Third Time's a Charm [Novikov Clan 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 12
“Beth? Baby?” She could hear Kaden’s voice, but she couldn’t take her eyes off the scene in front of her.
She’d been relaxing in the tub, dreaming about Kaden and Jason when her ex broke into her home. His voice slid over her like sandpaper, ruining her moment of peace. She never thought she’d see him again. Signing the paperwork should’ve made him disappear. She wasn’t fighting any of the terms. He’d get everything.
In the bathroom, he’d propositioned her. He wanted to share her with Kaden and Jason. Nothing made her feel sicker than thinking about him anywhere near them or her. He couldn’t even compare. When she rejected his advances, something seemed to snap inside him. Kirk had never been violent, not once. He never laid a hand on her throughout their whole relationship. He didn’t need to be physical since his words always did the job. That all changed when she didn’t do what he wanted.
When he jerked her out of the tub, dragging her over the tip, Beth had been too shocked to do anything. Her survival instincts kicked in as she slipped and slid over the tile floor. When they reached the hallway, he tried to get her to the bedroom. That was her breaking point. She somehow managed to get free of him and sprinted toward the front door, wanting to get out of the “safety” of her home. Being soaking wet didn’t help. She tripped over her own damn feet and ended up sprawled out across the living room floor.
When he was towering over her, Beth wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to get away. What the hell would he have done to her if Jason hadn’t stepped in? Would he have terrorized her? Raped her? Shaking her head, Beth watched as Jason slammed his fist into Kirk’s face. At this rate, she had no doubt that Jason could easily kill her ex. She didn’t want that on his conscience. She didn’t want him to deal with the aftermath of killing someone. She couldn’t be the cause. It didn’t sit right with her.
Pushing herself up off the floor, she went to Jason. She had to stop this before it got out of hand.
“Jason, please stop. Let him go.” He didn’t seem to hear her. Pulling back his fist, she grabbed his arm. “Stop!” she yelled louder, trying to break through to the man.
Kirk was sputtering, turning blue. Already his face was a swollen mess. “Stop, he’s my husband!”
Jason jerked back, recoiling as if she’d pulled his beating heart from his chest. She stared at him as his shoulders slumped and pure agony masked his features. She’d caused this pain, and it killed her. The beast receded, leaving behind a man she barely recognized. He was no longer the carefree, smiling man she knew. Instead, he looked almost broken. Tears filled his eyes, and she wanted more than anything to wipe away all his troubles. She wanted to hold this big, strong man and comfort him.
She could hear Kirk gasping for breath before he hit the ground running. The front door slammed, an engine started, and small rocks flew in every direction as he sped down the driveway. Still, she didn’t take her eyes off Jason. They stood there in silence, staring at each other, and she hoped that she wouldn’t lose him and Kaden.
“Husband?” He spit the word out as if it were the vilest thing he’d ever tasted.
Chapter 15
My mate is married.
Jason couldn’t believe it. He stood stock still, replaying what Beth had just said. Husband…Beth has a husband? How could fate be so cruel? He’d been waiting all his life to meet his mate, and now that he’d found her, she was married. His greatest fear only moments ago was scaring her with his beast. She obviously wasn’t afraid. Instead, she came to him to protect her husband. That one word made his heart shatter in his chest. He could feel the pain all over his body. She was going to reject them. He would be alone for the rest of his life.
The beast whimpered and whined for his mate, withdrawing completely. He felt as if he might collapse with the weight of the agony. Stumbling, he made his way to the couch and dropped down.
Kaden seemed to snap out of it first. He went to Beth and wrapped a blanket around her body before picking her up in his arms. Enjoy, brother, this will probably be the last time you’ll touch our mate.
“It’s time to talk.” Kaden sat down on the opposite side of the couch, cradling Beth on his lap.
