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Gates of Paradise

Page 7

by Tianna Xander

  They appeared almost as ghosts. A glimpse in 82

  the corner of one’s eyes. They were there and gone in less than a second, unless one knew what to look for—how to find them. Or, as in Aliana’s and her followers’ case, they accidentally stumbled upon an unguarded gate during major sabbats.

  Drace cast a gaze up to Griffin. Please tell me you remembered to contact someone to take our duty while we escorted her down the mountain. It makes me ill to think we’ve left it unguarded. Standing, he brushed his hands against his legs, rubbing the moist soil on his jeans.

  Griffin gave him a dirty look. Do you think I’m stupid? Of course I did. My brothers have gone to take our place.

  Drace looked around. We should have stayed there. We’re nothing more than fucking moving targets out here.

  Don’t say that aloud. Griffin glanced at Aliana.

  She’s already scared to death.

  We have to tell her. The only way we’re going to stay ahead of them is to change. Drace sighed, knowing his friend’s answer before it was spoken.

  Are you mad? You know we can’t do that. The penalty for that is...

  Drace ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t give a good damn what the penalty is, Griffin. I won’t let them take her.” He gestured to the path ahead. They’d stopped where they were, not only because of Aliana’s injury, but because both of them knew a trap lay ahead. “You know what lies 83

  before us as well as I do. There’s nothing more than a narrow path with a cliff on one side and loose rocks above. I refuse to let them win.”

  Aliana stepped up, limping slightly.

  Damn those men for hurting her even a little.

  Drace glanced up. She has a right to know who she has slept with, Griffin.

  “Are we on Government land or something?”

  Her eyes rounded. “Is this some secret facility like area fifty-one?”

  Griffin shook his head, turned his back, hands on hips and looked at the ground.

  Drace glanced over at his friend. He knew he put their positions in jeopardy, but right now, nothing was more important than keeping her safe. Griffin agreed or he’d stop him from telling her. “If only it were that simple. We could blind fold you and lead you out.” He scrubbed his face.

  “Damn it. We have enemies in front of us waiting in ambush and still more enemies on our tail.” He turned to Griff. “If you have a better idea, tell me now. I’m all out.”

  The other man just shook his head. “You’re right. We should have taken our chances at the cabin. At least there we’d have cover.”

  Taking Aliana by the arms, Drace led her over to a large rock and sat her down. He frowned at her limp. “Just stay there for a minute and let me explain. What I have to say is something you’ll 84

  need to hear sitting down.”

  * * * *

  Snorting, Griffin leaned against a tree. “Isn’t that the damned truth?” “What is it?” She glanced first at Griffin, then Drace. “It can’t be that bad.” She paled. “We aren’t about to be bombed or something, are we?”

  “No, no. Nothing like that.”

  Aliana crossed her arms and gave him a level look.

  He tried not to look at how the action pushed her breasts up, how her cleavage called to him to bury his face between the two full mounds even while danger seemed to lurk around every corner.

  “Then what on Earth is it? What can be so bad that it’s against the law to tell me?”

  We’re wasting time here. I don’t like it. Drace said before he turned to her. “Well…” He cleared his throat. “It’s not against the law to tell you. It’s against the laws of our clan.”

  Pushing himself away from the tree, Griffin knelt, rested his hand on her knees and continued at her bewildered look. “Our clan is different. We have our own laws and punishments. We only abide by…” he paused, just stopping himself from saying human. “We abide by American laws when we leave Paradise.”


  “Oh.” She looked around, licked her lips. “Is this a reservation? Are you two Native Americans?”

  He took a deep breath, not knowing what the hell they’d do if she ran. If she couldn’t bring herself to believe them, she’d run and he wanted to be close enough to stop her if she tried to bolt.

  There was no doubt she would believe them in the end. He only wanted to make sure she didn’t get a chance to take off. If she did, she may run into her father’s hired men.

  Griffin sighed. What the hell was going on here? So many humans shouldn’t have been able to pass through the magically sealed gates. Not without help. He could understand a lone woman.

  Clan fables were filled with women stumbling through the gates to find their mates on the other side. It was those stories that first had their researchers studying the chance of bonding with humans in the first place. But the men couldn’t get through a gate without help. The men he and Drace discovered the day before were human.

  Which meant someone led them here.

  The only thing worse than leading a human to Paradise was leading them back out again. They couldn’t allow the humans to live to tell a tale now that they knew where to find a gate and how to pass through. Paradise was more than a town. It was a refuge for any shifter. The human 86

  government would destroy that. Their people would be hunted, dissected and pressed into service. He shook his head and glanced at Drace.

  His friend was right. They couldn’t allow that to happen.

  Griffin gazed deep into Aliana’s eyes. “You must understand. What we’re about to tell you is the truth. We must tell you…” He sighed. “And show you. It will leave little time for your brain to process it.” He laid a hand on her arm. “But you must process it.”

  “You may want to scream, become hysterical, but you cannot.” Drace glanced over his shoulder.

