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Exploring Her Submission: Nisey (Doms of Chicago)

Page 3

by Trace, Dakota

  The rough bark of a Japanese order was followed by a soft cry coming from Airi. The woman bravely met Nisey’s gaze before speaking again. “This slave was jealous of her Master playing with another and wanted you to be a miserable as she was. When she saw you becoming enthralled with the demonstration, she couldn’t help but want to strike out.” Airi’s voice wavered. “This slave isn’t sure how Master Caelan’s slave handles him touching and playing with other slaves.”

  Nisey looked up at Caelan for guidance. He gave a very perceptual nod, telling her in a subtle way she could speak. “Because this slave trusts her Master. He loves shibari - and suspension more specifically. Only a slave topping from the bottom would try to stop him from enjoying the simple pleasures of tying up another, when she herself cannot find the same joy in being suspended. I’m sorry you found my pleasure in seeing Máister’s pleasure, such that you needed a way to strike out.”

  The silence was deafening as Nisey fell silent. Her ears began to heat with embarrassment.

  “Your slave is very mature for one so young, Master Caelan.” Airi’s voice now held a tone of bitterness. “You are very fortunate to have her. Perhaps one day, this slave will be able to do the same.”

  “That you may, Airi.” Before the silence could grow, Caelan seemed determined to put the event behind them. “Seeing how Master Yangchi has already punished you, Airi, I have no reason to do so. You seem repentant. Instead I would much rather discover if we can figure out way to have my slave experience the same pleasure Anya did last night.”

  A masculine grunt of acceptance came from Master Yangchi “So be it. Come. It is time to find out why the fire-haired one is struggling so.”

  * * * *

  “Fall back against Master Caelan.” Master Yangchi’s order was spoken so forcefully, Nisey responded without thought. Standing in the middle of the large airy playroom with her back to Caelan, she allowed her body to fall back into his arms. The familiar warm strength of him surrounding her caused her nipples to harden with awareness even as security washed over her.

  When they entered the room, this was the last thing she expected. What the hell does a trust building exercise have to do with my fear of suspension? I trust Caelan. It’s the idea of nothing supporting me but ropes that scares me shitless.

  “This is good. Very good.” Master Yangchi stroked his chin. “It isn’t a matter of trust between you and your slave, Master Caelan. She trusts you to catch her.” He gave a sigh, before his hand dropped. “It has to be something else. Come with me.” He moved across the room to where a silver hoop dangled from the ceiling.

  Mouth-drying fear pushing at the contentment she was feeling, Nisey almost baulked, but knew if she did, Caelan would merely pick her up and carry her. Also more than likely warm my ass later for the making him do it. Drawing on her inner strength, she stopped beneath the hoop.

  “Good, good.” Master Yangchi removed several of the twelve foot sections of rope from the pegs on the wall. When he offered them to Caelan, he declined.

  Keeping his voice low and soft, Caelan spoke directly into her ear. Goose bumps tightened her skin. “Master Yangchi is going to suspend you today, grá. I want you to give over to him.”

  Chest tightening, Nisey was ready to run but his hands cupped her naked breasts, his fingers teasing the turgid tips. Sensing her unease he milked them, causing her natural arousal at his touch to batter at her fear.

  “I trust him, Nisey. His experience is vast, beyond my own. Trust me to know what’s best for you.” He nuzzled her neck causing more of the traitorous goose bumps to tighten her skin. “Allow him to help you – to get you past this fear, and I will reward you.” His tongue delved inside her ear. “I’ll fuck you right in front him, if he successfully gets you suspended without fear.”

  Her breathing fractured. Oh, my fucking God. Her head spun at the thought of Caelan allowing Master Yangchi to watch him take her. How the hell does he know that turns me on?

  “Hmm, like that idea?” His mouth trailed down her neck. “I thought so. The last time we demonstrated at Olivia’s, you damn near raped me the moment the last student left.”

