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The Forgotten One: Book Three of the Surrender Series

Page 7

by Trinity Blacio

  “No, you came at the perfect time. Everyone just got up and this is a wonderful treat. Please thank your wife for me. Mr. Sayles, are you sure you and your family won’t go visit someone for a few weeks?” Willow asked, taking the boxes and handing them to Alton. “Last night was just a trace of what is to come. We’ll have a breather today, but I don’t know when this person will attack again. I don’t want to lose you and your family. I would never forgive myself,” she said and placed her hand on the man’s arm, which earned a growl from Maxim who’d moved up next to her.

  “Sorry, Mr. Sayles. Seems my mates are still getting acquainted to my friends and family. Mr. Sayles, this is Maxim and Alton behind me. You will see them more around here.”

  Maxim nodded to the man, wrapping his arm around her. “I apologize for being so rude. I hope to get to know you and your family better soon. But Willow is right. Maybe you should close up shop for a few weeks.”

  Mr. Sayles shook Maxim’s hand, then Alton’s. “No, we’ve been here for a long time and this is our home. We will defend it just as the others will too.”

  “Mother came to me this morning. We might be moving to the hotel till this is over since I will have other family coming in over the next few days. So if you need anything, we’ll be there. Why don’t you join us there? You could still come to your shop.” Already Mr. Sayles was shaking his head.

  “Relax, Willow. Our place is protected. Your mother paid all of us a visit this morning, reinforcing the protection on our homes. She risked herself for us and we will stand here to protect this place she loves so much.”

  Baal stepped in front of her, which had Mr. Sayles stepping back and lowering his head. “Sir.”

  “My mate did all that this morning?” her father snarled and glanced over his shoulder at her. “This place means a lot to your mother?” he asked.

  “This is home for her, for all of us. These people didn’t judge her and accepted her, us. It’s one of the reasons I’d like to stay here. We’ve been helping the humans recover from the hurricane a few years back a little at a time. So, yes, this is home,” she told him and looked around her father to smile at Mr. Sayles. “Mother will seriously be pissed if your family gets hurt.”

  Mr. Sayles laughed. “She has already warned us.” He glanced up at her father. “Yes, Laurann is a perfect mate for you. She is a strong one. You and yours stay safe. I’ll let the others know to prepare.” Mr. Sayles turned to leave, but stopped.

  “Oh, Marco told me to inform you that the wrestling match will have to wait till after the danger has passed, but he does look forward to seeing you both there when things are back to normal.” Mr. Sayles seemed to give her men a onceover, making Dylan giggle.

  “We’ll be there. My new dads are going to win.” Dylan looked up at Alton with a serious look. “You sure you can do this?”

  Willow turned around to see Gage, Lars, and the others all laughing.

  Alton snarled and swung Dylan up into his arms. “I’ll show you who can wrestle he teased tickling him, while carrying him into the house.

  “I give!” Dylan laughed and tried to get away. “But Marco does not tickle,” Dylan laughed and ran behind her peaking at Alton.

  Alton lunged, making Dylan squeal. “Mom.”

  “Don’t get me included in this. You’re the one teasing him.” She patted her son’s head and grabbed the boxes from Maxim, heading to the dining room table that was now set with coffee, orange and apple juice, eggs, bacon and sausages.

  “You going to tell us what your mom wanted?” her father asked, following behind her to the table.

  “Of course, but I’d rather we discuss this while we are eating.” She turned and glared at Gage. “And there will be no yelling at the table, understood?” she told him.

  “Why are you directing that at me?” Gage growled, but pulled out the chair for Tamara.

  “Because I know you, and you react first without thinking sometimes. Plus, it’s not good for Tamara to be upset now. Please, everyone eat.” Willow waved her hand to the food on the table. Alton lifted Dylan up and placed him in his booster chair. Already they were forming a bond with her child.

  “Our child now,” Maxim said coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her, nipping her shoulder. “I didn’t like waking up and you aren’t there.”

