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Triple K Set

Page 25

by Beck, J. L.

  “Well, now, baby girl. Now, since you two rode in plain as day as a couple, everyone knows he done stole into the chicken coop and grabbed himself the prized egg.”

  Kanda’s gaze shot over to her. “Stole into the chicken coo—”


  “Ma, it was you who yelled the news out when I got here! And what the hell are you trying to say anyway?”

  Mable shook her head. “I don’t wanna address that right directly. We need to start with the geology report, then have Wade here oversee the diggin’, yada-yada.”

  “Now, Ma, I told you how I felt about diggin’ holes in Kincade land!”

  “Yes, I heard it enough times already.” She looked over at Wade.

  He nodded. “I have a complete report in my saddle bags.”

  “Good boy,” she answered. “Then, you and Kanda will be working together on the arrangements for the next phase.”

  “Okay…what?” Kanda snapped.

  “Again, daughter, this is not up for discussion. Only the next phase is. If we don’t do this? You may lose your inheritance!”

  Kanda’s mouth popped open.

  “Yes, missy. What do ya’ll think I gone and hired Mister…Hot Gold Miner here?”

  “Ma’am?” Wade spoke up.

  “Yes?” Mable smiled brightly at him.

  Kanda’s mouth dropped open again. Her mother never smiled. Why, she’s flirting with Wade!

  “It seems that maybe a compromise may be had, over the digging part.”

  “Really now?”

  He nodded and glanced over at Kanda. “There are many ways to extract the minerals, besides digging holes.”

  Mable batted her lashes at him. “Yes, and I will just bet, you have the brightest ideas when it comes to extractin’.”

  “Ma!” Kanda exclaimed.

  Wade chuckled.

  Kanda gazed back and forth at them both. “Okay. His idea sounds better to me now. So, what was that part about monkey business you were sayin’ before?” She knew her cheeks were flaming as she spoke.

  “Well, whadda ’bout it?” her mother retorted. “I just wanted to ask Mr. Monroe here, what his intentions were.”

  “Oh, my GAWD, Mother!” Kanda stood up. “What timeframe do you think it is we’re livin’ in? The 1800s?’ She tightened her fists. “It ain’t any of your business!”

  “My intentions are…” Wade cut into the women’s argument. “…Honorable.”

  Kanda’s mouth popped open for a third time in less than ten minutes.

  “As in?” her mother asked.

  “As in, something serious and not to be mistaken for just a passing thing.”

  Kanda’s mouth snapped shut as she sank heavily back into the leather chair while gaping at him.

  “Gosh darnit, Kandy, close yer rap, will ya?” her mother admonished. “You didn’t expect him to say he just wanted to try out the milking cow to get a taste of dairy, did ya?”

  “Ma!” she yelled.

  Mable snickered. “It’s the damndest thing, Kanda, girl. I thought for sure you was gonna die and never know hot lovin’ from a man.”

  Kanda put her face into her hands, feeling utterly mortified as she simply gave up on shutting Mable up.

  “Well, okay, then. So, since you’ll be staying here at the 3 K… And you are serious about my girl here? You can throw your saddlebags and gear into her room.”

  Kanda’s head shot up, flabbergasted at her mother’s effrontery and utter gall.

  Wade chuckled but didn’t say another word.

  “So, we’ll all have supper together, too. Although, your good-lookin’ brothers done run off the help with their skirt chasin’.”

  Kanda let out a heavy sigh of more embarrassment.

  “Okay, meetin’ adjourned for now.” Mable tossed her pen up onto the desk and nodded at them.

  Kanda stood up glaring daggers at her mother. “Yeah, good meetin’, Ma. You just about done all the damage you could for now.”

  “I swear, Kandy, you turned beautiful overnight, my dear,” her mother commented while ignoring Kanda’s sarcastic observation.

  Her eyes widened. Her mother never complimented her looks before.

  “Yep. Seems, hot lovin’ becomes you.”

  Wade must have been holding in his laughter for a while, because it came gushing out in a huge guffaw.

  Kanda shot her angry gaze over at him as she threw her hands up and released an, “AHHH!” of frustration and stomped out of Mable’s office, although she could still hear them talking.

