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The Forgotten One: Book Three of the Surrender Series

Page 12

by Trinity Blacio

  “No!” A rounding chorus of men said from behind them.

  “Boy, are they party poopers,” her mom grumbled. “Sorry, Randle, we can’t play today.” Her mother grumbled, looking back and glaring at her father. “Spoiled sport. I don’t know Willow, this mating stuff is really putting a cramp on our fun.” Her mom said, giving her a wink.

  Tamara laughed. “Don’t I know it. Willow and I used to take off at a moment’s notice. Like the other day all I wanted to do was pick up the phone and call her. I was so craving a trip to the sea.”

  “Oh man, that little hotel we stayed at had the best food when we were working that one case. What was his name?” Willow asked.

  Tamara snorted. “That was the creepy one, the rogue troll. God, that man was so gross. I think I had nightmares for a week after that case,” she rubbed her arms.

  “You and me both. I hate to admit it, but that’s one good thing I don’t have to worry about. Some of the cases...” A shiver ran over her as Tamara nodded.

  “Okay ladies, how about changing the subject or you’re both going to make yourself sick.” Lars grumbled and placed a sweater over Tamara’s shoulders while Alton did the same to her. “Where is this wonderful place you want us to picnic at?” Alton asked.

  “Wait,” she smiled and went the water’s edge. “Go on Dylan, you first, Randle will watch,” Willow told her son, as he picked up the puppy. “Randle, no eating the little puppy either or I’ll not call some females to you.” Willow pointed her finger at the huge gator.

  Alton appeared next to her as Maxim came up on the other side. “What are you doing?”

  “Watch,” she nodded and Dylan stepped onto the first rock then the next going across the river as Randle swam back and forth making sure no other gators came over. “He’ll protect Dylan with his life. Dylan has swum with the old man since he was child. Ida found the gator when he was a baby long ago, he was hurt. She saved him and now half of the gators around here are from him.” Willow stepped out, following her son as Tamara followed her, and then Laurann.

  “This is so cool! I just wish Gage was here,” Tamara sighed, jumping onto the island just as he appeared next to her.

  “You called, my lady?” he bowed before placing a kiss on her cheek.

  “How goes it at home?” she asked, and he sighed.

  “Slow, we’ve found one person so far,” Gage glanced up at Maxim.

  “Who?” Maxim asked.

  “I’m sorry grandfather, it was Merk. Seems he was behind the first attack and the second one.” Gage announced.

  “His family?” Maxim growled.

  Gage shook his head. “They knew nothing of it. They are just as shocked as I was. He had a message for you,” Gage glanced at Willow.

  “Go on, it’s not like I haven’t heard it before,” Willow shrugged and her father growled.

  “I think I really need to start writing down names,” Baal snapped.

  “Honey, you really are going to have to calm down. I’m afraid it will be like this, it does not get better,” Laurann said.

  “Come on Dylan, let’s go set up the area while the men can chat,” she leaned over and placed a kiss on Maxim’s cheek. “I’m sorry about your friend. Talk to your grandson, we’ll be up over this hill. Come on Randle, you know the way,” Willow said as she took Dylan’s hand and made her way up the hill with her mom and Tamara.

  “You know, it really does suck always being considered the bad seed. One of these days I’m going to skin someone alive if they keep pointing at me.” Tamara pointed. “Looks like Storm and Bane made it here. I hope you don’t mind that I invited them?” Tamara said.

  “Nope, not at all. I think we need to get to know our brothers and sisters. Plus, I feel sorry for Bane. I mean he never had dad and then his mom is the psycho from hell.”

  “I heard that princesses,” Bane grumbled and engulfed her in a hug. “Welcome to the family. I know there was something about you the last time we were working together,” Bane released her and hugged Tamara, as Storm hugged her.

  “I see you are still hiding?” She asked her sister Storm, who just shrugged.

  “As with you, I have my reasons. Welcome to the family, Willow, and thank you for inviting me. So what’s the news on spider lady?” she asked as Alton started spreading out blankets.

