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Triple K Set

Page 52

by Beck, J. L.

  “Lay, lady lay…Lay across my big brass bed. Whatever colors you have in your mind, I’ll show em to you and make em shine…”

  The tune played in her mind because this here? Showed her what that song meant, as Cole’s strong fingers caressed her round but cheeks. “Oh, that feels sooo—”

  He dipped his hand right between her butt cheeks and used his fingers to slide along her sensitive parts.

  Brea froze and felt her body tingle all over.

  “I love your…skin sweet Brea,” he whispered low.

  His voice produced more tingles and she felt her juices bubbling.

  Next, he slid his finger into her and used his thumb to rub her other hole!

  Brea sucked her breath in. He’d never touched her there before. Without warning, she let out a long helpless moan.

  “I see my baby…likes that,” he purred.

  Gulping for air, she couldn’t speak as he flicked her bud and pushed a little at her puckered hole. Then he smacked her butt cheek and delved deeply into both holes.

  Brea unexpectedly came instantly as her body jerked. “AHHH!” she let out. “Oh, ohhh!”

  Cole held his finger and thumb in. “Yes, come for me just like that.”

  Panting and squirming she did in fact—keep coming, long and hard. “Oh Cole…”

  After a moment, he removed his digits and lay his body over hers. “I’m gonna make you come in all kinds of ways, every day for the rest of your life.”

  Colors popped behind her closed lids and she could still hear that old sexy song.

  “Stay, lady, stay, stay with your man awhile. Why wait any longer for the world to begin. You can have your cake and eat it too…”

  “Dammit, Cole Kincade!” She laughed. “If you aren’t the sexiest man on this whole earth!”

  He chuckled into her ear as he kissed her lobe. “I suppose I just looked sexy before. Now, you have made me sexy.”

  Brea grinned and sighed with satisfaction. “I’m just gonna lay here, sexy man. Right on your big brass bed.”

  Chuckling again, Cole moved his sweet lingering kisses to her neck.

  After a while, she fell to sleep in his arms.

  Brea rolled over on her back and opened her eyes. The sun poured in from the window. She sighed and her hands felt her way over to Cole’s side of the bed. Nothing…She sat up, wondering where he could be. A note was pinned to the pillow with a safety pin poked straight through a bag of M&Ms attaching it to the note. She smiled and undid the pin.

  I wanted to leave a reminder of how sweet you are.

  Brea’s smile grew.

  Today, I have something planned and it will require total trust from you.

  Her eyes swung up. What? Then they swung back down to keep reading.

  Please get up, get dressed and when someone comes for you…go with them.

  Her brow wrinkled up.

  Now, now Sweetie, no wondering. For once, do just like I ask.

  Laughter spluttered from her lips. He already knew her so well.


  “Okay,” she answered aloud.

  Now, eat the candy for some energy. No time for breakfast yet.

  Grinning, she reached for the bag, tore it open and scooped a handful into her mouth. Just the taste brought her memories alive. Cole had a weak spot for this very candy and she remembered them being a factor when they first met. Not in the diner, she worked at because unfortunately, that had been his twin. No, this was when she took the cook’s job. It was the first time they ever—her cheeks flamed.

  She remembered telling her momma, “It was the best day of my life! Filled with M&M’s, riding behind him on a horse, and getting to watch that sweet butt of his sauntering around the ranch—why, I woulda been happy just to be able to do that for weeks.”

  Then that first day with Mable telling her how when he was a kid, he would bake her cakes and say sweet things on the frosting in M&Ms. Yeah, she’d believed that right off. He could do the sweetest most unexpected things. Nothing like the persona, he seemed like. I mean what kind of cowboy bakes M&M cakes? She nodded her head. MY COWBOY!

  Brea thought of what it’d been like when he surprised her by taking her to the cook’s cottage. Their very first time naked together. Remembering the sensuous feelings he gave her while adrenaline ran wild through her body. She remembered when he first touched her, of how with a slow, sensuous rhythm, Cole stroked her clit with his warm fingers. It was the most glorious feeling. Like being tortured with pleasure, the need rushing through her body like she’d never experienced before. Pure, fiery heat had spread along her legs all the way up to her face. Brea shook herself and rubbed at her arms while feeling actual goose bumps.