  “Sorry. I had an idea Mom would come.” Willow turned and slid her arms up around his neck, looking up at him. She loved his long blond hair, which was now secured behind him. He had eyes that she could stare at for hours. “Are you doing okay?” she asked, placing a kiss on his chest.

  “I’m fine. I think I’ve worked out the details with my other now. I’m really sorry about last night, Willow.” Maxim squeezed her tight and placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Sit and tell us what is going on.” He pulled out her chair after releasing her.

  “Thank you.” Willow turned to see her plate was already full of food thanks to Alton who sat next to her and Dylan.

  “Now tell us.” Alton said, popping a sausage into his mouth.


  Alton took a drink of his coffee watching the beautiful woman at his side. He hadn’t said anything about her slipping out of their bed, but he would later. Right now he knew she was nervous about what her mother had said. He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Go on.”

  Willow frowned at him as she took a bite of her cinnamon roll. She tried to hide the moan, but he heard it as everyone else in the room.

  “They can’t be that good,” he mumbled and leaned over grabbing one. He took a bite of one and knew why she had moaned. Mrs. Sayles was an angel or devil, because even he recognized something good.

  “Told you.” She leaned over whispering to him. “Okay, so here is the scoop. My mom has these visions and yes they usually turn out to be true, before you ask. She believes we should move into the penthouse at the hotel until this is over. One, it is protected better, and two, she believes we need to call in our brothers and sisters, especially Denver.”

  Gage growled, but didn’t say anything as Willow focused on Gage. “You’re not going to like this, but here it is. Mom thinks Tamara needs to stay here till you find out who your traitor is. She believes it’s more than one too.” Willow frowned. “My mom said to remember the time that one of the marked ones got into the pack house. Mom believes there are at least two, maybe three, backing each other. It would only explain how he got into the pack house and alerted the others that Tamara was coming.”

  His woman watched as Gage jumped up, snarling furious. “Do you have any idea how hard it should be for a pack member to betray the pack? The pack is the life of a wolf.” Gage stopped by Maxim. “Tell her,” he said.

  “I’m sure she is aware, but her mother does have a point. It would have to take at least two or three individuals working together to allow this marked one to enter the pack house. And we know for a fact one of them is close to the inner circle if they knew you were coming here. It might be time to start thinking of a Looncan.”

  Tamara frowned. “What is a Looncan and why haven’t I heard of it before now?”

  “It’s very uncomfortable for the wolf that is given the test and hasn’t been used in a while,” Gage sighed. “But we might have to before we take you back there.” Gage glanced over at Lars.

  “I’ve heard of the test and I have to agree with your grandfather. We can’t risk taking Tamara back until we find out what is going on.” Lars turned his attention to Willow. “Did your mother have an idea when the next attack might be?”

  “No, she was pretty sure we had a few days, but my mom can’t tell time in these visions. She did believe Denver is the key to destroying this threat and the sooner we do it, the better. We can start to prepare for those things that are coming this way. She also wanted to meet Tamara and Ana.” Willow smiled at her father. “Mom wanted to get to know Tamara since she is my sister. I think mom wants to get to know all of your children. After all, she will be their stepmother. Well t
hat is, if you can find her first,” Willow teased.

  “Watch it, daughter, but don’t worry I’ll find her soon. Seems to me she isn’t hiding too much if she keeps popping up. Almost makes me wonder if she is just a little bit nervous to be with me, then any threat,” he said. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, his chair flipped over with Baal laying on the floor, his feet sticking up in the air. “That’s it. I’ve been giving you time woman. Well that is over!” Her father disappeared and Alton swore he heard a woman’s squeal.

  “It looks like your Grandmother will be with us very soon,” Alton told Dylan, earning a smack on the arm.

  “We don’t know that. My mother is very… hmm, how do I put this. My mom is quick when in a bind.” She laughed.

  “Put me down, you idiot,” Laurann yelled, as Baal returned with Willow’s mom in his arms.

  “Well, I guess the man prevails,” Alton said.

  “Watch it buster…” her words trailed off as his chair was flipped back and he stared up at the ceiling.

  “Willow!” Alton growled.

