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The Reconstruction of Cyprian

Page 92

by Michelle Love

  “I suppose it is. Take me to Bait, Mark. I need a drink.” Mark looked at me, knowing that it was a club that I was a regular at. It was a BDSM club, and though it was no secret to Mark that I was interested in that, I just hadn’t asked to go there with such conviction before. I might be done with Sharon, but there was no reason that I couldn’t find another girl.

  “On my way,” he said as he turned forward and pulled away from the curb, I wasn’t dressed for Bait but I didn’t want to go home first. I wanted to give in to the feeling of a woman doing anything that I asked, anything that I craved. Nothing else mattered right now.

  Mark picked me up when I called him a few hours later. I wasn’t drunk, but I’d say that I was tipsy. I had been in one of the more hardcore rooms tonight, and my cock ached from edging so much as I watched the depravity around me. There was a woman with her mouth around my cock as I had another bent over in just a leather thong as I whipped her with a paddle. She cried out with every hit, and I watched her come as she leaked through the edges of her skimpy underwear.

  I felt out of control for a moment as I grasped the hair of the blonde on her knees before me. I started fucking her mouth in earnest as she let me slip deeper into her throat and I pulled away to come all over her face as she looked up at me. I stepped back and went to one of the bathrooms to clean myself up as I stared blankly into the mirror. I didn’t understand what I wanted here…I didn’t know what I was feeling for this girl.

  The others weren’t helping me, and I hoped that would change. I wanted to soothe the way that I knew, the one that I was familiar with.


  I wore my usual casual clothing to school the following day, excited about my afternoon after my last class. I hurried home to change into a casual skirt and t-shirt since it had been approved by Brent. If we were meeting with a client for any reason, then we were to dress up a bit more, but otherwise, it was business casual. The other members of my team wore their own styles from gamer nerd to alternative. There was a girl named Autumn that had rainbow hair and the best laugh that I’d ever heard in my life and then a guy that looked like the singer from Soundgarden. It was evident to me that as detailed and technical as Architecture was, it was also another form of creativity. This company welcomed personal style, and I smiled as I walked into the work room that first day.

  “Hey, girl. Good to see you,” Autumn greeted me as I smiled and looked around at the group scattered around in chairs trying to work on a design.

  There was Brianne, a platinum blonde that was a new graduate from Harvard. She was twenty-three and quiet, but I thought that it might take time to get to know her. There was Vince, an unattractive guy with dark hair and big brown eyes that was passionate about his work and it showed. He seemed to have an energy level that never faded, at least from what I’d seen. Landon was a surfer type that seemed subtle in his talent but was welcoming to me.

  The last guy was Michael, and I was convinced that he was a gamer during his off hours. Though it wasn’t my thing, I didn’t judge people for what they did. If it made them happy and didn’t hurt anybody, then go for it.

  We talked as we went over the new project, which was a museum in New York City. It was going to be massive and called for a contemporary design. I already knew that their buildings cost millions sometimes to build with all of the detail and these people that I was working with did very well doing this job. Elkus was a generous company that worked hard to keep their talent and not a person that I was watching today seemed unhappy. They seemed motivated and what I wanted to be when I was done with school and working a job.

  They came down to a mutual decision, and Autumn started to draw it out as they looked over her shoulder. I sat and watched, caught up in the moment before I glanced out into the hallway and saw Brent talking with Damon, their faces close together. I stared for a moment before I blinked and looked back at the group that was pointing at something and laughing. “Come on over,” Landon told me and I smiled as I stood.

  I felt like a part of them as I watched and even suggested a few things. We had so many details about the project to work with, and it was fun to discuss until Autumn dropped her pencil and took a deep breath. “I need a damn coffee. I was up brainstorming most of the night about this shit.”

  “Come on. Group break,” Michael decided as they stood and looked at me. I giggled as we went to the break room and made coffee in the Keurig one by one as we talked about the city and what we did outside of work. I was the only student, of course, but they were all understanding about it.

  I walked to the elevator at seven o clock, tired but in the best way possible. I was smiling when I got in and leaned against the wall as someone slipped their hand between the closing doors. I looked as they opened again and Damon walked inside as he stared at me. “How was your first day, Miss Moore?” His voice was rough, and I felt my body respond immediately as I dropped back against the wall.

  “It was great. This whole place is so…enlightening,” I told him as I felt the smile taking over my face. “You can call me Elisa as well. I practically work for you now.” ‘Damon looked pained as he pressed the button and we moved down towards the lobby.

  “Fine, Elisa. You can call me Damon as well,” he choked out as I looked at him.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him as he dropped his eyes to the floor. He was gorgeous as pain crossed his face and I got lost in him. I had a boyfriend in high school, and we did all of the stuff that a couple was supposed to do, so I wasn’t a virgin or completely inexperienced here. I had an idea of what was happening, but this was powerful. It was consuming, and I blinked as he lifted his eyes to mine.

  “I need you to focus on your team and not see you, Elisa. It’s for the best.” The doors opened, and he was gone as I stared at his ass that was walking away from me. What just happened?

