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Triple K Set

Page 36

by Beck, J. L.


  “Okay.” She shut her eyes. Then she heard some rustling and other sounds as it seemed like forever went by. Different odd noises echoed over—clothing? Was he getting dressed? Then she heard something drop to the carpet and him swearing under his breath. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yep…just keep them closed,” he prompted from somewhere in front of her.

  “Gosh Dangit, Cole, this is killing me!” She put her hands up over her eyes, not trusting herself.

  “Okay, open them!”

  Brea dropped her hands swiftly.

  Cole stood there, still nude but wearing his cowboy hat and a red scarf around his neck with pink letters….

  In his hands and placed in front of his well…family jewels—was a cake.

  Her eyes rounded as she leaned forward and squinted at the round triple layered, colorful cake.

  On top of chocolate frosting, spelled out in M&Ms was…

  “Oh!” She jumped with a start and bounced on the bed as she shouted, then slapped her hands over her mouth.

  Cole looked nervous as hell while he watched her face closely. He took an anxious looking step closer. “I baked it myself while you were asleep.”

  She stared at her bare, cake carrying cowboy and held her breath. This can’t be real…THIS CAN’T BE REAL!

  He cleared his throat to get her attention.

  Her gaze shot up to his as her hands slowly fell away from her open mouth.

  “Look closer at the cake, Brea.”

  Her gaze dropped to the M&M words again. A ring sat at the bottom of the question mark, the rather large diamond on the gold band glinted in the light. Again, she slapped both hands over her mouth. Tears filled her eyes as she watched Cole, the sexiest cowboy she ever saw, kneel onto one knee in front of her while offering up the cake, naked as the day he was born except for the red bandana and his Stetson.

  “Brea Harmony Plush. I don’t want to ever be without you. My days are now the brightest and the sweetest since you came barreling into my life. You are a dream come true for a man like me. I want to have every meal with you, every dance, every minute that I can steal, I want to have beautiful babies with you and have our boots sitting side by side till the day we die. Marry me?”

  Brea felt tears roll down her cheeks as she sucked in a huge breath—then she burst into crying.

  He pulled his hat-topped head back and stood up while looking stricken.

  Without even realizing what she was gonna do, she squealed like a teen girl as she leapt up and plowed into him, she was out of her mind with exhilaration.

  The cake smashed up against him and her, pasting itself between their bare bodies with a huge SQUISH.

  Brea wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him full on the lips with a huge smacking, knocking his hat clean off his head.

  Cole kissed her back his wide eyes staring into hers.

  Brea pulled her lips away as her body shook with adrenaline.

  “Is that a—yes?” he whispered.

  Brea laughed hard and then gulped as she opened her mouth to answer, “No…”

  His face paled as he looked like she just kneed him in those family jewels of his.

  Brea saw his expression and felt horrible for her nervous, mixed up answer. “NO, not that!” she shouted.

  Poor Cole gulped and looked like he might be the one to hyperventilate this time.

  “God Dammit!” she seethed in self disgust. “I didn’t mean it like…” Tongue-tied much, you idiot? I’m messing it all up! She shook her head.

  Cole stared at her shaking her head and staggered back a little while looking stunned, as the hole she was digging kept getting bigger and deeper.

  Brea tried to calm herself and let out a long slowing breath. “I meant to say—HELL, YES!”

  He released a huge breath as though he was just given pleasure after enduring some horrible pain. He gulped again, then trembled a little and now, he was smiling hugely at her. “HOT damn!” he yelled out with an exuberant cheer.

  Brea reluctantly removed her eyes from his smiling face as she slowly peered down and saw chocolate frosting on her bare belly as the rest of the cake slumped in various clumps down his legs and plopped onto the floor.

  His eyes followed hers downward as he too, stared.

  Seeing his cute reaction and feeling like the luckiest woman who ever lived, she felt exhilarated all over again. I’m gonna marry my hot cowboy! Without warning, Brea literally jumped up on him, trying to wrap her legs around him.

  Cole again looked shocked as he staggered back helplessly and landed on the carpet with her on top of him.

