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My Sister's Husband

Page 19

by Ambria Davis

  * * *

  When we pulled up to the house, I parked in the driveway; then I got out and instructed Kourtney to pull up beside me. After that, I went to unlock the door. I stepped inside to disarm the alarm before I went back out to the car to get my son’s things to bring them inside.

  “Yo, Chance, before you go inside the house, can you please come help me get these things out of the car?” I asked.

  “Damn, nigga, what you did, bought the whole Walmart?” he asked, joking.

  “Nah, nigga, I just had to make sure my son had everything he needed for when he comes home tomorrow,” I told him.

  “I feel ya, man,” he said, as we began grabbing bag after bag to take in the house. It was already hot outside, and everyone knew how crucial Miami heat was. I tried like hell to get as many bags as I could, because I was trying to make as few trips to the car as possible. We still made about ten trips to the car, and by the time that we were finished, I was tired as hell.

  “Don’t stop. Y’all might as well go back outside and get everything out of my car,” Kourtney said, as we entered the living room with the last few bags from Walmart. I sat down on the sofa, trying to catch my breath. A nigga wasn’t out of shape or anything like that, but it was hot as fuck outside.

  “All right, ma, give me a minute.”

  “Here,” she said, handing us a bottle of water. I sat there, enjoying the ice-cold water, gulping it down my throat as the cold air blew on us.

  “Come on, man, let’s get this over with so I can go check on my babies,” I said, getting up from the sofa. Chance followed me out of the house.

  “All of this shit she has in here,” I said, noticing everything on the backseat, including diapers and other baby items. I knew right away that she’d look out for my son.

  “Nigga . . . that ain’t even the half of it,” he said, walking around the car. He then popped the trunk and headed to the back of the car.

  “What the fuck! She plan on moving down here?” I asked once I saw all that she had in the trunk.

  “Fuck, I don’t know, but this here is some bullshit,” Chance said, as we began grabbing what we could. “I’m taking a nap after all this shit. It’s bad enough that she woke me up out of my sleep. Now she got me working like a damn slave.”

  “Shit, I want a meal or something,” I joked as we entered the living room. She was sitting on the sofa with her eyes closed. Baby girl looked tired. I walked over to her and lightly shook her.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, jumping up. I knew she was tired, but I had to laugh at the sight of the slob running down the side of her mouth. She must have felt it, because she hurried up and wiped it off. “I’m sorry.”

  “It’s cool. If you’re tired, you can go rest in the guest bedroom down the hall,” I said, pointing in that direction.

  “Thank you, but I would like to take a bath before I get in the bed,” she said, getting up. She noticed that we had started bringing in her things. She walked over to them, grabbing two suitcases, before heading down the hall. “Where’s your bathroom?”

  “There’s one right next to the room on your right,” I told her.

  “Okay, thank you,” she replied before she disappeared into the room.

  “Yo, nigga, I hope you come and help me with the rest of these bags,” Chance said, walking into the room with more bags. “I hope your ass don’t expect me to help bring this shit upstairs, nigga.”

  “Nah, I’ma call my sister and let her handle that for me. Come on, let’s get the rest of these bags, so I can get back to the hospital.”

  * * *

  When I made it to the hospital, it was way past noon. I was worn out and tired, but I needed to get there. Since I knew my son was probably sleeping, I decided to go and check on Brinay. I missed my baby more than anything else, and I was becoming frustrated. I wanted her to hurry up and wake up. Things were getting crazy, and I needed her.

  When I made it to the floor she was on, I spotted her father talking to the doctor. I wonder what the hell’s going on, I thought as I walked over to them.

  “Okay,” he said, just as I had reached them.

  “What’s going on, Mr. Williams? Did something happen to Brinay?” I asked, hoping that he would say no. I don’t know if I would be able to take it if something happened to her.

  “No, son, she’s fine. I just had a few questions, that was all,” he replied. I let out the breath I didn’t even know I was holding. He looked at me as if he wanted to say something, but he didn’t.

