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The Good Twin's Baby: A Billionaire Baby Contract Romance

Page 152

by Vivien Vale

  He bites my lower lip, and I let out a gasp. His hands are all over my body. I’m wet, already thinking about Jason breaking in downstairs while I keep the playboy busy.

  I don’t want to come on too strong, so I put my hands on his ripped chest, almost pushing him away. He pulls me closer. Good, I have him just where I want him.

  He kisses down my throat, shoving me against the short balcony wall. If I continue my “chase me” tactic, I’ll find out exactly how high this balcony is, and that will not be a good thing. I wrap my arms around his neck.

  “Oh, we’re so high up,” I whisper. He lifts me up onto the balcony wall and shoves my legs apart. I’m getting a little nervous that I’m losing control of the situation, but I’m also really wet.

  I may have underestimated this guy. He holds my waist with one hand while the other tears my shirt open, exposing my breasts to the cool night air. Then he slides a hand up my bare thigh and thrusts two fingers in my wet pussy.

  “Such a long way to fall,” he whispers back.

  I’m not faking the shiver up my spine, though if it’s from the heights or his thick talented fingers playing me like a fiddle, I’m not sure. I wrap my legs around him to keep a better grip, and I slip my hands from his neck, down to the zipper of his pants.

  “Tell me what I want to hear,” he growls again.

  “I want it,” I say in my best damsel voice. And I do, I really do want it. I can feel his raging cock under his tight jeans, and it’s a monster. I want to feel it fill me up, and I want to feel him come before Jason and I make away with all his secrets.

  He growls, and I free his cock from those tight jeans. I feel the sticky precum on my lips before that monster is inside me. Just what I imagined.

  I throw my head back in ecstasy and realize that is not a great idea three stories up. He pulls me closer to him, and I wrap my legs tighter. He lifts me up and spins us around, slamming me into the side of the building and fucking me hard up against the wall.

  In the back of my mind, I’m timing Jason. He should be in the house, and I’m sure he’s found Will’s office by now. I’ll give him fifteen more minutes to download what he needs, then it will be time to head out.

  Fifteen more minutes, plenty of time to enjoy my part of the job.

  Will’s lips are at my throat, and I feel his rough leather jacket scraping my bare breasts. He slams his throbbing cock into me again and again. I grind my hips against him, feeling his pubic bone rub my clit.

  His hands are soft and cold. They send delightful shivers through my body.

  I let myself really enjoy this. I run my hands across his rippling chest and bite his collar bone. This makes him growl again, and he thrusts even harder into me. I’m starting to lose my focus, but that’s okay.

  I let wave after wave of pleasure wash over me and allow myself to indulge for just a little while, finding the sheer edge of pleasure before I can take the plunge.

  Time is almost up, my little playtoy. He does have enthusiasm. I might miss him.

  I let go of the orgasm that’s been building. Sometimes I have to fake it, but not this time. I dive into the pleasure, and my pussy squeezing his cock is almost too much for my would-be Bluebeard.

  My hips buck against the wall, knocking him back on his feet a bit.

  “Please let me ride you,” I whisper. This is the part I needed to get to. He kneels and slides to the floor, still inside me. He’s so pretty in his rugged, I wanna be bad way.

  I’m so tempted to keep him and make him a pet. Show him what true dominance is. But alas, that is not his fate.

  I start slow, timid and shy. Back in character. I speed up and lean down to kiss him.

  He grabs my breasts and pinches my stiff nipples. I might just get to come again. I do like this one.

  I feel him building to a climax. His cock is throbbing in my cunt, and his breath is coming faster.

  I lay one arm across his throat. He doesn’t even notice; he’s shifted one hand from my tit to my clit and is pinching and rubbing in time to my thrusting. I almost lose focus again as he drives me back to the peak.

  Just as we’re both about to fall over the edge, I get a hold of myself and apply gentle pressure with my arm to his bare throat.

