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With This Promise (Windswept Bay Book 7)

Page 4

by Debra Clopton

  “Here you go.”Bert broke into their conversation by suddenly appearing and setting a huge piece of ice cream pie topped with whipped cream and chocolate sauce between them. There were two spoons on the plate. “Enjoy the Hula pie for two.”

  Her mouth had started to water the moment he set the pie on the table. It looked amazing. “Thank you. You just sealed the deal on me being here at least once a week. Could do more often, but my hips would hate me.”

  “Your hips look fine, so eat up.”Bert winked and then walked away.

  “I think Bert’s right. You look great. Enjoy.”He picked up a spoon and waited for her to do the same. “Ladies first.”

  They were eating a dessert together. It was more like something one would do on a date and this was not a date, but what the heck. She dipped her spoon into the heavenly creation too ready to taste it to worry too much about anything else. It was rich and creamy—vanilla ice cream with graham cracker crust, whipped cream, and drizzled with chocolate. Cam hesitated as she took the bite. When the sweet taste hit her taste buds, she sighed and pointed her spoon at the dessert. “Oh. My. Oh my,” she mumbled as the sweet vanilla and chocolate melted in her mouth.

  She realized he was smiling and still not eating.

  “You’re missing out. Why aren’t you eating?”

  His brows quirked, his forehead wrinkled beneath his Stetson. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it enjoyed that much.”

  She chuckled once again. It seemed they’d done a lot of that today. It felt great. “Eat. Either dig in or you’ll miss out completely.”

  His lip hitched upward as he dug his spoon in and joined her.

  Later, at the stables she climbed into her truck—new battery installed thanks to him—she lifted a hand in farewell. “I just have to say thanks for the morning and for the battery install. But mostly thanks for the pie. A-maz-ing!”

  “I’m glad it was a good day. I enjoyed it. Funny, the difference a year can make in your life, isn’t it? I hope you have a great evening. See you later.”

  She thought about that as she headed out of the drive. She was going home to eat her chocolate and enjoy a Valentine’s Day evening alone. But what had been an awful day last year had been a great day this year. And much of that had to do with Cam Sinclair.

  Not for romantic reasons, she clarified to herself. He’d just been a friend today. But as she settled on the couch with a small box of chocolate and turned on a romantic comedy, she couldn’t help wondering what he was doing.

  She pushed that thought right out of her mind and turned up the volume of the movie. Finally, thirty minutes later, uninterested and restless, she turned off the movie, closed her chocolate and walked to her small second bedroom in the house she was renting. She turned on the light and stared at the unfinished painting on the easel. Her thoughts whirled and she moved to the easel. It was a good night to paint.

  Her paints were set up in this room that she used as a studio but they’d been sitting there, untouched for a few weeks because she’d felt stuck. She walked over and stared at the beach scene. Something had been missing and she’d just not been able to figure out what it was. Now, taking a brush out, she sank down onto the stool. She opened a few varied colored tubes of oil paint and squeezed it onto the tray. And then, she started to paint the horse she’d suddenly realized was missing from the scene.

  She smiled as her brushstrokes began forming him. He was running, mane flowing in the breeze, sand and foam from the surf showing movement with each step of his hoof.

  After an intense hour, she sat back and studied her creation. It was good. And that painting had sat there all this time, waiting for him to be placed where he belonged.

  She’d tried hard to create something other than what she’d always loved to paint and that was horses. But that was because when she came here, she had been trying to break away from her roots in Texas. Her breakup had just torn at her soul and she’d been trying to deny everything about her life before. But now, that just seemed ridiculous. If she wanted to paint a horse, then she would. She had. And she loved it.


  It had taken a year for that realization to come to her…or had it taken twenty-four hours from the moment she’d first met Cam Sinclair?

  Chapter Five

  On Monday, Lana walked into the classroom to find a smiling Jessica and a beaming Kevin.

