Blue Forty-Two: A Quick Snap Novella

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Blue Forty-Two: A Quick Snap Novella Page 5

by Rayvn Salvador

  “I should say I’m sorry. But I’m not. And I hope we do it again.” I quirked up a corner of my lip. “Are you good?”

  I saw the moment she snapped back to herself. “Good. Yeah, yeah, I’m good,” she said as she moved from my lap to her spot on the couch once more.

  I grinned at her. “I should hope you are.” I winked and saw the blush climb her cheeks. Abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous.

  She dipped her chin shyly and unconsciously touched her lips before resting an elbow on the back of the couch and playing with her ponytail. “So, um—”

  I cut her off. “Doc, please don’t overthink this. I can see your wheels turning.” I leaned forward and brushed the backs of my fingers across her cheek. “We’re supposed to be getting to know each other, right?”

  She stiffened a bit, and I didn’t know why, exactly. “Yeah, but… Are you really all right? I didn’t hurt you?”

  I leaned forward in my chair and put my good hand on her knee. “No harm done, doc. Honest. Actually, I feel better than I did before. Physically, at least. I’ll feel even better when I get some drugs into my system.” I decided to lighten the mood a bit. “My pride on the other hand… Your fullback? How in the world did you even come up with that play?”

  She grinned and I saw relief wash over her face, and the tension leave her shoulders. It somehow made her even more attractive in a way I couldn’t explain.

  “It’s actually an old Cleveland play. My dad used to watch game tapes all the time at home. I sort of grew up with it. That was one of his favorite plays. He said it had an upside that not a lot of other wildcat iterations had. And was most effective because of its unpredictability.” She looked off into the distance and I saw some emotion overtake her expression. I couldn’t pinpoint what it was exactly. Part wistfulness, part regret maybe.

  I knew almost nothing about Tamryn’s background. I knew her role with the team, when she’d arrived, how she excelled. I knew she liked old sci-fi and horror films. I now knew that she was a Madden prodigy and loved wings and beer, and that she ate macaroni and cheese as if it were an orgasmic experience. During our chat as we played, I’d discovered that she enjoyed rock and pop from the eighties, even though she was almost too young to have grown up with it. She hated politics and reality TV, and her ideal date would be hiking in the mountains followed by fondue. Random, but somehow perfectly Tamryn. I wanted to ask about her family, but there was something about the tone of her voice as she spoke about her father that made me hesitate. Instead, I shared something about my parents.

  “From the moment I could hold a ball, my dad wanted me to play and eventually go pro. He was a hard ass. He used to make me train for hours upon hours in the fields. Throwing, catching. And all I wanted was to please him, so I did it. Until my feet bled and my hands got blisters. But to me, until I got old enough to know better and started to question things, that was my time with my pop.”

  I grabbed my pill bottle, took out one of the tablets, and downed it with a drink from my water bottle. “When I declared for college at the University of Miami, he was so proud. But he took his tough love to a new level. It wasn’t good enough that I became a starter my freshman year. He wanted me to win the Heisman. And he wanted me drafted in the first round, if not first overall.”

  I looked at her and saw her settle more comfortably into the couch cushions, her expression telling me she was taking it all in but that she would likely have questions later. I was just about to continue when she spoke up. “You did win that Heisman. And if I remember right, you dedicated it to your dad in your speech.”

  I smiled. “That I did. And I did go in the first round, but nowhere near first overall. In fact, I’ll never forget the texts I got from Pop when I fell to number twenty-four and Seattle took me. He was so angry. But I still felt like I had accomplished something. As if I was living the dream. And I hadn’t had a chance to prove myself yet.”

  Tamryn nibbled on a chip, and I was enthralled watching her do it. Something so simple, yet it made my blood heat. I tried to get myself back into the story. “Long story short, I proved myself, yet somehow, I never felt like it was enough for Pop. Especially when I got traded to Baltimore and Will took my job.” I laughed ruefully. “Funny how that seems to be coming back around, huh? I love the guy—Will, that is—but…” I popped a chip into my mouth and continued after I’d swallowed.