  He explodes inside me just as I come again, my cunt grasping his spasming cock and pulling him deeper inside me. I feel his cum spilling out and down my leg, and his consciousness fades and he passes out from lack of oxygen.

  I hear slow clapping behind me.

  “I see you got what you needed,” says Jason, tossing me a black T-shirt dress. “So did I. Let’s get the fuck out of here.”


  “What the fuck’s going on?” Will says, looking from me to Kat and then back again as he regains consciousness. I expected him to be out longer than that.

  “Surprised, motherfucker?” I ask him, reaching inside my pocket and grabbing the pen drive. His eyes widen as he realizes what Kat and I have done.

  “That’s right, Will,” Kat tells him, taking two steps back from him and putting on the dress I just handed her.

  I watch her do it, the curves of her naked body making my cock twitch, and my heart tightens inside my chest as images of her and Will going at it crash into my mind. But it had to be done, no matter how much it fucking hurts me.

  It had to fucking be done. And now we can move on from all this shit.

  “No, no, no,” he stammers, grabbing his pants and getting inside them, his cock deflating faster than a slashed tire. “You can’t do that, you can’t—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Will,” Kat hisses, and then she cocks her arm back and slaps him with the back of her hand. “You might think of yourself as a smart-ass playboy, but you’re just an excuse of a man,” she continues, coming up to my side and laying one hand on my shoulder. “And now we have everything.”

  “Everything,” I repeat, closing my hand around the pen drive and putting it back in my pocket. “And now that we have everything, you’re about to become nothing.”

  “If you do that—”

  “Yeah, what happens next? The Feds come knocking at your door? Maybe something worse. Maybe someone will come up to you in some dark alley and put a bullet between your eyes. I know all that, Will, and to be honest…I don’t give a shit.”

  With that, I close the distance between me and him and ram my fist into his face. He stumbles back, pressed against the railing of the balcony, and for half a second, I almost believe he’s going to tumble back and dive into an early death.

  Not that I’d care.

  “Let’s get out of here,” I tell Kat, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her across Will’s penthouse.

  We’re close, and I can smell her sweet perfume. My cock’s trying to react to it, boiling blood making it harden up against the fabric of my pants, but I take a deep breath and try to remain in control. It’s not like I can fuck her right here and now—well, I could do it, but then I’d have to deal with Will, and I’m not in the mood for an execution tonight.

  Although, to be honest, I’m aching to put a bullet in that fucker’s brain. I simply can’t accept the fact that he fucked Kat. I know it was necessary, part of the plan, but still…Kat’s mine, and only mine. No one has the right to lay one finger on her.

  Shit, just thinking of this makes me want to go back and throw Will off the fucking balcony. Might be I come back later and do just that, but for now I have more important stuff to do. Like show Kat how a real man takes care of business. And by business, I mean…ah, fuck, I don’t need to explain what I mean, do I?

  “What happens now?” Kat asks me as she reaches for my hand. I grab it as we head out of the apartment, and then we get inside of the elevator. My cock’s so hard now that I seriously don’t know if I can wait. Maybe I’ll just fuck her right now.

  “Now…whatever we want to do, we can do,” I whisper, pushing her back against the wall and holding her arms over her head. She gasps slightly, her lips parting as if her mou
th is waiting for mine.

  Grinning, I lean into her and kiss her, pushing my tongue inside her mouth and closing my eyes as I allow the sweet flavor of her mouth to climb up to my brain.

  “Is this because of Will?” she asks me then, escaping my kiss and looking straight into my eyes. There’s a mischievous glint there, one that means she’s up to no good. She’s teasing me, and she’s enjoying every fucking second of it.

  “What is? Do you think I just want to fuck you because of what happened between you and Will?”

  “Maybe,” she whispers back at me, a wicked grin dancing on her lips.

  “Maybe you’re right then,” I growl, placing my hand on her neck while I grin back at her. “Might be I have to fuck those memories out of you.”