  “We don’t have the luxury of time.”

  Reaching up, Griffin cupped her cheek. “If you can find it in your heart to trust us, everything will be all right. We’ll protect you from your father’s men. No matter the number.”

  Drace broke in. “We have no more time to waste. I think they wonder why we haven’t proceeded into their trap.” I feel them moving in.

  “Take a deep breath, Ali. Be strong like I know you are.”

  * * * *

  Aliana sucked in a deep breath, her mind awhirl. What could possibly be so bad, so unbelievable that she wouldn’t believe them? Or worse. What 87

  could possibly be so horrifying that she’d run from these two gentle caring men into the grasp of her father’s private army? Nothing could ever be that bad.

  “We aren’t human.”

  “W-what?” She stared at them, her eyes wide.

  Of course they were. “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course you are.” She poked them and blushed.

  “You sure look human.” Her hands began to shake. What if they were part of some strange Government cover-up? If they weren’t human, were they aliens?

  She pulled her knees from beneath their hands.

  “You wanted me to breathe.” Aliana waved her hands, close to hyperventilating. “Well, give me some room then. Back off.” She held one hand out in front of her, the other on her chest. Her gaze darted around, looking at everything, but seeing nothing as her mind raced. Oh, my God! I’ve had sex with them without protection. What kind of child would she have if she got pregnant? Would she have some strange human, alien hybrid?

  Standing, she began to pace, slapping at their hands as the tried to grab her when she passed.

  They kept trying to make her sit down, but she couldn’t. How could she sit when her mind spun at a million miles per hour? She was too wired, too…something.

  She moaned, her hands over her face. Why did 88

  the weird stuff always happen to her? First her father wanted to marry her off to a man she’d never met a
nd could never respect like some ancient lord of the manor. Now this. She had sex with aliens. What was next? Dinner on Mars or a disco on Jupiter?

  Turning, Aliana started back the way they’d come. She had to find the river. Somewhere in that freezing water she’d fallen through another of Alice’s rabbit holes. Ali’s mind spun, knowing she had to get out of here. Get away from them. She didn’t know them. Didn’t know what they were.

  What if they were a couple of crazies who kidnapped women and buried them on this mountain when they grew tired of them?

  Shuddering, she scrubbed her face with her hands, not knowing what to do. What if they were axe murderers or something? Why hadn’t she thought of that before? A hand fell onto her shoulder and she screamed.

  “Let us show you what we are. I don’t blame you for not believing us,” Drace said as Griffin looked on. “Just calm down a bit, watch and we’ll show you.”

  It was the last thing either of them said before Drace disappeared and a raven appeared in his place. Griffin, too, was gone and in his place was a giant mountain lion, its lips parted in a grin. Or was it a snarl? Ali really had no idea which.


  “Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod.”

  Turning, Ali ran as fast as she could toward the cabin. “It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real,” she chanted to herself as though the repetition would make it so.

  A gunshot rang out and something heavy struck her from behind. She lay on the ground, her face in the dirt with something weighing her down. It was so heavy, she could barely breathe.

  The weight shifted, slowly moving off her and she rolled away from it, looking up into the amber eyes of a big cat. Aliana stared at it in horror as the face grew closer and its rough tongue lapped her cheek.

  It’s Griffin, Ali. Don’t be afraid.

  Aliana brought a trembling hand to her lips, holding her scream at bay. Whatever they were, they weren’t shooting at her. She had to hold it together at least for a little while.

  Snarls and gunshots rang through the woods.

  She heard the loud roar of something she couldn’t place and watched as a man ran screaming through the woods, his clothing on fire. Where was she? Who were these people? How could they exist? Her eyes glazed over, rolled up into her head. The last thing she heard before she lost consciousness was her mother’s voice.

  It is a wonderful place. A place that is not a place through a gate that is not a gate. A place where humans 90

  and animals live in peace, a part of one another, each of them helping one another. You belong there with them Aliana. One day I hope to take you home.

  * * * *

  Drace flew just over the tree line looking for enemies. More of their people were here, helping them drive the bulk of the hired army toward the cliff. They were here, now they must die. Ethical men wouldn’t hunt a woman, wishing to hurt her before delivering her into the hands of evil. None of them deserved to live. Taking a deep breath, he blew fire on another of her father’s men, hoping he’d scare the others toward the cliff. He could see Adam Greer and his bond mate Nick Hill among the men who’d come to help. He connected with Griffin. How did they know to come here? He felt Griff’s thoughts stir in his mind.

  My brothers. When they arrived at the cabin, it had been ransacked. One of the men was still there, waiting in ambush for our return. They called in reinforcements. Adam knew the six of them and the two of us could take out a small army so he and Nick came up to help us and my brothers.

  Something strange stirred in the vicinity of his heart. It was great to belong somewhere, to have others you could count on to watch your back. He only wished they could convince Ali of that. He’d 91

  hate to see her face a mind-gate. They could be devastating if not done right. They were so dangerous, the council only attempted to work them on completely good humans who found their way to Paradise and couldn’t make themselves stay within the misty walls.