She wasn’t fighting him or trying to get away, which surprised him, especially since she was married. He hated that word more than he hated peas and brussels sprouts. He couldn’t swallow it down without wanting to puke. He felt as if he were having an out-of-body experience. Numb. That’s the only thing he felt as he sat on Beth’s couch, his world destroyed. He only half listened as Beth and Kaden spoke, still trapped in a dazed state.
“It’s way past time that the three of us talked. There’s a lot that hasn’t been said.”
“I know.”
“You handled Jason’s…uh…partial shift better than I could’ve ever hoped. I’m surprised you didn’t run out of here screaming.”
You mean you’re surprised she didn’t run out of here after seeing me half-crazed, ready to kill her fucking husband! Jason knew he would’ve killed the man. There was no doubt in his mind especially after seeing Beth naked on the floor and smelling her fear mixed with blood.
“I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. Instead, I hurt him. He looks as if I’ve ruined his entire life. He hasn’t even looked at me.”
Jason wanted to turn his head but refrained. He couldn’t look into her eyes, knowing he might never be able to touch her again. How would they be able to live here with their clan when Beth was here? He wouldn’t be able to see her with another man. He’d commit murder. Hell, he wanted to run out of the house and hunt that bastard down.
“He’s just shocked, as I am. We never expected to hear you say that you’re married.”
“I just signed the divorce papers today. I just needed a few minutes to think before I talked to you both. I only wanted to take a bath. I was planning to go straight to your house afterward.” Jason turned his head so fast he was surprised it was still attached to his neck.
“Wait. What?” He finally cleared his mind and focused on her. He didn’t want to misunderstand anything.
* * * *
Instead of staring at Jason’s profile, she was finally looking into his beautiful eyes. There was no anger or agony. She saw hope. She needed to come clean and tell them everything, she knew that. Keeping the past from them wasn’t an option any longer. It seemed that her men had a few secrets to explain as well. She felt slightly relieved. She wasn’t the only one with issues in this relationship.
“I just signed divorce papers,” she repeated for Jason’s benefit. “I didn’t expect to ever see Kirk again. He came here to make a proposition, and when I didn’t give him the answer he wanted, he…” She shook her head, still unable to believe what he’d done. “He flipped out.”
“What proposition? What did he want?” Jason asked suspiciously, arching a brow.
“He wanted to share me with you and Kaden.”
“What? That’s fucking sick.” Jason stood up and angrily paced back and forth, stomping. He shoved his fingers through his hair, “Bastard! We would never share our mate! Never!”
His words were so passionate that she believed him, without a doubt. Jason and Kaden would never want to share her with another man. They wouldn’t pass her around, or make her feel as if she weren’t enough. She was a little surprised that after everything she’d been through in the past that she was so easily accepting of both Kaden and Jason, together. She couldn’t imagine one without the other. She’d only ever wanted one man, but perfection came in the form of two.
“He liked sharing me with other men. He liked watching them fuck me.” She cringed at the admission. It made her feel so cheap and disgusting. The man she had loved never really loved her.
“And you thought Jason and I were the same way,” Kaden stated rather than asked.
The air in the room grew thick. It felt hard to breath as both men stared at her, waiting for her to speak. Did they really think she would classify them in the same category as Kirk? She scoffed. They w
ould always be better men. They loved without conditions. In that moment it all made sense, absolute clarity.
“No. I don’t believe that, not anymore.” She shook her head. “I got married for the wrong reasons, to both the men in my past. I was in a fragile state. I needed someone and wanted to be taken care of. It’s not the same with you…nothing about either of you is similar to him.”
Beth didn’t want to get too specific, but she did keep talking, wanting both these men to know everything. She told Kaden and Jason about the accident in college that changed her life, about being alone in Seattle, marrying first Aaron and then Kirk.
“I wish we would’ve known,” Kaden murmured before clearing his throat. “We both love you, Beth. It’s the forever kind of love that includes monogamy, honesty, and a happily ever after for all three of us.” He kissed her forehead, and Beth leaned into him, relaxing completely.
