flipped her around. Next, he moved up close to where his hard chest met with her back and he tugged the sundress from her shoulders.

  Her bountiful breasts bounced out with the tugging. “Oh!” She gasped at the sensation.

  Cole grabbed both boobs in his strong hands. “I missed these,” he growled and fingered her nipples. “I missed the way you feel in my arms, all that velvet, so soft under my touch.”

  Brea thought she might actually collapse as he tugged and played with her nipples till they hardened like pebbles. Her body jumped and shimmed like she might just slide right out of her skin.

  With a determined purpose, he tugged the dress all the way down over her curves and set her back on the bed, completely pulling the material away.

  Brea was struck completely speechless. She’d thought he was gonna walk away, and instead she was going to get what she dreamed and fantasized about day and night. What could she say anyway? She thought she would have to go after him again, and instead? He’d actually come to her. All she knew right now was that she wanted this wonderful cowboy in a bad way.

  Still wearing an intense expression on his face, Cole knelt down once again and took ahold of her red boot. “I kinda like these though.” He studied them with a growing grin and glanced up at her. “Just you…wearing these and nothing else.”


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