Book Read Free

Caught in the Web

Page 10

by Laura Dower

: i have to tell you something ELSE

  : what

  : Remember when we were @ my dad’s & u saw that insta-message from someone named Bigwheels?

  : No.

  : Oh.

  : Huh?

  : well u did see an insta-message & the thing is that i did know who Bigwheels was. She’s my keypal.

  : Kewl

  : wait a minute u don’t care?

  : I wanna have online friends, too. Maybe I’ll meet someone else who does ballet. U know?

  : u REALLY don’t care? Really and truly?

  : truly

  : Aim ur the best!!!

  : C u at the game!

  Madison said good-bye and logged off She was a teeny bit disappointed that she hadn’t won any of the costume prizes from the dance, but neither had Ivy. That was some consolation. Besides, what mattered most of all now was that she (1) had spent half the night with her crush (and her heart was happy), (2) spent major time with her BFFs, and (3) finally admitted the truth to Aimee about Bigwheels’s existence.

  Although it was very late after the chat, Madison still didn’t feel tired. She stayed online and decided to write Bigwheels an e-mail.

  She owed her one. So much had happened.

  From: MadFinn

  To: Bigwheels

  Subject: Dances and Other News

  Date: Fri 27 Oct 10:36 PM

  Long time, no write.

  Just got back fm. my school dance & I am blissed out.

  I danced w/him. Yes, THE him I have been talking about since school started. He came dressed as a wizard. I had on this dumb costume. I went as a goddess.

  Anyway, how r u? How r ur parents doing these days? I think about you whenever I see my mom & dad together. This is because my parents (u know this) are divorced. I think about your family.

  How was your school dance? Write back real soon.

  XOXOXO Yours till the pumpkin pies,


  P.S. Did you ever enter that contest on TweenBlurt? I think they will be sending winners soon. I ended up liking my story. Did you ever write that poem?

  After Madison sent the e-mail to her online friend, she finally changed into pajamas. After crawling out of Aphrodite’s caftan, Madison combed the curls out of her hair, too. They were tangled where Mom had spritzed too much hair spray. She washed the blush off her face.

  But she still wasn’t so sleepy. Madison turned the computer back on.


  This past week in English, Mr. Gibbons wrote on the board: Don’t be afraid to scare yourself. Half the class was like, “WHAT??!”

  He does that a lot, writes things we may not understand. Asks us to talk. So it got me thinking about a list of the things that scare me. I thought of 8 so far.

  What am I afraid of?

  1. The dark

  2. Failing

  3. Being left out

  4. Ghosts like Mrs. Martin

  5. Really big zits

  6. Dancing badly

  7. Kissing a boy

  8. Horror movies

  Rude Awakening: Sometimes you have to dance the fright away! Amazingly, I tried dancing tonight. And even though my dress was too long, it worked. I felt less self-conscious and way less scared.

  Am I gonna be scared of seventh grade forever???


  Ha ha ha.

  Chapter 14

  SATURDAY MORNING MADISON WOKE up extra early so she could write in her files and clean up her room for real. She’d fake-cleaned it for Mom’s benefit, but now the mess was beginning to grow and multiply once again.

  Sweatpants and a training bra trailed out of the hamper.

  Papers, files, and notebooks poked out from under the bed.

  Even Madison’s desk overflowed with magazines, schoolbooks, and two half-empty glasses of apple juice she forgot to bring back to the kitchen.

  Madison checked her e-mailbox to see if she’d received any messages from since last night. She was addicted to checking e-mails, especially when she was secretly hoping for a message back from Bigwheels and an update on the Caught in the Web contest. The results were supposed to have come in by now.

  Her mailbox was flashing!

  Madison grabbed at the edges of her desk and clicked the buttons to open her e-mailbox. Just as she’d hoped, there was a brand-new message from Bigwheels waiting there with a poem attachment.

  From: Bigwheels

  To: MadFinn

  Subject: Re: Dances and Other News

  Date: Sat 28 Oct 8:36 AM

  I didn’t make it to my school’s Halloween dance, but it sounds like u had a great time. Congrats. I am sitting here after school and my mom just made me the yummiest pumpkin cake. I am so happy cuz it is my absolute favorite. Did you decide to go trick-or-treating or no? I think you said no but I can’t remember.

  I wrote a poem BTW. Here you go even if it is kinda silly. It was for my class and I thought it might make u laugh.

  Happy Halloween

  There once was a pumpkin on a farm

  Who didn’t like the other gourds.

  The pumpkin reached one vine out

  like an arm

  And spoke a few funny words.

  “Halloween isn’t fun without friends,”

  the pumpkin said from his stem.

  “My friends are all cut off down to the ends,”

  And sure enough someone had picked them.

  When you spend Halloween carving one

  Remember what some pumpkins say,

  Be with your friends and have fun

  On a special Halloween day!!!

  They haven’t posted the winners yet 4 that contest. How did you do? I bet you won it. FC!!! (That’s fingers crossed). I have this feeling. N e way, write back soon.

  Yours till the wind blows,


  Madison was becoming more and more convinced that Bigwheels was her twin—not like Fiona and Chet—but close.

