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Triple K Set

Page 44

by Beck, J. L.

  He pulled his hot gaze away, then joined her laughter as he stared straight ahead again, and maneuvered his horse over some rocks. “Well, hell that’s disappointing!”

  Her eyes widened at his flirting. Wow, he’s kind of cute. She sat up straighter on her horse. Stupid girl! You’re out here chasing the Jude Payson Dream and you are having thoughts about Breen? Pretty soon, you’ll be earning that Dime Store Hussy name Daisy was dubbing you with.

  The branding camp came into sight. Victoria’s heart started to pound at just the thought of seeing Jude again, after 3 months. Her stomach filled with butterflies and she tried to breathe out slow.

  They came to a stop at the fence rail. Breen jumped off his horse and went around to help her dismount.

  Damn, he is so sweet! Helping her on and off. She’d been riding a horse since she was five and she didn’t need the help, but she sure wasn’t going to be rude about it. It’s not every day a man acts like this. All well mannered and attentive.

  Breen was fast on his booted feet as he helped her down and their chests met for a moment. His chest was all hard against her soft pillows of pleasure as Valeen called them. She bit at her lower lip and took in a scent that made her head swim. What the heck? Her body was simmering from the heat coming off of his. She looked into his deep, green eyes. That heated look she saw before glittered there and she sucked in her breath.

  He halted too, and gazed at her face for a moment. “Um, Victoria—I wanted to say that—”

  “Hey!” a voice called to them.

  They both turned their heads to see Jude and Quinn walking up.

  As if he felt reluctant to set her down, Breen sighed and allowed her boots to hit the dirt.

  At the sight of her cowboy in his leather chaps and a chest hugging, blue double button shirt, she grew rigid with nerves and willed herself to act calm. After all, it’s not like we’re sweethearts or like we’re lovers—

  Jude beamed at her while rushing over to pick her up and spin her around. “I’m so happy you made it!” he exclaimed and smothered her mouth with his.

  The man of her dreams was kissing her with a fierce passion—a dream come to life! Her body melted to his as her senses left her. Her mind whirled from the heady feeling. Oh, lord his kisses are better than I dreamt about. These lips could melt freakin iron…WHAT? WAIT!

  He pulled his searing lips away from hers and stared lovingly at her face. “I know you said you might not be able to break away but…” He grinned. “Damn, I missed you!”

  Victoria couldn’t speak and she thought she might just pass out. Staring into the blue eyes of beyond, owned by her dream of a cowboy. The one man she had pined away for all this time, her chest felt heavy with fear. Jude was finally looking at her with the expression she’d yearned to see for so long. With a gut wrenching epiphany, she realized a certain redheaded witch of South Texas had been there before her.

  VALEEN! That Jezebel! How could she have done this?

  Blazin’ A Trail


  Flatonia, Texas…

  A delightful little town that keeps the old spirit of history alive. Despite its size, it is a busy little place with pockets of industry. The railroad is big there with actual tours of the railway stations and such. There are real cattle ranches there as well, which we depict in this series.

  Making a trip to an Author Conference I sat up in my seat and stared…The Welcome to Flatonia sign stood at the side of the freeway where my driver just happened to turn onto this particular exit to gas up! I felt goose bumps to be right where JL’s and my series calls home! It was one of those moments when you get a surreal feeling at being in the place where you created an entire life and a world with characters so real that some readers feel like they are family.

  Cassandra Bloom


  Barefoot and buck naked…


  Everyone was in attendance in the 2-acre lawn covered backyard at the Triple K ranch. The grass looked newly clipped and spread out for what seemed like miles with an eye blinding, emerald green. A wide open sky sparkled from above with a sapphire blue that could only be found in Texas. It was a perfect place to hold a wedding, she agreed mentally with Mable’s words of before.

  Gosh, the only cliché’ missing would be doves.