  “Anyway, I didn’t feel like Pop really saw me until the first time I hoisted that Lombardi trophy. Then, I felt as if I had finally given him what he expected of me.” I had to stop and take a deep breath before I continued. “Both he and my mom died later that same year in a car crash. I never got to show him that I wasn’t just a one and done quarterback. I brought that trophy home a couple more times. And I should be bringing it home again this year.” I pinched the bridge of my nose.

  Tamryn placed her hand on mine and lowered it from my face. While I knew it was a touch of comfort, I couldn’t help the feeling that raced through me. “Holden, I’m so sorry. And I’m even more sorry about your injury. While I’ve said this before, I mean it, and you need to remember it. You are still a part of the team. Whatever happens in the big game is because of you. You got them that far. You’re still taking them there.” I flinched a bit, and I knew she felt it. She pulled back and settled into her own space on the couch once more.

  I looked in her eyes then, her stormy blue orbs shimmery with emotion. “But am I? We still don’t even know if I’ll be able to travel. I said I was going to make it happen, and we have a little bit of time, but nobody will give me a straight answer. Everybody’s consistently pussyfooting around whether or not it’s even possible.”

  She gave me a sad smile. “Honestly, that’s because we don’t know. We all have a lot of work to do before we can even talk about that. Let’s get you back into the facility first. Get some of the really hard rehab done. See what the ortho says after. Then, we’ll have this discussion again. Deal?”

  “As if I have a choice.”

  “You’re right. You don’t,” she said with a grin. “Just like you don’t have a prayer of beating me in our last game.”

  “Now that I know what you’re capable of, I might prove you wrong.” I flashed her a saucy grin and then grabbed her hand to kiss her knuckles. “Bring it. Game on.”

  She bit her lip and then smiled before taking her hand back. “Consider it brought.”

  Chapter 10


  I’d been trying to focus on work all day, yet all I could think about was Holden. And that kiss the other day. Damn, that kiss. He’d taken me utterly by surprise when he pulled me in, but once I got over the initial shock, it was quite possibly the single most thrilling experience of my life. I’d admired him from afar for a while, but I never pictured it going anywhere. And I certainly never expected the way he made me feel.

  Holden had the unique ability to make me experience a wide range of emotions. Most of which were wonderful. All of which were confusing. He was my patient. My coworker. While there were no team rules against us dating, my professional side couldn’t help but be a bit conflicted. Yet the feminine side of me told the doctor to shove it and enjoy the ride.

  I glanced at the clock. I needed to get across the quad to the training center and the physical therapy rooms. Holden had an appointment with the surgeon and then was meeting me for some rehab afterwards.

  Once I arrived, I made sure I had everything I needed for our session, and then popped into the changing room to get out of my khakis and polo office garb and into some workout gear. I’d learned early on that I worked up a sweat almost as much as the guys did.

  When I stepped from around the corner, I saw Holden at the other end of the mat near the Pilates machines. He had his back to me, but he must have heard my footsteps on the cement floor. When he turned the chair around, I saw a look overtake his face that made my heart skip a beat. Blatant interest, sure, but also something…more. I saw the heat in his gaze and couldn’t help
the answering blaze in my body. Still, I smoothed down my tight workout top and then wiped my now-sweaty palms on my leggings.

  “Hey,” I said as I continued forward.

  “Hi,” he said as he gave me a full once-over. “Nice outfit.” He grinned slyly.

  I couldn’t stop the blush. “Thanks. I’ve learned from experience to wear comfortable clothes when I work with you guys.”

  “I’m not gonna lie, I’m kind of jealous. Maybe I should have gotten hurt sooner.” He winked.

  “Don’t even joke.” I looked him over and noticed that his ankle and lower leg looked less bulky. Leaning against a weight rack and crossing my arms over my chest I asked, “What did the ortho say?”