  He watched as Griffin stalked a man nearing Aliana. He slid silently through the underbrush, waiting for an opening, then pounced on him. His mouth went to the vulnerable throat, cutting off the man’s air, suffocating him before he dragged him over to the cliff and threw him over the ledge.

  Aliana is unconscious.

  Drace dropped lower, heading toward her position. I wondered how you got her to remain so still.

  She fainted when I found her. It’s for the best. She didn’t need to see this violence. The bloodshed alone would have driven her away.

  Circling above to try to see any danger, Drace could only agree. His exceptional vision picked up another man sneaking through the woods. They could only hide from him if they stayed still. If they moved, his dragon saw them every time.

  Dropping down, he picked up the man who screamed his horror, spraying bullets at him. A few found their mark, but did nothing to save the man from his fate.

  Tudra! The word had Drace heading back to 92

  where he’d last saw his friend. If Griffin was taking on a member of their own trained army, he would be well matched. He circled above them.

  Trying to figure out which was Griffin and which was not. The two big cats circled one another, their color and movements nearly identical.

  It’s my cousin, Donald. Griffin sent up the call.

  How do I kill a man I played with as a child, Drace?

  He’s family.

  Drace felt his friend’s sorrow at the prospect of killing a member of his family. I’m sorry Griff. Tell me how to help. I can take him if you wish. The two cats circled each other. With no way to tell who was who, Drace hesitated to make a move.

  No. I will do it. I have to do it. He was stalking Aliana. What kind of man am I if I cannot defend our mate?

  A movement caught the corner of his eye. Drace dove for the ground, changing as he went. His scales shimmered, turned to fur as the dragon turned to the gold of a cat. Golden fur covered his body. Thicker brown hair formed a dense ring around his neck. Ten feet from the ground, he knew his wings disappeared, replaced by the smooth golden fur on his back. The only thing that remained the same was his eyes. Their eyes never changed.

  He unsheathed his claws landing on the back of the cat waiting to kill his best friend. No you don’t, 93

  you son of a bitch. This is one on one here. Not two on one.

  The other cat turned, snarled and laughed.

  Wanna bet, you weird all-shifter? No one wants you here. You don’t belong. The mountain lion took a swipe at Drace. Drace didn’t even grunt in his larger form. It would take more than one small mountain lion to take him down.

  The thought had barely shimmered in his mind when another cat jumped on his back. There were two on him now. Both of them swatted and bit, their teeth and claws sinking deep. Take care of our mate, old friend. I will take these two threats down, but it will kill me in the doing. He would sacrifice himself for Griffin and his mate. Hear me, all shifters, if I should fail and they kill this form before I kill them, protect my mate. She could carry my child.

  A roar rent the air. Another mountain lion joined the fray attacking the other two who would take the lion down. Deep furrows marred his chest and stomach where the two cats ganged up on him. Blood flowed freely from the deep wounds weakening him. He jumped back, merely missing a blow from the cat he fought, sparing a glance at the other who’d helped him. Thank you for your help. I must admit to not recognizing you. If you don’t mind, I would like to know whom to thank for the service.

  Aliana’s gone!

  Drace heard Griffin’s cry as he watched the 94

  other two fight. The larger cat swiped at the smaller, knocking her from him. He turned, ready to kill. Drace went into his kill, clamping his teeth around the throat of his enemy. He didn’t wait for the other to suffocate as he usually would. Instead, he ripped the other’s throat out and turned to help the female. Who brought a female into this fight?

  What female would have the courage to follow her male into battle, saving another at the expense of her own life? He snarled, swiping at the female cat, driving her away from danger before killing the male. When the male was down, he dropped, tired, his blood loss great. He would die here and he wouldn’t know if his mate was safe.

  He snarled at the female as she approached. A female should know better than to put her life in jeopardy. Yet, this one showed no fear. Dodging his halfhearted swipe, she walked up to him and began to lick his wounds.

  I can’t find her. I can’t find Aliana! Griffin’s frantic call reached him.

  He wanted to search for her and he wanted to find the mate or father of this wayward female and give them an earful, but he was too tired. Too weak. He looked up into almond shaped green eyes and blinked. Aliana?

  * * * *


  Aliana nuzzled the face of the lion as he lay before her. Covered in blood, he could do little more than pant and bleed. Tears filled her eyes as she changed back into herself and Griffin padded up behind her, changing as he moved.

  “Why didn’t you tell us you were a shifter?”

  “Because I didn’t know myself. I don’t even know how I did this. I don’t know how to change back.” Ali looked at Drace, her eyes filling with tears. “I only knew I was angry. I felt a rage unlike anything I’d ever felt before when I saw those two gang up on Drace. I couldn’t sit there and watch when I knew he’d come to help me. He didn’t have to come back here to help me the way he did.


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