  Brea half expected them to fly over at any second. She felt like none of this could be real in any case. She was walking on air as she nearly floated forward. Everyone was here, people she knew from town, from the diner she worked at and some of the girls from high school even. The skinny, pretty ones too. They all looked green with envy.

  With a sudden realization, Brea straightened her spine. Damn right! All the fatsy fat taunting and the blubber buns, plushy plush butt names they called her? The fact that she could not even get a date to the prom had prompted a whole week’s worth of sneers and comments from most of them.


  Look who is marrying THE hottest cowboy in this whole state! THE PLUSH GIRL, that’s who! Suddenly, a huge smile rippled along her lips. I dreamed big, went after my man and it worked!

  Maggie caught her attention as she sat in the second row with an ear to ear smile as if she just heard Brea’s thoughts. Mable even gave her a wink from where she sat in the front row, like she also knew what Brea had been thinking.

  Most of the cowhands were even present, sitting in the chairs along the flower petal filled aisle. When she passed, all of the cowboys removed their hats in acknowledgement. It was so cool, like a tribute and acceptance. All of them stared directly at her too, as they let out ooohs and ahhhs when she passed by.

  Her smile was shaky from all the attention and her hands trembled. Her bravado of before just dried right up. She certainly wasn’t used to so many people staring at her and she SURE wasn’t used to everyone acting as if she was THAT beautiful. She glanced down at the magnificently gorgeous lace and velvet gown that Cole had designed for her. It is beautiful though. Just like she thought it would be. It fits me to a tee and is so flattering. It struck her again, how thoughtful and wonderful her Cole really was. How lucky could a girl be?

  She held a bouquet in her hands, her favorite white poseys. Another touch provided by her husband to be. Glancing up, she came closer to the tree. All decorated with bows, flowers and white silk streamers. Cole showed this to her just yesterday, it was the very one his grandfather planted there when Slade Kincade first bought this land for the ranch.

  Cole stood there in front of the ‘Kincade Tree’, as they called it…waiting for her. He sported a tux while wearing his best boots and that black Stetson he always wore. A huge, gorgeous smile beamed on his face.

  Am I really marrying the cowboy of my dreams?

  The wedding march playing in the background and floated to her ears as she moved closer to her future.

  Yes, it appears that I REALLY am!

  Excitement and joy filled her to the brim and she tried so hard NOT to tear up. Daisy told her never to do that… “When you’re wearin’ paint in public.” Speaking of her, Brea’s gaze swiveled around, searching for her notorious mother. Wasn’t this supposed to be her wedding day too? Maybe they will be up next and they’re getting ready right now? Brea returned her focus to her path. It would be just perfect to fall right on her face into a pile of petals in front of everyone in the county…ON her wedding day too!

  She moved closer to the sweet sexy man who was about to be her husband. Would they have children? Live on the ranch or maybe build their own house close by? Would she be a boring housewife? Or one day, be on the PTA? Her mind swam with questions, but she needed to believe what Cole had said. “They would be together and that meant it would be a happy future.”

  Cole stood waiting as he held out his hand. He nodded his head slightly with an almost glowing warmth reflecting from those baby blue eyes of his.

  The preacher smiled at her from behind him.

  Brea reached out and grasped his warm fingers as he tugged
her up and stood her next to him.

  Brea fought off the feeling that she was gonna faint. NO! You CANNOT do that! Get through this and marry him, for Corn’s sake! Faint later when you are on your honeymoon as Mrs. Cole Kincade. She took a deep breath and tried to focus on what the preacher was saying.

  “…If anyone gathered here has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace—”

  “I OBJECT!” A voice shouted.

  A collective gasp rippled along the guests sitting in the chairs.

  Brea whipped her head around and looked through the crowd to the only person who was standing.

  It was a woman. She was far back, along the chairs and she held something in her arms as tears streamed down her face. “I just could not let this happen! He needs Cole!”

  Brea squinted hard to try to see who it was. Her eyes widened.

  Victoria stood there, then stepped out onto the flower petal aisle. She lifted something into the air with both hands.