  “Miss Presley, Miss Presley, Levi is going to be my daddy,” Kevin exclaimed, looking up from the desk where he was coloring a picture. They were often the only three in the classroom before the kids started to arrive and it was not uncommon for Kevin to be coloring to pass the time. But today he held up a picture and raced over to her. “See, I’m drawing a picture. That’s me, my mom, Levi, and there’s our dogs Jaco and Roscoe. We’re a family.”

  Her heart swelled with happiness for Kevin. She glanced at Jessica, who had turned a fuchsia pink.

  “I love it, Kevin. I think this is so cool. You should finish your picture. It’s looking beautiful.”

  He beamed proudly and looked at the picture. “I’m going to finish it because I’m gonna give it to Levi tonight when he comes to our house.”

  Lana walked over and crossed her arms as she looked at Jessica. “So, Friday night was a really interesting evening. And I gather after you left the auction with Levi, things went well?”

  Jessica chuckled. “They went so well. I should’ve called you. I’m sorry.”

  Lana held up her hands. “Oh no, I was hoping you were really busy. And I actually was busy too.”

  “We…”Jessica sighed. “We decided to get married.”

  Lana gaped at her. “Married? So Kevin isn’t just saying Levi is going to be his daddy this time. This is quick, are you sure?”

  “Well, yes.” She leaned in close so that their voices were low. “I love him and was letting fear hold me back. He and I connected right away. And not that I’m comparing him to Adam, but that’s how it was with him too. I dated a lot before I met Adam but I knew almost immediately that he was for me. And when he died, I just never thought it would be possible to feel this way about someone else. But I do. Levi is so wonderful. I was just denying it because of fear. And being worried for Kevin.”

  “I’m thrilled for you. I know you are very level-headed and everything I know about Levi says he’s one of the most respected men in Windswept Bay. I’m really happy for you both.”

  “Would you be my maid of honor?”

  A lump formed in her throat. They had formed a bond at the beginning of the school year, both of them having moved to Windswept Bay under similar circumstances, needing space in their lives from their families. They’d connected and been support for each other.

  “Jessica, I would be so honored.”Her voice cracked as she hugged her friend.

  Tears glistened in Jessica’s eyes. “Thank you. For helping and for pushing me to take the step out of my comfort zone. You knew I needed to do it.”

  Lana smiled. “I felt like you just needed a little nudge.”

  “And what about you? Did you end up doing any bidding at the auction after I left with Levi?”

  They were already speaking softly so Kevin wouldn’t hear but now Lana spoke softer. “Nope, I sure didn’t. I’m not interested. I haven’t been completely honest with you. I went through a really terrible breakup before I moved here. I thought the guy was going to propose to me when he was actually having an affair with my best friend. And I was the talk of the town. I got tired of that and my family worrying me to death. So that’s the whole story to how I got here.”

  “I thought there was more to that story. What a jerk. I would have probably had to move or I would have found him in a coffee shop and poured coffee on his head.”

  Lana laughed. “Actually, that was one of the reasons I left—because I was afraid I would do that.” She had thrown chocolate after all.

  “I guess that wouldn’t have gone down very well in town for the first grade teacher to be retalia
ting like that,” Jessica said, softly.

  “I didn’t think it would. So I took the temptation away and moved here.”The bell rang. “Okay, anyway, I wanted to tell you that I met Levi’s brother after the auction.”

  “Which one?”

  “Cam, the cowboy.”

  “Oh, really.” Kids started coming into the room. “I need to know all about it.”

  “Sure. He bought the horse stable in town. He was telling his family yesterday.”

  “Yes, Levi called and told me that. So, did you like him? I’ve met him and thought you two might hit it off.”

  “I went riding at the stables yesterday. But I’m not looking for a cowboy when I start dating. He does seem like a really nice guy, though.”

  “So are we going to become sisters-in-law?”

  Lana rolled her eyes. “Don’t get your hopes up. Like I said, I’m off the market right now and especially when it comes to cowboys. I’m going to marry an accountant or a football coach. Not a cowboy.”