  “My father and mother are hot on her tracks. It seems she stepped into the wrong world. So with any luck, we will be rid of her. I’m sorry Bane, I know this is your mother,” her father said, coming up to greet both of his children. “Know I’m here now for both of you.”

  “We’re both here for the two of you. Bane, Storm, you will always have a home if you need it,” her mother told Bane, giving him a hug, then one to Storm. “And I’m warning you both now. If you are in trouble and don’t call us, I will be highly pissed off and you don’t want me mad, understood?” her mother told them, and Willow laughed.

  “Welcome to the family, guys.” Willow moved to sit next to her son, reaching over to pet the puppy.

  “So how are you doing, little guy, with all the changes?” she asked Dylan as he crawled into her lap, resting his head on her. “Where are we going to live? Are grandma and grandpa going to live with us?” he asked, all worried.

  “Oh baby, so much is going through your little head. Listen, anywhere we live, we’ll all be together no matter where we will be. You will always have your room and, of course, grandma and grandpa will be close.” She looked down at him and he was staring up at her. “No one is going to keep Nana from you.” Willow’s heart ached. Alton had been right about somethings and that’s why his words still hurt. Her son still looks towards her mother for guidance more so than her, but that was to be expected. After all, she had worked for years.

  Alton sat down next to them as did Maxim, as the others joined them, spreading out the food. Alton leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek. “It will take time, but Dylan will get used to us all. I’m sorry for my words earlier. You had to do what you did, but now you have us to help.” Alton ruffled Dylan’s hair. “And you, young man, I was thinking we could take a trip before we settle. If I’m not mistaken, Maxim has a surprise for you?” Alton said

  Maxim laughed. “I was going to wait, but it seems my ship is still in operation. My crew is even willing to get it up and ready for us.”

  Dylan jumped up and flung himself into Maxim’s arms. “Is it like the ship we’re building?” he asked, all excited.

  “Yep, but bigger. You’ll see it in the next day or two, depending on how long it takes them to get here,” he said setting Dylan in his lap as Laurann laughed, but stopped.

  Suddenly everything around them seemed to quiet down, even the bugs. A shiver went up Willow’s arms a scream pierced the air. Dylan ran to her and buried his face into her shoulder. “Spider lady here?” he asked shivering.

  “No, little warrior, she is finally at peace,” Agares said, coming up the hill with her grandmother. “I’m sorry, Bane. I know this has been hard for you, but your mother is finally at peace. As for her children, they scattered and got away. It seems they had the good sense not to go into that certain world. I must get back and make sure things are okay below.” Agares glanced around at each of his grandchildren. “Bane, Storm, Tamara, Willow. I will be there if you need me. I’m not perfect, and I know I’ve lost much staying below so long, but there will always be a balance of evil and good, no matter what world you are on.” He knelt down and held out his arms. “Can I get a hug, little warrior?” Agares asked of Dylan, who looked up at her, and she nodded.

  “He is your grandfather,” Willow smiled, catching herself before she could say great.

  “Very wise granddaughter. I don’t need to be reminded of my age,” he grumbled and hugged Dylan tight. “Be good for your momma and dads. I’ll be back for visits.” He set Dylan back and stood, turning to Queen Aibell. He reached up and ran his finger down Willow’s cheek. “Thank you for showing this old man some of the light. I will see y
ou soon, beautiful lady.” He leaned over and placed a kiss on her cheek before disappearing.

  Aibell shook her head and turned to stare right at her. “Willow, I’m sorry you went through what you did. It seems I have much work to do in my world as well for this kind of hate will not be tolerated. Son, please bring Laurann to my home anytime. You have a home there as long as you want it.” She smiled down at Dylan. “I give you a gift, Dylan. You may now speak with your puppy as your daddy does.” She leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of his head.

  “Next week, all of us need to meet so we know what kind of threat we have coming at us, but be careful because there are still a number of those things running around.” Aibell frowned. “Tamera, you be careful and stay close to your men, that other man is still out there and I don’t like having loose ends.”

  “You know of something?” Gage asked.

