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Triple K Set

Page 17

by Beck, J. L.

  Cole tilted his head at her. “Why don’t you believe me?”

  Brea bit at her lip. “No one has ever—I mean, no guy has ever thought…” She sighed.

  He lifted her from the floor and raised her high above him. “It’s true. You make me nuts. You haunt my dreams. I think about you all the time. Your scent…” He slid her lower and kissed her right between her boobs. “Your hot body all soft and velvety, sliding against mine. Just the thought of it makes me want to jump you every time I look at you.” He kissed her plush tummy and sighed aloud.

  Brea stared down at the top of his head as he kissed her skin. This hard-bodied, great looking man actually felt that she—Brea, the chub—was that hot? Tears rolled from her eyes.

  “Do you believe me?” he asked.

  Brea couldn’t answer because she was afraid he would catch her crying.


  “I do, Cole. I finally do!”

  He lowered her down. “Good, ’cause I was gonna refuse to let you down until you did.”

  She giggled and pushed him back onto the bed. “Well, it’s a good thing you let me down, or you woulda missed this.” She tugged ferociously at his Levis until she pulled them away.

  “What’dya mean by that?” he asked with a dumb looking smile.

  “I’m gonna do you over and—you’re gonna watch.”

  He looked nervous again and shook his head.

  It was so cute, this big strapping tough cowboy, looking like a boy afraid of his first time. She giggled and nodded. “Oh yes, Cole Kincade. You’ve swept me off my feet and set me off like a NASA rocket. Made me come in ways a woman could only dream about. You’re like a walking firecracker, cowboy!”

  His boyhood look departed and he heatedly gazed into her eyes.

  Brea felt a shiver from just the look he held there. “Yes, you earned what’s coming to you, dream man. I’m gonna do you like a double dipped, triple ripple ice cream cone with a cherry on top! You’re gonna melt in my mouth.” She lowered her head and latched on.

  She’d never enjoyed anything more. She’d been to a few fun places like amusement parks and huge keg parties, and once she even jumped out of an airplane, but never had she felt this kind of rush.

  Her cowboy was lying flat out on the big brass bed, helplessly moaning while she licked a trail along his thigh and up to his hard erection. She then followed the silky forbidden path all the way up his shaft and to the tip. Licking around it with taunting lapping, she felt her own moisture bubbling up between her thighs.

  Cole growled like a savage and sat up with an abrupt swiftness.

  Brea gasped as her body was propelled from the edge of the bed.

  Luckily, he caught her before she hit the floor. “Shit! Oh, sweet velvet. I’m so sorry!”

  Laughing and breathless, she didn’t speak as he hauled her back to the bed.

  “I told ya! I can’t take that stuff! Now look what I almost did!”

  Brea was chuckling with mirth and leaps of adrenaline rushes.

  Shaking his head, he swiftly tugged her further and lay on his back, taking her up by her hips and planting her squarely on top of him.

  Her pussy slid neatly and succinctly down and over his huge, hard cock. “Oh!” she gasped out at the filling.

  “You can still be in charge, sweet girl.” He grinned up at her and reached up to perform double-handed tweaks of her nipples.

  Her body almost jumped from the nerves it enlivened in her. “In charge?” she panted.

  “Yeah, ride me, Miss Plush.” He grinned. “I will be your obedient steed.”

  Brea was still full of exhilaration as she smiled down at him. “Well, mister cowpoke, you seem to have the reins.” She peered down at his hands on her boobs.

  He looked unsure. “I could stop?”

  “No!” she yelled, then clamped a hand over her mouth. “I mean…” She dropped her hand. “Please, hold the reins for me, steed.”

  He chuckled. “You are just the most…” He raised his pelvis to fill her completely. “…delightful mistress.” He bucked his hips.

  Brea hung on for dear life. Moaning at his filling of her, she breathlessly retorted, “I’m beginning to wonder about just who’s riding who—cowboy!”

  Cole laughed and reached a hand down to find her clit button.