  “Ha. Something tells me that’s not true.”Jessica smiled and then turned to address the room of kids. Then she looked over her shoulder at Lana. “Oh, by the way, he’s going to be Levi’s best man, so you’ll be spending a little time with him. So my dream of being your sister-in-law could come true.”

  Lana shook her head. “I can spend time with him. I’m not marrying him,” she warned and headed back to her desk and to her kids, who were settling into their seats.

  She was not marrying the man. She could spend time with him and enjoy herself. But she was not marrying anyone.

  Still, she couldn’t deny that the idea of seeing him again made her smile.

  Cam stared at all of his brothers. They’d all met at Jake’s dive shop and sat around on the back deck, watching the boats on the dock. Trent and Levi were twins but he and Levi had always been closer. Jake and Trent had hung out together more growing up and both loved diving. Jake’s hair was still damp after having come in from a dive. Levi had called the meeting and everyone but Max had made it. He had left the night of the bachelor auction and gone on a mission. They never knew how long he’d be gone as a Navy SEAL Special Ops and they were always glad when he made it home.

  He’d told Levi earlier and been surprised that Cali or Grant hadn’t mentioned it to the other brothers and sisters. But as far as he knew none of the others knew his news. But Levi had news of his own.

  “So what’s up, Levi?”Jake looked expectantly at the chief of police of Windswept Bay. They all had an idea what he was about to say.

  “No, I want to hear what’s going on with Cam first.”

  “You’re stalling.”

  Levi chuckled. “No, I want the spotlight.”

  “Oh, then that’s better. I told Mom and Dad yesterday that I bought Bess’s stables so I thought y’all might already know.”

  “No kidding. Nope, I didn’t know.” Jake looked startled. “You always did love that place. But how’ll you manage it and your ranch in Texas?”

  “Yeah,” Trent said. “It’s a great idea but you live in Texas.”

  Levi hitched a brow. “I know you have a plan. You always have a plan.”

  Cam tilted his Stetson back on his forehead. “I have a gal coming to run it for me. She’s working at a ranch near Orlando, where I’ve bought stock. She’s looking for change. I heard that there was a little trouble where she was at and contacted her. She has a great reputation, so the place will be in great hands.”

  “So a woman?” Trent asked. “Sounds interesting.”

  “She’s nice but knows her mind. She’ll do good. So, Levi, what’s your news?” he asked, knowing what was coming.

  Levi grinned. “I thought you’d never ask. I’m getting married, guys.”

  None of his brothers looked surprised. Jake crossed his arms and cocked his head to the side.“Are we supposed to be surprised? You were one lovesick puppy the other night at the auction. Congratulations.”

  Trent was grinning and so was Cam as they joined in on the congratulations.

  “I’ve asked Cam to be my best man but want all of you to stand up with me. Max too.”

  Everyone agreed and Cam looked around the group. This was his roots. He was happier now than ever that he’d bought Bess’s place. “So when are you going to bring them out to ride?”

  “Hey, that’s a great idea. Kevin would love it. I’ll see when they can come out and let you know.”

  “Sounds good. Speaking of Saturday night, how did the Valentine dates go?”

  “I had a nice time,” Trent said. “My date and I agreed that it was for charity and we had a nice dinner and that’s about it.”

  Jake grinned. “I have another date Saturday night.”

  That drew laughs from everyone.

  Cam said, “Why are we not surprised?”

  “Hey, she was nice. We get along.” Jake grinned.

  If Jake ever fell for a woman, she’d have to be far more than nice. He thought all females were nice. Cam wasn’t going to hold his breath for Jake to settle down. Levi hadn’t surprised him. And he could see Trent settling down in the near future but Max and Jake were different. Max had a very unsettled life. And Jake…he enjoyed being single.

  He left a little while later and hadn’t mentioned to anyone that he’d met Lana in the parking lot. He would have had to answer questions if he’d done that. And he wasn’t sure how to answer questions about Lana. They’d just met but he’d had her on his mind ever since she’d driven off on Saturday.

