My Sister's Husband

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My Sister's Husband Page 8

by Ambria Davis

  “Oh shit, Randelllllllll. Oh shit, I’m about to come. Don’t stop! Right there. Right theeeere!” I yelled, grabbing at the sheets on the bed. “I’m about to come!”

  “Ummm . . . Come for me, baby,” he moaned, looking at me. My juices were all over his lips. He then locked me down, where he proceeded to put a serious whooping on my shit. I don’t know why, but for some strange reason, dude was showing out, and I loved it. A minute later, I was coming, and like a good boy, he made sure to suck everything up. I know what was going to happen next, and that’s what I was regretting in my head, so I closed my eyes as I prepared for him to enter me. A few minutes went by, and I was still waiting . . . until I opened my eyes and noticed that he was standing over by the window nursing a drink.

  “What the hell is wrong with this man?” I asked myself.

  “You can get up now and head home to your husband,” he said, never turning around. He must have read my mind, because I surely was wondering what the fuck was going on. I didn’t give him a chance to change his mind, nor did I feel bad for not giving him any, and even though I was horny and in need, I pushed that to the back of my mind. I hurriedly threw on my sweat suit and tennis shoes, grabbed my bag and cell phone, and was out the door in two and a half minutes. It was only when I was out of the room and standing in the hallway that I noticed that my clothes weren’t fixed properly.

  Shit. That’s just my damn luck, I thought. I looked down the hallway to see if someone was coming. Throwing on my pants first, I wasn’t aware that they were on backward. I prepared to take them off when the door across the room came open. I looked up to see who it was, but before I could get a good look at whoever it was, the chick closed the door.

  If I’m not mistaken, that chick looked just like my little sister.

  “But why would she be here?” I asked myself. I must be tripping because I know I didn’t invite her, and if I did, she wouldn’t have come anyway. I must be still feeling high from the pills that I’d taken or whatever, I guess. Hunching my shoulders, I made sure that my clothes were on and fixed properly this time before I picked my purse up from the floor. I then remembered that Daddy sent me a text saying that he had invited Brinay. At first, I was mad, but then I was like okay or whatever. I hadn’t seen her in years, so it was probably best for her to come. I didn’t move right away, though. I was hoping that the chick would open the door again so I can see for sure if it was my sister. A few minutes went by without her coming back out of the room, so I proceeded to the elevator. I looked at my watch and noticed that it was almost two o’clock in the morning. It was a good thing that Dontie wasn’t home, because I surely would’ve been in a world of trouble. I know I smelled like nut, and if he was home, I probably would’ve gotten my ass whooped, so the first thing I was going to do when I did make it home was hit the shower and get in bed. It had been a long day. I just hope that tomorrow is better than this.


  I was in the room watching Martin when I got up out of the bed. I don’t know why I couldn’t sleep, but I felt restless, so I decided to go and take a walk on the beach. I removed my bedclothes and found a shirt and pants in my night bag. I then went to my suitcase and grabbed my tennis shoes. Grabbing the room key that was sitting on the table by the door, I opened the door, and then stood shocked as I watched some chick get dressed in the hallway across from my room. At first, I was going to offer for her to come and use the bathroom, but when I got a good look at who the woman was, I immediately closed the door.

  “Oh my God, did she see me?” I asked no one in particular. I stood there, shocked as I leaned against the door, trying to calm my speeding heart. I don’t know why seeing my sister always made me nervous, but I was feeling a little scared, as if she were my mother who I hadn’t seen in a minute and was waiting on her to judge me or something.

  “What’s wrong?” Kourtney asked, now scaring the shit out me. “You look like someone is after you or you’ve seen a ghost.”

  Hell, I did basically, I thought to myself.

  “Oh, nothing’s wrong. I couldn’t sleep, so I was about to go outside and take a walk on the beach. Go back to sleep,” I told her, trying to steady my already rapid heartbeat.

  “You want me to come with you?” she asked, trying to get up out of the bed. I know that she was tired, because she was rubbing her eyes.