  Next to him Dylan was laughing. “It wasn’t mom, it was Grandma. Mom would have sent you to a cold lake.” Dylan told him right before taking a bite of his bear claw.

  “And how do you know this?” Alton jumped up and righted the chair, glaring at Willow.

  “It’s easy to tell when mom or grandma get you. Their pattern is different.” Dylan said, drawing everyone’s attention.

  Willow scooted out of her chair, kneeling down in front of her son. “Dylan, what are you talking about?”

  Her son stopped eating and looked around seeing everyone staring at him. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked, withdrawing into himself.

  “Hey now, none of that. You did nothing wrong. We just wondered how you could tell the difference. That would be some talent you have if you can distinguish between magic.” Alton ruffled the boy’s hair.

  “It’s really simple. I can actually see the patterns. It’s almost like the notes I see when mom plays the piano.” Dylan told him.

  “Your mom plays the piano?” Maxim asked.

  “Oh, yea and she’s really good.” Dylan said.

  Willow rolled her eyes. “So you can see a pattern when I play music?” Willow asked frowning. “How about we teach Alton to see the pattern? We can start with the notes when I play the piano. You can show Alton the pattern, is that okay?” she asked and Dylan nodded.

  “But how am I going to show him?” Dylan looked at Alton to her.

  “Well, if I’m not mistaken, I think he can get in here with you?” Willow tapped on Dylan’s head. “Would that be okay?”

  Dylan frowned and looked at him. “He’s going to make himself small.”

  Alton couldn’t help but laugh. “No kiddo. Here, let me show you.” Alton slipped into Dylan’s head and showed him the picture of one of his pets he used to have.

  Dylan laughed and turned in his seat. “Can we have a pet snake?” he asked.

  “No!” Willow shivered. “Now that is just disgusting.” She got up and moved to a room Alton hadn’t been in off the kitchen. “Welcome to our music room.” Willow sat down at the piano. “Come up here Dylan.” She patted the seat next to her. “Now, you can show Alton the pattern in the music. Which song do you want to hear?”

  “How about that one song you played last time you were home.” Dylan said. “I really like that one.”

  Willow laughed. “You got it, bud. Don’t forget to show Alton.” Willow started to play like a pro, stunning him as she played a very old piece by Bach.

  Alton glanced down at Dylan. “Do you see them?” Dylan asked.

  Once more Alton entered Dylan’s head and was shocked to see the pattern flowing in the air. He’d never seen anything like it.

  “Why doesn’t our voice carry a pattern?” Alton mumbled, trying to figure out what this was.

  “Oh it does, but it was too much for me with everyone talking around me. It stopped showing them to me.” Dylan said.

  “It? You mean your partner inside you?” Maxim asked and knelt next to the piano bench.

  Dylan squirmed and nodded. “He helps when I get upset and is always there watching to help protect me.” Her son told Maxim while Alton worked with the pattern in his head. If he could just...

  “Got it, I see the pattern now and Dylan is right, there is a definitely a pattern to sound.” Alton lowered next to Maxim. “Dylan, is the pattern the same for magic like it is for sound?”he asked, but already the smart young boy was shaking his head.

  “It’s almost the same, but different.” Dylan turned to his mom who nodded right before he and Maxim ended up on their asses.

  Dylan laughed, and he had to smile as Alton studied the pattern he was seeing in Dylan’s head. Yes, there was a pattern on magic also and the boy had been right. The pattern was more pronounced than that of sound.

  “Let go of me, you big ape,” the voice of Willow’s mom snapped right before she appeared with her mate holding onto her.

  Alton jumped up as did Maxim, smiling as Willow pushed past them to her mother, hugging her tight. “I’m glad you’re home. We can do this together.” Willow stepped back and looked up at her father. “Don’t let her go away again.”

  Baal slid his arms around Laurann and pulled her back against his body. “She is not going anywhere. If you’ll excuse us, I need some time with your mother.” He lifted her up and over his shoulder, slapping her ass. “She has a few spankings coming her way.”

  “What? Put me down you Neanderthal!” she screamed and banged on his back.

  “Shut up now!” Baal spun, but not before Alton notice his hand come down hard on her ass.