  “He changed out my cast and took scans of everything. Said it’s healing pretty well. He’s worried about the atrophy, so I guess that’s where you and Osric come in. And he said something about a suspicious shadow on the scans, though. An area between one injury and the other.”

  I couldn’t help but be concerned. I walked forward a bit. “Concerned how? Did he tell you why?” I started to move around what we’d need for today’s session and waited for him to answer.

  “Something about a possible blockage and that the risk of blood clots is high given everything they did in there. Especially since my circulation is hindered.”

  I felt my stomach roil. Everything Holden had just said was definitely concerning. It was one of the reasons the medical staff and I were still so torn on letting him fly to Miami. Flying increased the risk of clotting.

  “Gotcha. Okay, well we’ll watch all of that. For now, what do you say we get this show on the road? I have a great session planned for you today.”

  He shook his head. “I bet you do. All right, doc. Do your worst.”

  Nearly two hours later, we were both sweaty and sore. Seriously, sometimes working out like this to help others was almost better than my morning workouts, and I did plenty of it as the injury management specialist. My job description included more than just my duties as a doctor.

  I handed Holden a bottle of water and then took a big gulp from my own.

  “I need to get you in the other room for some aqua therapy. Are you up for it?”

  He took a sip of his water and nodded. “Sure. You’re talking the jets and no swimming or exercises today, right?”

  “You got it. I need to wrap up your cast, but since you’ve been cleared to soak, you need some hydrotherapy on that shoulder.”

  We made our way into the “tub room,” as the guys called it. When I turned around and saw Holden standing propped against the counter and wall to take the weight off his leg, pulling his shirt off with one hand, my mouth went dry. The man had an eight-pack. Not a six. And that oh-so-sexy V was so defined and accentuated by his low-slung joggers that I had to shake my head to clear my thoughts. Suddenly, I realized that he’d likely need help getting undressed, and my heart picked up its pace.

  “So, ah…” I started. “Are you able to get undressed and redressed yourself?”

  Holden looked down at himself and seemed to realize the conundrum. “I think I’m just going to strip down to my boxer briefs. Just like swim trunks, right?”

  I felt equal parts disappointment and relief when Holden hooked the thumb of his good hand in his waistband and did just that. He stepped out of the sweats and stood in a pair of boxer briefs that hugged his powerful thighs and body to perfection, still leaning against the counter and wall for support and looking sexy as hell.

  How am I ever going to do this and remain professional?

  Mentally reminding myself that I was a doctor, I grabbed what I needed from the cabinets to wrap up his cast to keep it from getting wet and then made my way over. When I dropped to my knees to attend to his foot, I realized the position we were now in. My breath hitched, and I saw the muscles of his legs contract in response. He was aware of it, too. I quickly attended to the task at hand and protected his cast, and then looked up without thinking. Not only was his awareness and interest blatantly obvious in the tight-fitting cotton, but when I roamed ever higher and met his gaze, the look in his eyes was enough to melt me on the spot.

  I had never felt so beautiful or wanted before, and all just from a look.

  “Holden, I—”

  Suddenly, he grabbed me by the nape and I rose to meet him, his hand tangling in my hair as he crushed his mouth to mine. I pulled back to breathe and gasped at the sensual assault. He took advantage, deepening the kiss and stealing my breath. His hand roamed down my back and then snaked up under my shirt, his fingers splayed wide across my skin. The heat of him was intense and intoxicating and I worried that I would never get enough.

  Coming back to myself, I pulled back slightly, knowing that we needed to get back to the therapy. Besides, I hadn’t locked the door, and anybody could walk in to use the facilities. “Holden, we need to stop.” I panted. “And you need to get in that tub.”

  He quirked an eyebrow. “You could go lock the door and join me.”

  God, that sounded so tempting. But…no. “As incredible as that sounds, we have work to do, and I should probably at least try to remain professional.”

  Holden used the counter to steady himself. “Aw, come on, Tamryn,” he said. “We could play doctor.” He winked.

  I groaned.