  “That doesn’t sound so bad, you know,” she replies, her breathing growing heavier by the second.

  My cock’s so hard right now that I’m half surprised it still hasn’t ripped a hole in my pants. Fuck, Kat always had this effect on me. I can’t be around her without wanting to fuck the living daylights out of her.

  That’s love for you.

  I’m about to pin her against the wall, hike up her dress, and start fucking her when the elevator doors slide to the side and into their partitions, their soft ding letting us know that we’ve arrived at the ground floor.

  “Saved by the bell,” I whisper, taking my hand out of her neck and smiling. She pats down the front of her dress and walks out of the elevator, and then she looks back at me over her shoulders.

  “Who said I want to be saved?”

  Kat—what happened to my sweet, naive girl?


  No way am I going to let that motherfucker punch me in the fucking face and walk the fuck out with Kat.

  I almost fall off the balcony. And that fucker just walks out.

  That’s it. Something in me has finally fucking snapped, and I’m fucking done.

  It’s going to be him. Or me.

  I pull out my phone and look through my contacts. There’s only one person I call in situations like this.

  “Grainger,” I say into the phone. “I need a pacification team to meet me on the roof.”

  He tells me it’s going to take fifteen minutes.

  There’s no sense in having a private security force if you’re not going to use it. I get out into the hallway, nursing my jaw, and wait for the elevator. I take it to the top floor and then climb the stairs that head to the roof.

  There’s no way I’m going to let Jason get away.

  I’m going to kill him.

  That’s when the helicopter appears on the horizon. I raise my hands and wave in case the pilot is looking for me.

  I watch as the small speck becomes larger and then finally as it approaches the building. I back away as the helicopter descends and five men jump out.

  “Hand me the sniper rifle,” I command, and the lead man, dressed in a dark suit, reaches into the chopper and pulls out a wicked-looking gun. He hands it to me, and I feel its weight and heft.

  It’s good. I can get a good fucking shot here. I nod.

  “Let’s go,” I tell them. I get in the chopper and put on my headphones and mic and explain exactly what I want to do.

  I want to swoop down into the city and take aim at Jason.

  Then I want to shoot him in the leg so he can’t walk. Then I’m going to jump down and personally stab him in the throat in front of Kat.

  Then I’m going to take Kat. And I’m going to fuck her.

  And she’s going to enjoy it. Because the strongest of us will have won her.

  See, I know women like Kat. All she cares is who the most alpha of the alpha males is. She’s the kind of woman that will fucking gravitate to power.

  So it’s basically kill or fucking be killed with her.

  The helicopter starts to ascend before banking left and descending again, going through the buildings. I can see people on the street turn their heads to look at us. It’s not every day that a helicopter flies so low to the ground.

  Fuck it. I don’t care.

  They think I’m a fucking effete fucking playboy? Well, let’s see what they think after I get done with this.

  I line up my scope to my eye and take aim, searching for Jason.

  I find him. He’s just fucking walking down the street with Kat.

  I take aim as the helicopter descends. They haven’t seen me yet. They’re in their own little fucking world.

  Wait till they realize that I’ve just invaded that world and I’m going to nuke it.

  I pull the trigger.

  The bullet tears through Jason’s leg, and I see him fall to the ground.



  The scream rips through my throat, raw and anguished.

  No. Not this.

  Not after everything we’ve done to get to this point. It’s like the end was finally in sight. And now that fucker Will is going to steal everything that’s ever mattered right out from under me.


  I drop to my knees next to Jason, carefully checking the wound that’s gushing blood like a fucking fire hydrant.

  Fuck. It’s the femoral artery.

  “Jason, please,” I beg, my voice desperate as I shake him, trying to get him to hang on to the consciousness that I can see is fading fast. “Don’t leave me. Not again.”

  He smiles faintly. “You’re the one who never showed up.”

  It’s a joke. Yeah, a fucking poor attempt at one, but Jason never was one to take impending death seriously.

