My Sister's Husband

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My Sister's Husband Page 7

by Ambria Davis

  “What’s wrong?” Kourtney asked, scaring the shit out of me.

  “Nothing, but you just scared the shit out of me,” I said, grabbing my chest and trying to steady my racing heart. I didn’t even hear when she cut the water off.

  “I’m sorry,” she replied.

  “That’s cool. I was just thinking,” I said, walking back over to the bed.

  “About?” she asked, placing her things back in the suitcase. Once she was done, she placed the suitcase on the side of the bed and climbed in.

  “My mother and how much I miss her,” I said sadly.

  “It’s going to be all right. I know you miss her, but she’s up in heaven right now looking down on you,” she replied, getting up and walking over to me.

  “I know, but I miss her so much, and now that I’m having a baby, all I do is think about her and how she’s going to miss out on seeing her first grandchild,” I said breaking down. I don’t know where that shit came from, but all of a sudden I became so emotional.

  “It’s going to be OK, Nay,” Kourtney said, rubbing me and trying to soothe me.

  “I know, but I miss her so much. I wish she was here with me right now,” I said, crying into her chest.

  “She is right here with you. You already know what you have to do, Nay.”

  “I know,” I said as I attempted to dry my eyes. She was right. I knew what I had to do. I was just being stubborn and ignoring it.

  “You straight?” she asked once I had pulled back.

  “Yes,” I replied as I began to calm down. “Thanks.”

  “You don’t have to thank me all the time, Nay. You’re my best friend. It’s my job to be here for you, and I will,” she said.

  “I know, but I’m so damn emotional nowadays,” I replied, laughing.

  “That’s them hormones doing that to ya,” she said, joining in with a few chuckles of her own.

  “Got to be, because I was never this vulnerable. That’s your job. I think you’re rubbing off on me. Move back,” I said, playfully pushing her.

  “Oh, that’s cold,” she replied. “But for real, you good?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. Now let’s go to bed, ’cause only the Lord knows how much I’m going to need all of my energy to deal with these people tomorrow,” I said, making my way back over to the bed. I pulled back the cover and got in.

  “I’ll say a prayer just for you,” she joked before she got in the other bed.

  “I’m going to need it, girl,” I said. “Good night. See you in the morning.”

  “Good night, baby mama. I’ll see you in the morning too,” she replied, turning off the lamp since it was closer to her.

  I silently lay there, thinking to myself. I’d been through too much, and I knew I had to tell Dontie about the baby whether or not I wanted to. I just hoped he was cool with us being coparents, because I was not trying to go there with him no more. I’d call him tomorrow when I got up. Hopefully, he wouldn’t be too mad not to answer me. Lord be with me, I thought, saying a silent prayer to myself, ’cause he already knew the situation I was in and how it was going to turn out. I then turned over and found a comfortable position before drifting off to sleep.

  Chapter Eight


  I couldn’t for the life of me understand why Randell would send me a document to work on, knowing that I was on vacation with my man. I know he was probably feeling some type of way, but I didn’t care. I told him that I couldn’t see him anymore before Dontie, and, of course, I even left to go on a trip with him, and now that Dontie done asked me to be his wife and we’re actually married, I wanted—no, I needed—him to stay as far away from me as possible. I know he was my boss and all, but I wasn’t trying to lose my man over no old guy who’s already married.

  I lied and told Dontie that I had to go to the office, but truth be told, I didn’t. Well, I did stop in at the office, but that was only for a little while. I was now on my way to meet Randell at the Ramada Inn Hotel. I don’t know why he wants me to come there when clearly I told his old ass that we were over. I’ve been having an affair with this man since forever and a day, including the whole time that I’ve been dating Dontie, and I was ready for all of that to be over. I was too young, beautiful, and fly to be some old man’s other woman. It was time for him to be fully involved with his wife or find him another young chick to mess with. Either way, I was taking myself out of the equation. Yes, the man was the CEO of the company, and, yes, he had benefits that were hell a worth it, but I couldn’t continue the affair, nor could I keep up with this game of charades anymore. That wasn’t me, and I wasn’t trying to let him label and degrade me like that. Our relationship, that’s if you can call it a relationship, has run its course. I was meant to be somebody’s wife, and that somebody is Dontie.

  When I pulled up to the hotel, I parked my car all the way in the back of the hotel. I was more than sure that I wouldn’t bump into anyone that I knew, but it was better to be safe than to be sorry. I pulled down my visor and proceeded to check my makeup, adding a little more lip gloss to my already glossy lips. When I was convinced that everything was all right, I grabbed the keys out of the ignition and got out. I then pulled out my phone and dialed his number, all the while making my way to the front of the hotel.

  “What room are you in?” I asked once he answered the phone.

  “I’m in room 230. It’s on the second floor. I left a key for you at the front desk, so it shouldn’t be hard for you to get up here,” he replied.

  “Okay,” I said and hung up just as I made it to the front door. Walking into the hotel, I threw my shades on my face as I made my way to the checkout desk.

