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Fighting Love (Love to the Extreme)

Page 8

by Niles, Abby

But what did this training session mean? Had Tommy decided to try to get back into MMA? Would he even be able to? For his sake, she hoped so. She knew how much he loved fighting. But MMA also came with a lifestyle…one that had changed him. For the last four months he’d been away from it. What would happen if he stepped back into that life?

  She shook her head. It was his life. As his friend, all she had to worry about was being supportive.

  Worrying about those other things was girlfriend stuff. And that was not her place.


  He felt fucking alive.

  Tommy had been taking a run in the park when he’d bumped into Mac doing the same. They’d started bullshitting, and one thing led to another, and the next thing he knew they were both headlong into one of Mike’s conditioning sessions. One of them would stand with the stopwatch, barking orders, while the other busted serious ass to get as many completed as he could before time ran out. It was something Mike had set up because every damn one of the guys was so competitive.

  By the end of the session, they’d had a killer workout of sprints, burpees, push-ups, and squats.

  Tommy’s muscles quivered as his fingers bit into the grass for one last plank. His hands shook. He was breathing hard. Adrenaline pumped through him. He’d been working out solo for so long, he hadn’t realized how much he missed the rush, the high that came with competition, of having someone yell at him to move faster.

  “All right.” Mac clicked the button on his stopwatch. “I think we’ve about killed ourselves today.”

  Chuckling, Tommy pushed up from plank and brushed off his hands. “Damn, man, that was awesome.”

  “Yeah, I’m glad I ran into you. I needed the extra training.”

  Mac “The Snake” Hannon had come into the professional MMA scene about three years ago, much later in life than most fighters, but just as impressive. His refusal to give interviews had given him a mysterious edge that had made the fans salivate. Despite the pressure from the media, all Mac wanted to do was fight and go home. And that was exactly what he did, only emerging from his apartment for training or a scheduled fight.

  Because of his recluse-like tendencies, no one really knew much about him, other than he used to be a chef and he’d lost his wife before moving to Georgia and joining Mike’s gym. Even though he kept his distance, Mac was always supportive of his peers, and, occasionally, even cracked a smile.

  “Got a fight on the horizon?” Tommy asked.

  “Yeah, the end of March.”

  “Ah.” Tommy worked his neck. “That’s the middleweight bout, isn’t it?’

  Mac grimaced. “Yeah, Moon’s defending the belt against Dolven.”

  “Hope he does a better job than I did at defending it.”

  His friend studied him for a minute. “You could always win it back for yourself, Tommy. Shut up all the naysayers calling you a fraud.”

  “Really? A fraud?”

  “You expect anything less with some of the crap you pulled? Those of us at the facility knew how good you were, how great you could be.” He shrugged. “You chose a different path. Those on the outside think you only won the title out of sheer luck, and that’s why you lost it so quickly.”

  “Fuck that. I busted ass for that title.”

  “You didn’t bust ass to keep it, though.”

  Tommy ground his teeth. No. He hadn’t.

  “I’m just saying,” Mac continued. “Maybe you need to get out there and show them where they can shove their opinions.”

  “And how am I supposed to do that? Mike has barred me from the gym and Ethan won’t let me near a cage. I punched his son…in the face. I broke his nose.”

  “Yeah, you did. And so did Pete Randolph Saturday night in Montreal.”

  Tommy’s brows shot up. “Holy shit.” Pete Randolph was a newer fighter in the light heavyweight division. He only had two professional fights under his belt. “How quickly did he get shafted?”

  “He didn’t. In fact, Ethan banned Junior.”

  Tommy blinked. “Are you kidding? Why?”

  “He came on to Pete’s wife hardcore. A lot of people witnessed what happened. A few more fighters came forward, saying they’d had some issue with the jackass. Ethan confronted his son, threatened to cut him off completely if he didn’t tell him everything.” Mac scrunched his face. “Word’s spread, Tommy. We know what happened with Julie and what he said to you afterward. Why didn’t you speak up?”