  “No, but I have a bad feeling we haven’t seen the end of this man. Alton, Maxim, I’m afraid with Willow being the oldest, and a princess as you would say, she will be targeted. Maybe this trip you have planned will help keep her out of trouble.”

  “Hey now, I’m not that bad,” she grumbled, but frowned looking towards her sister. “Do you think this threat to Tamara is a personal one for her or because of who we are?”

  “Good question and one that I don’t have an answer to. The fact I can’t even see what or who he is has me nervous for all of you.” Her gaze jumped to Storm’s. “I really don’t like you traveling alone like you do. Even with your disguise, you are at risk.”

  Storm shrugged. “I’m used to it, and I won’t go down quietly, but I will call for help if it gets too bad. Plus, Bane has made it his mission to watch after me.” She rolled her eyes and Bane laughed.

  “And I always will,” Bane nudged her with his shoulder. “We will be careful grandma.” Bane teased and she laughed.

  “You see I don’t mind being called that. It means I have family, which I’ve wanted for years. Be good little ones, and Baal, I expect a visit at least once a week.” She told her son and he laughed.

  “Yes, mother,” Baal moved over to her and hugged her.

  “Boy, we put dysfunctional in family, don’t we?” Bane grumbled and all of them laughed, but Willow was still worried about her sister, Tamara. Something was off, or coming.

  Chapter Ten

  Alton watched his little kitty as she spoke with her sisters and brother, while they ate. The way Willow kept glancing at her sister, he knew she was worried, but was it more?

  “I have a feeling we will find out here soon, but for now quit worrying so much. Our one threat is gone. We should start worrying about the new one coming from the sky,” Maxim said, squeezing Alton’s shoulder. “She is worried about Tamara and so am I. I don’t think it’s safe for her to go back to the house.”

  “This friend of yours had some major pull?” Alton asked, and Maxim nodded.

  “Merk was one of the first to join the pack when I settled there. He knows all the weaknesses of the area, the strengths, plus he wouldn’t be doing this alone. What I don’t understand is why? There was no big change and their children will be very strong. We’ve never been prejudiced and it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.” Maxim grumbled, drawing Willow’s attention.

  She rose and came over to Maxim, placing her head on his chest. “Are you worried about the pack? We could go back and help if you want,” Willow suggested.

  Maxim wrapped his arms her. “You really aren’t a homebody, are you?” Maxim asked and she sighed.

  “I love my home and I want to stay here,” she peeked over her shoulder. “But I have a feeling that the one that attacked Tamara at your home isn’t finished. I don’t know how to say it, but I sometimes get these vibes that something is off and I’m getting that right now.” She turned to face the others, but still leaned up against Maxim.

  “You’re really worried about her going back, aren’t you?” Alton asked, and she nodded.

  “With her being pregnant, yeah, really worried. If the pack isn’t behind her, they’d be there without back up, but it’s not my call since I don’t know the dealings of a pack.” Willow laughed when Dylan jumped on Randle, but she could see that Alton’s heart dropped to his stomach as he stepped forward.

  “Randle won’t hurt him, watch,” Willow said, but she didn’t have to tell them. They stared watching for any clue that the old gator would harm their little boy.

  Randle ran around the little island as Dylan giggled and laughed, the puppy on the blanket watching, it’s tag moving back and forth. But all of a sudden Randle stopped and so did Dylan’s giggling.

  “Can you…” Willow was saying, but her words stopped when Dylan suddenly appeared next to her. “You okay?” she asked her son, but squeezed Maxim’s arm, knowing he was the one that had brought Dylan to her.

  “I’ve never seen that one, have you mom?” Dylan asked as she turned to see the other gator watching and inching up the island.

  “No, and he’s just as big as Randle, which is strange since we would have seen him otherwise. Mom?” she questioned as Laurann came over and shook her head.

  “I’ve never seen that one and look at the belly on it,” Laurann frowned. “Something isn’t right. I can’t reach its mind.” Laurann was pushed behind Baal as Maxim did the same to Dylan and Willow.

  “I don’t like this.” Alton scanned the area and that’s when he noticed the other gators surrounding the island. “Maxim, there are others. We need to get the women out of here.” Just as he said it, Willow, Tamara and Laurann disappeared from there, but Dylan was still there.