“It’s our time to tell you everything.” Jason sat down on the couch and pulled Beth’s feet into his lap. “You already saw some of it.” He inhaled deeply before exhaling slowly. “We are shifters, polar bear shifters to be more specific, and you’re our mate.”
“I’ve heard the mate thing before, not just from you both but, from Emma. The shifter thing…uh…that you turned into. Is that what you mean by becoming a polar bear? The white hairs, teeth, and claws?”
“What you saw was my half-shifted form. The bear was fighting to get out, to protect you.”
“I’m glad he did.” That was the truth. She’d never been afraid of Kirk before, not once, except for only moments ago.
Jason reached over and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her off of Kaden’s lap. He was shaking slightly as he held her tight. With his face buried in her neck, Beth melted into him. They wrapped their arms tightly around each other, neither of them moving for a long time.
“I want to chase you through the forest and claim you with Kaden,” Jason murmured as he licked her neck.
“What?” She wasn’t sure if she’d heard him correctly. How did he know what I’ve been dreaming about?
Jason loosened his hold on her enough that they made eye contact. “Our clan has a tradition. The males chase their woman through the woods, and when they catch her, they claim her under the full moon.”
“I’ve heard it’s really intense. The men chase their mate in their animal form, and when they bite her, marking her neck, it cements their relationship,” Kaden added, his voice taking on an almost dreamy quality.
“I’ve been dreaming about that,” she admitted, the idea becoming more exciting with every second that passed.
Beth wanted to experience the tradition. She wanted her men to claim and mark her under the full moon. She was willing to do anything to make this connection grow.
Chapter 16
Beth started walking, following the path she’d taken with Kaden. She had a feeling that this was one of the most important nights of her life. Tonight, her men would be claiming her following the traditions of their clan. As she stepped over tree roots protruding from the ground, images from her dreams came to the forefront of her mind, recognition taking shape. This was her dream. Taking a deep breath, she smiled, knowing what was to come.
Through the silence, Beth was able to hear even the smallest noises. Insects humming. Owls hooting. Twigs snapping. The breeze whispering through pine needles. Her time alone was almost over. Did she really want to run away from them? Every fiber inside of her wanted to turn around and run toward them, but she didn’t want to ruin the tradition. If her dreams were true, then she did need to run and try to get away from them.
Beth started to run, wanting to make this chase satisfying for Kaden and Jason. Once she built up a steady pace, the forest seemed to come to life. Low growls and branches breaking in the distance pumped her adrenaline level up. She pushed herself harder, glad that she was in pretty good shape. A smile spread across her face, she was going to play with them. She took a sharp right.
Running as fast as she could, Beth struggled to get air into her lungs. It felt like she’d been running for way longer than she was used too. Miles and miles of thick trees. It didn’t seem to matter how fast she ran, she wouldn’t be getting away from Kaden and Jason. She could hear them behind her, getting closer and closer. Beth focused on moving through the woods, wanting to get to get closer to their home. She’d almost made a full circle.
A flash of white from her peripheral vision caught her attention. Beth jerked her head to the side and saw a huge polar bear coming toward her. A jolt of excitement ran through her, even though seeing a fully grown male polar bear was a little scary. There was no half shift this time. She pushed herself harder, pumping her arms.
Beth panted, trying to catch her breath. She looked around at her surroundings. The house was close by. Another large bear cut right in front of her, and she skid to a stop, almost falling on her butt. She held her side, pushing on the sharp ache, wishing it would go away. Beth stood still. This was it…she’d been caught.
Both bears stalked toward her, one from each side. Beth froze, wondering what they would do. The dream wasn’t as intense as this moment. It hadn’t prepared her for the real life experience of both Kaden and Jason covered in fur, stalking her. They were huge…eight to ten feet long and probably weighing close to one thousand pounds each. She was in awe. They were truly magnificent creatures.