  “Oh no!” Brea admonished. “That’s not—”

  He stroked her button, tweaked her nipple, and raised his pelvis again.

  “—Faiirrr…” Brea capitulated and orgasmed right on the spot. “Unh…”

  “Had to—” Cole panted now too. “—take the reins.” His body grew rigid as he kept his eyes on her. “Watching you is too—much for this stallion.”

  Brea was in an erotic heaven while the breath of a sweet hell blew on her skin. She was trapped like a sinner in a cyclone; spiraling, twisting and thinking about saying a prayer.


  If luck was a bright penny,

  then I would be a tarnished dime.

  If ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ were candy and nuts…


  For all of her life, Daisy Plush always believed that problems could and would solve themselves. She’d seen it a hundred times. If your belt was too tight? Time to let it loose a couple of notches. Still too tight? Then, take the damn useless thing off and throw it away.

  It was the same situation with Brea’s dad. He loved my fire and wild ways until he got serious on me and wanted to be lord and master.

  He wanted her to suddenly change and become a church mouse. All buttoned up till there were no buttonholes left. Smothering and too strict like wearing a literal straightjacket of love. Hell, livin’ like that woulda’ put me in a straightjacket, all right. I even tried to go along for the sake of his being the father of my unborn baby.

  Then, things got worse and she realized he couldn’t have loved the real Daisy if he expected her to be an old woman before her time was up. She literally opened her door and told him to go through it and forget her address forever.

  Life for her was like a big party most of the time. All dolled up and ready to play. Sure, she calmed down for a bit while Brea was a kid and tried to be the mom she needed. She even tried to cook and bake for corn’s sake. Never mind that she went through many fire extinguishers at the time.

  At least Daisy did it with her own mule power, of her own accord. She decided when, what and where…and she still did. If things got too heavy? She would just drop some of the baggage. A few dollars short? Just scrape up more pennies. Just keep cuttin’ the deck until your aces showed.

  Now though, she didn’t know if her own problem solving was gonna cut it. Brea was right about Maggie not belonging here. If Daisy leaves things as they are she might regret it and regrets were… Her train of thought faded away as she tried to remember her philosophy about that.

  ‘You’ve gotta…know when to walk away, and when to run.’ Daisy shook her head. Dumbass song anyway. Dammit! Maggie coming here was like opening up a window into the past.

  Even back then, when she was younger, she never took men seriously. How can you? They’re the type of beings that really can’t be faithful, and putting them in a situation where they were forced to be a one-tunnel man? Nah, it’s like trying to box up the wind.

  Daisy chuckled. If you boxed up a Texan man? All you had was cardboard and some mean, cantankerous dust.

  When she fell in love with Maggie’s dad, she didn’t even know it’d happened. They say love is blind. Well, I was blind to love. Hell, I didn’t even know that was what I was suffering from. Daisy sat at her desk and turned on her PC.

  Her eyes drifted over to the top of her dresser. She tried to stop her gaze from wandering there again…to the old photograph of her and Rand. If I’d boxed him up? I would’ve had —a real man in a box! She smiled at her lame joke. Don’t go there, Daize. It’s been years and years and what’s done is done. If ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ were candy and nuts, we’d all have a box of happy-eve
r-after chocolates.

  Daisy sat up straight and tried to look away from the past. What a time it was though. She remembered how Rand had described it. A time of hot leather and fireworks.

  Now that the picture window was flung open, Daisy allowed herself the treat of picturing him again. There weren’t many things in her life that she could remember with crystal ball clarity, but the first time she saw that man it became one of the images her mind could never dump. She tried for many years and just couldn’t seem to do it.

  A big man, a hot hulk of a male with sandy blond hair, and cobalt blue eyes. His shoulders were as wide as an oak. He moved swift though and it would surprise you considering how big he was. The sight of him actually struck her dumb at the time. A mute Daisy! Helluva miracle in and of itself!

