Book Read Free

Triple K Set

Page 21

by Beck, J. L.

  “I haven’t really been happy since the day you left.”

  Daisy drew in her breath.

  He stood up. “My kids have made me happy. They’re both something to be proud of. My work has even seemed to fill some holes. I’ve had a fling or two. Being a man, I always have the need. Then, over the years, there’ve been a few women who wanted to give me all that you wouldn’t.”

  Daisy was staring at him now. “I couldn’t give—not wouldn’t.”

  Rand turned and looked at her. “It never worked though. There was only you.”

  Daisy looked away. “Please, Rand…”

  He sat down again and grabbed her up.

  Her chest crushed up against his. Still hard…still so dammed hot.

  “That always turned me on, whenever you begged.”

  She bit at her lip. Boy howdy, could he ever make her beg for it! Like her life depended on another touch, another stroke of his body to hers. She’d never been that way with any other man since. The man was overpowering and hotter than—well, it scared her then—and it surely scared the bejeebus out of her now too!

  She started to tremble. This was also un-Daisy like. It was ‘Daisy Dissembling’ time. After all these years? She was finally gonna pay. Her mama always told her that Rand would eventually make her pay for leaving him like that. After eighteen years, she had felt her mama was wrong about this one thing.

  Nope! Now, here he was, bold as day, and still hot as hell. His scent, his warmth, those eyes and that silk-laced voice? Combine it all and you’ve got yourself a walking heartbreak. Her gaze rested on his chest. Don’t look up, Daize. Don’t. Her eyes betrayed her will and they moved up along his throat to meet that hot blue gaze. The trembling in her body doubled.

  “You’re shaking.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out. “It’s just the shock, you know? From the tussle just now.”

  He shook his head.

  Daisy bit at her lip and knew she was trapped. If she didn’t get away from him very soon, she would be on her knees begging for him to stay with her. It was just the same way as it was so long ago, like all the years had just up and vanished.

  Only, he never knew how much she’d loved him. He was never aware that she would’ve given up everything for him. It scared her so bad and she feared that… Like all men? He would crush her heart to itty-bitty pieces and smash all that was Daisy to…dust. She gave him up instead. It seemed the sanest thing to do at the time.

  “Well, by the way you tried to run? I suppose you still don’t love me.” He let out a somber sigh.

  Her gaze shot up to his face. “You know that’s not


  Rand grinned at her and gave her a blue-eyed wink.

  “Ooh!” She got up from the bed and stomped her boot. “You came here after all these years, across the world, to tease me?” Hands on her hips, the Daisy hornet was in full stingin’ gear now.

  Rand took a step back and just looked at her. His grin faded. His eyes continuing to blaze at her. “Yeah, I guess I did.” He took a step toward her. “It seems that anything you do will doom us both. If you cry? I’ll kiss every inch of you until your eyes dry up and everything else will get wet.”

  Daisy held her breath as his voice wove that web of sensual heat around her. Make him stop, Daize. Two minute warning!

  “If you get mad? I get hard in all the right places and I will pound the anger right out of you.” The look on his face remained impassive, despite his words. “Even if you fight me, it will only make me want to tame you down.”

  Daisy was breathless now. “Why do you think I ran?” She gulped. “All you have to do is stand there and I…” All he has to do is breathe, I guess?

  He took the last step to reach her. “Remember what your favorite was?” he asked, as his eyes burned at her. Now, he did blow a gentle warm breath on her cheek.

  Her heart was hammering bad now. No, don’t let him say it. Run, Daisy, run! Her protective voice echoed like pennies in a well; the one she hadn’t heard for so long. Only the image of what he was suggesting burned right through. It doused the voice—smothering it completely.

  “What did you call it?”

  Her throat had swelled close. Maybe out of self-protection? Don’t say it. If you do, he’ll get in. When he does, you won’t ever get him out. “Riding the…” Her voiced faded to nothing.

  He grabbed her arms and tugged her close.

  Her mouth met his ear.