  “No, ma’am,” I said, putting my hands up to stop her. “I’m good. You can go back to bed.”

  “Okay,” she replied, lying back down in the bed.

  I opened the door and left before she would change her mind, because she was known for doing that. I slowly turned around, thinking that I was going to bump into Sky, but when I did, she wasn’t there. I looked over by the elevator just in time to see it closing.

  “Damn,” I said, defeated. I don’t know why, but I wanted to see her. I needed to see her. I wanted her to see me and see the woman that I’ve become. I ran over to the stairs, knowing that the elevator wouldn’t be back in time. Since the hotel didn’t have that many floors, it took no time for me to make it to the lobby. When I got there, she was nowhere in sight. I walked outside, trying to see if I could spot her, but I couldn’t. “What the hell was she doing here, and why the hell was she out in the hallway fixing her clothes?” I repeatedly asked myself. Knowing I didn’t have the answer to my own questions, I decided to leave it alone. For now, anyway.

  “Oh well. I guess I’ll see her tomorrow then,” I said. I wasn’t even in the mood to go for a walk anymore. I went back inside the hotel and headed straight to my room. When I got inside the room, I stripped out of my clothes and put my nightclothes back on. I hopped back in bed and prayed that sleep would take over soon, because I needed all of my energy for tomorrow.

  Chapter Nine


  I don’t know what was up with Brinay, but I was going to find out. I’d just have to wait until after tomorrow, after this dinner that’s supposed to be so important to Sky and her parents. I wanted to call and cancel and find out right this minute what was up with Nay, but I knew Sky, and if she’s running around like a chicken with her head cut off, then it’s truly important to her. Plus, she said that I was finally about to get to meet her sister that never comes around. I hope her sister didn’t look just like her or resemble her, because I was going to have to date them both. Nah, I’m just playing. I wouldn’t do no bullshit like that. I decided to just go, and after that, I’d be making my way back to South Carolina. I didn’t know where Brinay was, but I do know that she had to come home one of these days. She wouldn’t be wherever she was forever.

  “What’s up, man?” Chance asked, looking at me with those intense eyes.

  “Bruh, to be honest, I don’t know what’s up,” I said, placing my head in my hands.

  “Well, what are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. I was thinking that I’d just go back to Miami tonight because I have some event to tend to; then I’d just come back up here Sunday afternoon. She wouldn’t tell me where she was, but she has to come home someday.”

  “Man, shit is fucked up,” he replied.

  “Tell me about it. I don’t know what’s gotten into her, but I need her to get it together and quick. I’m not letting her go, man, I don’t care what I have to do,” I said, getting up.

  “I feel ya, man. Brinay is really a good girl. She’s going to school, and I don’t see her around here with a bunch of dudes, like some of these fees be,” he said as we walked to the door.

  “That’s why I’m not trying to lose her, man. I already know shorty is good. I just got to get my shit together before it’s too late,” I said as I made my way to my car.

  “Look, Dontie,” he said, stopping me, “I know you like Brinay, but I also know what type of dude you is.”

  “Look, if you talking about me selling drugs, she already knows about that,” I interrupted him.

  “Nah, I’m not talking about that, although you need to keep that shit away from her
also,” he replied. “I’m talking about you and the many women that you have. When we were in school, you always had a flock of bitches sweating you, and only the Lord knows how many of them you actually fucked. You didn’t leave that playboy’s mentality in high school, though. You brought it into your adult life. Brinay is a good chick, if you know you can’t and won’t do right by her, then let her be. She already been through enough. You don’t need to add to her plate.”

  I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I knew what he was saying was true, but I couldn’t have my little cousin checking me. “Why you so concerned about what I do to Brinay? What, you like her? Or are you fucking her when I’m not around here? What is it?” I asked, beginning to get upset.