  “Máister, this slave doesn’t want to force you to do something you don’t want to.” Even as she whispered the words, she hoped that he’d ignore them. So far he’d never taken her in front of another couple, aside from the first time they’d become lovers in his playroom. Not that he did that willingly. Sara and I earned every swat we got that night for seducing our Masters. Her longing for others to watch his dominant claiming was growing, but when he’d never done it again, she’d wondered if he wasn’t comfortable with the idea.

  “Who said about forcing me to do anything, slave?” His free hand squeezed her ass. “I don’t know where you got the idea that making you scream in front of an audience is something I don’t want to do.” He slid his hand between her thighs, just letting it rest on her mound. Her breath caught in her throat on a moan. “I’ve just been waiting for you to be ready.”

  “Máister – please?” She arched towards his cupping hand.

  “Suspension first, fucking second.” Nipping the top of her shoulder he released her. “Now go make me proud.” He moved away to lean against the nearest wall. Licking her lips nervously, she faced his mentor, every nerve in her body screaming at the need to flee - to not let this man – a stranger hang her from the ceiling.

  “Come, child.” Master Yangchi held out his hand once more. Hesitantly she placed hers on top of it. To her surprise, he moved her to the side.

  “Airi, bring me the stool.” The order was met with a flurry of feet before the sound of a stool being dragged over the wood floor. Nisey stilled as Airi wrestled with a low but stoutly built padded bench. Once it was maneuvered under the silver hoop, he motioned for her to sit. Gingerly, she lowered herself to the bench. A gasp escaped her when her bare ass touched the cool leather.

  “Now, what I’m going to do is a simple ball tie suspension.” He started the process of threading and wrapping the hemp until he had through the small d-ring attached to the hoop. Now, dangling from the ceiling she was surprised when he twisted the rope, did a simple hitch and draped what looked like the working end of a lasso over her knees. She frowned.

  “Excuse me, Master Yangchi?”

  “Hmmm.” He busily attached two more rings and using the same process secured two more lead ropes.

  “Are you going to do a gunslinger harness or chest harness?” Her fingers rubbed over the hemp rope lying across her thighs. Her need to feel the ropes around her was surprising strong despite her apprehension.

  “No. It is not needed for this type of suspension.” He looked up from the rope in his hands. “Let me guess, my student became impatient and tried one of the more complex suspensions?”

  She glanced over at Caelan.

  “Look at me, slave. Not him. Now answer my question.” The dark demand had her obeying.

  “I don’t know if it was more complex or not, Master Yangchi. He used the chest harness and gunslinger thing on me. I was fine until he tipped me towards my side and my feet left the ground.”

  Master Yangchi looked over her shoulder and glared at Caelan. “I see.” He raised his voice. “You tried to do the side suspension on a newbie? I thought I taught you better than that!” His hands flew to his hips.

  Peeking at her master, she was surprised to see that her strong, dominant Master was blushing! “She has been my model in my basic shibari class for nearly a year. She loves the ropes and I never dreamed she’d react the way she did.”

  Master Yangchi gave a hrrumpth as he gave a shake of his head.

  “All right, child. I’m going to arrange these under your legs and over your back.” Taking each of the loops off her lap, he urged her forward. “Staying seated, lean down and touch the floor next to your feet.”

  When she did, he gave her a soft ‘good’ as he tossed the loop behind her. “Now lift your bottom from the bench.”

ing, she was surprised when he stopped her after her butt was only inches off the bench. The feel of the hemp against the back of her thighs and the upper part of her back was comforting. Within moments, he had all three of the ropes evenly spaced.

  “Alright, Nisey. This should feel very reminiscent of the swing you swung on as a child. In a moment, once you are comfortable, I’m going to move the bench away.”

  She nodded, now curious. If he moves the bench away, my butt will be suspended but my feet will still be firmly on the floor. How is this considered suspension?

  Just as she was about to ask him, he gave her smile. “Baby steps, first. You must crawl before you can walk.”

  “Yes, Master.” Across the room, she could see the approval in her Máister’s eyes. It was as if he were urging her on – giving her support.

  “Ready?” The soft but steady intrusion of the man next to her jerked her eyes away from Caelan’s.