  “Yer work is cut out for you, young stud,” her mother continued. “Yep, she’s a handful all right.”

  “I know it,” Wade actually had the audacity to answer her. “But it’s the most enjoyable work I’ve ever undertaken.”

  She could hear her mother laughing loudly, like she’d never heard her mother do since her daddy died, and Wade’s deep laughter joined hers. The sounds of hilarity and her humiliation followed poor Kanda all the way down the hall as she strode angrily to her room.


  You smell too purty.

  I will just bet his dates were supper before they even get to say grace!


  Plush Stud Ranch, Victoria, Texas

  Maggie’s disgruntled attitude had altered a whole lot as she just spent twenty snicker-filled minutes making up names for him. Jet the Tomcat, Sheep Stalking Cowboy was the best yet! Then some of those Tex-sayings she’d been writing down in her notebook all of these months finally found a home. He was loose as a bucket full of soot, or he uses his bed sheet as a tablecloth! She let out a chuckle… Like, I will just bet his dates WERE supper before they even get to say grace! Her chuckle turned into a laugh snort.


  Her laughter stopped short. Maggie heard it but didn’t know where it came from. She stacked the last of the rinsed out pots and pans on the rack and turned to look around the large kitchen.

  There he stood, the Chicken Hawk Cowboy, her final name choice for him now. “I found the room, but…um—well.” He looked embarrassed.

  Wiping her hands on a dry cloth, she asked, “Yeah and…?” She fought to look calm and cool, even though her knees knocked nervously together as she tossed the cloth onto the counter.

  “I think Cole is otherwise occupied from the type of noises I heard through the door.”

  Her face flamed a little. “Yeah, they have been busy with—that.” She stepped closer. “Well, can I get you something to eat or drink while you wait?”

  He stilled and tilted his head at her.


  “You sound different than before.”

  Oh, crap. She was all drawls and Tex-slang before. “So?” she asked in a flippant tone.

  He grinned, his eyes remaining locked onto her face. “Just interesting is all.”

  “Well, I would show you around the ranch, but I sure as hell don’t think you’ll be impressed none.”

  “Why do ya say that?”

  She almost laughed aloud. Then she stared closer at him— Oh…he doesn’t know! Oh, my gad, this will be so much fun! “Oh, pardon my bad manners. I’ll show ya around till them two lovebirds come back down.” She chose to keep the accent and to lead the way for a sweet little innocent tour around the Plush Stud Ranch.

  “The name is Jet Kincade.” He stuck his hand out. “We got off to a bad start, but I aim to fix that.” He gave her a warm smile.

  Maggie hesitated a little ’cause that smile made her heart flutter. Well, it made other things flutter too, she just didn’t know what to think about it. She grabbed his hand and shook it. “Well…” She dropped his hand. No, Mags. Don’t go believing he’s just a nice man, like Cole. He oozes bad boy, woman chaser, or hound dog as they called it down here in Texas. He smells of pure nonsense and trouble like the client women did while wearing too much makeup and Chanel No. 3. “So, let me show ya the place,” she offered in a sweet, sugar-coated voice as she heade
d out through the double doors, wearing a sly smile he couldn’t see.

  Jet followed her out.

  “Let me see…where should we start?” she asked even though she already knew. The parlor! It was just after dinnertime and an hour before the strip show. It would be the perfect time to introduce him to some new and overly exuberant friends. She stepped up to the Plush Parlor swinging wooden doors and swung them open.

  He looked suspicious suddenly…almost as if he felt something was up.

  Maggie stepped in through the doors and motioned him forward. Come on, said the spider to the fly, she thought with humor as he moved closer.

  He took a few steps inside.

  “Ladies?” she called out. “This is Jet Kincade.”

  There were about 20 women of various ages and sizes, sitting around, gossiping and chattering like old hens. Their startled gazes looked up and gasps could be heard echoing so loud, it sounded like a great big gas pipe might be leaking in the room.

  In a flash, they were all around Jet. Their hands on his chest, legs and—he shouted out as one of them squeezed his ass cheeks through his jeans. “What the hell?” he yelled and his body jumped forward on its own accord as they hung all over him, slipping $20 bills into his pockets and deep into the waist of his jeans.

