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Fighting Love (Love to the Extreme)

Page 15

by Niles, Abby

  Maybe now he’d chill out and explain to her what had happened last night. There was no denying he’d wanted her, but she couldn’t come up with an explanation for why he had stopped.

  After he returned, he placed the tube on the coffee table and helped her turn over. A shiver went through her as she remembered this was just how it had all started last night. When Tommy had slipped his hand over her butt cheek, she’d been lost.

  The repeat performance she was secretly hoping for, however, did not happen. He had that lotion on her and her shirt pulled back down within five seconds. She frowned into the pillow.

  She rolled back over and he tried to push a muscle relaxer into her hand. Waving him off, she shook her head. “No. Just the anti-inflammatory.”

  He nudged both pills at her. “You need this, too.”

  Did he want her knocked out? “I’m fine. I don’t want it,” she said more forcibly.

  That muscle went to town in his cheek and she realized he was trying to knock her out. Probably cursing his decision to stay, if she were going to be awake. He really didn’t want to talk.

  Ignoring the muscle relaxer, she took the anti-inflammatory, popped it in her mouth, and washed it down with some water. Then an awkward silence fell over the room.

  “Would you please sit down?” she said.

  He glared at her. Then went and sat on the other end of the couch, his entire body rigid.

  Well, the old Tommy had been here all of thirty seconds before the insufferable new one decided to return. She suppressed an exasperated groan. How could a man she’d known for so damn long have this annoying, obstinate…male…inside him and she not be aware of it?

  Don’t be stupid, girl.

  Fine, she was aware that Tommy could be like this. Just not with her. Not until sex had reared its ugly head between them. And she hated every damn second he shut her out.

  When she couldn’t handle any more of his unyielding silence, she ground out, “Are we ever going to talk about last night?”

  That’s all it took. He shot off the couch and headed toward the hall.

  “Tommy Sparks!” she yelled, furious at his refusal to communicate. “You better stop right where you are if you know what’s good for you.”

  His back to her, he halted.

  “I’m not someone you can ignore! I’m your best friend. I deserve better than this kind of treatment!”

  There was a long pause. “You’re right. You do. I know this, and yet I still treated you just like I do everyone else. Which is exactly why I’m leaving.”

  Stunned by his statement, she stared after him as he disappeared into the hallway. What the hell did he mean by that? He didn’t treat her like everyone else. She was different. Always had been. Just as he’d always been different for her. Their relationship was special. And it really irked her that he’d just lumped her in with every other person in his life.

  Ten minutes later, he stalked back into the room, dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt, a duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’ve got stuff to do,” he said, without even glancing at her. As the front door closed behind him, he said, “Don’t worry. I called Brody. He’ll help you today. He’s better for you, anyway.”

  Then the door closed.

  Shocked, her mouth dropped open. He’d called Brody? The same man Tommy had told her in no uncertain terms he wanted her to stay away from? The same one he’d said he didn’t trust with her?

  Tommy was now giving her to Brody because he was better for her?

  For a man she thought she knew inside and out, she was learning she didn’t know her best friend at all.


  Tommy had spent the day looking at different rental houses and apartments, finding nothing he wanted to put down a deposit on. Finding a place shouldn’t be this hard. For the most part, all he really did was sleep and eat there, spending most of his time out.

  Hell, he’d found his other place within a couple of hours. It had met his needs, and he had put down the deposit and started moving in that same day. The search today had been the complete opposite. Each of the places he looked at had been missing something. What that was, he had no fucking clue. But as he’d looked around at each new rental, he just wasn’t feeling the walls around him. So he’d gone on to the next. And then felt the same.

  Twelve places, and not a damn one of them suited him.

  As he walked down the sidewalk to Mike’s gym, he shook his head in disgust. Maybe he’d been too distracted because he’d known Julie was with Brody all day. He’d called the man in the heat of anger—at himself. Having Julie say she wasn’t like everyone else and she deserved better had just reminded him that he had once again failed her. And he would continue to do so if he didn’t find some way to get their relationship back to where it used to be. So he’d pushed Brody back at her.

  At least he would know how to treat her right. If Tommy really cared for Julie, he’d want that for her. So he was being the bigger man. He sure as fuck didn’t feel like it, though. Jealousy had churned in his gut all day as he thought about what they could be doing. And it had taken a massive amount of willpower to not go back to her place and kick the ass out. Somehow, he’d managed not to make a total fool of himself and actually do it.

  Now, for the next three hours, Mike would kick his ass, and then hopefully he’d be too exhausted to give a shit.

  He yanked open the door, immensely thankful that the first face he saw was Mac’s. As he stepped inside, the rest of the place seemed to slow, then stilled altogether. God, where were his spurs when he needed them? It was just like a showdown in some old Western movie. His peers stared at him. Some openly scowled. Others watched curiously. Tommy had known his first day back wasn’t going to be a piece of cake, but this was bordering on worse than he’d thought.

  Inhaling, he forced a collective smile. “Don’t let me stop you.”

  Everyone continued to stare. A muttered, “This is bullshit,” rang loud inside the quieted room.