  He seemed to wait for it.

  She couldn’t stop herself, no good sense was left when he was this close. “…Rand,” she finished the sentence in a whisper.

  “Yes, Riding the Rand. I never allowed any woman to—ride me again.”

  Daisy let the tears fall along her cheeks. “I never allowed it with anyone either.”

  He drew back and looked into her eyes. “I shouldn’t have come here.”

  Daisy cried louder.

  “Dammit, Daisy!” He looked angry now. “You’d better stop.”

  “I can’t!” She sniffled. “I never let myself cry all those years ago.” She got mad at herself and stomped her foot. “It’s all your fault!” she shouted.

  “Mine?” He tilted his head at her.

  “Yes!” Tears swam in her eyes. “You were the one man I loved for my whole life. The only one!”

  He looked stunned. “You left me.”

  Nodding her head, she swiped at her cheeks. “Well now, you can pay me back.” Now that he was here, she knew what she’d thrown away all those years ago. A man who loved her for being who she was. One that wouldn’t try to change her, and she gave him up for all the wrong reasons. Being a yellow streaked coward finally came back and bit her in the…

  He stepped back from her and for the first time, he looked unsure.

  “Leave through that door, and you’ll have the payback I owe you. It’ll break my heart and reduce me to dust, most likely.”

  “It did hurt.” He let out a dry laugh. “It hurt like a sonofabitch.” He looked beyond her, toward the door. “You didn’t even want my kid.”

  Daisy flinched and she felt his words like punches to her gut.

  “I got drunk and stayed that way till it was time for you to bring Maggie.” His voice dropped low.

  “See?” She bit at her lip. “I ain’t no good. A selfish, mean, heartless heifer of a bitch!”

  “Yeah, I see.” He stepped around her and headed for the door.

  Daisy felt like someone had let the air out of her balloon for sure. All the pain she’d bottled up, the self-loathing she kept under lock and key, gutted her and she knew she might not ever be the same after this. This is the way it should be. I deserve it. The man was always too dammed sweet for me. The years had roughened him up finally.



  This isn’t a Texan cowboy…


  On the trail to the Triple K

  Kanda spurred her horse across the flatlands and as the dust cleared she could see Wade way ahead of her. How in the hell? She tugged her bandana up further over her nose and sighed.

  There wasn’t a cowboy in Texas she couldn’t best at almost any rodeo event. This isn’t a Texan cowboy, Kanda, she reminded herself. Well, just what is he anyway? She thought with him owning that Hummer and being so educated that he was maybe a city type. Used to the soft way of life. Now, here he was besting her on horseback?

  Wade turned his horse in a neat full round-two step and halted his stallion to face her.

  He was performing maneuvers with a horse like a rodeo star would do. See! What the hell was that? He wasn’t like any man she’d ever met and there’s no tellin’ what all he knows about.

  Sitting still atop his horse, he was grinning at her like a cat that’d licked up all the cream.

  Kanda slowed her horse to a stop a few feet away. “Where in the hell did you learn to ride like that?”

  Wade shook his head and yanked his hat off, pattin
g the dust from it. “I know a little. Horses just like me, I guess?”

  “Mm-mm,” she harrumphed under her breath. And women like you— probably too many females I’d be guessing. Then, I’ll just bet even men feel kindred with him too. Too perfect and I know that there ain’t no such thing!

  “Let’s have lunch!” he offered.

  Kanda looked around. “Where?” This part of the ranch was flat as all get out.

  “How about we head for the tree stand?”

  Kanda looked toward the area behind him and could see the oak trees. “Yeah, I suppose.”

  He rode to her side and turned his steed neatly, facing his horse next to hers. “Let’s ride together this time.”

  Kanda was still eyeballin’ him. “Are you sure? I mean, we could do some high steppin’ barrel races and maybe some roping competition?”

  He glanced over at her. “Is that an anal-tight tone I’m hearing?”

  An anal…? Her gaze shot over to him. “No. I was just wondering what all I don’t know about you, Mr. Monroe.” She raised a brow at him.