  M&Ms scattered in all directions as they flew across the carpet around them.

  Brea immediately raised up and lowered her lips to his belly, licking the frosting from his abs. “Yum, my favorite flavor too!”

  Cole grunted, as his body grew stiff from her licking.

  Brea’s exuberance didn’t stop there as she licked him up and down. Her greedy tongue swirling circles of cake and chocolate all over his lower belly. Then, she grabbed his chocolate frosted cock and stroked him liberally.

  His breathing grew rapid. “Now…Brea—”

  He’d stopped her from doing this before and she vowed that even an army of Texas Rangers wouldn’t be able stop her this time. She dunked her head and latched her mouth greedily onto him…sucking him hard and fast as she hand-stroked his base.

  “Ahhh…” he groaned out with total surprise in his voice.

  Brea sucked his now very sweet frosted tool for all she was worth and she even stopped to lick chocolate off his tightening ‘family jewels’ too. Then switched back to sucking deeply on him.

  “Brea!” he yelled out, seeming to be caught in the lurch of this oral assault as his pelvis rose up.

  His erection was pushed further into her mouth as she puffed her cheeks out. She pushed her hands under him to grab those firm buns of his and use them to propel him upward as she gave them pulsing squeezes with her fingers.

  He let out a huge, loud moan as he came right then.

  Brea tasted him combined with the chocolate and she never dreamed about what a turn on this would really be, as her big, strong cowboy literally became chocolate pudding in her hands—well, her mouth actually. She did not stop though while she kept sucking and kneading until he calmed.

  Cole raised his head up, as he looked dazed and starry eyed while breathing hard. “Good Lord, Brea—what the hell was—that?”

  Brea raised her head to stare back at him as she smacked her lips with an exhilarated joy. “That was me having my cake and eating it too.”

  At her bold answer, his eyes widened and he then let out a huge breathless laugh.

  Brea fell into laughter with him as he tugged her up along his sticky body. They kissed while chortling breathlessly—glorious, sweet snickering chocolate kisses.

  Cole smoothed his firm warm hands along her body.

  Brea kept wrangling with his tongue, though her sticky parts and bits were tingling from his touch. Then her eyes rounded as she pulled her mouth from his with a smacking pop.

  “What?” He peered up at her.

  “Where’s the ring?” she gasped out with horror.

  He raised his brows and shrugged.

  Raising up, she looked all around them, her panic growing. “Oh, no! Where is it?” Her voice rose.

  Cole’s body was vibrating as he started chuckling.

  Her gaze whipped back to his face. “Cole! This is NOT funny!”

  His laughter grew.

  “I mean it! I lost my ring before I even wore it?” She swiped her face and felt smears of messy frosting grazing her cheek.

  Staring at the mess she just made, he was now laughing so hard that he stuttered out with, “You—ARE—wearing it!”

  Perplexed, she swished her head went back and forth with utter confusion. Peering down at her sticky fingers, she thought maybe he’d slipped it on while she was
busy sucking on his tongue like it was a straw in a chocolate-Cole-shake. “Where?”

  Helplessly lost to amusement, Cole couldn’t answer or stop his laughter.

  Brea smacked his crunched up with M&Ms covered chest. “This isn’t funny cowboy! This is all kinds of bad luck and it isn’t a jok—”

  Still snickering, he raised a hand and pushed one of her boobs up.

  Halting, she peered down to see a glob of frosting that had a sparkling jewel glued right onto the nipple of the boob he held up. Her mouth popped wide open as she stared at her own confection-ring-covered breast in disbelief.

  “See?” He choked out between fits of hilarity. “You were wearing it—already!” Cole then convulsed into almost hysterical laughter.

  Her eyes swung over to him. “Of all the silly—?”

  He raised up on his elbows while still sniggering. “I sure wish I’d thought of putting it there!” Taking a deep breath, Cole latched onto her chocolate layered nipple, sucking the ring and the frosting clean off.

  Brea’s body nearly convulsed at the feeling it gave her. Good Lord, that mouth of his is hot!