  “That was terrible. You get no points for that line. Now, patient mine, get in that tub and let’s work on that flexibility.”

  I saw the light in his eyes the second before I realized what I had said. “I meant your shoulder, you dirty old man.”

  He laughed. “Fair enough, doc. But you are going on a real date with me, not just hangouts at the house.”

  I raised a brow. “Am I, now? Hmm, and here I thought that was something that I should be asked, not told.”

  He sketched an awkward bow before getting into the tub. “Fair point. Tamryn Miller, physician extraordinaire, Madden prodigy, and all-around current pain in my ass, will you do me the honor of going on a date with me?”

  I couldn’t hold back the laugh. “Well, since you complimented me so fabulously, how can I say no?”

  I was going on a date with Holden Cramer.

  What was I thinking?

  Chapter 11


  Tamryn and I had been on a few dates in the short time that we’d been together, and things were going great. She was actually coming over later after my therapy so we could watch the Pro Bowl and just chill out. I hoped our evening might end with her spending the night with me, but I wasn’t going to dwell on it. I didn’t want to jinx anything.

  I was just finishing getting things set up in the theatre when I heard the intercom buzz. “Hey, gorgeous. Come on in. I left the door open for you. I’m in the theatre.”

  A few minutes later, I heard her walk through the door. “Holden. What are you doing?” I spun around so fast I almost fell and caught myself on the back of the sofa.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  She rushed over to me. “You’re not supposed to be walking around yet.”

  Ah, she was worried.

  “Merrick gave me clearance today to put some weight—minimal weight—on it if I have to. I can’t forgo everything just yet, and it has to be supported, of course, but he wants me testing it out a little bit.”

  “Clearance and testing things out don’t mean walking around without the crutch, especially with nobody else in the house. And, besides, I know you’re full of shit. I’m your doctor, too, remember? I know what your medical advice is and from whom…” She raised a brow at me and crossed her arms over her chest. I saw frustration and a bit of worry pass over her features and instantly felt bad. I pulled her to me and gave her a kiss that stole my breath. I hoped it did the same or more for her.

  Unfortunately, it appeared she wasn’t done chastising me. “I really wish you would stop trying to rush things.”

  “I’m not rushing. I’m healing.” I winked.

  “You’re rus
hing. And you’re being as stubborn as always. And…you’re a liar,” she argued.

  “I’m sorry.” I kissed her knuckles. “I just need to feel like I’m making headway.” She shook her head at me, and I tugged her over to the couch as I fell onto it so we could settle in together.

  I couldn’t even tell you what happened in the game. My attention was solely focused on her. It was probably a good thing that I was only partly involved in the team’s planning for next week. Right now, aside from getting healthy, my focus was on one thing: Tamryn Miller.

  She’d gotten under my skin quicker and easier than I ever imagined, and I feared that I was really starting to have feelings for the gorgeous physician. I didn’t even feel the jealousy and anger I expected while watching my friends and fellow players on the field in Orlando.

  Tamryn was always there for me now. She didn’t let me get away with any shit. She constantly made me laugh despite the current state of my life, and every moment we were apart, all I could do was count down the seconds until I could see her again.

  Tamryn shifted, burrowing in even closer to me. I wanted nothing more than to be able to pick her up and carry her to bed. Alas, I couldn’t. Instead, I leaned over and tucked her hair behind her ear, brushing a kiss to her forehead.

  Her eyes fluttered. “Mmm. Whaaa?”

  I couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “It’s time for bed, pretty lady.” That woke her up. She looked startled for a minute and then sat up with a jolt.

  “What time is it?” she asked, and looked around for a clock.

  “It’s late. And I’m tired, too. What do you say you help me to bed?”

  She looked dubious for half a second and I saw that she was about to say “no.”

  “We can just sleep. I promise. I’m tired. You’re tired. I don’t want you driving half-asleep, and I won’t get any rest if I’m worried about you. Please, just stay the night.” I almost stopped there and then figured…what the hell? “I want to hold you.”


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