  “Where are the women?” Alton growled, grabbing hold of Dylan and lifting him up. “Did you send them somewhere?” Alton asked Baal, and he shook his head as Lars, Storm, Bane and Gage moved to them. “Who has the power to take them like that?” Gage growled, half beast as Ral pushed forward.

  “They come now, go take the boy and find the women. I’ll deal with these here.” Baal stepped away from them, letting his power slowly come out. The gators around the pound started to trash around, lunging.

  But before he could see what was going to happen, Maxim looked at him. “Dylan, can you see the different waves of music?” Maxim asked, and he nodded.

  “Show me, we’ll follow it to find your mommy and grandma,” Maxim said and at once, Alton was in the boy’s head seeing everything he did.

  “There is a faint pattern, have you seen it?” he asked, but didn’t need to, as all of them were once more back in the realm of the Fae. “You’re kidding, right?” Alton asked, looking at Maxim, who shook his head.

  “I wish I was. The queen is going to have a fit,” Maxim said.

  “Fit is not the word for it.” Aibell said, as she appeared and seemed to walk on thin air. “Now, can you tell where they are?” she asked. “You know, this is strange, I should be able to tell if my granddaughter is here.” She frowned and turned in a full circle. “Follow me,” she growled and moved down a path that suddenly appeared.

  Dylan curled up closer to Alton. “It’s cold and dark,” Dylan whimpered.

  “We’ve got you, little warrior. No one will touch you. Is your friend there?” Ral asked, in full warrior status now.

  The little boy shook his head, but Alton and Ral could see the eyes of the warrior inside.

  Aibell stopped, staring into the darkness. “I haven’t been here in a long time. I promised myself I would never come here again, but it seems I’m being called back.” She looked over her shoulder. “This is not a place for Dylan.”

  One minute he was holding Dylan and the next he was gone. He growled and stepped forward, but Maxim grabbed onto him. “He’s safe at the house with Ida.”

  As Aibell went to step into the darkness, Agares appeared at her side. “Let’s do this together, shall we? It’s been a while since I’ve seen your father and mother.”

  “And you know what happened last time?” she asked.

  “We’ll handle this now
. Let’s go get our grandchildren. No one should be in this place too long,” Agares stated and looked back. “Be prepared. If you thought my world was bad, this is nothing like it.”

  Baal appeared before him. “If one hair is touched on my daughters or mate…” Baal snapped.

  “Son, maybe you should allow us to handle this?” Aibell suggested, but he shook his head.

  “Whoever this is sent people to harm my family. I’m done playing nice,” Baal said.

  Aibell moved forward into the darkness, but Alton heard her mumblings. “He’s just like his father, as stubborn as they come. Let’s hope my parents take that into account.”

  Both he and Maxim stepped up beside Baal as they moved forward, but what greeted them made him cringe. Eyes, different shapes, sizes and colors covered walls as they moved down the hall, but what made him almost jump out of his skin was the floor seemed to be made out of the heads of live things.

  Ral took over his body, shifting to his true form, as Maxim turned to part beast and warrior as the others followed suit, not knowing what was ahead of them. The hall finally opened up five minutes later to a large dark city. Creatures he had never seen before moved around but watched them as they followed Aibell and Agares towards a silver tower, that... He glanced at Maxim and he nodded.

  “Bones, human,” Maxim snarled, earning a quick stare from Agares.

  “You are going to have to control yourselves. This is not the place to start anything,” Agares told them and Aibell laughed.

  “Like you listened? You wouldn’t be where you are now if you’d listen to your own words,” Aibell hissed.

  “Now is not the time to bring up the past,” Agares nodded to the blood-covered doors which opened up. “Your family waits for us.”

  “You will explain this all when we leave this place,” Baal growled.

  No one said another word as a half demon/half troll moved in front of them, along with six creatures Alton had no idea what they were. Six eyes, no nose, one crooked mouth, with gray-blue hair that looked like metal curls. Oh, he knew better than to stare, but damn, it was hard hearing the things hair clink as they moved.


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