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CarnalTakeover Page 7

by Tina Donahue

  His strength meant nothing when matched against the damp heat of her mouth. She suckled his left ball until Daniel thought he’d die of pleasure. Before he could, she worked on the right one, weakening him further. His head hung between his shoulders, hair falling into his eyes, his body sluggish and weightless at the same time.

  At last, Alexandra finished with him. She inched up his shirt and thermal tee, then kissed his belly.

  The endearment caught Daniel unaware, touching something soul-deep, chasing away his comforting fatigue. Suddenly, he felt agitated, closed in, wanting to escape. Damn, it was hot in here. Why had she turned the heat up so high when she had a fucking fire blazing? Sweat trickled down his chest and the back of his neck. He tried to quiet his breathing, but couldn’t.

  Nat, Red and Junior continued to stroke and kiss her back, neck, shoulders. Despite that, Alexandra waited for Daniel’s acknowledgment.

  For some reason, he was afraid to look at her. He tore off his shirt and tee, using it to mop up the perspiration on his chest, cursing himself for wearing so many clothes. He threw them aside and pushed his jeans and underwear to his feet.

  Alexandra scooted out of his way. So did the guys.

  Daniel pulled everything off, including his socks, and dropped them where he stood, even as a part of him said he should get dressed and leave. He’d done enough already. Too much. All of them had.

  “Our turn,” Junior said, clearly not agreeing.

  Daniel’s patience took another nosedive, racing precariously close to anger.

  Something passed over Alexandra’s features. Desire? Ambivalence? Fuck, Daniel couldn’t read her. She kept looking to him for direction, because he was the man. He’d told her that. This was his show. Problem was, Daniel didn’t know what to tell her…what he wanted. Too many conflicting emotions snarled his thoughts.

  “I’ll go first,” Junior pressed.

  Daniel curled his fingers into fists, then loosened them as quickly, committed to maintaining control. Alexandra had gotten under his skin far too easily, more than any woman he’d known. Nat kept noticing, mistaking Daniel’s feelings for jealousy rather than him wanting to save her from herself.

  She didn’t seem to want that. She’d proven it tonight. In fucking spades. Might as well have the same fun she would.

  He padded to her underwear, taking the bra, then he grabbed one of the cloth napkins she’d put out.

  “Turn around,” he ordered. “Hands behind your back, stay on your knees.”

  Chapter Six

  Her bra and the napkin swung provocatively, somewhat menacingly from Daniel’s hand.

  Alexandra regarded both items as though they had nothing to do with her, then drank in his beautiful form once more.

  Slabs of hard muscle defined his smooth pecs and abs, flat belly and sinewy thighs. Dark hair dusted his legs, with it thickening on his groin. His cock hung pendulously from a nest of curls, the shaft long with ropy veins winding up it.

  Awed, Alexandra leaned closer, hungering to see more.

  His crown was almost as plump as before his orgasm. Then it had been a fleshy mouthful, satiny and warm. Now it called to her again. So did his balls. They dangled free, damp from her mouth.

  The same as the other guys’ would soon be.

  Nat, Red and Junior faced her, all of them erect, each magnificent in his own way. Nat’s complexion was deliciously dusky, his cock the only uncircumcised one in the bunch, the lighter head ringed by his foreskin. A sprinkling of freckles decorated Red’s chest and belly. His balls and shaft were much darker than Alexandra would’ve expected given his fair skin. Junior’s body hair made him seem older than he was, potently male.

  Daniel stepped closer, prepared to make use of the bra and napkin. One to bind her hands, keeping her from movement. The other to cover her eyes, make certain she couldn’t know what happened next.

  Alexandra wondered why Daniel didn’t want her to see or touch the other guys, as she’d done with him. Unless he thought restraining and blindfolding her would heighten the pleasure. Eager to find out, she turned on her knees and put her hands behind her back, one wrist over the other.

  He secured them with her bra, tying the ends tightly to keep her from pulling free, though not enough to hurt her skin. On one knee, he gathered her hair, twisting it into a loose ponytail.

  She looked over.

  Daniel ignored her quiet scrutiny, busying himself with the napkin. Once he’d folded it into an acceptable shape, he slipped it around her head and covered her eyes.

