
Home > Romance > CarnalTakeover > Page 6
CarnalTakeover Page 6

by Tina Donahue

  His expression said he wasn’t quite pleased. “Arch your back.”

  She closed her eyes.

  “Uh-uh,” Daniel said. “Look at me.”

  Her face was on fire. And yet, another part of her, deep within, had taken her desire to a new level, the nth fucking degree. Enjoying this. Wanting it. Alexandra arched her back and braced herself for his smug smile.

  He regarded her naked cunt and breasts thoughtfully. Calmly.

  A façade. He kept digging his fingers into his thighs, revealing his fight for control.

  “Red, Nat,” he said. “On either side of her. Make certain she doesn’t move.”

  Warning bells rang at what Daniel planned next. The punishment he’d mete out if she didn’t comply.

  Not yet ready to tempt fate, Alexandra remained in her obscene position. Red and Nat regarded her lazily, their focus on her boobs and pussy, bringing to mind something she hadn’t considered until now. No doubt what Daniel had tried to tell her.

  Alexandra wasn’t certain how she’d face them again after tonight. For the rest of her time on the site, she’d recall their hungry expressions, how easily they’d forgotten her previous role and theirs at work. No longer was she Alexandra or Ms. Waite, their supervisor. In this cabin, she was a woman they had a right to own in every way imaginable.

  A moan bubbled within her, wanting out. She pushed it back down and sneaked a peek at Daniel.

  He was studying her face.

  Her blood pumped faster while everything else slowed, the moment turning strangely personal. The way a kiss can reach the soul, while a fuck—though good—might prove meaningless. Simply a good time.

  What was tonight for him?

  Alexandra didn’t know and struggled to return his intense gaze, helpless against her uncertainty and his dominance.

  On a loud, put-upon sigh, Junior announced his return. He held a platter in each hand protected by her oven mitts. He’d balanced the third tray on his head, a dishtowel keeping his skull from being burned by the metal disk.

  Nat muttered something beneath his breath and broke rank to get the third pie before it fell off Junior.

  Daniel continued to give Alexandra all of his attention. It wilted and stirred her, a weird combination. Her body ached dully with desire. Arousal made her cunt shockingly wet.

  “What now?” Junior asked, holding out the trays to Daniel.

  “Feed me,” he said to her.

  Nat handed Alexandra a plate and napkin. She nodded her thanks and somehow pushed to her feet, taking a moment to fight her lightheadedness. The pie was even more of a mess than she was, none of the slices equal, their edges so ragged Junior must have used a butter knife on them rather than her cutter.

  After selecting the least damaged piece, Alexandra dropped to her knees at Daniel’s side, prepared to feed him as a sexual slave would.

  “No. I want you here.” He patted his left thigh. Solid. Strong.

  Alexandra hesitated, then eased onto his leg, too aware of her weight.

  It didn’t seem to bother him. He pulled her back, making certain she fit snugly against him, then pulled her right leg up, propping her foot on the arm of the chair. The position opened her completely, displaying her cunt to the guys.

  They noticed. Nat chewed his pizza so fast his mouth was a blur. Cheese and sauce dribbled over Junior’s lower lip. He didn’t bother licking it away. Red forgot his slice completely, his nostrils flaring with his heavy intake of air.

  Alexandra continued to pant.

  “Feed me,” Daniel whispered, his mouth on her ear.

  His breath was warm and sweet smelling. She melted into him.

  He eased his face away, no doubt expecting his food. Her obedience to his command.

  Her fingers tingled so badly, Alexandra could barely lift the slice. She flipped the narrowest edge over the rest of the portion, making it more manageable.

  Daniel ran his fingers down her slit.

  She dropped the pizza.

  He explored her soft folds and circled her clit, not yet stroking it. She held back a cry of frustration.

  “Pick it up,” he murmured.

  She didn’t know what he meant. He pulled his hand away from her cunt and gestured to his shirt. The pizza had landed there instead of the plate.

  “Don’t drop it again,” he whispered, his erection dangerously hard, decidedly thick beneath her buttocks.

  Straining for composure, Alexandra brushed the sloppy slice across his lips. A piece of pepperoni slipped off, missing the plate again, landing on her belly.

