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My Sister's Husband

Page 15

by Ambria Davis

  “Yeah, keep believing that if you want to. Like I said, stay away from me. You don’t have to worry about my child. I’ll do anything to make sure that he/she is straight,” I said. I stood there looking at him before I shook my head and walked off. I didn’t have time for Dontie. I already saw his true colors, and even though I loved him, I know who he really is, and I didn’t want no part of his ass.

  When I made it back to the table, everyone was just about done with their food, and they were now serving dessert. Even though that triple chocolate cake looked great, it was time for me get up out of here. I’d already been here too long, and I was beginning to feel some type of way.

  “Come on, I’m ready,” I whispered to Kourtney. I grabbed my purse and keys before making my way over to where my father was seated. “Dad, it was great to see you and everyone else, but I have to go.”

  “Why?” he asked. “Is something wrong?”

  “No, I’m feeling worse, and I’m getting sleepy,” I replied.

  “Okay. Well, let me walk you to the door then,” he said, getting up from his seat, just as Kourtney made it over to us.

  “Okay,” I replied. I made sure to say good-bye to my grandmother before I followed him to the door. On our way out, I spotted Dontie and Chance talking by the stairs, I hadn’t even seen when he got up and left the room. When they noticed us, their conversation halted. I’m guessing they were talking about everything that went on tonight. Whatever it was, I didn’t care. I rolled my eyes before I looked away.

  “It was great seeing you, baby girl,” my father said once we made it to the door. “I really missed you. You have to come by more often.”

  “It’s was great seeing you also, Daddy,” I said, hugging him. “I’ll come by when I’m done with school and everything.”

  “No, you’re going to come by when my grandchild makes an appearance, in a few months,” he said, pulling back. “Don’t make me have to take a trip up there for you, now.”

  “Okay,” I said, laughing.

  “It was nice meeting you, young lady,” he said, hugging Kourtney.

  “It was nice meeting you too,” she replied.

  “All right now, y’all be careful and call me when you make it to your hotel room,” he told us.

  “Okay,” we both said as we began walking toward the car. Since we were parked close to the house, it took no time at all to make it there. Turning back, I noticed that my father was still standing in the doorway. Unlocking the door, we got in the car. I then started the car and moved it out of its parking spot before beeping my horn and driving off. I know what I said to my father, but truth be told, this was going to be my last time at his house. I wasn’t coming back to Miami. I was kissing this place good-bye once and for all.

  Two weeks later

  As I sat there watching all of the couples talk and interact with each other, I couldn’t help but to feel sad. I’d finally made an appointment to see the doctor, and I was very scared about what I might find. All I wanted is for my baby’s father to be here, but that can’t happen, and I was okay with that. But I wasn’t prepared for this at all. What if the doctor said that something was wrong with my child? Since I didn’t come to the doctor sooner, I don’t know if something is wrong with my baby or not. I was hoping that nothing was, because I’d be devastated if it was. I didn’t sleep a wink the night before, because I was anxious and nervous about this day.

  “Brinay Williams,” the nurse holding the clipboard said, looking around the room. I got up from my seat and walked over to her.

  “That’s me,” I said softly. I couldn’t believe that I was actually this scared.

  “Follow me this way, please,” she said, leading me to the back of the office. Grabbing my chart from the nurse’s station, she placed it in the little box outside of room 3 before opening the door and allowing me to go in. She walked over to the table, grabbed a paper gown, and handed it to me. “You can take off everything from the waist down. The doctor will be with you shortly.”

  “Okay,” I said, taking the gown out of her hand. I waited until she was gone before I started undressing. Once the gown was on, I got on the bed and waited for the doctor to come in the room. Not even two minutes later, the doctor entered.

  “Good morning, Ms. Williams, I’m Doctor Candice,” she said, greeting me.

  “Good morning, as you already know I’m Brinay,” I replied nervously.

  “I see that this is your first pregnancy,” she said, looking over my chart.

  “Yeah, it is, and I’m extremely nervous.”

  “That’s to be expected. All of our first-time moms are nervous,” she said, grabbing a pair of gloves and putting them on. “Everything is going to be fine. I’m going to check your stomach and the baby’s heartbeat before I get some information. I’ll be examining your lower area also; then we’re going to go down and get you your first ultrasound today.”


  “Lie back for me, please,” she said, walking over to me. Raising the gown, she began doing everything that she had to do. In between everything, she began asking me about how it was going so far. I started telling her about all of my problems and everything that I had experienced. The whole process must have taken about an hour, and by then, I was tired. When it was time for me to hear my baby’s heartbeat, I cried, knowing that I was carrying another life inside of me. When I was done, she took me down to the ultrasound room.

  “When did you say you experienced your last period?” she asked.

  “In May, I think,” I replied. “Is something wrong?”

  She didn’t say anything. She kept rolling the thing around my stomach, taking pictures along the way.

  “I need you to meet me back in the room,” she said, taking the pictures out of the machine. She waited a few minutes for me to get dressed; then we left the room. Going back into the room, I began worrying. I even started crying. I couldn’t help but to think that something was wrong with my baby.