  Maggie gasped at the hilarious sight as she bent forward with a peal of overwhelming laughter. She laughed so hard her sides hurt, tears rolling down her cheeks as she watched them strip his shirt from his back. “Oh, my god!” she exclaimed as her watery eyes rounded. She still laughed breathlessly as she pushed her way forward and put her fingers into her mouth, letting out a huge whistling sound, just like Mama Daisy taught her to do. “Ladies!” she shouted.

  They all halted their groping and pawing as they gazed over at her.

  “Now, ya know Mama Daisy’s rules!” She fought to keep from laughing. “No touching the—studs, before the show!”

  The women all hung around his shoulders while their many hands and greedy fingers roamed along his big body like suntan lotion on a bikini wearing ass. “Boooo,” some grumbled as others made sounds of disappointment with, “Aww, damnit!” Some kissed his cheeks or his shoulders, then…they finally…all moved away.

  Jet stood very still, looking like a lipstick truck just overturned on top of him. He was covered in pinks, reds and rose colored glosses. His hair was sticking up straight, like someone just gelled it into a kinky looking emo swoop on top of his head. His shirt had been ripped clean off his most excellent muscled torso.

  There seemed to be money shoved in all kinds of places, some Maggie just never thought of before as she stared at the stunned man in front of her. His prized ‘Champion’ buckle even sported a hundred dollar bill! She slowly raised her hands to her mouth in shock. Oh, shit storms. I think I let it go too far!

  Jet blinked his eyes and slowly peered helplessly down at himself, gazing at the lipstick marks, the cash hanging from various locations and his ripped shirt lying at his feet.

  Maggie let out one of her laugh snorts and then plastered her hands over her mouth. She stood while stifling her laughter and waited for him to raise his gaze. When he did, she gulped while her heart nearly stopped in her chest.

  Those eyes of his, which were just bored-looking or half-lidded before, like he didn’t really care about anything at all—now glared fiercely at—her.

  He looks madder than a—aw, fuck it! Maggie let out a squeak and turned around to hightail it out of there. She dashed through the saloon styled doors and jumped up onto the stairs, going two steps at a time. She could hear him close behind her as she reached the top. His strong hands caught hold of her shoulders and he plucked her up like a piece of paper dancing in the wind.

  Maggie squealed and struggled while he held her tight, stepping up onto the landing, gazing down at her face.

  “Now, you’re going to explain to me, just what the fuck was that?”

  Truly caught now, she swallowed hard and found she couldn’t speak. But she knew right away—it wasn’t out of fear. It came from the feeling of his warm body being up so close against hers. Her breath hitched as she stared into his angry eyes. Her heart started to pound as his lips drew close to hers.

  “Tell me why you did that.”

  Maggie was honest to a fault; it’d always been her downfall, her path to trouble, and now wouldn’t be any exception, so she found her voice to give him the reply she felt he deserved. “Well, I figured since you truly believe you are god’s gift to women—”

  “Cole Kincade!” A voice called out, breaking into her all too honest of an answer. “What the hell are you doing to my daughter?”

  Maggie and Jet froze as their startled gazes swung over to an angry Daisy.

  Rand stood beside her with a raised brow.

  “What? One Plush girl ain’t enough for ya?” Hands on her hips, Daisy looked like she might take him apart limb from limb.

  Jet gaped at her, then swung his gaze up to Maggie’s face as she was raised up above him in his tight grip.

  “What the hell is going…” Brea’s voice faded away as she, too, stepped into the hall and gawked at the couple.

  Cole stepped up beside her.

  Both Rand and Daisy did double takes back and forth at the identical twin cowboys.

  “Well, I’ll be dammed,” Rand spoke finally. His gaze swung over to Maggie. “All right, little girl. What did you do now?” Out of the group, he did know what messes his daughter could make at times.

  Maggie bit at her lip.

  “What the hell happened to you, Jet?” Cole asked as he stared at his tousled looking twin.

  “Fuck if I know!” Jet snapped back.

  The couples standing at each end of the hall moved in closer to inspect Jet as he set Maggie down. “We aren’t through yet,” he whispered in a threatening tone to her ear as he let her go.

  She stumbled back and gasped.