  “Leave it,” he ordered and took a large bite—a man’s bite—of the pie. Chewing slowly, he slid his forefinger down her cleft, then up, brushing the tip over her nub.

  Alexandra tensed, then went limp, pleasure cutting through her so quickly, it raced past her cunt and reached her core. She curled her toes and drew in her shoulders, trying to control herself.

  He swallowed. “Keep feeding me. Don’t stop, or I will.” He lifted his fingers from her clit, proving it.

  Slavishly, Alexandra tended to Daniel, giving him another bite.

  He played with her again, teasing her nub.

  Alexandra tried not to notice, but fuck, it was impossible. Each sweep of his fingers defeated her even more, creating a riot of sensations that gathered in her cunt then streamed to her belly and thighs. The tension became so unbearable, she couldn’t think of anything except her climax.

  She shivered and gritted her teeth, waiting for its arrival.

  He brought back his hand.

  No, dammit, no. The lovely sensations faded quickly. He’d denied her relief, just as he’d promised. Because she’d forgotten to offer him the pizza.


  Breathing hard, she blurted, “Sorry. Here.” She offered the slice. Daniel ate another bite and then another, finishing the piece without touching her again.

  “Let me get you more,” she whispered. “I won’t forget to feed you this time, I swear.”

  Her begging didn’t move him, nor did he allow her to leave his lap. He glanced past her instead. “Nat.”

  She panicked, not knowing what Daniel wanted with him. If he’d tell his friend to punish her.

  Nat dropped a new slice on her plate.

  Alexandra hadn’t realized she was still grasping it. She managed a weak smile. “Thanks.”

  Nat stared at her mound. The pepperoni had slid from her belly and stopped just shy of her cleft.

  Daniel pressed his mouth to her ear and whispered, “Pick it up and give it to him.”

  Her hand trembled so badly the thinly sliced meat wiggled.

  Nat sucked it from her fingers and idly licked the remaining sauce from them, his tongue ungodly hot.

  “Thanks,” she breathed.

  He stopped chewing and grinned. “I think I’m the one who’s supposed to be saying that.”

  Uh-huh. Alexandra folded the newest slice and brought it to Daniel’s mouth. His expression was unreadable. He regarded Nat for a long moment, then bit into the pizza.

  Junior edged closer, so did Red, chomping away merrily on their slices as they studied her cunt. A few minutes ago, their attention had daunted Alexandra. Now all she could think of was getting Daniel to touch her again. She watched him closely, prepared to offer him more.

  He took another bite and played with her nipple. Ribbons of delight coursed through her.

  Junior said something, catching her attention. He nodded approvingly at Daniel fondling her boobs. The left side of Red’s mouth lifted in a smile.

  She turned back to Daniel just as he finished his swallow. Alexandra offered him another bite.

  He claimed her mouth instead, plunging his tongue inside, giving her a taste of pepperoni, garlic, tomato sauce, him. Oh lord. He kissed her hard and finally brought his fingers back to her clit.

  She groaned brazenly around his tongue. He deepened the kiss and stroked her nub slowly and delicately, then fast, rough, catching Alexandra
off guard. The mother of all climaxes crashed through her, an eruption of heat, tingling and something indescribable, an itch she was unable to scratch. She tried to breathe. Couldn’t.

  Daniel didn’t stop. With his free hand on the back of her head, he kept her mouth to his, denying separation, his tongue tunneling even deeper. He drove two fingers into her cunt and rubbed the pad of his thumb over her clit.

  She stiffened, then wiggled, her clit too sensitive to withstand his intimate touch. The plate fell from her lap, clattering on the floor. Alexandra hadn’t a clue where the pizza had gone. She kicked her leg and hit something.

  Junior yelped.

  Daniel stroked and rubbed until she couldn’t fight him any longer. Sweaty and shuddering, she sagged against him, accepting whatever he willed.

  He toyed with her for minutes, deliberately delaying the newest pleasure, stoking her arousal, driving away everything else. His touch became her world. Alexandra didn’t want to recall how empty her life had been before she’d known the thrill of his solid body and exquisite heat. For the rest of her life, she’d remember these moments in his arms.