  “My very own Plush girl, mine to play house with. I’ll dress you, undress you and feed you M&M’s…”

  Then the day it all became real…

  She remembered he was naked as the day he was born while in his hands, placed in front of his well…family jewels—was a cake. She knew too, that he had baked it himself.

  On top of chocolate frosting, spelled out in M&Ms was…

  Wearing only his hat and a red scarf, Cole had knelt down on one knee. “Brea Harmony Plush. I don’t want to ever be without you. My days are now the brightest and the sweetest since you came barreling into my life. You are a dream come true for a man like me. I want to have every meal with you, every dance, every minute that I can steal, I want to have beautiful babies with you and have our boots sitting side by side till the day we die. Marry me?”

  Brea swiped a tear from her eyes. Damn, that had been so sweet and then later, it had turned sexy. Chocolate cake, frosting and M&Ms all over their bodies as he licked and sucked frosting from her nipples. Brea rubbed the goose bumps from her arms. Her always teasing him about him being so hot…that the M&Ms would melt in his pocket. Just like me. I’m a melted M&M in his pocket. She took a deep breath and got up, popping more of the colored chocolate into her mouth.

  She munched on them with a smile on her lips and rushed across the room to get dressed. A giddy laugh escaped her lips as she put on her bra and underwear. She wondered what he was up to this time, after the cake and the ring thing. Oh! The ring! She gazed down at her finger. She would never get tired of looking at it. When he proposed, it’d landed right on her nipple after the chocolate cake smashing between their bodies. He then had lowered his mouth and sucked it right off of her nipple!

  Staring at the ring, she marveled at how far they’d come in so little time. He’d put it on her finger twice now. And that’s where it was gonna stay! There ain’t gonna be no third time. Brea laughed aloud as she finished dressing, jeans and a t-shirt, she supposed? Who knew, but if it were formal, he would have provided a dress or something, right?

  She a sat down and put on her red boots. Gazing down, she remembered his reaction when he first saw them… “We’re gonna be knocking boots, Miss Plush. Knockin’ boots!” Then they made love in nothing but their boots!

  Setting her booted feet to the floor, she shook her head. Only a man like Cole Kincade could cause a woman to sit around all morning daydreaming and reliving memories of his sexiness…like she just did.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  She stood up. Okay, this is it. The someone who was supposed to come for her. Curious, she opened the door.

  A cowboy stood there. Tall, broad shoulders like Cole, but his hair was jet black. His dark eyes were trained on her face He looked familiar; she’d seen him around the ranch before.

  He took his dusty hat off. “Ma’am. I’m the ranch manager, Quinn Noble. Cole asked me to come get you.”

  “Yes Quinn, now I remember you!” She laughed a little. “Okay, let’s go.”

  He moved back and she stepped into the hall.

  They made their way downstairs.

  At the bottom, a blonde woman stood there. Tall, curvy and wearing a dazzling smile.

  The cowboy walking ahead of her stopped nearly dead in his tracks in front
of Brea.

  She ran into the back of him with an OOOF! While the air rushed out of her lungs.

  Quinn turned and steadied her. “I am so sorry, Miss Brea!”

  She chuckled and shook her head. “I’m okay.” Her gaze rose up again to look at the blonde woman.

  His gaze followed hers.

  The blonde woman waved up at them both. “Hey!”

  They both made their way down the rest of the steps.

  “Hello there, I’m Celia Bennett. I am SO glad to see someone around. I work for the same mining company as Wade Monroe.” Her Australian accent was highly apparent.

  Brea smiled and then looked over at the silent cowboy next to her.

  His eyes were glued to the woman’s face, as he stuck his hand out. “Quinn Noble and this here is Brea Kincade.”