  Brea sucked in a huge breath when she finally realized that Victoria held a baby high into the air, a bright blue blanket swathed the boy as he began to cry.

  The whole beautiful setting turned from a sparkling scene to a black ash color before her very eyes. Everything blurred and the once bright colors ran together, like a Rockwell painting gone wrong. She could hear a loud roaring, it sounded like that time when a tornado passed close to where she lived in town last year. Her body shook as her stomach heaved. This can’t be real! She leaned her head back and screamed, “NOOOO!”


  Someone was shaking her. She bolted upright with a huge gasp, then she screamed again with, “NO!”

  “Brea honey. It’s okay. It was just a dream…”

  She turned her head toward the warm, comforting voice.

  Cole’s face wore a concerned expression. “Sweetie?” He clasped her hands in his. “It’s okay. You’re safe and sound.”

  Brea hiccupped and swiped a rolling tear from her cheek.

  He squeezed her hands and gazed into her eyes. “What has upset you?”

  Brea shook her head. She couldn’t tell him. It was SO horrid, so horrible! Could it really happen? Did Victoria hide the fact that she’d gotten pregnant? She shook her head to the question. Cole said they didn’t sleep together. WAIT! Not that he knew of! He woke up in another room, but since they were drunk, they could have earlier in the day! OH, god! Oh, god. Fear rippled through her as she started to weep in earnest now.

  “Oh…Brea honey. NO!” Cole hugged her tight and patted her back. “It’s just nerves, okay? We had a hard bump in the road. That’s all. It will be fine. You will see.”

  Brea tried to stop crying. He’s right. It’s just a dream. It’s fear. That old friend-monster she’d lived with her whole life. Until, she knocked him down and went with her gut when she decided to go after the man of her dreams. She needed to fight it off again. “She—stood up and—oohhh.” She started weeping again. “I can’t marry youuu!”

  Cole set her away from him. “What?”

  “I c-can’t. What if it re-all-y happens?”

  Cole kept shaking his head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If what happens?”

  “I—I dreamt about our wedding. It was so-so beautiful!”

  “Well, that sounds awesome Brea. Why is that bad? You have to tell me what all this is about.”

  “Vi-victoriaaaa!” she sobbed.

  Cole grabbed her arms and shushed her. “You need to calm down and slowly…tell me what is wrong. What do you mean you can’t marry me?”

  Brea sniffled and tried to slow her tears. “I dreamt that she objected at our wedding—she had YOUR baby!”

  Cole’s eyes widened. “WHAT?” he shouted.

  Brea jumped at his shout. He never yelled.

  “That’s impossible, Brea.”

  “Is it? You spent the whole time drunk and drugged in Vegas. How do YOU know? You could have slept with her and not remembered it!”

  He shook his head. “I really don’t think so.”

  “I-I can’t help it if I had a nightmare Cole. After I was going along so oblivious, so happy. Then those women showed up with their Vegas marriage pact. What if there’s something—something else?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Something else?”

  “Yes, that—well, might come up?”

  Cole stood up. “I told you everything about my life, from boyhood to now. I am NOT hiding anything else.”

  Brea stared at his trouble expression and the glow of truth in his eyes. “I know and I believe you. I just…” Her voice faded away.

  He sat back down and patted her hand. “You ARE going to marry me. We deserve to be happy. Don’t you want to be with me anymore?”

  Brea sucked her breath in. NOT be with this man anymore? The thought made her heart stop. “Of course, I do. I just think we should…”

  “What? Go ask Victoria if she has my baby?” His brow arched with the ridiculous question. “Like maybe she has hidden it away and plans to spring fatherhood on me while I’m walking down the aisle with another woman?”

  Sniffling, Brea stared him in the eyes. “Yes.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Serious as a Bride To Be who needs closure on the first Bride That Was.” She crossed her arms over her ample chest.