  As she shut down the Bigwheels message, Madison noticed her mailbox indicator flashing again. There was another message—and this one was from the Web site! Madison held her breath and opened the document.

  She read it aloud slowly to Phinnie, even though he wasn’t paying much attention. He’d recurled up into a furry ball at her feet.


  To: Members Only

  Subject: Caught in the Web Contest Winners

  Date: Sat 28 Oct 8:34 AM

  Happy Halloween!

  The big fins at asked YOU to write us a mystery for Halloween. Your stories were FRIGHTFULLY good. We received over three hundred entries. Thanks to everyone who wrote stories!

  The stories below will be posted in their entirety starting on HALLOWEEN.

  Thanks for entering! And congratulations to the winners.

  And here’s the top Winners’ list:


  Blood and More, by QuakeKing21


  Bat Breath, by PcenloveXO

  Revenge of the Slugs, by LoriGirl

  The Slayer, by Mariohottie

  The Secret of the Old Trunk, by MadFinn

  “I can’t believe it!” Madison shouted when she saw her name on the screen. “Mom! Mom! I won! Come here!”

  “Rowrooooo!” Phin awoke with a howl. “Rowrooooo!”

  Madison had been selected as a runner-up. Phinnie barked his approval and jumped up for scritches on his back. Mom, hearing the racket, came into the bedroom to see what all the fuss was about.

  “You won?” she cried.

  “Well, I got a runner-up prize,” Madison said, pulling Phinnie into her lap.

  “Honey bear, that’s fantastic!” Mom said sweetly, and patted Madison on the head. “We
have to celebrate! Right now. Oh, I’m so proud of you, Maddie.”

  Madison felt all tingly inside. She was proud of herself, too. Although the Ivy drama had momentarily threatened to ruin seventh grade and the school dance for her, Madison was finding out that she could still have a very happy Halloween. Madison and Phinnie followed Mom into the kitchen, where she warmed up a special loaf of the pumpkin bread Madison loved.

  “This is just turning into the best Halloween ever,” Madison said, pouring herself a bowl of Lightly Honeyed Oaty-Os, too. Phin curled up by the dishwasher.

  “Why is that, Maddie?” Mom buttered the slices of pumpkin bread.

  “It just is.” Madison took one bite and smiled.

  Madison leaned over to feed Phin a corner of the pumpkin bread. He licked his chops for more.

  “You know, I never won anything before, Mom,” she said. “And I feel so happy right now. I really can’t explain what I’m feeling.”

  Mom smiled. “It won’t be the last time you win something, I promise you that.”

  Madison thanked Mom and went back upstairs to get dressed. She tried calling Aimee to tell her about the contest, but the Gillespie phone lines were busy. One of Aimee’s brothers was always hogging the phone. She’d tell Aimee and everyone else about it later when they met up at the school soccer game.

  Today was the big game everyone had been waiting for. The Rangers were up against the other most winning team in the district, the Cobras. The game was being hosted at Far Hills Junior High.

  Aimee was going to the game straight from a private ballet lesson in the morning, so Madison walked to school by herself. As she crossed the parking lot and headed around back to the field, Madison glanced at purple-and-orange posters taped to the doors of the school building.


  She laughed. The whole week had been a scream. A little piece of her wished she could be back at the dance again.

  “Maddie!” Drew was running to the soccer field, too.

  “Hey!” Madison said. “I just found out I won a writing Web contest. Well, I got runner-up.”

  “Congratulations,” Drew said.

  They walked over to the bleachers. Egg was sitting there, goofing around with Chet and another friend, Dan. Egg’s sister, Mariah, was sitting there, too, with some of her older friends in black, the same ones Madison had seen at the mall food court the weekend before.

  The stands were filling quickly with seventh, eighth, and ninth graders. Parents held up painted signs that read GO RANGERS! Everyone had on jackets and scarves to keep the wind away. The air was crisp, and smelled like leaves.

  One side of the bleachers seemed to hold mostly Cobra fans, but no one was arguing or anything about which team was better—yet. Madison felt overwhelmed by the color, noise, and feelings in the pit of her stomach.

  She really belonged. This was her school.

  Mr. and Mrs. Waters were sitting down in front, sipping cups of coffee. Fiona, tying her laces, had her knee up on the bottom step of the bleachers. When she turned and saw Madison come across the field, she broke into a giant grin. “Maddie! You’re here! That is so great!”

  Fiona threw her arms around her friend. Madison hugged right back.

  “Where’s Aimee?” Fiona asked. Then she remembered about the ballet lesson. Aimee would be coming later, close to the first whistle.

  “So I gotta go,” Fiona blurted. “Thanks for coming! See you after the game!” She hugged Madison one last time and then ran over to her team’s huddle for warm-ups and pep talks.

  “Hey, Maddie,” Mariah said, waving. She turned to the guy on her left and said, “This is Karl.” Karl nodded in Madison’s direction.

  “Hey, howyadoing?” he said. She smiled and wondered if maybe he was cuter than she and Aimee and Fiona first thought at the mall.

  “So how was the Halloween dance?” Mariah asked Madison discreetly.