  “What would have been the point? I’d been screwing off bad before that even happened. Just a couple of hours before, I’d lost the belt in a pathetic showing in the cage. Mike was already livid. Ethan had already gotten in my face and threatened my contract. Once I threw the punch, my fate was sealed.”

  “Well. I think Mike would be more willing to listen to you now.”

  Tommy sighed. “I’ve been planning on talking to Mike—I owe the man an apology. I guess there’s a part of me that’s ashamed, so it’s hard to face him. If there is a slim chance that he’d actually take me back into the fold, I’d prefer to face him in tip-top shape.” Tommy sent his friend a pointed look.

  Mac’s eyes narrowed. “Proceed.”

  “What do you think about having a training partner? You’ll get in some extra training for your fight and I’ll get in some practice with a live person. I haven’t grappled in months.”

  After a moment of hesitation, Mac nodded. “Sounds like a fair deal. How about the same time tomorrow? Plan for three hours?”

  Tension whooshed out of him. With Mac, the answer could’ve gone either way. “Sounds great. We can do it over at Julie’s. She’s got a big backyard. I’ll buy a mat and some gear tonight.”

  “Julie’s? Why not your place?”

  “We’re living together now,” he muttered, distracted by making a mental list of stuff he needed to buy.

  When Mac clamped him real hard on the shoulder, he almost face-planted on the ground.

  “Congrats, man! It’s about damn time. I was wondering when you’d come to your senses and snatch that woman up.”

  What was he—? Oh, shit…

  “Uh…no, it’s not what you think. My house burned down. Lost everything. I’m staying with her until I can get resettled.”

  A grimace crossed his friend’s face. “I’m real sorry to hear that. But I’m even sorrier to hear you’re still as dumb as a pile of rocks.”

  “What the fuck, man?” Jeez, Mac had a reputation for being blunt, but damn.

  His friend didn’t appear the least bit apologetic for his comment. “If you’re not careful, some other man is going to come in and sweep that woman right off her feet. Guess what you’ll be then?”

  When Mac paused, Tommy just stared at him, which made his friend shake his head and grunt with disgust.

  “You’ll be second in her eyes. Right now, you’re first, and you’ve always been first. How’s it going to feel when you’re not the most important man in her life?”

  He didn’t want to fucking think about that. “Jesus, Mac, why would you even encourage something like that? You know my reputation. Would you want your daughter dating me?”

  Tensing, Mac squinted off into the distance for a minute before looking back at him. “Nope. If I had a daughter and saw you get out of the car to pick her up, I’d load the shotgun.”

  “Then why—”

  “We’re not talking about hypothetical daughters. We’re talking about Julie. And you would die before treating her like one of your flavors of the day. I’m just telling you, man, life’s short. What’s here today might not be here tomorrow.” The muscles in his face tightened and he started backing away. “I’ll see you later.” He turned and jogged off.

  Knowing he was thinking of his wife, Tommy let him go. What’s here today might not be tomorrow. That was his biggest fear. That he’d lose Julie. Not in the way Mac lost his wife, God forbid. But because of his actions, because he’d hurt her.

  While he appreciated Mac’s faith in him, Tommy wasn
’t convinced. All he had to go on was his track record. A part of him was convinced he was just like his mother—sans the alcoholic part. She’d never been able to truly love anyone, either…including him.

  At least he was able to love: he loved Julie. He really did. It was the whole romantic love thing he was a lost cause at. And that was something she needed.

  If there was even the slightest chance he could hurt Julie because of his shortcomings, then he needed to keep his distance. Better yet, he needed to get the hell out of her place as quickly as he could, before he did something he couldn’t take back. Something they’d both regret.

  Earlier today, he’d spoken to his insurance agent. They were processing his claim, but it could still take more than a week before he’d see a check. Maybe he’d go ahead and start the search anyway. He hadn’t wanted to start looking for a place to live or replacing his furniture until he knew for certain he wasn’t going to have any issues with the insurance company. Which was actually pretty damn responsible of him. In the past, he’d just have spent the money. But after the shit had hit the fan, he’d started investing his money, for once thinking of the future.