  All righty, then. Here goes nothing. Dropping his bag to the floor, he stepped farther inside. “You’re right. It is bullshit. If I were one of you guys, I’d think the exact same thing. I fucked up. I let everyone in this building down, including myself. I don’t expect anyone to accept me back with pats on the back and hearty welcomes. I don’t deserve it. Not after the way I acted, not after many of the choices I made. But I have changed. I’m going to prove that to each one of you. I’m going to earn your respect back. Are we clear?”

  A few mumbles echoed around as the men nodded, and everyone went back to what they’d been doing. That was as good an agreement as he was going to get, and he’d take it.

  As Mac passed behind him, he squeezed his shoulder. Mike strode up to him. “I hope you mean everything you just said.”

  “I do.”

  “Then get your butt into that locker room and change. We’ve got a lot of work to do.”


  On edge, Julie stalked around the living room, then climbed up on the end of the couch, bringing her knees to her chest, and gnawed her thumbnail.

  Brody gave an exasperated curse. “Are you going to at least tell me why I’m here, since it looks like you’re moving around just fine on your own?”

  She stopped chewing on her nail and shot a glance at him. He sat on the edge of the cushion with his elbows braced on his jean-clad knees, studying her. God, she kept forgetting he was here.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m not being much company, am I?”

  “Yeah. Try no company.”

  Puffing out a breath, she lowered her legs and sat on the couch like a civilized person and not one completely agitated by a pain-in-the-ass jerk who’d just handed her over to another man. “I did try to tell you not to come by.”

  “I also didn’t believe you when you said you were fine, since it was Tommy who called me.”

  The rat bastard. “That one shocked me,
too,” she admitted.

  When she’d called Brody back after Tommy left this morning, she’d known he wasn’t buying any of her reassurances. And she couldn’t bring herself to admit what had motivated him to call Brody. That he just wanted to get away from her.

  She had finally convinced Brody she wanted to take a nap because she really wasn’t in the mood for company. But all it had done was buy her a few hours. Brody had knocked on her front door about an hour ago, and had pretty much watched her stalk around the house ever since.

  “Going to tell me what happened?” he pressed.

  Should she? She scrunched her nose, studying him. “We’re friends, right?”

  “I’d like to think so.”

  All right. Going over this repeatedly in her head all day hadn’t gotten her anywhere. She needed some outside perspective. And he had helped her last time they’d talked.

  She shifted toward him on the couch. “Okay. I’ve got a problem.”


  “Tommy kissed me. And things got…heated.” Her skin warmed as she remembered exactly how heated. “Then he totally freaked out, and now I’m not sure if I’m regretting what happened and want to leave well enough alone, or if I want to push him to see what might happen next.”

  His head tilted slightly to the side. “Why would you regret it, Jules? Haven’t you been in love with the man most of your life?”

  “Yes. But I’ve also been very rational when it comes to him. And that rational part is blaring an air raid siren, telling me to leave it alone.”


  “If we do this, everything changes, and there is no going back.”

  “Isn’t that the way it already is?”

  “I thought so when I believed the attraction was mutual. Then he kissed me, and…and everything else happened…and I realized I must be wrong. He ran practically screaming from the room, Brody. So I’m pretty sure I can still escape this intact, if I do it now. But if we go any further and we really can’t make it work…I lose him. If that happens, it may destroy me.” She held up her hands. “I’m worried about me. Is that selfish?”

  He was silent for a moment. “No. It’s not selfish. You and Tommy have been a part of each other’s lives for a very long time. I think it’s natural for both of you to be scared to change that. But there’s a problem with your rational thinking.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You’re in love with him. And no matter what, or how rational you believe you are, there will always be what-ifs. And this what-if will eventually eat you alive. If you don’t see this through, you’re going to look back on this moment and always wander how it would have been different, if you’d just taken the chance.”

  Lord, she had never thought of it like that. She’d thought only of losing Tommy, and had never looked at the possible consequences from the other side of the coin. To be honest, it was still hard to let go of that thinking.

  “What if we do go ahead, and it ends up being something I look back on and regret? He’s my best friend, Brody. I can’t see my life without him in it.”

  “All right, the counterargument to that is, what if you and Tommy are supposed to be together as a couple? What if this is the start of your relationship together? What if you don’t try, and the two of you never find anyone else?” When she opened her mouth to voice a rebuttal, he held up his hand. “I’m not making light of your worries. They are real, and could very well be the outcome. But there is another side of this scenario. And that side could possibly bring a lifetime of happiness.”

  She peered at him, letting his words sink in for a long moment.

  He was right. She didn’t necessarily like it, but he was right. “And if it doesn’t work out, I’ll at least finally know for sure, right?”


  She let out a breath. This was a terrifying road she was about to venture down. She could very well end up with her heart shattered in a million pieces. Even worse, she could lose her best friend forever. But she had to stop thinking that way, stop looking at only the negative. Because if this went in the opposite direction from her worries, a whole lot of positive would happen.

  “So you think I should just go for it?”