  “Okay,” she said moments later, entering the room. “I looked over your pictures, and everything seems fine, but from the looks of things, it seems that you’re about six months pregnant.”

  “What?” I asked confused.

  “You said that your last period was in May, but from the measurements of your baby, it looks like you are about five or six months pregnant, and you’re having a baby boy,” she said again.

  “But how?” I asked. “I was still bleeding.”

  “It’s normal for a woman to still have a cycle while she’s pregnant.”

  “So I’m five months?” I asked again.

  “Yes, you are, and your estimated due date is December tenth,” she replied.

  “Okay,” was all I said. I was shocked to know that I was five months pregnant. I thought for sure that I was only a few weeks.

  “Well, do you have any questions?” she asked.

  “No, ma’am.”

  “All right, I’m going to prescribe some prenatal vitamins and iron pills since your iron level is low,” she said, writing a few things down. “You can pick that up, along with your next appointment date, at the front office,” she said, getting up from her seat.


  “Take it easy and congratulations, Ms. Williams,” she said before she left the room. I sat there for a minute, going over everything that she had said. I was five months pregnant and having a little boy. A boy? I thought for sure that I was going to have a girl, but I guess not. I thought about Dontie for a second, and again, I wanted to call him, but I decided against it. No matter what, it’s better off this way, I thought as I got up and left the room. I stopped by the office to pick up my prescriptions and my next appointment date before I went back to the waiting room.

  I spotted Kourtney sitting in the corner where I had left her, reading a magazine.

  “Are you ready?” I asked her.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, getting up from her seat. “What did the doctor say?”

“Everything is fine,” I said as I began telling her what went down. Just like me, she was surprised to know that I was already five months pregnant.

  “So did you pick out a name?” she asked as we made it to the car.

  “Yes. I decided to name him after his father,” I told her. Even though I said that I didn’t want Dontie nowhere in my child’s life, I decided to name him Dontae. Only thing is I was spelling it a different way.

  “That’s good then,” she said. “I can’t wait to meet my little man.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him either,” I said, beaming with pride. After all of the things that I’ve been through, I decided that I was going to give my child a life that I never had. Even though his father wasn’t going to be in his life, that wasn’t going to stop me from loving him enough for both us.


  Three months later

  The Wedding Day

  The minute the limo pulled up to the hospital, I jumped out. I didn’t even give the driver enough time to stop. I was on a mission. Once I made it inside, I damn near ran to the front desk.

  “Umm . . . My baby mama was brought here. Her name is Brinay Williams. She was involved in a car accident,” I said to the lady sitting behind the desk.

  “Can you give me one moment, please,” she said as she began typing away on her computer. “Yes, she’s in surgery now. If you have a seat in the waiting room to your left, I’ll notify the doctor of your arrival.”

  “Okay, thank you,” I said before I made my way over to the waiting room area. I spotted Brinay’s father sitting in a seat in the corner, so I went over to him. “What’s going on?”

  “Dontie? Why are you here, son? Why aren’t you at the wedding?” he asked, surprised to see me.

  “I heard about what was going on. I couldn’t be at a wedding knowing someone in the family was hurt,” I said telling a lie. What I really wanted to say, but I decided not to, was that Brinay was my baby’s momma and that I came to check on her and my son.

  “You should be at your wedding, son. I got this,” he replied.

  “Mr. Williams, I have to tell you something,” I said, preparing to tell him the truth.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “Well, sir—” I began but was interrupted by the doctor.

  “Family of Brinay Williams,” he said, coming into the waiting room. Both Mr. Williams and I got up and walked over to him.

  “I’m her father. What’s going on with my daughter?” he asked nervously.

  “Well, sir, as you all probably know, Ms. Williams was involved in a terrible car accident. She suffered a number of injuries and is in stable condition for now,” he replied, causing my heart to drop. “She has a few more surgeries to go through.”

  “What about the baby?” I asked him.

  “Luckily, the baby is fine. We had to deliver him by C- section a few minutes ago. He’s being cleaned and will be transferred to the nursery,” he said, which made me happy. “As for Ms. Williams, I came out here to let you all know what her condition is. I need to know if you’d like us to continue to operate on her or not.”

  “You do whatever you have to do to save my daughter,” her father said as tears began to roll down his face.

  “Okay, sir. I’ll have a nurse come in and take you all to the nursery. In the meantime, let me get back to work,” he said before he disappeared behind the two double doors.

  I stood there, going over everything that the doctor had just said. I hoped like hell that Brinay would pull through this in one piece. I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her. I knew that we hadn’t talked in a minute, but that still didn’t stop me from loving her and wanting to be with her. I wanted a chance to make things right between us. I needed to for the sake of our son. Speaking of my son, I was more than happy that he was fine, and I couldn’t wait to meet him. No sooner did that thought come to mind than the nurse came out to take us to the nursery.

  I was nervous the whole walk there. I never thought in a million years that I was going to be a father, and now that I was, I didn’t know how to feel. I looked at all of the babies in the nursery, and each and every one of them were beautiful. There were babies of all colors, and I was proud to be a father of one of them.