  The four people who crowded in seemed to be studying the damage done to Jet’ person.

  Cole reached a finger out to swipe it through some pink smudged lipstick, that remained on his bare shoulder. “What the hell, Jet? You fall into a vat at Max Factor?”

  Jet didn’t look amused. “I was sent by ma to fetch you and when I…” he halted and slowly gazed over at a scared looking Maggie. “Looked for you, you were busy. Then, little Miss Ideas here, said she wanted to—” He halted yet again, as Daisy reached up close and touched his spiked up hair.

  Cole stood close too and his gaze dropped to his brother’s prized belt buckle to see the hundred-dollar bill tucked neatly behind it. “Oh, brother of mine, what have you been doing?”

  Brea let out a spontaneous laugh. “You aren’t wearing a shirt and you smell like…like—”

  “A Texas whorehouse on a Saturday night!” Daisy piped in as she also started to laugh.

  Jet looked fit to be tied. “She said it was a tour.” He stared straight at Maggie while the laughter rose around him.

  Maggie gulped.

  “Oh, no, Mags. “ Daisy stopped laughing. “You took him to the parlor at…” She gazed down at her watch. “This time of day?” Shock was apparent on her face.

  Maggie took a step back. “Well, he—he deserved it!”

  “Well, now…” Cole interjected. “She may have a point there!” He chuckled and took another amused look at his twin. “What did he do, hit on ya?”

  Maggie stared over at Jet.

  “Is that true?” her dad asked, stepping forward as his face started to get red.

  “What?” Daisy now stopped her laughing amusement and stared over at the disheveled Jet.

  Maggie bit at her lip while Jet stared right into her eyes. “No!” she yelled. “He didn’t!”

  “Well then, why on Earth would you take him into the hyena’s den at feeding time?” Daisy questioned.

  Maggie tossed her gaze down. “Well…he didn’t make a pass at me is why. Said I was a kid and I got mad.” She raised her gaze to Jet. “I ap
ologize for the prank. Honestly, I didn’t know they would jump on you like that! I mean, who would know they would act like they never saw a man before!”

  Jet blinked his eyes as though shocked by her little white lie and the blaze went out of his gaze. “Okay…I accept your apology.”

  Maggie took a deep breath and gazed at the crowd now staring at her.

  “I just wish I had a camera!” Cole interjected with laughter in his voice. “Holy fuck, could I make money off selling the copies!” His laughter grew louder. “Just add some panty hose and we got a new Miss Texas!”

  More rounds of laughter echoed through the hallway.

  “It’s just—too dang much. Whatever it was you did? We all know you deserved it!” Cole slapped his jean-clad thigh and laughed as he doubled over.

  “Well, ha fucking ha, brother. But, you’d better be thinking about getting home real quick. Mable is getting wild ideas and heavy opinions while you’ve been gone.” He remained unamused as a few leftover giggles from the women could be heard along with a low male chuckle from Rand.

  “Okay.” Cole swiped at his eyes as his voice still sounded a bit strangled from the suppressed laughter. “Yeah, we wanted to…” He gazed over at Brea. “…Ask if it might be better to move Maggie over to the Triple K. Seeing as this…?” He motioned toward the ceiling and the hallway in general. “Isn’t really a place for a young lady.” He stared at Daisy. “Meaning no disrespect, Miss Daisy.”

  Daisy’s smile faded.

  Rand placed a hand on her arm.

  “Yes,” Brea added. “She’s my sister and I never knew she even existed. I would like to get to know her now, and I’m the cook over there. I sure could use the help?”

  Rand and Daisy looked at each other.

  “I wanna go, Mama Daisy…Dad?”

  Jet watched Maggie closely the entire time the conversation went on.

  “Okay. It is probably for the best,” Rand answered. “Maybe she’ll get into less trouble over there.” His gaze swung over to Jet. “Although…I doubt it.”

  Maggie felt excited as she clasped her hands together, then she caught Jet gazing intently at her and her wide smile dropped away. She never considered she would be around this Kincade brother when the idea came up before. Oh, my stars! She gulped at the look in his eyes. It was interest all right and something else new, she couldn’t put her finger on. Her heart started that fluttering again. Dare I go head to head with this hot, magnetic cowboy?


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