  He grinned at her as he reached up and took the ring from his chocolate smeared mouth. “I always said you tasted sweeter than chocolate, didn’t I?”

  Brea heard the corny compliment but all she could do was stare in total awe at the most important gift she had ever received in her whole life.

  Cole’s smile dropped away along with his chuckling as he grasped her hand and slipped the ring onto her sticky finger. “It belonged to my Grandmother,” he whispered.

  Still staring at it, she could hear her own heart pounding in her ears. “It’s—it’s the most—beautiful—” She broke into full weeping again.

  Cole sat up and moved her to his sugar gummed lap. “Brea, don’t cry!” He wrapped his arms around her.

  “Of course, I’m gonna cry! You silly man. This—?” She sniffled as she wept like a baby. “—is the happiest day of my liiiffee!” she sobbed out like a child.

  He gently patted her back. “Well, I hope so, but it’s really not.”

  Brea hiccupped like a little girl and her crying halted. “What?”

  He pulled back to gaze into her eyes. “The day I actually see you coming up the aisle, to be my wife…” His voice fell away. “…That will be the happiest day for us both.”

  Brea paused at the sweet image he painted and then she started weeping all over again. In the middle of her wailing, she swiped at her tears and her lashes were sticking together as she tried to blink.

  Cole gave her a lopsided grin while he tried to help her by pulling on her eyelids and he chuckled again.

  “Ow!” she exclaimed.

  Looking concerned, he then kissed her eyelid and blew on it like it was a child’s boo-boo.

  The gentle, sweet move wasn’t lost on her, as she wondered what generous angel in the western heavens liked her so much that she got the sweetest, sexiest cowboy on earth! “I wanna say something like we are now stuck together forever?” she joked some more to keep from crying like a fool again. “All, while I’m crying and you’re laughing.” She hiccupped again. “How perfect are we together?”

  Cole stared at her. “God dammit, my fiancé is really as sweet she looks!” He reached to his neck and untied the bandana, then placed it around her neck and looped tied it. Using it as a towline, he pulled her close to his face. “I love you, Brea Plush,” he stated to her lips.

  She smiled through her tears. “No…say it right, Cole Kincade.”

  He tilted his head and looked thoughtful. “I love you Brea Kincade.”

  Hearing the name on his lips just knocked the wind out of her again! Brea foolishly started to weep just like before.

  Cole pulled his head back to stare at her tear-streaked, sugar laden cheeks and then scooped her up. “Dammit, woman! How can I make you happy without making you cry?” He stood and strode across the carpet, M&Ms crunching under his bare feet. Then, he halted while wearing a perplexed expression and tried to look down.

  Brea sniffled and saw his puzzled expression then noted what he was trying to do; only her plush body was blocking the view of his feet. She leaned out a little and saw that his big toe and the next toe was stuck together with frosting covered M&Ms. “Okay, now…I know what sweet feet really look like!” She burst into spontaneous laughter.

  Cole harrumphed and rolled his eyes as he carried her back toward the bathroom. “You best quit that Mrs. Kincade or I’m gonna make you cry again.”

  Brea’s laughter kept on going. “Just—like a man.” She now swiped at tears of hilarity. “Never satisfied!”

  Setting her down at the shower stall instead of the summer tub, he turned on the water and then tested its temperature with his fingers. “Oh, yeah?” he asked as he swung her over to the shower. “I’m about to get satisfied by feasting on you.”

  Brea gasped as the shower spray hit her on top of her head. Then candy bits, cake and chocolate cream frosting slowly rolled down her body.

  Cole stared hard at her.

  Brea recognized that hot look in his eyes, the one he always got before she got the best lovin’ of her life.

  “Brea cake?” he whispered in a low tone as he stepped in and grabbed her up. “Yeah, I’ll have a slice of that.” He lowered his fingers to stroke her button, as his head dropped and he pulled a wet nipple into his mouth.

