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Triple K Set

Page 46

by Beck, J. L.

  Jude let out a groan and let go of her. “What the hell?”

  Victoria wiggled her body around as she attempted to straighten her riding top. “Listen to me for a second. My sister Valeen…” Her voice faded away at the look in his eyes. He looked like the wolf who’d caught Red Ridinghood in the forest…alone.

  “You look hot in that outfit, Vic.”

  Shaking her head, she tried again, “Valeen has been dating you, not me!”

  His eyes widened. “What?”

  Sighing through the side of her mouth, she again tried, “She knew I well…had a crush on you. She’s a mean vindictive bi—oh, never mind that part. She’s been leading you believe it was ME you were going out with.”

  He titled his head at her. “So, you two are playing some kind of twin game?”

  Vehemently shaking her head now, she denied that, “No! I just found out—today in fact, when I rode up here.”

  He let out a frustrated breath while looking angry. “If that’s true, then why did you ride up here like you knew me so well?”

  OH—crap that is what I did! “Um, well—I was going to try to—?”

  Jude grabbed her up again and pulled her close. “I’m not the kind of man who likes to be jerked around. You and your twin? Double teaming me? Making a fool outta me?”

  UH-OH…Victoria tried to get loose from his hold. “No, it wasn’t like that—”

  Jude grabbed her riding top and tugged the material until it ripped away from her skin. “OH!” she yelled. “Hey now! You can’t just—”

  His eyes gleamed at her. “Oh? I can’t? What if I want to see if you are both as identical as you look? It would be fair in this game of fools, right?” He grabbed her bra and ripped it away too.

  “Oh, crap!” she yelled as she tried to clutch at her shredded bra. “STOP IT!”

  “JUDE!” someone shouted.

  Panting with fear, Victoria glanced up and saw Breen riding his horse like a demon cowboy from hell as he stunt jumped from it in mid run with a double-footed landing, then continued running to swipe Jude completely from where he stood.

  “OOF!” Jude let out as his body hit the ground. They both rolled along the dirt in a pile of cowboy limbs, hats flying off and male grunts resounding.

  “You piece of shit!” Breen yelled as he turned him over and then stood up to glare down at him.

  Jude swiped a dribble of blood from his mouth. “What the…?” He shook his head. “This is none of your god damn business, baby boy!”

  Breen ignored him as he bent down and grabbed up his dusty hat, then strode over to Victoria.

  Gulping and panting, she tried to cover her bare breast as tears of humiliation filled her eyes. “It was just a misunderstanding—I, he—thought…” Her useless explanation faded away.

  Breen looked like he could kill as he scooped her up and took her over to his horse. He set her up on the saddle and then jumped up behind her. “Yahh!” he yelled at the horse as he smoothly took the reins and whirled the steed around.

  Gasping and blinking her eyes, Victoria was floored by the way he rode the hell outta there like a man hell bent on a mission. Who is he? A modern day John Wayne?

  They galloped away as Jude yelled, “She’s a lying hussy, baby bro!”

  Tears ran from her eyes. It all went to hell in a Valeen Hand Basket. AGAIN! She lost one cowboy she’d dreamt of for a year. To land with another who coulda’ been something to her, but he probably thinks the hussy thing is true.

  After a few minutes, Mister Wayne finally slowed the horse down.

  Victoria couldn’t even speak. Embarrassment and shame covered her in a pile of Valeen forked hay.

  He stopped the horse and jumped down.

  Sniffling, Victoria remained wallowing in her own pity puddle.

  Breen rifled through his saddlebag and handed her a red, long sleeved shirt.

  She halted as she stared at it. Reaching out, she grabbed it.

  Breen looked away, to give her some dignity.

  DIGNITY? The word ripped through her mind like knife through butter. She put her arms into the sleeves and gathered it at the buttons. It wouldn’t cover her big boobs! Sniffling, she began to cry loudly in self pity. “Dammit! Can’t I get a break today?”

  Suddenly, she was grabbed around the waist and pulled from the horse. Breen tugged her to his chest.

  Her crying halted in mid weep.

  He gathered her close and laid her head on his shoulder.