  Wade stared at her for a few seconds and then tipped his head back with laughter.

  Kanda jerked her head back as if he’d slapped her. “What’s so dammed funny?”

  Wade kept chuckling. “You! You’re what’s so funny.”

  Dropping her reins, she crossed her arms over her chest. “Oh, yeah?” She never cared to be made fun of.

  “Yeah!” Wade swiped at a tear. “I would say it’s a little late to worry about my character, wouldn’t you say? Since you didn’t care if I were Jack the Bloody Ripper when you ‘fuck-tied’ me!”

  “Fu—Fuck—tied…?” Her mouth popped open with shock.

  At her gaping, his laughter worsened and he roared with it.

  Kanda clapped her trap shut and stared at him. Well, he was right! A smile tugged at her lips. I chose him, tied him up and well—did him. Her chuckling started and her full-blown laughter rolled out as she joined him.

  “I could’ve given you references, if you would have given me the chance.” He swiped at his eyes. “I mean, I am considered very accomplished at many things and…” He gazed steadily at her. “Riding, is one of them. I just didn’t like plundering a virgin just because I thought she was female.” He paused at her look of confusion. “…Um, well, remember now like I told you before? In my country, saying female by itself like that means you are truly ‘The’ hottest babe.”

  It wasn’t the female part that had her befuddled and Kanda gasped, even as her giggling continued. Hottest Babe?

  “And I suppose I’d better keep your interest up, if I want some more—Kandy.” His expression suddenly turned serious as he gazed boldly at her.

  Kanda’s chuckling halted. The look in his eyes seemed dangerous… Like dangerous in the sense that he might just rip my clothes from my body kind of dangerous. It made her skin feel intensely hot and she felt her panties getting moist.

  His stare continued while all around them seemed to get quiet, like a storm was brewing and even the birds knew what was coming.

  Hot damn! The way his eyes seemed to burn at me. Like he was already way past undressing me with them, and in his mind his hot hands were already on my body, doing all kinds of… She forced herself to look away. I need to wear these jeans home today, dammit!

  Wade looked away too and clicked his reins to get his horse moving. “We’d better ride. I’m getting hungry.”

  Kanda kept quiet for a change, as she thought that was the very word she’d use for the way he looked at her, hungry. She took up her reins and rode alongside him. It was too strange for her to be feeling off-kilter so much around someone, especially a man. Up until now, they barely garnered her respect, let alone her attention.

  The oak stand drew closer and she hadn’t been here in many months. There was even green grass growing beneath them. The rains had been heavy this season and she knew it would be cooler under them. She was gonna need some cooling for sure.

  Wade got there first of course and he hopped from his horse before it even stopped. In almost a Roy Rogers style; boots down…double-stepping. He then rushed to meet her when her horse halted. He simply reached up and pulled her from the stirrups.

  “Whoa!” she gasped out.

  “No whoaing and no stopin’.” Wade looked serious as he swung her around and carried her to the largest oak tree. “I’ve decided it. This will be the place.”

  Kanda was batting her eyes and staring at him. “For lunch?”

  “Sure, for lunch.” He chuckled. “But more importantly? It’s the place where you will lose your true virginity.”

  Kanda kept staring at him. “What?”

  He lowered her down to the plush grass. “Yeah, you’re not the only one who can decide when to do what, and who to do, you know?”

  Shaking her head in confusion, Kanda was entirely up the creek with no paddle, so to speak, and she had no idea how the hell she got there.

  “Now just sit and I will take care of…everything,” he commanded.

  With no real choice, because she seemed to be constantly confused, she sat and mutely nodded at him. Everything?


  Lord Almighty!

  He’s taken and he ain’t for sale!


  Auction Room, Stud Ranch, Victoria Texas

  Brea, Cole and Maggie made their way to the main hall to head to the kitchen when a group of hellion Texan women started to whoop and holler as they filed into the foyer.

  Cole jumped and gripped Brea’s hand as he stared.