  The effect startled her. Darkness and her bound wrists enhanced how powerless she was, how naked and available for use.

  Leaning into her, their cheeks touching, Daniel whispered, “Can you see anything?”

  She pressed against him and inhaled deeply. God, he smelled fantastic, his natural musk enhanced by his orgasm. Sex and power radiated from him. “No.”

  “Don’t lie. I’ll know it.”

  Then he’d punish her. Surely, that was coming. Her belly fluttered. “I can’t see at all.”

  “Good.” He kissed her neck.

  Her lips parted at his bristly cheeks scouring her skin, his tongue sweeping, mouth suckling. Too many sensations, all of them astonishing. Weakened, she swayed slightly.

  Daniel went behind her, straddling her legs.

  “You first,” he said to one of the guys.

  Immediately, feet slapped closer.

  Lifting her chin, Alexandra tried to see beneath the napkin.

  “Stop that.” Daniel wound his arm around her waist and pulled her into him, his strength curbed but unyielding. The same as his stiffening cock, her bound hands resting on it.

  She softened in his embrace, submitting completely.

  “Lick him,” Daniel murmured. “Take him in your mouth.”

  At his coarse suggestion, a pulse beat deep within her pussy.

  Someone’s hand caressed the side of her face, delivering a clean fragrance with a hint of lime. Alexandra tried to recall which one of them had that particular scent but couldn’t.

  Whoever it was brought his cock closer to her face. She smelled his musk, earthy and sensual, which sharpened her senses even more. Though only for the coming sex. All other distractions melted away.

  Gently, he brushed the tip of his crown against her lips. A bead of pre-cum dampened them.

  Alexandra trembled and made a whorish noise that betrayed her excitement.

  Daniel gripped her more tightly. With his chin on her shoulder, he slid one hand over her boobs, the other to her cunt, cupping her mound, his fingers brushing her clit.

  Her mouth sagged open.

  A cock slipped inside. Rigid. Demanding.

  Nat’s. Her tongue traced the contours of his foreskin. She opened her throat as she’d done with Daniel and coaxed Nat’s length deeper inside. Inch by inch he slid within, his shaft penetrating her, reinforcing the utter enslavement of Alexandra’s position. She was his to do with as he willed.

  The thought enthralled her even more.

  His scent grew stronger. The tip of her nose touched his woolly pubic hair. Air hissed through his teeth.

  Daniel fondled her breasts rougher than he had earlier. Again, he drove two fingers into her sheath and thumbed her nub, demanding her attention.

  Powerless to resist, Alexandra neglected Nat, focused on her own release.

  Nat wasn’t having it. Cupping her head, he worked his rod in and out of her mouth, while Daniel used her body. Both of them insistent. Relentless. Taking what they wanted.

  Alexandra’s thoughts seesawed between them. She twisted in Daniel’s arms, wanting relief. However, she also needed to bring Nat pleasure. He was a good guy. Honest. Hard-working. Sharp. Alexandra had liked him before tonight.

  She pursed her lips around his cock, increasing the friction, tonguing him.

  Daniel suckled her throat.

  Alexandra gasped at the billowing pleasure that filled her. Intoxicating and new. She
sagged against him. Nat followed and again fought for his due, to have his cock fully in her mouth.

  Somehow, she gave them what they both desired, bringing Nat to climax even as Daniel teased her clit and pushed her past the point of resistance. Nat bellowed. She swallowed his cum and gasped her release. They gulped air in concert, the plunge from their respective peaks punctuated with coughs, swallows, a few words. Mumbled. Incoherent.

  Within moments, they fell silent except for their faint panting. Nat patted her cheek sluggishly. Alexandra sensed it was his way of thanking her.

  She turned her face into his hand and kissed his palm.

  Daniel eased her away from Nat and into himself, then spoke over her shoulder. “You’re next.”

  No one had to tell Alexandra he’d said that to Red. Daniel was taking them in order of their positions on the project. Junior would be last. He muttered something.

  Daniel wiggled his tongue in her ear, another attempt to pull her attention back to him.