  He’d asked if she felt safe.

  Unbelievably so. And so fucking turned-on, she came again, harder than before, soaring, tumbling, then floating on a haze of delight she didn’t want to end.

  It lasted mere seconds. Moments later, Daniel finished their kiss.

  Dismayed and bereft, Alexandra snuggled against him, too tired to move, not caring how exposed she was to the other guys.

  Junior rubbed his shin where she’d kicked him. Red and Nat sipped their Coors.

  Daniel peeled the forgotten pizza from her belly. She whispered, “You want more?”

  He shook his head and regarded her for a long moment, clearly turning something over in his mind.

  Alexandra’s fatigue and satisfaction fell away, replaced by anticipation, renewed anxiety. “What?”

  His face changed, denying her a window into what he wanted or felt. “Time for you to eat.”

  She wasn’t hungry. Food didn’t hold the same attraction for her that every part of him did.

  He shifted his weight. “Get up.”

  “Why?” She looked at the pizza he held. “I can eat here just as well.”

  “No you can’t.” He tossed the slice on the plate she’d knocked to the floor, guided Alexandra to her feet, then exchanged a look with the guys. A moment later, Daniel nodded.

  To what, Alexandra didn’t know.

  Nat and Red finished their beers quickly. With their empty cans on the cocktail table, they unbuttoned their jeans. Junior was already ahead of them, unzipping his fly.

  Daniel figured he didn’t have to explain what he’d meant by her eating.

  Alexandra’s arched eyebrows said she’d already guessed. She turned to him and appeared even more surprised that he wasn’t taking off his clothes.

  Junior’s jeans fell to his ankles with a brief whack. Nat’s followed.

  Ignoring the noise, she frowned at Daniel. “Why aren’t you getting undressed?”

  He pushed out of the chair. “You’re going to do that for me.”

  Red’s jeans hit the floor.

  If Alexandra was curious about his or the others’ state of undress, she didn’t bother to check it out. Her attention remained on Daniel. Just as he craved.

  She released the top button on his shirt.

  “My jeans first,” he ordered.

  Her hands wavered in the air for a moment, then dropped to his belt. He was the only one who’d worn one tonight. Given how she stroked the leather and her deep blush, Daniel could guess what she was thinking. Her ass exposed to him, lifted in supplication, ready for punishment.

  Not now. Later.

  He cupped her breast and drew his thumb over her nipple. Her skin was so fucking soft, he had to lock his knees to keep his balance. Didn’t do shit for his dizziness. Touching her was pure euphoria, the same as feeling the weight of her on his lap, and seeing her as she was now. Nude, her hair hanging free, a rosy tint heightening the beauty of her creamy skin. Damn. Daniel hadn’t experienced delight like this since he was a kid when he’d discovered something new and wonderful.

  Somehow, Alexandra kept doing that to him. Her tats and smooth cunt continued to stun. He couldn’t get enough of them.

  On a breathy sigh, she tilted her face to his. Plainly expecting a kiss. He didn’t grant it, opting for restraint. What had never failed him in the past. “On your knees.”

  Surprise, then a hint of rebellion chased away her previous yearning.

  He touched the tip of his nose to hers. “Now. Don’t make me tell you again.”

  Her jaw tightened, as though she was finally ready to fight. What he’d hoped for earlier before he got too involved in the wonder of this. Now he wanted her compliance. Hell, he demanded it.

  To that end, he didn’t budge. Drawing this out. Seeing how it would end.

  Alexandra breathed hard for a moment, then sank to the floor, holding onto him as she did so, her hands sliding from his torso to his waist to his ass. Leaving a path of heat that burned through him. With her face on a level with his cock, she couldn’t help but notice how hard he was. A matter Daniel couldn’t control. Hell, he didn’t want to.

  She cupped his ass. It flexed beneath her fingers.

  Alexandra squeezed his right cheek once more, then looked over at Nat pulling her hair off her shoulders, again exposing her breasts. Her attention zipped up and down Nat’s big, black body and equally dark shaft. Only the plump head was a slightly lighter shade than the rest of him.

  Red joined them, the hair on his groin more brick-colored than ginger, his rod almost as long as Nat’s, though a shade wider.