  Cole stood up and crossed his arms over his chest too, as though he was ready to stand his ground. “Well, I won’t go talk to her alone. That would be wrong on all accounts. So, you…Miss Bride To Be better get up and get dressed.”

  Brea batted her eyes. “You mean you will do it?”

  Cole let out a huge sigh and gazed down at her. “I would walk through hell’s acre of coals, barefoot and buck naked, carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders to keep you with me.”

  “That is so—sooo oddly sweet!” Brea put her hands up to her mouth and then started to sob again.

  Cole shook his head and scooped her up. “Never mind. I will dress you. I love taking care of you anyways.”

  With the sweet admittance, her sobbing grew even louder.

  Cole couldn’t help but to chuckle as he carried her to the bathroom.


  A sex on a stick, illegal contraband of sexiness…


  When she opened her eyes, the sun glanced across the room to spin its rays upon the most wonderful sight. Her eyes focused closer on the sunlight spanning across the most magnificent chest in all the world.

  Wade lay sleeping….his bare chest looking smooth, hard and so very lickable.

  Oh, lord in heaven can this be real?

  Kanda wondered if she was still dreaming in her sleep as she licked her lips with a yearning to taste all that glorious skin. To wake up next to this? She rolled her eyes to the heavens. Did I do some terrifically awesome act of mercy to be gifted with this? Maybe I gave an extra dollar at church services?

  LOVE! She just remembered what he said last night. He up and causally said he loved her! She still couldn’t wrap her mind around it.

  This showed her one thing. She stayed true to her nature, stayed true to what she felt. From the moment the Sextied Idea—as Wade jokingly called it—came to her. Tie this yummy man down and lose her virginity to someone worth it! Only, she didn’t know it would lead to this. Having him by her side. Being an ACTUAL couple! No, she never EVER dreamed that. She’d supposed being a man, he would like it and then move on. Just like the girls at that silly hair salon in town would say, ‘A good Tuq n’ Fuq. Then smile and walk away.’

  Her gut didn’t steer her wrong though and here she was, lying in his embrace as the sun danced along his yummy skin.

  His eyes opened slowly and his warm gaze instantly focused on her face.

  Her heart gave a lurch. From out of nowhere, fear overcame her, right on the heels of a euphoric happiness. What if he gets tired of her, what if he gets bored or suddenly sees her fat rolls as disgusting?

  A smile broke o
ut on his lips. “How is my babealicious hellion this bright sunny morning?” His sleep filled voice nearly purred the words.

  Her stomach now joined in with the heart lurching. Was I just thinking about him dumping me? This man is REAL and true. I refuse to let my fears destroy this magnificent gift that fell into my lap out on the Kincade range. “I’m on top of the world, sexy Aussie man,” she quipped with as much of steady voice as she could muster.

  Chuckling, he grabbed her face and kissed her soundly.

  The man still tasted good, no morning breath, as far as she could taste. Unless, he was so yummy, it just didn’t matter? How perfect…IS perfect? The kiss deepened and her thighs clenched. Her body was in instant heat again. On fire. She could feel herself getting wetter by the second.

  Wade pulled away to gaze into her eyes. “I don’t want to spoil your top O’ the world Ma feeling, but we have work to do today.” He let go of her face and laid back, then gave a long, full body stretch. Easing his torso out and stretching those powerful legs. Letting out an easy sigh as he did so.

  Kanda froze and watched as his hard body undulated a bit and his muscles rippled here and there, then—the sheet slipped down and away from that magnificent frame. Why, it’s like seeing a work of art appear slowly on a canvas, sexy bit by sexy bit. Without any thought, she lowered her greedy almost drooling mouth and licked a path up along his abdomen then up further to his wide chest. She moaned while making yum-yum sounds in her throat. It’s like he’s a huge sexy-pop of delicious man. I could make love to him with just my tongue, from head to toe.

  Wade halted his lazy stretch and gazed at her.

  Kanda peered up with a plea in her eyes. “Let me taste all of you…please?”

  His eyes widened like he didn’t understand why she begged.


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