  Her body grew rigid. After all, his brother just manhandled her like he’d just handed her a 20-dollar bill on dimly lit street.

  Brea reached up and patted her on the back, like a parent would for a crying child.

  Oh. My. God. This had to be the sweetest thing a guy ever did to or for her. Her crying grew louder as her emotions titled. “Valeen knew I liked him. So, she—she pretended to be me. She led him along. Then today, he kissed me like we REALLY—knew each other. I tried to explain it to him and he thought—he said I was in on it!” Her crying slowed to a sniffling hiccup stage.

  Breen’s body went stiff as he listened, but he continued with the kid-back-patting.

  “So, he got mad, thinking we were both duping him.”

  Breen still remained silent.

  Knowing she was rambling, yet she couldn’t seem to stop, she went on, “Then when he did kiss me after we arrived here today? It did nothing for me. I mean you’d think there would have been something after all this time? I was sooo wrong about it all.”

  His body seemed to relax with her words. “Shhh. It wasn’t your fault.”

  “But what does that say about me? I suddenly knew he wasn’t for me after all these months. Then, I start to notice you? Your smile, the way you…” Oh, good gracious! Now, look what I did! It wasn’t bad enough, being treated like a child, wearing a shirt that won’t cover my twin peaks while blubbering like a fool, then to tell him—

  “You noticed me?” The patting stopped as he set her away from him.

  Staring into his fierce eyes, she gulped heavily. “Yes, okay? I never knew you were so…”

  He stared at her face, then as if he couldn’t stop himself he gazed down at her bare breasts sitting proudly there, like they were roses on a float in a parade as they peeked from his red shirt. “God dammit, Victoria. I have noticed you for five long years!”

  Sucking in her breath, she knew her face flamed. “You did?”

  He shot his gaze back up to her face. “Yes and now you caught me looking where I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry, it ain’t right, but I just couldn’t help myself, dammit.” His own cheeks gave a pink hue. “Just look at you. Sexy as they make them. Then even when you’re all weepy and in this shape? All I want to do is taste you…all of you.” He sighed and set her completely away. “But, yet again. Now isn’t the right time. I’ve waited all these years and still…” He glanced around. “Let’s get you back to the K and maybe someday soon, I can…” He shook his head and lifted her up to the saddle.

  Victoria felt amazed by his moves, his swiftness and confidence in everything he did. Where is the young kid trailing after his swaggering brother? The man was like a lean, live wire and stronger than he looked. Suddenly, she was sitting on the saddle and in a blink—he was sitting in front of her. He skillfully maneuvered the horse along the path back to the ranch.

  I was wrong, she thought. I didn’t lose a good looking bigger than life cowboy today. I gained a real man! A smile peaked on her lips as her tears dried completely up and she held him tight around that strong waist while the riding rubbed her bare breasts against his warm back. Dare I think that I should thank that soulless sister of mine? Her eyes narrowed. No, she ain’t getting a thanks. This time, I’m really going to kick her two-timing ass!




  Maggie woke up butt naked, hugging her pillow like it was—well, like what? A Jet carnival ride? Like the electric Jet bull ride at a count
ry and western bar? No, she wasn’t going on any Jet ride at all. Last night, she’d come to the end of her rope and then stepped out on a cliff till that ran out while she hung out on the edge by her fingernails till her sanity was stretched beyond its limits. The Chicken Hawk, Cowboy Sundae wouldn’t melt. Though, he sure melted her to a pile of Maggie-Goo. She almost laughed—almost. It wasn’t funny though. This god like cowboy was fast becoming a burr in her butt. No…that wasn’t right. Burr in your saddle! She was always trying to keep up with the Texas way of saying things.

  She’d better get up, she did have a job to do here at the Triple K. Mags the Housekeeper. Well, the house wouldn’t KEEP itself! She went in and showered, then wrapped a towel around her. Damn, when will they make towels to cover Double Ds? She kept tugging on the towel as she stopped in the hall to tuck it back in around her boobs.

  “Well, hot damn! It’s the Double Ds at the Triple K.”

  Her head shot up and the object of the burr in her butt stood there in front of her.