  “Hi, my name is Sky. Randell left a key at the front desk for me. It’s room 230,” I said to the little girl standing there.

  “Ummm, yes, can you hold on for a minute, please?” she said as she searched for something. A few minutes later she found it. “Yes, here you go, ma’am. I’m sorry about the delay.”

  “That’s okay. Thank you,” I said, placing my shades back on my face. She’s lucky that I wasn’t in a rush to see this old-ass man, because I had a good mind to curse her little slow ass out for playing with me. With the key card in my hand, I made my way to the elevators. Just as I made it there, one was opening. I hurried on, pressed the second floor, and waited for the doors to close. A few seconds later, I was riding the elevator to the second floor as my heart began to race.

  “Lord Jesus, please help me,” I said out loud. I don’t know why I was so nervous when I’d been fucking with Randell for some time. I don’t know if it was because I was about to finally say good-bye to him for good or something else, but I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that made me want to turn around right at that minute. Just as that thought came to my mind, the elevator door opened, and I spotted Randell waiting for me by the room door.

  I was disgusted just by the sight of his old ass. I don’t know why his old ass doesn’t stalk his wife the way he be stalking me. I was not even into his ass like that. Truth be told, I never was. I only wanted and needed him to get in a higher position at my job, and now that I’ve gotten that, I don’t see any use for his ass no more. True, he does lavish me with some nice-ass gifts—the man went as far as to buy me a car, but that shit was material things, and like I said, he was married. I had a man now, a husband, who happened to have my heart. What we had is over and done with, and I needed him to get with the program before this ends badly for both of us—mainly him, though.

  “What’s up, beautiful?” he said, handing me a single rose. I looked at him disgusted with not only him, but myself. He actually thought that the shit he was pulling was cool, but it was far from it. I didn’t even bother to speak or take the rose. I pushed past him and went straight into the room. When I got inside the room, there were candles lit all over the place, which only disgusted me some more. He was really going out of his way, but that doesn’t surprise me, because this was just how Randell was, and Randell wa
s always going to be Randell. I actually would’ve thought this was nice had it been with my husband and not him, but it wasn’t, and I didn’t. This man really thought he was going to get some ass, but he had another thought coming. I noticed that there was a chair over by the window, so I walked over and happily sat down, placing my purse at my feet.

  “What’s going on with you? Why you acting crazy?” he asked, closing the door behind him. Again, I didn’t bother to answer his ass. I crossed my legs and placed my hands in my lap. “What did I do to deserve the silent treatment, Skylar?”

  “Randell, you can cut all that out. You know just what you’re doing,” I said, not even buying into his game.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe you should tell me what it was that I did wrong,” he said, grabbing the other chair in the room. He picked it up and set it next to the one that I was in.

  “I told you that we can’t do this anymore, so I don’t know why you insisted on me even coming over here,” I said, rolling my eyes. “You already know that.”

  “Skylar, baby, you know what I told you when you first said that,” he said, rubbing his hand up and down my left thigh. “I’m not letting you go, so you might as well get that thought out of your pretty little head.”

  “I don’t care what you said. What I said I meant, so I think you should stop calling me and find you another employee to screw,” I said, shaking my leg so that his hand would fall. I then uncrossed my legs and crossed them back, putting the other leg over the one he was just rubbing on. “In fact, why don’t you call your wife? You do remember her, don’t you?”

  “I don’t want any other employee, nor do I want to call my wife. I want you, and you’re going to give me what I want, Skylar, so I don’t know why you insist on playing these childish games,” he said, raising his voice a bit. I knew what he was doing. He wanted to get a rise out of me, but I ain’t have time for him and this shit.

  “Look, I don’t have time to be playing with you. I’m more than sure that your wife is looking for you, as my husband should be looking for me, so it’s time for me to go and for you to stop calling me,” I said, grabbing my purse and standing up.

  “Don’t worry about my wife, but did you just say your husband?” he asked, putting his hand out to stop me.

  “Yes, I did. My husband,” I said, holding up my hand that held my wedding ring. I made sure to wiggle my finger for emphasis.

  “To that thug you call a boyfriend?” he asked in disbelief.

  “His name is Dontie, and he’s not a thug,” I replied, defending my husband.

  “Oh, he’s a thug, all right. You’re just too blind to see it. Or maybe you just don’t want to see it. Whatever the case is, the man is a straight thug,” he said with a light chuckle.

  “Look, if that’s all, I have to get going before my husband starts to worry or get suspicious. I can’t be out all hours of the night, and it is almost past midnight. We did just get back from vacation. You do know that, right?”

  “Yes, I know that, but I’m not worrying about what you were doing. All I’m concerned about right now is you doing me.”

  I turned to see if this man was joking, but the look on his face told me otherwise.

  “Look, I tried to be nice with your ass, but it’s quite obvious that you like when I bring that bitch up out of me, so let me tell you one thing.”