  He was ropin’ a steer and Daisy stood transfixed as she watched him. Her mind went completely blank for a few seconds. Then, it overflowed with images of him wrangling me. Oh yes, just tie me up and hot brand me! Daisy laughed out loud. He was—

  Shaking her head she sighed. Hell, whenever he was near? I didn’t know if I washin’ or a hangin’! That man put a big hole clean through her screen door all right! She’d always felt confident before Rand, and now even after. But, when he was standing in the same room with her? She was a drooping daisy!

  No man had ever swept her away like he did…not in the history of Daisy. He was strong willed, powerful and more headstrong that even she was. He brought me to my knees and that was a feat no one had ever accomplished.

  That was when she knew it was time to run. Yeah, the song got that part right. The real reason she left Rand. Love conquers all and it was about to trump me! A sudden shiver crawled up her back and she shook her head. What the hell? She wasn’t the type to get shivers, the heebies or whatever you called them. Time to look at the books and do what I always do. Gathering the dollars and countin’ the pennies, then maybe this feeling will up and solve itself.


  A Ripper Female


  I melt, then roll right up!

  Flat River, Triple K Spread

  Wade carried her to the River and stopped at the edge.

  Kanda gazed up at him.

  He looked down at her. “What possessed you to do it?”

  She didn’t expect him to ask her straight out, especially after her spanking, but she was gonna try to answer, “I just felt that it may be my best chance. I never met— someone like…” She gulped nervously. “Someone so…” She halted again.

  “Why, sweet Kandy.” He chuckled. “That was some dammed fine ropin’ and a helluva branding you just gave me, and now you’re gonna be shy?”

  “Dammit, I swear it never happened before!”

  His eyes twinkled at her with a sweet sapphire blue. “What? Been shy, or tied a man up so you could fuck him to oblivion?”

  Gasping, Kanda was flustered; that was exactly what she’d done! “I—I…” Damn, how can he do this to me so easily? I’m like a fruit roll-up. He just breathes on me…I melt, then roll right up! She tried again. “You’re the hottest man I ever met. I never wanted anyone like I wanted you!” The words just burst forth like a tides of water over a weak-ass dam.

  His eyes widened. “I think you just admitted to more than you know about. ’Cause, if I hadn’t wanted you just as bad? You’d be home already and sorrier than a wallaby with a stitched pouch.”

  Batting her eyes in further confusion, she just didn’t want to talk about her craziness anymore and she was gonna try to derail his teasing. “So, what was that before…about steak?”

  Wade shook his head at her. “It’s just an Aussie thing.”

  “Well, I want to know more about it.” She wanted to know more about him. Wade Monroe…the man, his country, his thoughts, his drive—everything. What was his favorite dish, sport? Everything and anything…Wade.

  “Nope. I don’t think you would appreciate it.” He stepped into the river.

  “I do!” She smiled in the sweetest way she knew how.

  Wade grinned at her. “Back home, we have a special holiday for men.”

  Batting her lashes, she didn’t understand what this had to do with her question.

  “Exactly a month after Valentine’s Day, we men have our own declared holiday—Steak and Blowjob Day.”

  Kanda gasped.

  At her stunned expression, Wade laughed. “Yeah, that was the same response we all got from most of the women too!”

  “Do the women have to—?”

  Wade laughed even harder. “Never mind in what order the holiday’s traditions are carried out, sweet piece. Just never you mind.”

  Kanda grinned at yet another trait she admired in Wade. He had the best sense of humor. Like a big ole gummy bear on the inside and a hard-bodied fierce tough guy on the outside. She could just imagine all the women who would want him. ’Cause if this man couldn’t light your fire? Your wood was all wet!

  Abrupt like, she felt that addictive need for him surge to the fore again. She believed now that it was what made her crazy before. This man could drive me bull-ropin’ crazy! He already has in fact. Pretty soon, everybody is gonna think my screen door’s got a big ole hole in it. There was just no telling what she might do if he did keep her coals red and smoking for too long.

  Biting at her lip, she realized the whole dammed thing was odd in any case. Just look at us. Him laughing with abandon while standing here naked in the sunshine. Actin’ just as bright as you please!