  “Fine. I went as Aphrodite,” Madison whispered back.

  “Ooooh,” Mariah teased. “Goddess of love!” Luckily no one but Karl heard her say that. He didn’t seem to care about anything they said.

  “I didn’t see you there,” Madison said.

  Marian shrugged. “Nah, I blew it off. Karl and I went to the movies. But I’m glad you had a nice time. I bet you looked good.”

  Madison lowered her head, a little embarrassed. She turned to watch Fiona take practice kicks out on the field.

  “Where’s Hart?” Chet asked Egg. Madison turned to hear the answer.

  “He is way sick,” Drew replied. Since he and Hart were cousins, their mothers had spoken that morning.

  “Sick?” Madison said.

  “Way sick. Like throwing up.”

  “Ewwww, gross me,” Egg said. “Maybe he ate the flies in that punch last night.”

  Drew and Chet both snorted.

  “So I guess he’s not coming to the game, then?” Madison asked.

  “There’s Aimee!” Chet cried. “She looks like Barney!”

  Aimee was running up the side of the field with a purple duffel bag. She had on a purple sweatshirt and leggings, too.

  Madison stood up so Aimee would see where they were sitting.

  “Hiya, everyone!” Aimee said, sitting down on the edge of the bleachers. “I am so wiped out. We had a guest at our ballet lesson this morning. We had to do these exercises over and over—”

  “Yeah, Aimee, like we care about your ballet lesson,” Egg cracked.

  “Egg!” Madison cracked back. “And like we care about anything you have to say, either.”

  “Thanks, Maddie.” Aimee smiled.

  “That’s cool that you take private lessons,” Chet said. Drew agreed.

  Aimee smiled back at them. She sneered at Egg.

  “May I have your attention, please!” someone yelled from the soccer field. It was one of the referees speaking into a portable loudspeaker system. “Your attention, please!”

  “Go, Cobras!” someone on the other side of the bleachers screeched.

  “Welcome to the Far Hills district championship.”

  Madison scanned the playing field for Fiona. She was jogging in place, chatting with teammates, eating an orange. She was getting set to win. Madison knew that this would be a special day in the history of the seventh grade.

  “Say cheese!” Mrs. Waters said, pointing a camera up toward the bleachers. She snapped a photo of Egg, Chet, Drew, Dan, Madison, Aimee, Mariah, Karl, and whoever else could squeeze into the photo.

  “Now, let us introduce our teams!”

  “Rangers rule!” a group of girls yelled out a few rows behind Madison and her friends. Everyone cheered.

  When Fiona came out onto the field, the applause soared. Madison clapped as hard as she possibly could. Aimee was screaming at the top of her lungs. Chet, Drew, and Egg were yelling, “Woo woo,” like dogs.

  “Rangers rock! Rangers shake! Go, Fiona! No more snake!” Madison and Aimee had planned a special cheer in Fiona’s honor.

  “That’s pretty good, Maddie,” Egg said.

  Madison grinned.

  “And don’t forget we want everyone to play fair!” the loudspeaker voice boomed. A coach recited rules from the junior high school soccer bible. Strict rules about sportsmanship needed to be followed down on the field. While the rules were being read, Fiona stuck her arm up and waved to everyone in the stands. Mrs. Waters snapped more pictures.

  “Go, Fiona!” Aimee and Madison yelled at the same time. They cheered so much throughout the game. They were hoarse at the end.

  With two minutes left in the game, the score was tied 3-3. A halfback kicked the ball over to Fiona at the right wing position. She took off down the field.

  “Go! Go! Go!”

  It sounded like everyone in the stands was cheering at the same time, even Karl.

  No one was following her down the field. The goalie appeared panicked, jumping from foot to foot, side to side.

  “She’s gonna make a goal, I
know it!” Aimee screeched.

  “Go, Fiona!” Chet called out.

  Fiona got within yards of the goal, and it looked like she was going to make a kick in, when all of a sudden she surprised everyone.

  She kicked the ball to the side. She passed it to one of her teammates, Daisy Espinoza

  And Daisy kicked it right in.


  The Cobra goalie didn’t know what happened until it was too late.

  “We won!” Aimee yelled right in Madison’s ear. They were jumping up and down and the bleachers were shaking. Aimee threw her arms around Madison.

  Down on the field, Fiona and Daisy ran over to each other, arms in the air. They embraced. Madison felt a surge of excitement. The rest of the team ran up, too, and slapped Fiona on the back.

  “My sister rocks!” Chet said. He dropped his cool exterior for two seconds to bask in Fiona’s soccer skills. The fact that Fiona was a star on the team only made everything else that much sweeter for Madison and her friends.

  Madison smiled to herself. The only ghosts in Far Hills now were fading memories of elementary school.

  Seventh grade had many more treats in store. Madison could feel it in her Halloween bones.

  Mad Chat Words:




  Stupid question




  E-mail message.




  Best friend or Boyfriend


  Fingers crossed




  Love ya like a sister

  LYLAS (2)

  Love ya like a sister x 2/twice

  4get it

  Forget it



  N e way


  Madison’s Computer Tip


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