  Taking a deep breath, she realized she was. It’s now or never. “Yes, Master Yangchi.”

  “Alright. Don’t fight the ropes. Allow them to support your weight. If you fight them, you’ll only tangle them and I’ll have to start over. Understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She held her breath as the bench which had been touching the back of her thighs moved away. A moment of unease filled her until she felt the press of the ropes cradling her, much like the swing Master Yangchi had compared them to. Gradually she relaxed into their embrace, enjoying the feeling of the rough hemp against her skin.

  Once she was completely relaxed, Master Yangchi spoke. “Very good, Nisey.”

  She didn’t even flinch when he ran his hand over the curve of her ass and up her back, checking she assumed to make sure the rope wasn’t pinching anywhere.

  “Now, comes the next part. Keeping your hands on the floor, lift one foot by bending your knee and then lift the other.”

  Swallowing beyond her fear, she did as instructed. With her hands on the ground, she felt like she was doing a handstand. The feel of hemp encircling her ankles had panic rising.

  “Relax, you’re doing beautifully.”

  Caelan’s voice was closer than she thought. Out of the corner of her eye she saw his legs join Master Yangchi’s before his hand touched her back. “Almost there, grá. Give me your hands.”

  She obeyed without though and gave him her right one. Her moment of panic passed when Caelan took her left and gently smoothed it into place. “Hold your arms behind you.” A pause and then, “You did it. You’re absolutely beautiful.”

  When she did, he stepped back and gave a low groan. Behind her she felt not hemp but the smooth feel of leather cuffs surround her wrists.

  “Máister?” Positioned as she was, she couldn’t see him. Why did he move away?

  “Are you scared?” His voice was dark with need. Her body responded violently, her folds growing damp.

  “No, Máister.”

  She heard the jingle of his belt loosening and nearly came on the spot when he spoke again. “Good. I do believe it’s time for your reward.”

  Part Four: Staging for Success

  Dear Kalinda,

  Can a sub die from pleasure? I swear if Caelan didn’t make sure I took my vitamins and that I ate right, I’d be in a coma by now. The training is coming along much better than I hoped. My fear is slowly abating but it’s been a long haul. Master Yangchi and Máister have been harsh taskmasters, but the rewards…let me tell you they are well worth it. I’m so glad that I had the chance to come over here despite my initial reservations.

  Speaking of which, you know who is giving me the look – you know the one that says I need to hurry my ass up so we’re not late for our appointment with the Ofuro or he’ll paddle me. I’m sure you’re familiar with punishment…but knowing you, you enjoy that. Speaking of which…you have to call Josh. Or you’re letting yourself in for a doozy of one…he managed to convince Caelan to let him pick you up from the airport when you come home…and hun, new master or not, he may just turn you over his knee for ignoring him.

  See you soon,


  “If you’ll please fasten your seatbelts, we’re getting ready to for takeoff.” The stewardess’s pleasant voice filled the cabin of the plane. “Once we’re in the air and at cruising speed, you’ll be able to release them. Thank you for flying the friendly skies.” There was a click as the microphone was hung up.

  She yawned and shifted but wasn’t surprised when Caelan’s hand slid under her seat belt – checking to make sure it was secure.

  “I buckled it, Máister.” She moved closer to him, as close as the seats allowed. Frustration at the arm separating her from her master, she yanked it up. His low chuckle should’ve infuriated her but instead she found herself smiling.

  “Come here, grá.” He draped his arm over her shoulder before pulling her as close as their seat belts as would allow. Resting her head against his chest she stifled another yawn. His hand shifted through the strands of her evoking memories of their last visit to the club, the night before…

  “…good girl. What level are you at?” She vaguely heard her Máister through the comforting warmth of sub-space. Floating along and with her mind at peace, she barely felt his fingers threading through the dark auburn strands. As usual it took little to no time for her to find that all elusive but coveted place when she felt the brush of hemp against her skin.

  “Answer me, Nisey.”

  If she could’ve, she’d have opened her eyes but the blindfold he’d placed over them at the beginning of their scene prevented it.