  Jet leaned against the doorway, arms crossed over his wide chest with that dazzling panty dropping smile on those yummy lips of his. Of course, he also wore that Stetson, it completed the dreamy bad cowboy look that she’d become accustomed to.

  “What?” she asked as her face flamed. “What in the hell does that mean—?”

  He placed his hands up in submission. “I am just repeating something you said on the night we…did it.”

  She harrumphed. “Jet, you damn well know that we did NOT do…it!” she snapped and made it into her room. Looking around, she wondered where her suitcase went. You need to ignore the Hot Cowboy standing in the hall and keep to being Smart Girl!

  Hot Cowboy strolled right into her bedroom and sat on a chair in the corner of the room.

  Smart Girl’s distraction over her clothes came to a sudden halt. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  With a casual ease, he stretched his long legs out and placed his hands behind his neck. “I came to see my fiancé.”

  With a huge sigh, she walked over to the closet. “Well, your supposed fiancé is about to get dressed, so…” She hinted for him to make his exit.

  He chuckled and made no move to leave.

  She swung around and placed her hands on her towel-covered hips.

  Still wearing the grin, he gave her a playful wink. “I have seen ALL of you remember?”

  Her towel slipped and she grabbed it. “Still, why aren’t you out—cowboying or something?”

  The grin widened further as he raised his brows. “Cowboying?” His eyes were stuck to her struggling and towel slipping.

  “Yeah, you know…Yee-Haw? Get along little doggies…Saddle up, move em out…rawhide!” she sang.

  Jet laughed hardily for a full minute. “Yep, I spect Ma’am.” He tipped his Stetson at her as he thickened his drawl. “We’ll be moseying on down to the corral to round em up while smokin and ropin’ till we drop…I reckon.”

  She found her suitcase and reached into the deep shelf to pull it out. “You reckon?” It was her turn to laugh.

  “Yeah, I meant the work will start after the branding party comes in with the young’un herd.”

  “Okay, like I know what all that cowpoke talk means.” Just then, when she pulled the case out, her towel decided to drop to the floor. Maggie froze. Oh, freakin’ hell, what next?

  Silence reigned behind her.

  Should I bend over and get it? A tiny, evil pushy voice spoke in her mind as she set the suitcase back down. Well, what the hell is he doing back there in his chair, taking a God dammed ass survey? She felt subconscious about her bare backside showing in all its bubbled glory, she owned a bubble butt as a friend back home once said about her well-rounded-tush.

  Jet’s arms came around her from behind. His hard, warm body pressed up against hers as his hot breath blew in her ear. “Is this more of that tempting type of event like last night?” he whispered to her ear.

  Her body shivered with goose bumps as she answered, “No, this was a ‘Maggie was being a klutz, accidental towel dropping type of event.’ “

  He reached around and grasped a breast in each hand as he released a hot sigh into her ear.

  Maggie felt that hard jean package tucked neatly between her butt cheeks. The burr has grown to a thorn! Her body wanted to lean back and allow him access to her corral. He can round me up and head me out, all he wants. It will be smokin and ropin’ at Maggie’s branding party! She giggled.

  Jet chuckled in her ear. “I love the sound of your laugh, it turns me on. Never before has that happened to me with any woman. I just can’t seem to stay away from you, Mags. I wanna be near you all the time.”

  Maggie sucked in her breath as he circled her nipples with his fingers. Say something before you offer him your little doggies and your bubble butt for him brand! “Um, well, you can help me make beds?”

  He laughed and stepped back. “I’d rather throw you into one actually.”

  Okay, Mags. This is it, what he resisted last night. Want to tilt the Jet scales again? Biting at her lip, she turned to face him. “Well, we could make my bed?”

  Jet looked so turned on. Even more than last night, his eyes were blazing at her. He took off his Stetson and tossed it to the chair. Stepping forward, he scooped her up. “I can’t say no, again…I just can’t.”

  Maggie sucked her breath in. It wasn’t a matter of whether she should do this, but rather could she not do it. The man was sexy in every way known to a woman, she had to face the truth—she wanted him.