  I stepped off of the elevator and shook my head. Autumn was talking to a tall guy with dirty blonde hair, and she glanced over at me. “Hey, Elisa. This is the other intern, Devin. He’s from Harvard.”

  I stepped forward and forced a smile on my face as he reached a hand out to me. “Pleased to meet you, Elisa. I guess we’re the lucky ones.”

  Damon’s words played through my head again, and I forced myself to look into Devin’s warm green eyes, darker than mine and trustworthy. He didn’t look like I was making him ill like Damon had. “We sure are. I think this is going to work out very well.”

  “A few of us were going for drinks. Would you like to join us?” Autumn asked as I thought about the low balance in my bank account.

  “Maybe just one,” I replied as she grinned and led us out of the door. Devin followed us, and I felt his eyes on me as we went through the door. He was a handsome guy, and Devin seemed kind. Maybe he wasn’t a bad idea, coming from Harvard and all.

  We hit up a bar around the corner where I paid for one drink, and Devin covered the rest. I don’t know if he could see the panic on my face back in the building, but I appreciated it, and I sipped the cocktail as I thought about my budget. This seemed natural to them, and I wanted to be a part of the team. I just needed a few more hundred dollars in my account to keep up with them.

  We left the bar some hours later, and I realized that I spent my cash on the drink and couldn’t get home. I realized that my apartment was several blocks away, and I bit my lip as I stared down the street.

  A Bentley drove past me on the nearly empty street as I looked over to see Devin and Autumn slipping into separate cabs. They waved, and I smiled and waved back before I turned to start walking. I sighed and thanked my earlier self for wearing flats as I thought about the fifteen daunting blocks to the apartment, and I wondered if I could just sleep at the Elkus building for the night since it was right around the corner.

  The couches there were more comfortable than my bed. It was quieter too.

  I walked and knew that the fancy car was still beside me as I stared forward. “Elisa? Are you walking?” I looked over to see a cab
with Devin hanging out of it. “Want a ride?”

  I looked past the cab to see the window to the Bentley lower just enough for me to see Damon’s simmering eyes as my mouth dropped open.

  “Elisa?” I looked back at Devin and smiled weakly.

  “I’d love it. I’m out of cash, but I’ll pay you back tomorrow?” I offered as Devin waved his hand and said something to the driver. At the bar, I’d learned that his family was wealthy and paying for school for him, as well as his apartment and life in general. The cab pulled over, and Devin hopped out and opened the door as I watched the window hiding Damon from the world roll back up as the car sped off into the night.

  What the hell was going on? I slipped into the cab beside Devin and closed the door as the driver asked where I lived. I told him, and he pulled away from the curb as Devin slipped an arm around my shoulder. This was a guy that was interested in me, as far as I could tell. A night at the bar wasn’t deep, but he’d paid for several drinks for everyone and chatted a lot with me. I assumed that was how it worked out there, but I was too stubborn to go for it. I was focused on school and the end game with that, and I worried too much about my mother.

  I let myself smile as we drove down the road, music playing loud as Devin laughed at something that happened that night. I didn’t want to think about the confusion surrounding Damon, who seemed like he was in pain earlier today yet appears to be following me home…in a Bentley!! Damon had a driver like one of those crazy rich guys that you hear about but then I remembered. He was a millionaire in the high numbers and probably close to being more. Family money and success made him a wealthy man at a young age, all the more reason for me to get him out of my head.

  The cab stopped in front of my building, and I saw the look that Devin gave me as I looked up at him. “Can I walk you up?”

  “Sure,” I replied as I slipped out of the cab and told the driver to wait for a moment.

  I saw the Bentley across the street, parked with the window rolled down as Devin slipped his hand over my lower back. I felt scared inside, scared of my feelings as well as what was happening here.

  Part 2

  A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

  By Michelle Love


  I watched Elisa get into the cab with the other intern and my blood boiled as it drove away. I barked at Mark to follow them and felt his eyes on me as he started the car and pulled out onto the street. “Who is she?” His voice was low, but I knew that he was wondering why I was into Elisa since I usually kept women separate from any other part of my life. I went to great lengths to do that most of the time, but I felt like a man obsessed as I peered through the windshield to see the lights of the car.

  “An intern,” I responded, feeling his gaze again. Mark was in my inner circle, and he knew my routine, so interest in an intern was something very different for me. I amazed many men that I knew when I told them I didn’t fuck at work, even though we had some beautiful women there. It was a requirement for me when I hired, but not for my own personal reasons. I just wanted a beautiful face greeting clients and visitors.

  I can’t count the number of times that they hit on me, though. It went from casual flirtation to walking into my office to find a woman naked on my desk. As I stated before, I make certain that beautiful women are hired, but I did not get involved with any of them. People talk no matter what the company they work for, and I refuse to make any of the endless gossip a reality.

  I’d heard some of it. There was talk that I impregnated a woman two years ago and paid her to disappear as well as a rumor that I had an affair with a married receptionist and ruined her marriage.

  Lies. People talked too much.