They both prowled toward her on four legs, making her feel a tad intimidated the closer they got. Right before her eyes, the bears started to shift, loud popping sounds filling the air. Kaden and Jason stopped about ten feet away from her. White hair receded, four legs turning into human legs and arms, claws and long canines disappearing. Beth licked her lips as two glorious naked men now stood tall where the polar bears had been only moments before.
Kaden moved first, coming to stand right in front of her. Beth placed her hands on his chest, wanting to feel his body, needing the contact. Her mind went blank and her pulse quickened as his warmth sunk into her. Moisture pooled at her slit, her pussy and clit coming alive with the anticipation. Her breasts seemed to swell, becoming heavier, and her nipples pebbled, already aching for their touch.
Jason moved in, and her men slowly started to circle, inspecting her. She could feel the warmth of their skin radiating, without even touching them. They moved as one, slowly reaching out to take her clothes off. Beth closed her eyes. Gentle brushes of their fingertips caressed her skin until she was only wearing a bra and panties, and she shivered, goose bumps breaking out.
With one quick hard tug, her bra was ripped from her body followed quickly by her panties. The material tore, sliding off, leaving her naked. Beth jerked, a shriek escaping her. She felt as if her body was on fire, her pussy clamping, ready to be filled.
“Get on the ground,” Kaden demanded. His voice was little more than a growl.
She did as he ordered, submitting to his will, surrendering to the full moon. She felt the pull, and she reacted, following her body’s instinct. Going to her hands and knees, she moved her hips in silent offering.
A loud growl stopped her movements. “I can smell your arousal. It’s sweet on my tongue, and I haven’t even tasted you yet.”
Biting her lip, Beth waited, but neither of her men approached. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Kaden take a step back and Jason followed his lead. What the hell? She was confused. Shouldn’t her men be taking her? Instead, she got the feeling that they might walk away and leave her on the ground.
“I don’t know if I can touch you.” Kaden looked worried.
“Of course you can. I’m naked, practically begging for you to take me.”
“My beast is too close to the surface. He wants to claim you, too.” He shook his head. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You’re hurting me by not touching me. I need you, Kaden, you and Jason.”
Beth didn’t move from her position on the ground, hoping that the smell of her arousal would be enough to entice. Taking her
eyes off him, she leaned down, lifting her hips up higher in the air and lowering her shoulders to the ground. Reaching between her legs, she opened her labia with one hand as she swirled her fingers around the moisture, pinching her clit.
She heard deep growls before the sound of footsteps. Beth panted, hoping that her plan was working. Both men were behind her. She knew that they were within touching distance. Before she could say a word, a long tongue licked her, and she dropped her hand to the ground. Hell yeah! Her wait was over.
She moaned deep in her throat when a tongue pushed into her pussy. The tongue pumped into her, fucking her, and it didn’t take long before she was screaming as she came. The orgasm exploded through her full force, taking her breath away. Beth was shaking, coming, until she collapsed forward. Aftershocks washed through her. Gasping for air, Beth knew this was only the beginning.
“Please! I need your cock, Kaden.” She begged him, knowing that Jason would follow his lead.
Jason lay on the ground next to her and pulled her body on top of his as if she were light as a feather. He didn’t make her wait another moment. He grabbed her thighs, lifted her up, and let gravity take over, his cock sliding to the hilt.
“Feel. So. Good.” Jason dug his fingertips into her hips.
She groaned, loving the feeling of him buried deep inside her. Regaining her energy, Beth rode him, up and down. She gripped him with her thighs and ground her pussy against his cock. Jason rose up, snaking his arm around her, pulling a nipple into his mouth. He sucked hard, holding her tight against his body as he pounded full throttle.
Rough hands grabbed her ass cheeks, spreading them apart. Kaden wasn’t his usual, calm self. Instead, he was wilder and rougher. She let him have his way. He leaned down and licked her ass before pushing one finger in slowly. Beth stopped moving instantly, and Jason rubbed her back, relaxing her. Kaden stretched and prepared her for his cock, all the while adding more moisture.