  Either way, he was going to have to find a place to live, and pronto. As for furniture, he’d just get the bare necessities until the check came in. Feeling better with a firm plan, he worked his arms to relieve some of the lingering burn, turned to start the trek to his rental car. And froze.

  About fifty feet away, Julie sat beside Brody on a blanket. The two looked so comfy together, their bodies close, her shoulder pressing into his chest, Brody’s arm behind her in a possessive way that had Tommy clenching his teeth against a violent surge of jealousy.

  The truly fucked-up part was Julie didn’t seem to mind being touched at all.

  But he did. A lot. Seeing her curled up against the other man enraged him in a way that was actually frightening. Unnerved by the foreign emotion, he inhaled deeply. He needed to get the hell out of here before she saw him. The last thing he needed was to have a conversation with her and that man while he was this jacked up inside.

  But Julie’s gaze snagged his and she didn’t seem surprised to see him. Which meant she’d already known he was there.

  All right, dude. This is your best friend. Keep it that way.

  Unable to ignore her direct look, he strolled over to them, keeping his stride relaxed, until he reached the edge of the blanket. “Hey. What are you guys up to?”

  Seriously stupid fucking question.

  “Enjoying the warm day.” Julie smiled up at him. “Seems you and Mac were getting in a really great workout. Looking good out there.”

  Male satisfaction coursed through him knowing she liked what she saw, and he cast Brody a smug look. The man held his gaze and didn’t look the least bit bothered by his date telling another man he was looking good. Why not? What had she told Brody about him?

  Why was he bothered by the fact Brody wasn’t bothered? But he was. Big time. He didn’t like the confidence the man was exuding, nor the way his hand had just slipped down to touch Julie’s lower back.

  He was seriously going to rip the motherfucker’s throat out.

  “Hey, Jules, tell Tommy about the street performer we saw last night.”

  Jules? All right, it was official. He really hated this asshole.

  Tommy tapped the bill of his cap. “Maybe Brody would like to know where you got this hat, Julie? Pretty cool, isn’t it? She gave it to me for Valentine’s Day.”

  The man’s lips cracked into a huge grin as Julie stared wide-eyed between the two of them. “I actually don’t think either one of you is interested.”

  Brody held his gaze. “Oh, you have no idea how interested I am. In fact, this is about the most interesting conversation I’ve had in months.”

  Tommy scowled. What was he talking about? Honestly, he didn’t care. He just wanted to get Julie and go home. “Come on. I’ll give you a ride home.”

  She blinked at him. “Uh…I came with Brody. I plan to leave with him.”

  He stared down at her. He wanted her away from this asshole, and she was choosing to stay with him. Mac’s warning whispered through his head, and what felt like a hundred-pound dumbbell formed in Tommy’s gut. “I don’t think Brody will mind.”

  “Oh, no. Brody definitely minds,” came the smug rejoinder.

  He shot a murderous glare at the asshole. Anyone else, and the man would’ve cowered. But he wasn’t anyone else, he was fucking Brody “The Iron” Minton, and he didn’t cower. He winked.

  Fury encased Tommy and squeezed like a vise. Tommy fervently wished Julie were with a pansy, so he could simply say, “Boo!” and scare him off. But intimidation wasn’t going to work. One damn thing was for sure, though. Something wasn’t adding up with that man. He was acting just plain weird. And Julie was spending time with him. Way too much time.

  Tommy didn’t like it. Not one little bit.

  So until further notice, his house hunting was on hold. He definitely needed to play chaperone.

  Chapter 6

  Julie strolled up the path toward her front door. Brody still hadn’t kissed her.

  Correction—he had, but only on the cheek. A grazing that hadn’t even warmed her skin. Gah. But she enjoyed the man’s presence immensely. There was something comforting about not having one iota of attraction and being able to simply enjoy a friendship with a man.