  Her legs went weak as she nearly slumped against his strong arm supporting her back. When this cowboy touches me, I almost forget my own name. But— maybe not this time! As the sweet litany of names repeated in her mind, Brea Harmony Kincade…Mrs. Cole Kincade…Mr. and Mrs. Kincade…


  More Nonsense & Trouble


  Cook’s Cottage, Triple K Ranch

  Maggie led Jet into the Cottage and shut the door. “Of all the lunatic families in the world! These two take the freaking cake! Everybody punching each other and running around like they were on crack or something!”

  Jet chuckled.

  “Then…YOU!” She pointed at him.

  Halting, he turned to face her. “What?”

  Maggie shook her head in disgust and took his arm, leading him to the kitchen table. “Don’t play that with me, Jet Kincade!”

  He sat at the table and swiped at his lip, then winced. “I don’t know what you’re going on about.”

  Maggie tisked under her breath as she rinsed a clean washcloth out. “You stoked that fire! Obviously, stacking on the wood and lighting the match, giving the wrong answers to my dad like that.” She came over to the table. “Turn that beat up face to me.”

  Jet immediately turned in his seat. “I like it when you get bossy.” He grinned.

  Maggie huffed and grabbed his chin, wiping the blood away from it. “I am soo glad you are enjoying all this.”

  He stared at her face while she wiped his cheeks and nose. “Besides, I gave the right answers, for your information.”

  Maggie swung her eyes down to his. “Oh, really?”


  Maggie sighed. “Tell me what he asked.”

  Jet looked uncomfortable. “It’s…between men and it should stay that way.”

  Maggie stomped her foot in frustration. “I think you have gone stark raving mad. Maybe you’ve been thrown off a bull one too many times.”

  Reaching up, he grabbed her hand, halting the wiping. “I have never been saner in my life.” His voice had gone deep.

  Maggie sucked in her breath and stared into those dark blue eyes of his. “How can that be? You are going to be the guest of honor at a shotgun wedding by our nutcase relatives! Forced to marry a girl who…” Her voice faded away.

  Sitting forward at attention, Jet asked, “Who…? A girl who what?”

  Shaking her head, she tried to diffuse the subject. She meant she wasn’t the girl for a hot guy like him. She sure as hell wasn’t the Texas Barbie doll of the ball! Being short, a little plump and
big chested. “Can’t you see this is crazy? You are gonna lose your chicken hawk status, you will be tied down and shut the hell down, no more parties, beautiful women and—”

  Jet stood from the chair and it toppled over, hitting the floor. His eyes looked intense as he tugged her forward by the wrist he held.

  Maggie let out a startled breath as she was pulled right up against a hard chest.

  “I’m gonna say this one more time, Maggie…I want this and I know my own mind. I don’t see it as an end of anything, but a beginning.”

  Stunned, she blinked her eyes rapidly. She had no pithy reply or any words at all. The intense look in his eyes froze her in place.

  Jet placed his lips close to hers.

  Her body started to tremble, as she could smell the grass from the lawn on him combined with the scent she knew she was fast becoming addicted to—HIS scent.

  “This isn’t a joke, lark or a mistake.” He leaned in and gave her a closed mouth, smacking kiss.

  Maggie wanted to push her tongue into that hot mouth, but she already felt confused and scared by all of this. No sense in her stoking any fires either.

  Pulling his lips away, he suddenly smiled. “So…you got any more violent lunatic brothers, cousins or uncles? Maybe a crazed, batty aunt who carries a loaded derringer or something?”

  Not answering, she was still caught in the web he just wove. Shaking her head and the Jet web away, she forced a calm smile. “Well…”

  His smile dropped while he waited for her to finish.

  “…I do have an uncle that adores me and they call him…Hercules. He won the strongest man title 5 years in a row. His hobbies involve pulling trucks with a rope around his waist as a towline.”

  Jet stepped back a little.

  “Then, there’s a cousin and well…he sort of had a crush on me, but he was always busy wrestling alligators of all things.

  Jet’s jaw dropped as she listed her family members.

  “OH! And I forgot about Haymaker! He boxes in the heavyweight class. He used to hang out with me all the time. We would go to Sydney and have a day of it once a week. Well, actually they call him Mount Monroe back home, but he’s a gentle giant really—expect for...”


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