  “I would. But you said Tommy freaked out. Did he say anything?”

  “No. He honestly just jerked away from me as though he suddenly realized who I was, and then bolted from the room. Didn’t really say anything to me this morning, either, other than he called you to help me and that you would be better for me anyway.”

  “Did he?” There was a slow, interested edge to Brody’s tone. “Hmm.”


  “Just seems Tommy is going to need a little more prodding than I realized.”

  She leaned closer. “Any ideas?”

  Amusement lit his eyes as he laughed softly. “Give me a little time, but I’m sure I can come up with something before he gets back.”

  Julie nodded. Nervous energy gripped her. While part of her was ready to go for broke, she wasn’t sure what would happen when she came face-to-face with Tommy. A part of her was worried she’d chicken out in fear of him storming off again. She didn’t know if she could handle him winding her up so tight, and then just leaving. As secure as she was with herself and her body, having a man jump off her and bolt from the room in horror was a blow to the self-confidence.

  “I’m getting thirsty. You mind if I grab a drink?” Brody asked.

  “Oh my God. I’m being a terrible hostess. What would you like?”

  When she started to rise, he shook his head and stood. “No. I’ll get it. Want anything while I’m up?”

  “Water would be nice. Thank you.”

  He smiled and went into the kitchen.

  She sat back against the cushions. If she wanted to push Tommy, what would be the best way to go about it? He seemed freaked out about touching her, or even being near her at this point. How would she be able to start anything if he refused to get close? She’d just have to play it by ear. Not her usual method of doing things, and definitely outside her comfort zone, but she did need to learn to relax and go with the flow.

  Brody returned, carrying two glasses of Merlot. As he handed her one, he said, “For some liquid courage.”

  Chuckling, she smiled. “Good idea.”

  As Julie took a long swallow of the drink, Brody sat next to her on the couch and placed his glass on the coffee table. “How’s the back feeling?”

  “Much better. A little sore, but I can feel like this from raking leaves.”

  “So you’re moving okay now? No catches or anything?”


  “Absolutely sure?”

  “Yeah. Why—”

  A key jingled in the door.

  Brody met her gaze with a wink. “Okay, now don’t get pissed.”

  She frowned. “What are you—”

  As the door opened, Brody lunged on top of her, pushing her back against the cushions, his chest pressed against hers, lips latched onto hers. She was so stunned she froze, hands on his shoulder, vaguely aware of the roar that came from the background. One moment Brody was laying on top of her, the next Tommy had hurled him across the room by the back of the shirt. He advanced on the man, all raged out, hands clenched at his sides.

  “I told you if you laid another fucking hand on her, I’d make sure you’d never enter the cage again.”

  Brody pushed to his feet. “And I said you’d better claim her quick, then, didn’t I? Since you called me, I figured that was you telling me she was free for the taking.”

  Julie gaped. When had this conversation happened? Really, she should get up and stop this nonsense, but she was completely captivated by what was unfolding in front of her. No man had ever been this furious over another man touching her—especially not Tommy—and it was…okay, it was absolutely thrilling to watch.

  “Julie is not an object you can just take, asshole.”

  A smug smile came to Brody’s face.
“No. But she’s a woman I can take—over and over again, and she’ll enjoy every fucking second of it.”

  The punch snapped Brody’s head to the side. So much for thrilling. Julie shot to her feet, clapping her hands over her mouth. “Tommy! No!”

  Brody slowly brought his head back around, used his thumb to wipe away the blood on his bottom lip as he regarded Tommy, who was so enraged the cords in his throat strained against the tension encasing his entire body. She’d seen him like this once before. The night he punched Ethan’s son. That had been over her, too—she just hadn’t known it at the time.

  “Get the fuck out of this house.”

  Brody glanced over at her. “Jules?”

  When Tommy shifted forward like he was going to attack again, Julie quickly said, “I think you’d better go, Brody.”

  Scowling, he glared between her and Tommy. “Fine.”

  All tense, he spun toward the door, but before he stalked forward, he sent her a conspiratorial wink, and then left. Crazy man.


  Before she had time to get out his entire name, he was across the room with his mouth crushed to hers. Fire swept through her instantly, pooling low in her gut. Any lingering worries about them, the consequences, him bolting, vanished. Only one thing was clear.

  She had to have him.

  His tongue sailed into her mouth, his fingers biting into her hips as he forced her to walk backward. Where he was taking her, she didn’t care, just as long as he didn’t stop kissing her. The backs of her knees hit the couch, but he continued to push her. Losing her balance, she tumbled against the cushions. Tommy immediately dropped to his knees before her and yanked her hips to the edge of the couch.

  Within seconds, he had her pajama bottoms and panties off and her thighs shoved open wide, and his mouth was buried between her legs, devouring her. The mere speed of it almost made her come, and she released slow, rough breaths, trying to control the tightening in her lower body.

  If she didn’t move away from that exquisite mouth, she’d orgasm and become too sensitive for more. She wanted it to last. Shifting her hips to the left, she freed her clit from his wicked tongue, relieved to feel the pressure ebb.


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