  “Okay,” he said, just as we entered the room. She was still lying in the same spot she was in the other day, but the only difference was, she didn’t have as many machines hooked up to her as before. I walked over to the bed and just looked at her.

  “The doctor said that she was doing a little bit better than she was before. I just wish that she would hurry up and wake up,” Mr. Williams said from behind me. I nodded my head, agreeing to what he just said. We all wanted her to wake up. I hated to see her in this state. Every time I saw her like that, my heart ached. “I’m about to head down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. You want anything?”

  “Nah, I’m good,” I said, turning to him. “I’ll sit with her until you come back.”

  “Okay,” he replied, and with that, he was gone.

  For the longest, I stood there staring at Brinay, wishing that she would just wake up. I wished I could hear her voice or feel her arms around me. I was truly missing her, and besides, her son needed her more than I did. He needed his mother with him. He was waiting for her.

  “Hey, baby,” I said, finally speaking. Every time I came here, I’d sit down and talk to her. I wanted to make sure that she was able to hear my voice, even though she couldn’t see me. “I know you can’t see me, but it’s me, Tae.”

  I walked over to her and did what I normally did before I sat down next to her. Taking her left hand into mine, I sat there, gently rubbing it. “Brinay, you need to cut the bullshit and wake up. I miss your crazy ass. Our son is here, and he needs his mother. It’s time for you to wake up so you can be with him.”

  I knew that she probably couldn’t hear me, but that didn’t stop me from talking to her. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why the Lord was punishing me like this. As I sat there thinking, I couldn’t help but to remember when I first met Brinay . . .

  * * *

  It was a Friday morning, and Chance and I had just come from upstate, visiting a few of my niggas. I was supposed to just be dropping Chance off and heading back to Miami, but the nigga insisted I stay there for a damn party that night. I mean, he damn near begged my ass to stay. I know if I would’ve told him no, he probably would’ve found a reason to make me stay. Since he was my favorite cousin, and I really didn’t have shit to do back home, I gave in.

  “I’m telling you, nigga, this party better be as alive as you say it will,” I told him as we sat there, smoking a blunt.

  “Man, I’m telling you, that nigga, Blacky, be giving the hottest parties in South Carolina. Nigga be having everybody and they momma up in that bitch. Ya feel me?” he said, taking a hit from the blunt. He closed his eyes and inhaled it before blowing the smoke out and puffing again. He then passed it to me.

  “Yeah, nigga, that’s what ya mouth say, but let me find out otherwise,” I replied, taking the blunt from his hand.

  “Man, I told you that it’s going to be popping, but you don’t trust me, fam?”

  “I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but you just be overex-aggerating too much, nigga. Them hoes better be in that bitch too.”

  “They will, they will,” he repeated himself.

  “A’ight, well, let’s go and hit up the mall, but first, I need to get a room to put this little shit up in,” I said to him.

  “A’ight, cool, but why don’t you just leave that at my mom’s house?” he asked.

  “Because, nigga, I don’t know what could go down. If the police turned up to Aunt Jackie’s shit,
she’s going to jail, no doubt,” I told his dumb ass. I wasn’t one to shit where I sleep, nor was I going to let anything come to my family. Even though I didn’t stay there, that was my family. I wouldn’t be able to sleep if some shit popped off, and they ended in jail . . . or dead.

  “Yeah, I feel ya, man,” he said. “Hurry up, so we can get to the mall before it gets too crowded. I’m not trying to be in that bitch all fucking day.”

  “All right, man.”

  “As a matter of fact, I know just the place where you can get a room for the low, and it’s a nice hotel too,” he replied.

  “Okay, well, you drive then.”

  “Man, I’m already loaded. I really don’t feel like driving.”

  “Nigga, just shut the fuck up and drive,” I said, getting out of the car and heading over to the passenger side. I opened the door to find him still sitting in the seat. “Nigga, go ’head on before I change my mind and decide to head my ass down to Florida tonight.”