  It still hits me like a fucking sucker-punch. He has to know, right? He knows I didn’t just leave him. Or rather, send him to our safe house alone, then never follow. He can’t just die now. Not when we finally have our chance we’ve waited seven fucking years for.

  First things first, though.

  I pull out my phone and dial 9-1-1.

  But just as I’m about to hit send, I hear the beat of propellers behind me. I turn around and gasp.

  No fucking way.

  There’s fucking Will, hanging from the ladder of a helicopter like he’s fucking Jason Bourne or some shit.

  Rage boils up inside of me. He won’t get away with this. I won’t let him.

  He’s the one who caused all our problems to begin with, a fucking mole in Daddy’s organization. It was a long time before I sniffed out the truth.

  He turned Daddy against Jason, and Jason’s been in fucking hiding for years. The knowledge of all that time we could have had risen to the surface, and fury like I’ve never known takes over my body, fueling me with adrenaline.

  I hit the call button on the phone, then lean down to press a hard kiss to Jason’s lips.

  “Hang in there, baby. Don’t give up on us now.” I wrap his fingers around my phone and push it toward his face before grabbing the gun from his belt and one from his body holster.

  Then I have to hope for the best.

  I stand and turn just as Will jumps the last few feet to the ground, a fucking sniper rifle trained on us.

  Everything that matters hinges on the next few seconds. Heaven or hell. Life or death.

  Jason or Will.

  It’s going to be fucking Will.

  I unleash years of pent-up rage as I unload both pistols at the same time, walking straight toward Will with my eyes glued to his evil grin.

  It’s like time slows down, everything transpiring in a Matrix-like slow-motion feed.

  I see the minute the first bullet hits Will, square in the chest. I mean, Daddy didn’t train his little girl to be anything less than a crack shot.

  Then that twisted smirk is frozen in place as his beady eyes go wide with shock and I riddle his body with every last fucking bullet in both guns. It’s a gratifying sight, one I won’t soon forget. Or want to.

  Finally, fucking finally, all of this is over.

  Will falls to the ground in a lifeless heap as the chopper still hovers above us, its light shining down on us,
illuminating the bloody scene like we’re performing for a fucking audience.

  I stare up at the pilot. Is he one of Will’s goons that’s ready to kill me on the spot?

  Just then, I hear the sound of sirens in the distance, and it sounds like fucking bells to my ringing ears.

  I race back to Jason’s side to find him pale and shivering.

  “Hang on just another minute, baby. It’s over. It’s fucking over.”

  I drop to my knees and cradle his head in my hands. His lips are blue, his eyes dim.

  No! He will make it through this.

  My face is wet, and I realize I’m sobbing, my tears falling down my cheeks to Jason’s nearly lifeless body.

  The sirens become a muted sound as everything in my world narrows down to a laser focus on Jason. I feel like I’m watching our future slip between my fingers. It wasn’t supposed to happen like this. We were supposed to get the files, clear Jason’s name, then live out the rest of our lives in a little cottage outside Tulum.

  Jason’s eyes droop shut, and I find myself shaking him, begging him not to leave me.

  Then I’m being pulled off him, and paramedics are loading him onto a gurney.

  I hear mutters and curses and fragments of their words. The ones I do catch make my heart stop.

  “Didn’t get here in time…”

  Then everything goes black.


  Riding off into the fucking sunset.


  That shit’s only for the movies.

  Because right now I’m in the back of an ambulance in the middle of the fucking night, and I don’t even have my girl beside me.

  How the fuck did I not plan for this? I plan for fucking everything. Down to the last detail. I mean, all I had to do was send Kat one message—now or never—and everything happened just as it was supposed to.

  Almost. I wasn’t supposed to get fucking shot and almost bleed out on the ground outside of fucking Will’s.

  “Where is she?” I demand, fighting against the restraints the paramedics had to use on me.

  Said I had to keep still. It was for my own good. Fuck that.


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