  Red sought the same. He smelled of pine with a trace of musk. Outdoorsy and appealing. With more care than Alexandra had expected, he slipped his cock into her mouth and sought full penetration exactly as Daniel and Nat had, not stopping until he’d achieved it. His hairy groin tickled her nose, his weighty balls pressed into her chin.

  He rasped, “Okay?”

  She suckled him in answer, the only response allowed a slave. Blindfolded. Bound. Filled. Again used by two men.

  Daniel explored the seam between her buttocks, further invading her. He stroked her anus, then worked the tip of his finger into it.

  Alexandra tensed at his wicked probing but didn’t deny him. She couldn’t. With no other release for her churning emotions, she sucked Red vigorously.

  He made a strangled sound, then pleaded, “Not so fast. I’m—shit.”

  A slew of curses followed. He cupped her face and went stone still. “Don’t move,” he whispered. “Please.”

  Daniel rubbed her clit.

  Alexandra nearly jumped out of her skin at her nub’s sensitivity and sucked Red again.

  “Slower,” he pleaded.

  She forced herself to stop and take a deep breath. Daniel played with her clit and anus.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck. With her shoulders to her ears, Alexandra fought her depraved desires and concentrated on Red. Wasn’t easy. Her efforts were sloppy and uneven. That seemed to work for him. While she battled yet another orgasm, he lasted nearly as long as Nat had and yelled heartily as he came. Seconds after her.

  His semen poured into her mouth. It tasted similar to Nat and Daniel’s though still unique to Red.

  He pulled out of her and backed away, his feet slapping the wood. Two sharp cracks and a moan followed. Alexandra could only guess he’d dropped down too fast and smacked his knees into the floor.

  “You now,” Daniel said.

  Junior was in front of Alexandra in a moment, his skin bearing a spicy, masculine fragrance. He ran the tip of his crown over her lips as Nat had.

  She filled her lungs, fighting fatigue.

  “Okay?” he asked.

  Alexandra was about to say she was fine but didn’t.

  The tenor of his question told her he wasn’t inquiring into her well-being. He’d merely repeated the same thing Red had. Seconds before that, he’d mimicked Nat’s movements. Suddenly, Alexandra realized Junior didn’t know how to behave unless he aped the others. She’d mistaken his previous bravado for confidence.

  A wave of sympathy and tenderness filled her.

  “Yeah,” she assured him, then paused to haul in more air. “It’s okay.”

  He sighed in what sounded like relief, then mirrored Nat and Red’s movements when they’d been with her.

  Daniel fondled her nipples gently this time, no longer trying to distract, as though he finally understood how insecure Junior was. Alexandra thanked Daniel in the only way she could, running her fingers down his rigid cock. He kissed the back of her neck.

  She swirled her tongue over Junior’s length and gradually took him in her mouth, then eased him out until only his beefy crown remained inside. Three times, she repeated the action. On the fourth, he stiffened. Not understanding, Alexandra stopped.

  He groaned and swore. His cum shot into her mouth.

  Someone snickered. Had to be Red. Nat wouldn’t be that thoughtless. The chuckles died immediately. Alexandra figured Daniel or Nat had thrown Red a warning look.

  Junior remained in her long after he should have, covering for his lightning fast response. He pumped his hips several times, then finally faked a groan of intense delight and staggered back.

  His shaft slipped from her mouth.

  Alexandra played along with his performance, figuring nothing she said would be right. It’d be like one of them wanting to discuss her too big ass or thighs.

  “Hey, that was great,” Junior panted, upbeat as hell. “Best ever. For you too, I bet.”

  Her heart hurt for him. She nodded.

  He yawned louder than he had to and dropped to the floor, his knees cracking against it as Red’s had. Junior’s muttered oath and heavy breathing followed, along with the noise of snapping flames and the ever-present wind tearing past the cabin.

  Daniel stroked her hair. The napkin shifted, allowing Alexandra a sliver of sight in her right eye. She pulled her chin up and saw the soles of Nat’s feet, then Red’s, and Junior’s.

  “Didn’t I tell you not to do that,” Daniel said.

  She turned her face to him, seeing only his hairy thigh. “I thought you were going to take off the blindfold.”