  “Nigga, you lucky I don’t feel like going to this party by myself,” he said, getting up and going to the driver’s seat.

  “Yeah, whatever, nigga,” I said, throwing the keys on his lap.

  “And watch the way ya driving before you fuck around and have us both in jail,” I told him as he cranked the car up.

  “Yeah, nigga, I know,” he said, pulling off.

  * * *

  “See why I wanted to get to this bitch early?” Chance complained as we scanned the mall parking lot for a place to park. Everyone in South Carolina must have taken off from work or something, because the place was packed, even though it was still early.

  “Yeah, man,” I replied, just as I spotted a parking spot. His ass was too busy fussing and almost missed it. “Hey, look, pull in right here.”

  He pulled into the parking spot, and then shut the car off. I removed my gun from my waistband before opening the secret compartment and placing it in there. I then opened my glove compartment to get my money and cards. When I had everything, I got out of the car.

  “I hope you don’t be long, nigga. I already know what I want, so I’m just going in and out,” he said, as we made our way into the mall.

  “Man, please. You know ya yellow ass gon’ act like a female and take a few hours,” I said joking, but I was still serious. Chance was most definitely a pretty nigga, and he acted like one. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gay, and I’m no ugly nigga. Take my word, nigga, Chance is just a pretty boy.

  “Nigga, whatever. Don’t get mad, because I like to look good, nigga,” he said, stopping to flash his million-dollar smile. “I’m a have-all-the-hoes, while you be by ya lonesome.”

  “You don’t believe that shit yourself, playboy,” I replied, pushing him. I then turned in the direction of the entrance and almost lost myself. “Who is that?”

  “Who is who?” he asked, trying to see who I was talking about.

  “Shorty in the pink shirt and blue jeans, standing next to the bright girl with the braids in her head,” I said, hoping that he would catch on without making me point toward her.

  “Oh, that’s Brinay,” he said, just as they made it a few feet away from us. “Hey, Nay.”

  “Hey, Chance,” she replied. “Why you wasn’t in class today?”

  “I had some business to take care of,” he told her. I stood on the side, admiring her beauty. Shorty was bad. She was beautiful. She was short and had a banging-ass body. She wasn’t a skinny chick, and she was thick with long, black hair.

  “Yeah, let me find out yo’ ass around here up to no good instead of being in school,” she said smartly. She then turned to me, and that’s when I noticed that she had a set of exotic green eyes. “Oh, hey, I’m Brinay, and that’s my friend, Kourtney.”

  “What’s up, ma? My name is Dontie,” I replied, shaking her hand.

  “I just told you my name, and I know I didn’t say anything about it being ma.”

  “I’m sorry, beautiful. Brinay, is it?” I asked.

  “Yeah, that’s it,” she said, flashing her beautiful smile, which showed off a set of perfectly white teeth.

  “Come on, Nay, we have to get going. You know I hate to be in the mall when it’s packed,” her friend said from behind her.

  “All right. Damn,” she said, rolling her eyes.

  “Seriously, Nay?”

  “It was nice meeting you,” she said to me. “Chance, ya ass better be in class next week. Come on, Kourtney.”

  “All right, ma,” I said. I waited until they were out of earshot before I turned to Chance. “Where you know shorty from?”

  “Nigga, damn. Slow your ass down. I know the chick from school, and before you try it, shorty don’t even do your kind,” he replied.

  “What you mean she doesn’t do my kind?” I asked.

  “I already see that look in your eyes, and like I said, she doesn’t do your kind. So you might as well leave her alone. She will not date you,” he said, walking off. “As a matter of fact, I never seen her date any man before.”

  “Well, she going to have to make an exception for me. I ain’t leaving here until baby girl is mine,” I said, walking off, but he stopped me.

  “On the real, man. Shorty is a good girl. She barely gets out, and like I said, I never seen or heard of her with any man.”

  “And you’re saying all of this because . . .?” I asked his ass. He was acting as if he were her brother or something, as if he had a crush on her or something. “You acting like you’re her daddy or something, nigga.”