  “Oh, do tell,” he said as his eyes began to light up. I was starting to believe that this old nigga got off on this shit or something like that.

  “I said that we was over, and I meant that shit. You’re a married man, and I’m a married woman now. What happened between us before can never happen again. That shit is in the fucking past, and it needs to stay there. You don’t own me. I own myself, and when I say that something is over, you better believe that it is,” I said, turning my back and heading to the door. My hand was on the knob, and I was getting ready to open the door when he finally decided to speak.

  “You’re wrong, you know. I do own you, whether or not you like it,” he said from behind me. When he said that, I turned back around, marched over to him, and slapped the shit out of him.

  “You don’t own not a muthafucking thing over here. I don’t know where you got that idea from, but you can get that shit out of your muthafucking head right-fucking-now. You don’t own me. I’m not the type of chick who’ll let a nigga run her. That ain’t me,” I said flipping out on him. The nigga didn’t say anything. All he did was smile. He liked when I got ghetto with his ass. The nerve of this old-ass nigga to fucking think he could own me is crazy!

  “Oh, but see, that’s where you’re wrong. Remember your job and the position that you’re now in. I did that. That luxury car that you’re now driving around, I bought that. That house that you live in, I paid for that, and just how I gave you all of that, I can take that away from you,” he replied, shocking me a bit. I looked at this nigga to see if he was serious—and he was. I knew this day was going to come. I just didn’t think he was actually going to hold that shit over my head.

  “Nigga, please, all of that don’t mean a damn thing to me. You must got me confused with the next bitch. My father bleeds money, and anything I want and ask for, I can have with one phone call, so you threatening to take all of that away don’t scare me one bit. Fuck with me and I will make your life a living hell. Just try me,” I said, calling his bluff. I wasn’t going to call my father for a thing. I just needed him to think that I was going to.

  “Ha ha ha ha ha!” He sat there laughing. I don’t know why he was laughing, because I didn’t see a damn thing funny that I said.

  “You and I both know that you’re clearly not ’bout that life, not like you think you are,” he said, adding air quotes.

  “Try me and see,” I said, matching his tone. He got up from his seat and walked over to the table where he had champagne sitting in a bucket of ice. He removed the bottle, grabbed the two champagne flutes, and poured the amber liquid into each. He then placed the bottle back in the bucket and walked over to where I was.

  “Little girl, your threats don’t scare me, and I’m more than sure that your bark is way louder than your bite. Now, I would advise you to take this and have yourself a nice seat on that bed,” he said, handing me a glass of champagne. I looked at the glass and hesitated before taking it and making my way to the bed. I watched as he took off his jacket, loosened his tie, and made his way into the bathroom.

  When he was gone, I placed my purse and the glass on the nightstand and proceeded to take off my shoes. I then went into my purse and pulled out a medicine bottle. I dropped two tablets into my hand before putting the bottle back into my purse. When I was done, I threw the two pills in my mouth, grabbed the glass, and downed the champagne. I then placed the glass on the table as I waited for the pills to take effect.

  Once I started to feel the pills, I began to get undressed. When I was down to nothing but my birthday suit, I lay on the bed, spread my legs wide, and began playing with myself. I knew that I needed to get myself ready for this quick episode, and I for damn sure couldn’t count on Randell to get me aroused. The only thing he was good for was giving head, and even that itself wasn’t A-1.

  My mind immediately went to the last time Dontie and I had sex, before we boarded the flight to come home. I stuck a finger in my wet honeypot and moved my hand in a circular motion, as I thought about how good it was. I started playing with my breast with my other hand, rolling my nipple between my thumb and index finger. Since my breasts were big, I brought one up to my mouth and began sucking on my already sensitive nipples. That was another thing that drove me crazy when having sex. I loved for someone to suck on my breasts.

  “Ooooooh,” I moaned once my finger had made it to my spot. I planted my foot on the bed and lifted my ass a bit, allowing my finger to go deeper. I then inserted another finger, driving my own self insane. If there was one thing that I knew how to do, it was to please myself. I spent many nights without a man before Dontie came al

  Removing my hand from my breast, I brought it down between my legs and began circling my clitoris. I could already feel my nut building up as I began pressing hard. I pulled my finger out, turned over, and got on my knees. I was just about to place my fingers back where they’d come from, when Randell moved my hand to the side, messing my nut all up.

  I opened my eyes and was about to chew him out, but I figured once his lips were on my on my clit, I’d think different.

  “Allow me to do that for you,” he said, licking his lips.

  Opening my legs, he took one look at my wet pussy and dove in. He started off licking it first. I don’t know if he was trying to tease me or not, but I thrust my hips to his lips, letting my shit coat his lips, chin, and everything else that was in the way. He must have gotten the hint, because next thing I knew, he was sucking the hell out of my pussy. He was doing it so good that I had to push up a little. It wasn’t until he felt my legs shaking that he started sucking and slurping all the juices out of me. I don’t know if he hadn’t eaten or what, but this nigga was eating my shit like it was his last meal.


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