  That was something she’d never had on her side of her friendship with Tommy. The insight gave her a peek into his side of their relationship. She envied it, wished she’d been able to feel as relaxed and unaware of him as he’d always been with her. What would their relationship be like if she had truly thought of him as just a friend?

  She couldn’t go around thinking about how the past—or present—would’ve changed. All she really cared about was the future. Was Brody it? She didn’t think so. But was it possible he might help direct her to the path that would lead to her future? Quite possibly.

  And right now she was okay with continuing to let things play out.

  After she opened the front door to her house and her dog didn’t come yapping, she called, “Lucy?”




  “Tommy?” she finally said.


  What the hell?

  She hurried into the kitchen and opened the back door, then stumbled to a stop. Tommy was rolling around on the ground, Warrior and Lucy hopping around him. Paws landed on his stomach, shoulders, and head as he laughed out loud. He jumped to his feet, crouching low. The dogs immediately lowered their front legs, barking, and when they sprang forward, Tommy lunged at them, which sent both dogs sprinting into a circle around the yard.

  Tommy stood straight, hands on his hips, a grin making his already handsome face even more attractive. Mischief and humor brightened his green eyes. Head high, gaze meeting the world, he looked invincible. Dominating. And so incredibly sexy her heart crashed against her breast.

  So, why did she have a sudden sense of doom?

  Because no other man made her feel like this. Because no matter what damn road she took, her heart always led back to a man who called her sister. Because she was seriously beginning to fear that she really would end up a spinster.


  Did she not get any say in this at all? Why did her heart get all the control?

  She didn’t want Tommy.

  When he spotted her, he jogged to her side and kissed her cheek. Unlike the kiss Brody had given her, this light peck scorched her skin. She did everything she could not to flinch away. Thankfully, she succeeded.

  “How was your date?” There was an edge to his voice that confused her.

  She frowned. “What is your problem with Brody?”

  “I don’t like him.”

  “You don’t— Jeez, Tommy, you don’t even know him. How can you not like him?”

  He took another step forward, crowding her personal space. As hi
s body came within inches, where just a slight lean forward and their chests would touch, her throat tightened. The scent of his musky cologne enveloped her, and she inhaled, ensnared by the spell of Tommy Sparks—the spell she’d been under since she was ten.

  He brought his face closer. “I know enough that I don’t like him with you, and I want you to stay the hell away from him.”

  A thrill shot through her. Before she could stop herself, she said, “Why? Are you jealous?”

  Something flashed in his eyes as a muscle jumped in his jaw. “I don’t do jealousy, Julie. You’re my best friend. It’s my job to look out for you, and that man has ulterior motives. You need to stay away from him.”

  She jerked back, stung by the insult. “Did you seriously just say the only way Brody would be interested in me is because he has a secret agenda? What the hell, Tommy?”

  “Don’t make it sound worse than I meant it. That man is up to something, and I don’t trust him. I especially don’t trust him with you.”

  Anger buzzed inside her. She was no longer the crying ten-year-old maiden he’d swept in and saved with his wooden sword. She was a grown woman who could take care of herself, and it was about damn time he saw it. “You don’t get to make demands on me. If I want to see Brody Minton, I’m going to see Brody Minton.” She poked him hard in the chest. “I’m done with your big brother shit. So drop it already.”

  As she whirled to leave, a feral growl erupted from behind her. Strong fingers latched onto her wrist and spun her back around. His other hand snaked around the back of her head, and then his mouth was on hers. His fury was evident in the biting crush of his lips against hers, and all she could do was stand there, absolutely stunned. He kissed her hard, the taste of him searing through her senses as his tongue sliced between her lips to sweep hotly through her mouth. Once. Then he froze. And it was over.

  He stumbled back, staring at her with wide eyes.

  “Fuck!” He shoved a hand through his hair, then stormed off toward the house, muttering curses the entire way.

  Pressing her fingers against her punished lips, she stared after him, just as horrified as he was about the kiss. Because that hadn’t been a kiss from a man who’d wanted to kiss her. That had been a branding of ownership.


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