  “I’m not her daddy, nor her brother, nigga. I was just telling you, nigga,” he said, looking offended. Fuck it. I didn’t care that nigga was throwing shade in my game.

  “Know what, nigga? Don’t even worry about it,” he said, walking off mad. Shit, I wasn’t worrying about it. The nigga wanted me to stay down here, but now when I come across a honey that I like, he starts acting a bitch.

  “Is there something that you want to tell me? Do you have a crush on her or something?” I asked, trying to catch up with him.

  “Nah, my nigga, you good,” he said, cutting me off.

  Fuck it, I thought. If he wanted to act like that, then that was fine with me. I wasn’t about to kiss the nigga’s ass, if that’s what he thought. I don’t care if he was my blood or not. Hell, the nigga could’ve been my own damn daddy, and I would’ve treated him the same muthafucking way.

  Deciding not to let him spoil my mood, I went about my business and started shopping. I wanted to get some new shoes, so I decided to head there first. Since he wanted me to stay, now I had a good reason to. I hope by the time this nigga get done shopping, he won’t be feeling like a little bitch.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Girl . . . Nay, I know you seen dude checking you out when you was talking to Chance just now,” Kourtney said as I flipped through the many clothes. We were currently in Love Culture, looking for an outfit to wear to Blacky’s party tonight. Normally, I don’t go out, but since the last call I’d gotten from my brother, I needed a good drink and a nice fucking time.

  “Girl, what you talking about?” I asked, trying to play dumb.

  “You know what I’m talking about. Chance’s cousin, Dontie, was checking you out and you was giving him nothing but attitude, heffa,” she laughed, nudging me in my back. I stopped and gave her that bitch, if you poke me in my back again, I’m going to smack the fuck out of you look before I went back to find something to put on.

  “I seen him, but I ain’t paid his ass no mind. You know damn well I’m not trying to date or fuck with nobody right now. Especially since I’ve got my plate full of problems. The only thing I’m focused on is school. All that other shit is irrelevant to me,” I said, just as I spotted a dress that I liked. I removed it from the rack and held it up. “You like?”

  “Girl, get out of my face with that ugly-ass shit. I’m going to have to teach you a thing or two about fashion,” Kourtney said, taking the dress out of my han
d and putting it back on the rack. “Your ass has a body out of this world, and yet, you dress as if your grandmother be buying your clothes. Give that body some room to breathe. Shit, show it off for a change.”

  “I don’t need to be showing off all of my goodies. Besides, that draws too much attention,” I told her hot ass.

  “Attention, my ass. You just want to be an old grandma. For all that, you could stay home, since you wanna dress like you in ya eighties.”

  “Bitch, whatever,” I said, rolling my eyes at her. She had a real funny way of being dramatic and sarcastic. “Let me see what you find, and it better not be anything sleazy, neither.”

  “See, now you talking,” she said, smiling. I didn’t respond. I just shook my damn head at her. To say she was a geek in school, she surely did have a bad side to her. I don’t know what I’ve just gotten myself into. I silently hoped that she wasn’t trying to make me look like a slut. “Let’s get out of here. I don’t see shit in here I like no way.”

  Several hours later . . .

  When we pulled up to the party, it was packed. All of South Carolina must have attended, because I saw damn near everybody I knew, and a whole lot of people I didn’t know.

  “Girl, Blacky’s party gets better and better every year,” Kourtney said, as we made our way through the crowd.

  “Shit, you ain’t never lying. If he keeps that up, he won’t be able to throw it in a club no more. He’s going to have to rent out the damn concert center or something.”

  “Who you telling?” she responded. “I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “Damn, bitch, we just got here. You gotta pee already?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

  “Bitch, yeah,” she said, as she led the way to the bathroom. I knew she really didn’t have to use the bathroom. She was just going in there to check how she looked for the umpteenth time. I don’t know why, because I kept telling her that she looked great. Shit, I should be the one trying to haul ass to the nearest mirror, not her.


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