  He laid her down on her bed, then stepped back.

  Letting her breath out, she fought not to squirm like she was a—worm on a hook? The phrase passed through her befuddled mind. Yes, and he’s the one who baited me.

  While his blazing blue gaze pursued her naked body, he reached up and unbuttoned his shirt.

  Maggie again, sucked in her breath. He is going to strip! When he does, there will be no turning back.

  His shirt came off, then he reached for the button on his jeans. He locked eyes with her and gave her that grin.

  Maggie gasped as juices seeped right out of her. Oh, that smile. It could win wars and satisfy the masses. Make a woman weep in more ways than one. Oh, wow! We are really gonna do this!

  Continuing with the Cowboy Chippendale program, he unzipped his fly.

  The sound echoed in the room as Maggie said not a word. Her eyes were glued—trapped on his Levis. Her heart pounded and her breathing was shallow.

  Lowering his jeans, his boxers showed while he gazed downward at his feet as if he just thought of tugging his boots off. Grinning, he shook his head. “Yeah, I wouldn’t make it on that stage back at the Stud Ranch.”

  Maggie tittered with what should have been a laugh, only her throat had closed up and it came out as some kind of weird piglet sound.

  He reached down and tugged one boot off, then grabbed the other in an odd cowboy dance with his jeans and boots.

  Maggie sat up, scooted off the bed and grabbed his arms.

  His expression showed surprise as she maneuvered him to the bed and sat him down.

  Kneeling down, she grabbed the boot and tugged. It wouldn’t budge. She grunted and tried again.

  Jet started to laugh.

  Her shocked gaze shot up to his face.

  “Now there again, when I think of how many times, I’ve been here in this type of situation. Getting laid?” He arched a brow.

  Maggie felt her face flame as she realized she would’ve stripped him bare in a hot frenzy, just like those women at the stud ranch. If she’d been wearing lipstick just now, he would probably be peppered with lip prints the exact same way as back then.

  Jet grabbed her up from the floor and plopped her onto his hard lap. “Dammit, Maggie. You just don’t get it.” He smothered her mouth with his.

  Maggie tasted him and her breathing grew to pants as she lowered her hand and dipped it into his boxers. Oh, I get it alright and I intend
to REALLY get it! The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes as she stroked him. He was a good size and no surprise to her, the man was perfect physically.

  He pulled his lips from hers with a POP. Staring into her startled eyes, he seemed to study her face. “What I was trying to say was…I was always smooth and determined. I could even be timed like it was an Olympic or bull riding event and I probably held the world’s record in stripping myself and the girl, then plowing home, immediately.”

  Maggie was panting as she felt his erection harden. YES! Plowing home! That was the only part she cared about.

  He set her away from him. “But just now…With you? I got all tangled up. God dammit, I was nervous and clumsy, like a three legged—” He rolled his eyes. “Never mind.” He stood up with her in his arms. “This just shows me how important you are to me. How I was right to wait for us to do this.” Setting her down on the bed, he tugged his jeans up.

  Maggie stared at him like he’d just grown antlers out of his head. Or…it might be the other way around, she was the deer with antlers, blinded by his headlights.

  He snapped his jeans and looked around for his boot. “I just think we should wait for our wedding night.”

  Maggie blinked her eyes like she just witnessed something inconceivable. He is rejecting this? Me? “Wha-what?” He just got me worked up, then wants me to wait for a wedding night I know will never happen, since this is all just some kind of game to him?

  Looking distracted, he bent over to retrieve his boot.

  Maggie didn’t even think about what she was doing or why—all she knew was she just got rejected by him…AGAIN! She raised her foot and kicked him square on his good looking, jean-covered-ass.

  “OOOF!” he let out and toppled down, landing on his boot.

  Maggie felt humiliated. He just worked her up to believe all of this was real. Then, turns her down after her engine was up to 100 sex-cylinder miles per hour? With a story about how he thought too much of her to screw her? All she felt was rage and frustration. She grabbed his Stetson and tossed it down on top of him. “I don’t know what kind of game this is, Mr. Playboy with ethics, but I’m not playing anymore!”


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