  Laurann raised her head up and winked at Willow right before she reached down and pinched his ass hard.

  “Woman!” he yelled before they both vanished.

  “Mom, are they going to be okay? Is he really going to spank her?” Dylan asked moving up beside her with a worried expression on his face.

  “Hey, now don’t worry about anything. Your grandfather would protect your grandmother with his life. He’s just a little upset with her for putting herself in danger. As men, we must make sure our mates are protected at all costs and if they endanger themselves, yes they might get spanked.”

  Dylan’s eyes got big and he looked up at his mom. “You could get spanked?”

  Willow lifted her son up in her arms. “I could, but the same rules also apply for them. If they are stupid enough to endanger themselves, I have the right to punish them too.” She snarled and glanced over her shoulder at them as she moved out of the room. Her eyes were that of the cat now which made Maxim growl.

  “Remember I eat kitties,” Maxim snarled.

  “And remember bad doggies need baths,” Willow said disappearing around the corner as Maxim vanished from his side, Dylan’s laugh could be heard.

  “You sent him to a lake, didn’t you?” he asked.

  Sure enough, Maxim appeared next to him soaking wet, letting out a howl that shook the house.

  Chapter Six

  Willow placed Dylan in his seat at the table and took her chair next to him, before Maxim and Alton could even move out of the room. Oh, she had heard his howl, as did everyone around the table. Tamara winked from across the table with a big smile on her face, while Gage and Lars sat back waiting and watching.

  “Willow!” Maxim growled in her ear, dripping water on her shoulder.

  She couldn’t help but giggle as her son tried to not laugh next to her. “Maxim, you’re dripping on me. You could have at least changed,” Willow said and peeked over her shoulder, which was the wrong thing to do.

  His gaze met hers as he carefully lifted her out of her chair and placed her over his wet shoulder. “If you will excuse us, we need to change clothes.”

  “Maxim, put me down,” she squealed and tried to pull down her T-shirt, knowing her ass was hanging out. “Damn it, my butt is showing here,” she grumbled.

bsp; “And I care?” Maxim said as he opened her bedroom door. He stepped inside and immediately shut the door. “Do you know how damn cold that water was?” he growled, dropped her onto the bed and started to strip out of his clothes, never taking his gaze off of her. “Strip, Willow,” he ordered.

  The man had muscles that seemed to ripple on his chest. That was no six-pack on this man—no, he had an eight-pack and damn, if she didn’t want to lick him all over. He had hair on his chest, but not much. Willow sat up and yanked off her T-shirt, throwing it to the floor.

  Maxim grabbed his cock and stroked it. “Spread your legs, show me your pussy.” He stepped up to the bed, waiting. She looked at the door, but Maxim shook his head. “Alton will keep Dylan busy. I can’t wait, I need to be inside you, lady.”

  “I want that to, but…” she scooted to the end of the bed, smiling up at him. “I’m not proud of my past, Maxim, but I’m a professional. Why do you think Gage and Lars had me protecting Tamara? I know what I’m doing.” She turned her hands over, staring at them. “For years all I did was fight, taking out my anger. It took me years to finally realize nothing I did would change my mother’s parents, and for others to accept my mom, but by that time I had earned a name,” She sighed not really wanting to go into this, but he needed to know. “I’m called…”

  He sat down beside her, picking her up and placing Willow in his lap. “I know what they called you, we both know, but that is behind you.” Maxim cupped her cheeks and placed a warm kiss on her lips. “Now you are our woman, our Little Kitty, and that is the only name you need to worry about. Do we know you can protect your family, us, if need be, yes? But we are old school, Willow, and that will not change. You will always be protected, as will our children, and that includes Dylan.” Maxim laid back on the bed. “Put me inside you, because if I do, it I’ll lose control and right now you need loving, not rutting.”

  “I like Little Kitty even though I’m not that little,” she said, almost purring and licked the top of his cock before placing a kiss on it. He was thicker than any man she had been with, and larger than most humans as far as length. Willow rubbed her cheek on his cock before placing kisses in a trail up his chest.


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