  “He’s right here,” the nurse said, stopping in front of the glass where a baby boy lay there wrapped in a blue blanket. I stood there staring at him. He looked just like me when I was a baby. He had my nose, my lips, my hair, and all.

  “Can we hold him?” Brian asked the nurse.

  “Sure,” she said as she went to get him. She returned moments later with him cradled in her arm. She gave him to Brian, who, in turn, held him, before he broke down crying and had to leave. She then handed him to me.

  As I stood there with my son in my arms, I felt like one of the luckiest men on earth. I had created a life. I had a minime, and all I could think about was his future. I already made a list of all of the things that I was going to do when he gets home.

  “Is this your first?” the nurse asked.

  “Yes, it is,” I replied, beaming with pride.

  “I can tell, that glow on your face says it all,” she said smiling. “Do you want to know his name?”

  “She named him already?” I asked, shocked.

  “Yes, seems like she was awake long enough to name him Dontae,” she said, catching me off guard.

  “What did you say his name was?” I asked, not believing that I heard her right.

  “His name is Dontae,” she said, just as the baby began to cry. “I guess it’s time for his first feeding. Would you like to do it?”

  “Yes, I’d love to,” I said as I followed her into the nursery. She handed me a bottle and showed me how to hold him properly before she left the room, leaving me and my son alone.

  “Hey, little man, it’s Daddy. I’m sorry that I wasn’t there when you was born or for any of your doctor’s appointments, but from here on out, I’m going to always be there for you. I promise you that,” I said as I continued to feed him his bottle.

  November 29th will always be a day that I’ll remember. It was supposed to be my wedding day, but instead, it became the day that I welcomed my first seed, my son, my child, into the world. I made a vow that from this day forward, I was going to make things right. Even if Brinay never wanted to be with me again, I was going to make it right between us. I just wished that she pulled through so I can do so. Either way, I was going to be in my son’s life. Sky was just going to have to accept that or leave. Whichever her choice would be, it didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to leave my son or his mother’s side until they were both out of here and healthy enough to be on their own.


  I’ve been standing in the same spot where Dontie left me for almost an hour or so now. I was in a trance. One minute, I was listening to my cousin, Keyon, sing at my wedding, and the next minute, I was watching my husband leave. I can’t believe that he actually walked out on me. I don’t know if I should be embarrassed, shocked, mad, or all three. All I knew was I felt as if I was about to explode any minute now, and if Dontie was in front of me, I’d let him have it. Today was supposed to be our wedding day, the day when we were supposed to celebrate becoming a union. I mean, even though we were already married, I didn’t get to have my dream wedding at the time. Now that day has come, and it looks like I still won’t be having it. To make matters worse, it was all because of my bitch-ass little sister.

  To be honest, I don’t even know why the hell she came. Like before, I didn’t invite her ass. I know it wasn’t anyone but my dumb-ass father who invited her ass her in the first place. However, you’d better believe that I’m going to get his ass also. I can’t believe she actually showed up. I mean, who travels from state to state, knowing that they were damn near nine months pregnant anyway? Shouldn’t she be at home with her baby’s daddy, getting ready for their little monkey to come into this world or something? Why’d she have to come and fuck up my day? Hell, she should’ve sta
yed her ass gone in the first place. Our lives were much better when she was gone. Now she’s back and causing problems like she usually does. In fact, I should be blaming my dumb-ass father for cheating on my mother and having her anyway. To be honest, I never really liked my little sister. From the moment I found out that I had a little sister, I was pissed . . .

  I was sitting in the living room, playing with my dollhouse, when my father walked in from work. I was about seven years old, and I was a daddy’s girl. Like any other little girl, I was happy to see my father, and since it was Friday and he was home early, I was extremely happy that he was going to be spending the evening with us. He came in carrying a bag from my favorite toy store.

  “Daddy!” I said, running over to him.

  “Hey, Daddy’s little princess,” he said, kissing me on my cheek. “How was your day at school?”

  “It was great. I made a new friend, and I got a gold star,” I said, extremely excited.

  “That’s great, baby girl. Where’s your mother?” he asked. For some reason, my dad wasn’t being his normal self.

  “She’s in the room,” I told him.

  “Okay, let me go talk to her. I’ll be right back,” he said, giving me the bag he had placed on the table.

  “Okay,” I said, grabbing the doll he had bought for me. I went into my room and got a comb and my hair bucket so that I could do my baby’s hair. On the way back to the living room, I heard my mother and father arguing. I know I shouldn’t have been eavesdropping, but I did anyway.

  “So you’re telling me that she’s outside, Brian?” she asked, sounding as if she was crying. “What’s she doing here?”

  “I went to get her. I was tired of hiding her. It’s time for her and Skylar to meet,” my father replied. I was confused about what they were talking about.

  “If you think for one minute that you’re bringing her in this house, you got another think coming, Brian,” my mother screamed.

  “She’s my daughter, Veronica, and regardless of whether you like it, she’s going to be here. So you might as well get used to it,” he said.


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