  She forced her lips to move. “Green, Máister.” The brush of his hand over the hemp rope running over her chest reassured her how close he was. If she’d been able to see, she knew that he was checking for the tightness of the box tie that would support her upper torso when he finally suspended her. Her pussy moistened at the thought. I can’t believe it’s only been two weeks since he let Master Yangchi suspend me.

  The gentle murmur of voices reached her, when his hands moved lower on her body. Her nipples ached and her breathing picked up pace at the soft chuckle coming from her Máister. “Ah, I see you’re just remembering we have an audience.” Hemp ran across the inside of her thigh before moving up her body to wrap around her hips. “But that makes you hot doesn’t it, slave?”

  Her body swayed towards his pull as the hoarse texture of the hemp encircled her hips. The dull slap of the hemp striking her hip made her gasp and her nipples hardened even further. His tone was brisk. “Answer me, slave!”

  She nodded and forced herself to speak. “Oh, yes, Máister, it makes this slave hot to know others are watching you restrain me.”

  “As it should.” The rope tightened once more around her waist before the brush of it against the front of her thigh and then around it caused her legs to tremble, not with fear but with a need for more. She received another sensual chuckle from her master. God, he knows my reactions to the ropes all too well. The continual practice Master Yangchi insisted upon over the past two weeks conditioned both of them to anticipate her body’s reaction until it was second nature.

  At stroke of his hair against her thigh, a low moan left her and if he hadn’t restrained her hands behind her, she would’ve buried her fingers in the thickness teasing her flesh. A gust of air against her bare folds a soft plea leaving her lips.

  “Please, Máister. Oh God, please lick me.”

  “Hmmm.” The barely felt brush of his tongue sent tingling ripples of pleasure through her. She jumped when his mouth moved away and gently nipped the inside of her thigh. Without her vision she was at his complete and utter mercy and she found that he had very little during a scene. The slow stroke of his tongue soothed the sting before his mouth was gone. A mewing protest built in her chest. Only the force of her will kept it from passing her quivering lips.

  “Don’t hide those sexy little moans from me, slave. Your master wants to hear each and every one of them.” The tightening of the gunslinger h
arness around her thigh told her he’d finished tying it off. Her tongue darted out as another piece of hemp began to encircle her leg lower. “As does the crowd and my little slave is going to give them a good show.”

  “Yes, Máister.” A long but deep felt moan slipped free when the back of his and brushed her mound as he attached the rope to bottom of the gunslinger harness.

  “So wet and I haven’t even suspended you yet, slave.” There was a brush of his clothing against her nude body as he rose. The idea of him being clothed while she was naked and vulnerable sent an illicit thrill through her body. She whimpered. His hands settled on her shoulders and the creamy proof of her need leaked from her wetting her inner thighs.

  “What’s your level, Nisey? Desire or fear?” The hoarse timber and the feel of his erection pressed against her stomach assured her he was aroused as she was.

  “Green, Máister. No fear this time, only desire.” His hand slid down her stomach to toy check for proof.

  “Damn, you’re even wetter than you were a few minutes ago.” His hand left and there was an increase in the volume of their captive audience. She wondered what was going on until his mouth brushed her ear. “They are showing their approval, Nisey.” His lips brushed her temple before he slowly turned her to face the crowd. Or at least that’s what she assumed when sounds of approval and a spattering of Japanese was clearer. His body no longer blocked her from the crowd.

  “They love the fact you’re so aroused by my placing the ropes around you that you can’t help but wet your thighs at the most basic of ties. And when I showed them the proof on my fingers, they wanted you to know of their appreciation.” His lips brushed her shoulder sending shivers of heat down her spine to settle in the achingly wet flesh between her thighs. “Now stand still and show off my handiwork, slave.” His hands left her shoulders and the warmth of his body left hers.

  Her heart raced as desire raked it’s talons into her. She thought she’d been aroused before at the touch of his ropes but this – this was more than she’d ever experienced. To have all eyes on her and the rope molding her body was a heady feeling. Oh my god, it’s like he’s placed me on display, like the most priceless of jewels.


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