  Brea sucked her breath in. OH god. Mrs. Brea Kincade! She wanted to release an honest to goodness, crazy girl squeal. But she knew better. It would probably scare these two right off the steps. Then she said aloud, “Brea Plush and about to be Kincade.” Her words were breathless and giddy.

  Celia shook Quinn’s hand and then Brea’s. “Well, that is awesome, congratulations! Um, I am kind of out of sorts here like a wallaby lost in never. Jinxy!” She shook her head. “I can’t find the Monroe men and I was supposed to help coordinate an adaxon mineral survey.”

  Brea blinked her eyes at her. She only understood part of what the woman said.

  “Well, Miss Bennett. There’s going to be a wedding today and maybe that’s why no one is around.”

  Brea nodded her head, thankful that Quinn understood what the Australian woman wanted.

  “Oh, well crikey.” Celia pursed her lips and looked around.

  “I’m sure Mable would know something,” Brea offered.

  “Yes, maybe, but I cannot find her either.”

  Quinn took her hand.

  Brea’s eyes widened. Oh wow, it was like he just HAD to touch her.

  “I will be back in about a half hour. Could you wait for me and I will help.”

  The woman looked stricken as she stared down at his hand holding hers. Her startled gaze rose back up to stare at him. “Yes.”

  “Yes?” he asked. “Meaning you will wait for me?”

  The woman’s green eyes were wide as she nodded her head.

  Quinn smiled at her then he seemed to realize he still held her hand. He dropped it swiftly. “Okay, I have to take Mrs. Kin—Miss Brea to…” he halted suddenly.

  Brea leaned in expectantly. “Yes? To…?”

  He smiled and shook his head. “I will meet you out at the barns, in thirty minutes, Ms. Bennett.”

  Again, the woman nodded.

  Brea fought her grin. The man was loyally keeping Cole’s secret all right. And damn…the sparks flying off of these two was like electric times ten. I best not stand too close or I might go up in flames! She giggled.

  The pair swung their curious gazes over to her.

  Her cheeks heated up. She felt embarrassed for a second, just like the old Brea would have, then…she squared her shoulders. Life is too short, so say what you damned well feel, her momma always told her. “You two could light up Flatonia with that spark you got going. I hope you will get to know each other soon. Don’t waste time wondering about it and at least…talk.” With that, she swept out the door, all shoulders squared and head held high, leaving two stunned people behind her.

  Then she marched out to the front verandah and halted. Well, the swagger won’t help the fact I don’t know where the hell I am supposed to go! She smiled and chuckled at herself.

  “Miss Brea?” Quinn called from the path leading to the barn. “This way.”

  “Oh, okay.” She followed him. “The barn?” Brea giggled under her breath again. What? So Cole and I are gonna roll around naked in the hay?

  Quinn went inside and she came in right after him.

  A horse stood there saddled.

  Brea’s smile dropped away as she stopped in her tracks.

  Quinn cleared his throat and stood by the horse.

  “Um…am I supposed to ride that by—m-myself?”

  He nodded. “Yep. Cole said to get it ready for you.”

  Brea gulped. “I’ve ridden behind him on a horse but…” Brea wrung her hands. Fuq, what a joke. I grew up in Flatonia, cattle country and I don’t know how to ride a horse? Then here I am about to marry a part owner of the biggest ranch in Texas? Her heart hammered in her chest. It just never occurred to her before this very minute. She needed to learn to ride a horse! Yes, dumb Brea, dumb. Marry a cowboy but don’t know how to ride a horse! Oh, man. I can’t let on to this guy either. Everyone knows we are getting married! Taking a deep breath, she bravely walked over to the horse.

  Quinn laced his fingers and made a hand step for her.

  Brea remembered that she’d seen this many times. Hell, I’ve been around horses and riders, been to rodeos, everyone has. I can do this. I mean I am Texan after all! Taking a deep breath, she stepped up and mounted the horse. Her eyes widened as she realized she was suddenly sitting in the saddle. “Yay!” she cheered.

  Quinn blinked at her as he handed her the reins. “Pardon?”

  “Nothing,” she tittered nervously. “Okay, so where are we going?” Her confidence grew since she already sat in the saddle with very little effort.