  “Fam, you got me fucked up. I would never do some shiesty shit like that. I only called you about that shit with Brinay because I care about her, and not like a lover. Truth be told, I knew her before you, and if I wanted to fuck with her, I could’ve, way before you ever came around here, so don’t even go there with me.”

  “So what? This some jealous type shit? You mad because I came in your town and got the bitch you wanted?”

  “Nah, nigga, pussy don’t make nor break me. There’s a whole sea load of pussy out here. I wouldn’t dare beef with a nigga, especially my fam, behind one,” he said, looking at me with disappointment. “I ain’t ever the type of nigga to get jealous because a nigga in my family got something good. Excuse me for caring or giving a fuck, but I’ll see you later,” he said, and with that said, he left me out there in the night to think about what just went down.

  I wanted to walk back in the house and apologize, because first of all, he’s family, and second of all, I know he was only being concerned about Brinay. I knew how close they’ve gotten, and I could understand where he’s coming from. I really didn’t want to go off on him like that. I was just frustrated and clueless, and right now, I don’t know what else to do. I was in my feelings, so it was real easy for me to go from zero to 100 real quick, without thinking. I’ll apologize to him when I get back, I thought as I hopped in the car. I threw on a CD that had a mix of songs by R. Kelly, Trey Songz, and Jahiem. I then started the car and headed to the highway, making my way back to Miami, only wishing that tomorrow would hurry up and come so that I can get this day over with and get my girl back.

  During my ride, the song “Last Time” came blasting through the speaker. I reached over and turned up the volume as I began to sing off-key with him.

  “I’m living two different lives

  One girl in the day, you in the night

  And even though this ain’t right

  I just can’t get enough . . .”

  I know this wasn’t my current situation, but I’d be damned if it wasn’t something similar to it. I was living two different lives, with two different women who lived in two totally different states, and ain’t none of them know about it. Hell, my family barely knows about it. My mother is the only one who knows about both Brinay and Skylar, and she’s been getting in my ass daily. I can hear her now.

  “Dontie, that’s not right, son. You can’t be in a relationship with two women at the same time,” she’d say. Every time I went over to her house or she’d come to visit me, she’s be speaking ’bout the same thing. I knew she was right, but I had two of the baddest bitches to ever walk this planet. I wasn’t trying to give that up. It wasn’t like they stayed in the same state. Sky stays in Florida, and Brinay stays in South Carolina, so I was good. Ain’t like they were going to just bump into each one day at the mall, so I wasn’t worried about them ever meeting up with each other. I just wanted me and Brinay to get back on good terms so everything could go back to how it was.

  * * *

  Midway through the ride, my phone dinged. I looked at it to see that I had a message from Brinay. I was too bucked that my mind was momentary blocked by seeing her name. I was so happy that she’d texted me . . . that was, until I started reading the message. It was then that I realized that it wasn’t what I thought it was. I wanted to be mad or pissed, but I couldn’t do anything but respect her. She was that bitch. The way she wasn’t needy and didn’t need a man for anything really did something to me. She had this mentality and attitude of one of the bravest and thuggish bitches, and I just had to have her. I don’t care what she said. I was going to show up at her house and bring her flowers and gifts at her school until she took me back or else took a restraining order out on me, and even that wouldn’t stop me. It don’t matter what she did or what I had to do. I was going to get her back one way or another.

  I know it was selfish of me, but this was the woman that I wanted to have my children. It was crazy, because I didn’t know how that was going to happen or even if it was going to happen. All I knew was that’s what I wanted, but if I had to choose out of the two, I really don’t know who I’d choose. I quickly replied back to her. I knew she wasn’t going to text back, so I threw the phone on the passenger seat and enjoyed what time I had left to make it back to Miami. I couldn’t wait for this weekend to be over with so that we can be able to meet and talk about this like two grown adults. Hopefully, she’d accept what I had to say and not run away.

  Chapter Ten


  The next day came by faster than I thought it would, and to be honest, I was nowhere near ready for any of it. My stomach was killing me once again, and I didn’t have time for that. I already had too much to do, and the pain wasn’t doing anything but slowing me down.