  Brea chuckled. The big bad cowboy was about to bolt. I guess this is the only thing that scares him! My G.I. cowboy was gonna bolt because of some grabby women! She muffled a chuckle. Looking at the wild pack of ‘Hussies’ (as her mama would call them) she made an effort to show the women he was hers by throwing her arm around his wide shoulder.

  Maggie glanced over at him and her expression seemed to get fierce as the women drew closer. She stepped in front of Brea and Cole.

  The ladies were laughing and hollering. One stopped dead in her tracks when she spotted the hard-bodied cowboy. “Lord Almighty! Looky what Daisy has in her stock!”

  All the other women were ogling him now too.

  Maggie placed her hands on her hips. “This man here is not stock! He’s taken and he ain’t for sale!”

  The women all got quiet as they looked at each other and back at her. They grumbled and muttered disappointed nonsense under their breath.

  “But…” Maggie smiled. “We have the entertainment starting in the Strip Room in five minutes.” She turned to nod at Brea and a stunned looking Cole.

  “Whoot!” they all began yelling.

  Maggie gave Brea a knowing wink, threw her hands up and directed them around the base of the stairs. “This way, ladies!”

  The entire troupe began their party-like whoops again as they moved away.

  They resembled a stampeding mob of the worst sort of wildebeests, Brea thought. Sparkling with an array of bright colors, crimson lipstick, fluffy hairdos and too much perfume.

  “Strip room?” Cole asked in a hushed voice from beside her.

  Brea stared at the women while she tried to casually nod her head at him. Oh, no. I know what he’s gonna ask next! She desperately wanted to change the subject now. “Let’s get that breakfast!” She tugged at his hand.

  “Wait—wait!” He held his ground.

  Brea took a deep breath and gazed up at him.

  “Have you attended any of these…events?”

  Brea’s tummy tightened as she almost held her breath.

  “I mean, have you been…?”

  Brea knew she needed to tell him the truth all the time, because she’d gotten into barbed wire with this man once already by omitting things and her heart had been bloodied pretty badly. “Well—um, a little?”

  Cole tilted his head at her. “What does a little mean?”

  Brea stepped close to h
im. “The first day I was here, Maggie pulled me into a closet and—well?” She began to lose her courage and tried to think of how to put it innocent like. Was there a way to innocently describe peeping at a stage full of half-naked men?

  “A closet?” he repeated back.

  Nodding her head, she nervously shuffled her feet like a schoolgirl caught smoking in the bathroom. “I didn’t know what I was gonna see—I mean…?” She ran out of explanations.

  “You watched one of these all male strip shows?” His voice rose.

  “No!” she denied heatedly. “It was one of them beef auctions!” The minute she said it, she wanted to take it back. Like a beef auction was better?

  Cole looked stony. “Show me this closet.”

  Brea gasped.

  “Come on now. You know we have to get this out or there’ll be trouble. We don’t want another to do list crisis.” He raised a brow at her.

  Brea bit at her lip. Yep, there would be trouble if I just let him wonder about it and I don’t wanna lose my man again! She took his hand and led him down the side hallway.

  Cole remained silent all the way.

  She opened the closet door and tugged him in, shutting it behind them.

  The light in the closet was already on and he looked around. “It’s a hat and coat room.” His eagle eyes spanned the rather large closet.

  Brea nodded and innocently gazed around. “Yep! So, this is all there—”

  He stepped toward the covered peephole. “So, this is where…” He slid the small flap aside and leaned down to ‘peep’.

  Brea released a scared breath and clenched her hands together.

  Cole stood with his tall body bent while looking through the hole.

  Oh, no! She didn’t even know what all he might see. He could get a real eyeful, depending on what the show was doing right this minute. Brea was panicked. “Cole?” she whispered. “Now listen, I—”

  He stepped away from the hole and turned to face her. “I see the stage and men are up there. They’re gyrating their hips and women are touchin’ them.”

  Brea nodded as her heart pounded in her ears.


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