  I kept my eyes on the cab as it turned and Mark kept up. I had no idea what I was going to do once this car stopped, but I had to have a glimpse into Elisa’s life. I also wanted to see if the cocky intern went inside with her, a thought that made my skin crawl. I hated the idea of anyone’s hands but mine on her body and my cock hardened in my pants.

  I saw the cab pull up and ordered Mark to park across the street, where I moved to the window and rolled it down to watch everything that happened. I noted that her apartment was not in a good part of town and that concerned me as Devin got out of the cab before helping Elisa out. He smiled at her as he asked something and I leaned closer as she nodded and looked back at my car. I knew she knew that I was inside essentially stalking her as her eyes widened when they met mine in the dim light from the street. Elisa turned her head, and I clenched a fist as he placed his hand on her lower back and started up the steps with her.

  Was she going to fuck him tonight? Did he expect her to?

  They disappeared into the building, and I settled back into the seat. “Take me home.” Mark drove away, and I closed my eyes as I tried to sort my feelings about this woman and the way that she got to me. I pushed away the image of her on her knees as the intern fucked her from behind the way I longed to do right now. I remained quiet as we made our way back to my house and got out at the curb.

  “I’ll see you early tomorrow, sir,” Mark told me as I nodded and met his gaze. Could he see that I was coming unraveled? I walked up the steps and greeted the doorman as he held it open for me before taking the elevator to my apartment.

  Looking at the clock, I realized that it was past one in the morning. I knew that I should sleep but was feeling like a manic and edgy, as I strode into my office to get the laptop that was on the desk. I brought it to my room, warming it up on the bed as I stripped my clothes off and glared at my erection. I ran a hand through my messy hair and dropped on the mattress to log onto the computer and find my favorite porn site to try and work this out of my system. It was hardcore, and I skimmed the different types of entertainment before I found amateur. I clicked and watched videos made by people in various settings that were rough and sometimes sloppy, finding myself stroking my cock as I watched a woman that looked like Elisa get spanked by one man while another fucked her face as he held her still. Her moans around his hard cock were making me harder as I moved my hand harder and dropped my head back.

  Elisa replaced the woman in the grainy video as I found myself coming closer to release. It was me inside of her mouth as she looked at me with her big eyes, swallowing the load that I shot into her throat, instead of my stomach. It was me that was tugging her back and driving my cock inside of her as screams filled the room.

  In reality, I was alone and covered in my own sticky semen. I pushed the computer away and went to shower to put myself back together as anxiety raced through my veins. I hated this feeling, and I reluctantly walked over to the drawers at the sink and opened one slowly. There had been a time when I took pills to calm down, a time when things were too much. I pulled out the bottle and took a deep breath before washing one down with a glass of water.

  I slept poorly at best but was awake running early regardless of that fact. I needed to burn energy, and I ran faster today, passing everyone before I went to the gym and did my kettle bells. I worked a little harder today and took another shower before choosing another suit to wear to work, making sure that my appearance was perfect. Regardless of what was going on inside of my head, nobody at my company would ever see it.

  Mark was at the curb with coffee, and I sipped it as I threw myself back into my routine, desperate for normality again. It was all good until I stepped out of the car and saw the man from the night before walking inside the building, laughing with someone as he made his way to the elevator. I followed from a distance, barely saying anything to anybody as I boarded another car than the one he was on and made a mental note of his appearance. He was tall and lankier than I was with an arrogant smile and messy darker blonde hair. I didn’t see much else, but I hated the mother fucker and wanted him gone.

  On the sixth floor, I got out and strode to my office. I had a list of the new interns there that I was going to check to find out his name. That was my first order of business before I even focused on any ot
her part of my day and I slammed the door closed as I walked to my desk.

  I knew that I wasn’t liked here, so the gesture didn’t bother me. I preferred that they avoid me with the mood that I was in, causing me to shake another pill into my hand before I let this jealous rage take me over.


  Devin opened the door to the dingy lobby of my building as my heart pounded. He seemed confident in the fact that he was going to get somewhere with me, but I didn’t want that even if I didn’t live with so many people. “Thanks for walking me in, Devin. I’d love to invite you in for a drink, but I have roommates,” I told him as he reached a hand around my waist to stop me from walking.

  What was Damon doing out there, watching us? Did he follow me home? I didn’t know whether I should be terrified of him or turned on, but the latter was currently winning, and Devin was not going to benefit from it.

  “How many?” He asked smoothly as I narrowed my eyes.

  “Several, since we’re all in college together. Just saving some money, you know. I don’t have company over,” I replied as he eyed the entrance to the lobby.

  “Want to go to my place? I live alone,” I knew what he was getting at, and I shook my head slowly.

  “It’s late, Devin.” It’s late, and I don’t do one-night stands, much less one-night stands with people that I work with.

  “Can I take you out sometime? I had a good time with you tonight,” His eyes sparkled as he shifted his attitude and I pressed my lips together. “I come on strong sometimes, and I know that. I’m just into you, but we can take this slow. How about dinner Friday night?”

  I had paused before I reasoned that there was nothing wrong with dinner, in theory. It was a public place where I could get to know Devin further and see where this could go. I shouldn’t trash the guy because I had some kind of weird thing for a boss that I could never have, right?


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