  Quinn shook his head and walked over to his horse. “I’m not allowed to answer that, Miss Brea. Just take him out to the trail and I’ll—”

  “Okay!” Brea said a bit loudly due to her nervousness as she flapped her boots to the horse’s sides like she’d seen many a rider do.

  The horse snorted and his eyes looked all white as he neighed loudly and took off into a fast gait.

  “Oooh…” Brea let out with shock. The horse was going a bit fast and she didn’t know how to get it to slow down.

  The horse was taking her past the Triple K Garage and a loud pop came from the building. Then the animal reared back and stood on its hind legs.

  Brea screamed in terror as she hung on for dear life.

  The scream seemed to scare the horse further as it pawed the ground and then took off into a full run, across the field and toward the open prairie.

  “OH—CRAP!” Brea shouted as she desperately tried to hang on. She tugged at the reins but the horse didn’t respond then she dropped them and hung on to the saddle horn. They were traveling faster and faster as the dust flew into her eyes. This reminded her of when she first came to the ranch. But it’d been her car that lost control and she’d almost run Cole over. Well, that was her car and she knew it would eventually come to a stop. This dammed crazy horse? She just did not know. “Stoopppp!” she shouted as the horse tore up the ground and kept on going.



  The afternoon was sunny, which in South Texas wasn’t a big surprise. The sky was a true blue, sparkling above the gathered scene. The lawns were a deep tarnished green and you could still smell the cut grass scent in the air.

  There were delicate white flower petals strewn along the red carpet and it set a sweet scene for this special day. Like a flower powered glory trail—a sweetly scented path that would lead to an ultimate happiness. ‘A floral adorned, victorious, splendor filled, final after two decades—happiness.’

  Daisy thought she might hyperventilate as she took another deep breath and did her in-time-step to the song along this red carpet of glory. She tried to concentrate on something else, so she wouldn’t pass out and faceplant at her own dammed wedding. She gazed up at the beautiful decorations as doves flew in and out of the gigantic tree. There were flowers and ribbons tied just so to the ‘Kincade Tree’, as they called it and the elaborate bridal touches were downright gorgeous. Bless Mable Kincade’s heart!

  Daisy had spent hours making sure her makeup was perfect, her dress wrinkle free and her perfume was light. Damn, I wish my step was light. These heels don’t make it any easier either. Scared and on shak
y legs, she tried to OWN that carpet! Oh, sweet mother of pearl, this is really happening! She kept repeating a saying her Mama had taught her to do at public gatherings…I will not fall on my face. I am beauty…I am grace…As she made her careful step by Wedding March step along the red carpet to the altar.

  The preacher stood there at the end of this long twenty year road of ‘broken promises made by her and having a kid but never hitching to the father’ type journey she’d made.

  A male form stood in front with his Tuxedo covered back to her. Broad shouldered and familiar.

  Her heart nearly pounded out of her chest as she drew closer, her heeled feet feeling heavier with every step. This is it. She stopped her hundred pound feet, heart hammering, terrified march just beside the man in the tux. Too nervous and afraid to look over at her groom.

  MY GROOM! Finally, after all these years, he was going to be my—

  A woman stepped up to the preacher on the podium and handed him a note.

  Daisy stared. That’s—that’s the Aussie witch I saw Rand with just yesterday! The one huggin’ the stuffings out of him as her hands groped where they shouldn’t have been in the first dammed place!

  The woman looked up for a second and gave her a smug grin.

  Daisy’s chest tightened and she couldn’t draw a breath. Aww, nah. She just did NOT show up at my wedding and smirk at me like a ready to be slapped bitch with no sense in her head!

  The preacher read the note then cleared his throat, as all was silent. “It seems there’s been a last minute change in—”

  “What the hell?” Daisy shouted as she grabbed the man’s arm who stood next to her. “Change? Dammit Rand, what the mother fuc—?” The words died on her lips as her throat dried completely up while she looked over at her groom. Her brow wrinkled with confusion. This isn’t Rand…


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