  All the while, he was holding her in his arms while she was naked too. She nervously looked all around. “Are you sure it’s okay for us to be—struttin’ around in the au naturel?”

  Wade’s laughter got louder.

  “I mean it. If one of my cowhands saw me—?”

  “One of your what?”

  “My men, my crew.”

  “You mean your stockmen?”“

  Kanda slowly nodded her head. “I run the Triple K, remember? If they saw me like this, I would have to ride every cattle drive backward with a potato sack over my dumbass head—forever!”

  “So, you’re afraid?”

  Kanda took in a deep breath…that had always been a foreign word to her. “If I were? I wouldn’t have tied up a 200-pound oak tree like you!” She beamed at him with sudden pride at her accomplishment…never mind the spanking consequences after.

  Wade’s eyes danced with a wicked gleam. “Well, sweet ringer, you should be very afraid.”


  “Yeah…back in the Never-Never that’s what we call a—cowboy or girl.” His smile disappeared.

  Kanda’s smile dimmed. “So…why should I be afraid?”

  “ ’Cause you owe this oak man a huge favor!” He swung her out and tossed her into the river.

  “Ohh!” she spluttered around in the water.

  Immediately, Wade dove in and disappeared under the murky surface.

  Kanda never realized how deep this river was this time of year, just after the once a year torrential rains. Usually, Flatonia was three seasons, drought, locusts and twisters. She dog-paddled and looked around. No Wade.

  “Hello?” a voice called from somewhere on the bank.

  Gasping, Kanda lowered her pudgy floating boobs beneath the murky water, so only her head and shoulders were visible.

  A big man walked closer to the shore. “Uh, well— Hello there, female!”

  Kanda’s eyes widened. He had the same accent as Wade. In fact, he looked like an older version.

  “I’m looking for—”

  Just then, Wade popped his head up with a huge splash of river water and grabbed her from behind.

  The man stared and then grinned hugely “—that guy!”

  Wade shook out his wet hair and snuggled against her.

  Kanda’s throat had entirely closed up.

  “Hey, Bull Kicker!” the man called to Wade.

  At the call, he jerked his head up. “Pop?”

I came to the land of Texas after all.”

  Wade seemed relaxed against her like he was happy to see him and he shrugged. “It’s a great country.” His hands remained beneath the water and he passed them teasingly over her bare nipples.

  Kanda sucked in her breath at the tingles he was causing.

  “Well, I see you found…” His dad paused and stared at Kanda. “The best thing about the place. What a female!” He chuckled.

  Wade lowered one hand and slipped his finger in between her folds, stroking her there.

  Her body clenched; no one had ever touched her there! The fact that Wade was doing it in mixed company was outrageous to say the least! Maybe he’s the crazy one? Her heart rate increased and she was breathless.

  “Yep, I think so too, Pops.”

  The man couldn’t have seen beneath the murky Flat River water, but he had the good grace to step a few paces back. “I’ll be in the cabin. Got fixins’ in there, mate? I thought I’d make us all supper.”

  Wade nodded as he tweaked her nipple and stroked her button simultaneously. “Have at it.”

  She thought she was gonna melt right into the water. Her body responded wildly to his touches and it was under his control all the way. She couldn’t even seem to will up the embarrassment she should’ve felt. She bit at her lip to keep from moaning aloud.

  At the seemingly innocent answer, his dad burst forth with a huge boisterous laugh. “Well, you too, Kicker…you too!” He turned around and walked up the path.

  Wade lowered his mouth to her neck and kissed her skin there.

  Struck dumb once again by this man, Kanda couldn’t believe what just happened. He was making love to her—in front of company no less!

  His stroking and tweaking was combined with his hot mouth on her neck and her head dropped back. She just couldn’t care about the immorality of it all, she couldn’t focus on anything. Weak as a wet kitten, she couldn’t have purred even if she tried.

  “Mmm, delicious…” he whispered to her cheek.

  Kanda was panting. “You—you…”

  He laughed softly. “Yes?”

  She gulped, as her spit had even dried up in her throat.


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