  “Nay,” Kourtney said, coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” I asked her. I was still lying in the bed. I didn’t want to tell her that my stomach was hurting me again, because she was going to try to force me to go to the hospital, and I really wasn’t trying to go there.

  “Why are you not up yet?” she asked. “Is something wrong with you again?”

  “Nah, I’m still tired. That’s all,” I said, lying.

  “Well, come on and get up. You know we have a lot of things to do today, and you still being in the bed will only slow things down,” she said, walking over to the bed.

  “Just give me five more minutes, Kourt,” I begged, pulling the covers over my head.

  “No, ma’am, you said that fifteen minutes ago. It’s time to get up,” she said, yanking the covers off of me.

  “You know you could’ve waited, right?” I said, turning over, giving her an evil glare. I sighed, then got out of the bed.

  “If I would’ve waited, you would’ve been lying in bed all damn day, and you know it,” she replied. She was right, because that’s how I was. When I was tired, I was tired, and I didn’t like doing anything.

  “Girl, don’t do me like that. I just had a long night, and I’m really not ready for today at all,” I said, getting up out of the bed and taking a much-needed stretch. “I’m about to go hop in the shower right quick. When I get out, we can go to the mall or whatever.”

  “Okay,” she said as she began to get dressed.

  I collected everything that I needed, then headed into the bathroom. I was going to make it quick, because I wasn’t trying to be on the road all day. I wanted to take a nap so that I could be well rested for later on.

  * * *

  “So, where are we going first?” Kourtney asked as we waited for the elevator to come.

  “I don’t know. I got to go to the salon to get my hair done, and I got to run in the mall to find something quick and easy to put on,” I replied just as the elevator came. We waited for the few people that were already on there to get off; then we got on.

  “I may just go to the mall first and get my hair done after. I’m not trying to have my hair looking a mess,” I said, pushing the button for the first floor.

  “True that. It makes sense for us to go shopping first, then to get our hair done after. It’s a good thing we already have our nails and toes done. All I need is a quick color change; then I’m good to go,” she
said, looking at her hands and feet.

  “Me too,” I replied just as the elevator came to a stop on the first floor.

  We got off and proceeded to walk to the front door. Once we made it outside, I had to throw my shades on. It felt good, but the sun was shining too bright for my eyes. We began walking toward the back of the hotel where our car was parked.

  “I hope we can find a spot closer to the front of the hotel when we get back,” I said just as we made it to the car.

  “Who you telling? That was a nice little walk there,” Kourtney chimed. I pulled the keys out of my purse, unlocked the door, and we got in. I started the car, but I didn’t move right away.

  “So what mall are we going to?” I asked, turning to her.

  “I don’t know. This is your town. I don’t know much of nothing, so whichever mall you choose is going to be fine with me,” she replied, placing her seat beat on. I did the same.

  “Okay,” I said, putting the car in reverse and backing out of the parking spot. I pulled off and headed straight to the best mall in Miami, the Dolphin Mall. Everybody knew that if they were to ever visit Miami, then they’d have to shop at the Dolphin Mall. It was one of the best places to shop, and the clothes and prices were great. Also, it wasn’t that far from where we were, so that was a plus too.

  “So, Nay, have you spoken to Dontie today?” Kourtney asked out of the blue.

  “Nah, I haven’t, and I’m not looking forward to it. The only time that I’m going to call him is tomorrow so that we can talk about the baby. That’s it,” I told her.

  “So you did tell him about the baby?”

  “No, I haven’t. I’m going to tell him all of that tomorrow when he comes. What he does or doesn’t do is up to him. I’m not begging and pleading to no one about anything,” I said. I was really tired of the bullshit, and I wanted all of it to just be over with. “I’m tired of looking out for other people and their feelings when it comes to shit. I’m about to start letting the chips fall where they may, no matter what or who it hurts, because no one’s concerned with me or mine, so that’s how I’m going to start treating everyone.”


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