  He’d spent Valentine’s Day evening looking over the books for the stables and had to force himself to concentrate because he kept thinking about her.

  She knew Jessica, so maybe he’d invite her out the day Levi brought Jessica and Kevin out. Good idea…

  He wondered what she would think if he called her up.

  He almost called her but decided that would probably make her think he was a fast mover and he had a feeling that was the last thing she was looking for. No, going slow was the best thing he needed to do where she was concerned. So he kept his fingers off the phone and on the paperwork he was going over and spent a quiet Valentine’s Day evening alone.

  But he wanted to go faster.

  On Tuesday afternoon, Lana walked out of the school and headed toward her truck. Her footsteps slowed as she saw a certain good-looking cowboy leaning against her truck: boots crossed, cowboy hat pushed back, arms crossed. He was waiting on her. Instantly, her heart beat rapidly and butterflies fluttered through her chest.

  “Hey, you get lost?” she asked, fighting the sensations fluttering through her.

  A slow smile spread across his face and his navy eyes studied her. “I don’t have your phone number and I don’t have your address. But I knew where you worked and what your truck looks like, so here I am.”

  “Yes, here you are.” She mused. Drinking him in like cool sweet tea.

  “I thought I’d just swing by and see if maybe you were up for a horse ride?”

  “Really?” More flutters—drat those butterflies.

  “Yeah. I’ve got something to show you. I thought you might enjoy it. But if you have school papers or something to grade, I understand.”

  That made her smile more. “It’s first grade. We don’t give homework too often. I’m curious, what do you want to show me?”

  He grinned. “Nope, not telling. This is a show-and-tell. I think you know what that is.”

  “Oh, do I ever.” She chuckled. “Okay, you’ve got my curiosity. I need to swing by the house and put on my boots and then I’ll come out.”

  “How about I follow you? Then you can ride with me and I’ll bring you back to your house when we’re done.”

  “I can drive my truck.”

  “I guess, if you insist, that’ll be fine. I’ll still follow and wait for you.”

  “Okay then, come on. I’ll change and let you carry me out there if that’s what you want to do.”

  A few minutes later, she pulled in
to the drive of her bungalow and he pulled his big truck in behind her. She hopped out of her truck; he exited his truck and came toward her.

  “I like your place.” He studied the yellow cottage with the white trim. “It’s very beachy. Nobody would know you were from Texas or a cowgirl.”

  She hitched a brow. “I’m in transition. I left my cowgirl behind. Or at least, some of her.”

  He shook his head. “No, she’s right here. I’m looking at her.”

  “Hey, you left your beach guy behind and went Texas cowboy.”

  “I did but no matter whether my heart is in Texas or not, my roots are here in Florida with my family. And yours is back there in Texas with your family. That jerk can’t take your roots from you.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “Tell me what you really think.”

  He laughed. “I will. Always, Miss Feisty. Now, come on, daylight is burning. Grab those boots. And probably an old shirt just in case.”

  She stopped in her tracks and her mouth fell open.“The mare is having her foal.”

  He grinned. “Are you trying to mess up my surprise?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Why didn’t you already say so? We’ve wasted all this time! Hold on. I’ll be right out.” She spun and ran toward her house.

  He followed.“I figured you were the only person I knew around here who would appreciate what’s about to happen like I will.”

  It had been so long since she had witnessed the birth of a foal and the very idea tickled her. There was nothing like it. Except a sweet child being born.

  She hurried through the house and heard him follow her inside. “I’ll be right out,” she called and headed toward her room. Within five minutes, she had her boots on and she had changed into a denim shirt that she hadn’t worn in a while. As an afterthought, she reached up onto her closet shelf and pulled out her cowboy hat. She stared at it for a moment. Was he right about her roots?

  He was studying photos on the entrance table when she came around the corner. He held up one of her dad and her brothers when they were younger.


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