  Junior padded closer, his erect dong not nearly as big as what he’d bragged about, but definitely on a par with the other two. Of them, only he had chest hair. He puffed up like a damn cock of the roost, as though his furred pecs and shaved head made him more macho. Superior.

  Daniel frowned.

  Like a good boy, Junior deflated immediately and went to one knee on Alexandra’s left. Red remained on her right. Nat settled in back, between her legs, brushing her hair aside, kissing her spine.

  Her lids fluttered.

  After a hesitant pause, Junior suckled her shoulder. Red fondled her ass. A soft, feminine sound rushed past Alexandra’s lips. She rested her forehead against Daniel’s belly, her quick breaths glancing over his shirt, warming him even more. He didn’t move, waiting to see what she’d do. Give into pleasure the other guys would gladly deliver, or tend to him.

  A test he needed her to pass without knowing why.

  She rolled her forehead over his stomach, clearly distracted but also determined. On the second try, she undid his belt and released his jeans’ button, then eased down his fly.

  The rasp of his zipper sounded louder than it should have and held more promise than Daniel had anticipated. He wanted her mouth on him, her tongue worshipping his cock and nuts.

  Junior nuzzled her neck. Red the side of her breast. Nat had moved on to her ass. From Daniel’s vantage point, he saw his friend separating Alexandra’s cheeks, exploring her furrow with his forefinger. Touching a particularly intimate part of her.

  She whimpered. Nat smiled.

  Daniel frowned, quick irritation flaring within him. He tamped it down and leaned toward her.

  Blinking wildly, she struggled to focus but finally managed to do so. On an impatient grunt, she pulled Daniel’s jeans and thermal underwear to his knees. His cock sprang out, hard as stone, needy as hell. Alexandra made another sound, more feline than human, and buried her face in him, her nose to his thick pubic hair, one hand on his rod, the other cupping his balls.

  A growl tore from the base of his throat. He cupped Alexandra’s head to keep her near, serving him. Only him.

  She no longer seemed to notice Nat’s exploration of her body, Red licking the swell of her breast, Junior tonguing her ear. She gave her full
consideration to her Master’s cock.

  Just as it should be and what Daniel wanted.

  Lightly, Alexandra swept her tongue around his crown, the licks wonderfully wet and hot, making his scalp tingle. She ran her nails over his sac.

  Holy motherfuck. Daniel pushed to his toes in surprise and shuddered in pleasure on his way back down. How could he have ever considered she might be untried at this? Alexandra was…

  Daniel couldn’t find the correct word. Hell, he couldn’t think at all.

  She’d taken his shaft all the way into her mouth, her nose touching his tangle of curls. Letting go of her head, he tugged his hair, not caring if he pulled it out. Her mouth’s incredible heat, the way she swirled her tongue over his length was more than any sane man could bear.

  He wanted more and again pushed his body closer.

  Winding her arm around him, she caressed his ass. Her fingers explored his anus.

  Aw god. Every fucking part of him registered her gentle probing and the way she fondled his balls while she also worked his cock in and out of her mouth. The same as he would when he’d buried it in her pussy.

  It couldn’t be soon enough for Daniel even though he didn’t want this to end.

  He clenched his fists, determined to fight climax.

  Alexandra seemed just as resolved to bring him to his knees, figuratively and literally, licking the uneven skin on the back of his crown. Those nerve endings fired wildly. A cascade of ecstasy followed, battling Daniel’s best intentions to hold off.


  He did mathematical equations in his head. He focused on a particularly thorny engineering problem that had bugged him for days.

  His thoughts continued to waver with each new burst of pleasure. Every lick of Alexandra’s precious tongue. Her damn insistence in conquering him.

  Somehow, he managed to last for several minutes, though no more than that. With his teeth clenched and his shoulders bunched, Daniel groaned loudly and surrendered. His cum spurted into Alexandra’s mouth.

  She drank it more greedily than he would have guessed, licking him clean, then eased his left ball onto her tongue.

  He gasped and tried to back away. His clothes and her hands stopped him. She gripped his ass and ran her finger around his anus, trapping him now as he’d done with her earlier.


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