  He untied her wrists, then adjusted the napkin, casting her back into darkness. The unknown.

  Of the three, only Nat had recovered fully from Alexandra’s bewitching mouth and tongue, her servile attention to their needs. He regarded her with male approval but not possession.

  Good move. No way would Daniel have tolerated Nat coveting her for himself. This was only a carnal game. For all of them. No complications or strings, just as she’d said.

  Nat seemed to understand and accept the conditions. He took in her long throat, fully exposed as Alexandra kept trying to see past the bottom of her blindfold.

  “Stop that,” Daniel warned and swatted her ass.

  She lowered her head immediately, her quickened breaths jiggling her breasts. Her nipples seemed darker to Daniel, no doubt due to his rough treatment that she seemed to like. Moisture shone on her slit from the numerous orgasms he’d delivered. And, he sensed, from her building excitement as to what would happen next.

  He pushed to his feet. “On your hands and knees.”

  Alexandra turned, again trying to see beneath the blindfold. Unable to, she pressed her lips together. A clear act of defiance.

  “Now,” he ordered.

  Patches of color stained her cheeks and forehead. He suspected she was picturing him punishing her, then mounting her from behind.

  Those thoughts had never left Daniel’s thoughts.

  She assumed the position. He rested his hand on the back of her head. “Follow me. In a straight line.”

  Alexandra blurted, “You expect me to crawl?”

  “Follow me,” he repeated, firmer than before.

  She hesitated then did. He directed her toward Nat, gesturing his friend to the wall. Nat sat against it for support and parted his legs. Daniel led Alexandra to him. Her hand bumped Nat’s thigh. She stopped.

  “Turn around and lean into him,” Daniel ordered. To Nat, he said, “Hold her…spread her.”

  Alexandra’s chest pumped harder with her attempt to pull in enough air. Nat had already captured her wrists and lifted her arms, holding them behind his head. Her soft globes and tight nipples were displayed for anyone’s use.

  Daniel longed to taste them again. His cock thickened.

  Red rolled to his knees. Junior was about to do so when Daniel pushed out his hand, demanding they stay to the side. For this, they’d watch. No more than that.

  Neither of them argued with him.

  Nat folded his legs over Alexandra’s, hooked his feet beneath her calves, and opened her, just as Daniel had commanded. Given the slant of Nat’s torso, how he’d positioned her, there wasn’t a part of Alexandra’s body hidden from Daniel now. Not even her anus.

  Her tight ring glistened with the moisture that had trickled from her cunt, her body’s response to and preparation for a man.


  He dropped to his knees and ran his fingertips over the tat above her mound, tracing one of the leaves. Her belly quivered. He touched the butterflies on her foot. She curled her toes, the nails unpainted. Natural. He liked that.

  He loved her tats and slit, her soft petals so engorged with desire, they’d separated, showing him a clear path to her opening. Delicate pink flesh that led the way to heaven.

  His balls constricted and his cock lengthened even more.

  He ran his hand up her satiny torso to her breasts. Alexandra arched her back, giving herself to him.

  Her response humbled and thrilled Daniel. With his tongue, he drew lazy circles around her areolas, flicking the firm tips, pulling a wanton sound from deep within her throat.

  Nat quieted her with his mouth, his kiss noisy. Too damn lusty.

  Daniel’s shoulders were so taut they stung, his possessiveness spiking again, coming out of nowhere, fucking up his mood. He shoved the emotion away and suckled her tit hard, just as he knew she liked.

  Muted noises poured from Alexandra, rich and contented.

  Not enough. He had to have more. His unbearable yearning made breathing difficult.

  Moving down her, Daniel slipped his hands beneath Alexandra’s ass and lifted it. Her cunt smelled of sex, musk, her perfume. He needed her to smell of him. Unhurriedly, he drew his tongue up her cleft’s full length, stopping short of her nub.

  Alexandra labored to lift her body to him. She fought against Nat confining her, the sounds she made subdued by his kiss.

  Daniel wanted her more subjugated and trapped. He worked his little finger into her anus. Alexandra froze, then tightened her muscles around his pinky. He burrowed two fingers into her cunt and drew his tongue over her clit.


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