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Royal Replicas

Page 24

by Michael Pierce

  “No, seriously, why are you in here?”

  Constance didn’t answer as she marched for the door, pushing past both girls and disappearing into the hallway.

  “What the hell?” Piper moaned.

  “What was that about?” Bethany asked, bringing the tray over to the bed.

  “Are people talking about what almost happened to me last night?” I asked.

  “Not that I’ve heard,” Bethany said.

  “I haven’t told anyone,” Piper said.

  “Then how did Constance know about it?” I asked.

  Both girls looked blankly at me and then each other.

  “What was the name of the family that raised her?” I asked.

  “I don’t remember,” Bethany said. “Forget her. Let’s eat before breakfast gets cold.”

  “Thorton? Does that sound right?” Piper asked. “I could be wrong.”

  “I don’t know,” said. “The name sounds familiar. It’s probably right. I guess it doesn’t matter.”


  T he next morning, a knock at the door came while Bethany was finishing getting dressed so we could leave for breakfast together. Piper answered; Prince Byron was standing in the hallway with a breakfast tray.

  “Is that for all of us?” Piper asked, allowing the Prince into the room.

  He immediately looked embarrassed. “I—I didn’t realize I’d be entertaining a group. How many are here?”

  “Bethany’s in the bath,” I said.

  “I’m ready,” Bethany said, emerging from the washroom. “Oh, good morning, Your Highness.” She curtsied.

  “Sorry, I did not mean to intrude on girl time,” the Prince said.

  “Don’t be silly,” I said, walking up to give him a hug. “We can all share.”

  “We were just heading out,” Piper said, grabbing Bethany by the arm.

  “I don’t mind sharing,” Bethany said.

  “Don’t make me eat alone,” Piper said, pulling Bethany toward the door. “We’ll be back later.”

  Bethany gave an awkward wave as she was ushered out. Once the door had closed, Prince Byron gave me a look of sheer confusion.

  “It gets lonely in these huge suites,” I said. “It’s good to see you. To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “I heard something happened to you last night, but not what,” Prince Byron said, walking into the room bearing a tray of pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit salad. “I brought breakfast. Are you okay? What happened?”

  “I’m fine,” I said. Did everyone now know about my previous night’s endeavor?

  Prince Byron set the tray on the desk. “Are you sure?”

  “Okay, you have to promise to remain calm,” I said, trying to prepare him for what I was about to say. “There was an… incident two nights ago. The Duke paid me a visit and… and arranged his own idea of a romantic date with me.”

  The Prince’s eyes widened in horror. He knew what Master Ramsey was capable of and what he liked to do to me.

  “But like I said, I am fine. Nothing happened. I handled him.”

  “Let me see you.” He stepped closer and was about to touch me, but didn’t know where would be safe. “I will have him killed,” he said, venomously.

  “He did not so much as lay a finger on me,” I said. “Like I said, I handled him. I met him head on and sent him on his way—unfulfilled.”

  Now he took me in his arms. “Thank God you’re all right. I don’t know what I would have done if I’d lost you,” he said and hugged me tighter. “You went to him alone?”

  “Yes. But with precautions in place. I wasn’t reckless.” If I gave him too many details, I was afraid he wouldn’t agree on that point.

  “Even so, the fact he was here and coming after you is grossly offensive. I’ll have him hunted down like the animal he is and delivered back here in chains.”

  “I don’t need you hunting him down,” I said. “I handled the situation. He’s gone. And he won’t be back. Please let this go. Can we eat now?” I looked deep into his eyes and could see his vow of revenge wouldn’t be doused so easily. I pressed my lips to his to bring his mind back to me. “Are you with me?”

  “I’m with you,” he said. “I’ll always be with you.”

  I hoped that was true, but knew better than to count on absolute declarations; I could hope for the best but needed to plan for the worst—which was exactly what I was doing by not telling the Prince about Princess Amelia. I needed to protect her to protect myself.

  We ate in silence for a few minutes, and then he simply said, “I love you, Victoria. I don’t want the first time I say it to be in front of everyone.”

  It was the first time I’d heard those words in a very long time. The only other person to ever say it to me was Lady Ramsey, and not since I was much younger.

  The sincerity in his voice made me forget about the upcoming Choosing Ceremony that would happen in a few short days. He kissed my forehead; I truly felt loved, maybe for the first time in my life. There was no doubt of the way I felt.

  “I love you too,” I said. “And I’m not just saying that because of the competition.”

  “And I shouldn’t be saying it because of the competition,” Prince Byron said. “But I can’t help it. I love you.”

  When Bethany and Piper came back a few hours later, we were lying comfortably entwined on the bed. They went to excuse themselves again, but Prince Byron insisted they stay as he rose from the bed.

  “I’ve already monopolized too much of Victoria’s time.” The Prince brushed a hand over my hair but did not give me a parting kiss before leaving.

  Bethany came and dropped down on the bed beside me. “None of us really has a chance, do we?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “You seem to have a pretty great relationship with him. Who knows what’s really going through his head?” I hoped I actually did know the answer.

  “I see the way he looks at you.”

  “So do I,” Piper added, heading straight for the washroom.

  I tried to suppress a smile at the outside validation of our relationship. It lit a fire in my belly that warmed me all over—much like when he told me he loved me.

  We lounged around the room for most of the afternoon, talking, watching television, ordering snacks through room service. Johanna, Mina, and I had never hung out together like this. This was what having sisters should be like, but it was disheartening to think this joyous time had a three-day expiration date. What happened to any or all of us after that remained as shrouded as the landscape on a foggy morning.

  While Bethany and Piper ate dinner in the room, I drew myself a warm bath. I snuck my phone into the washroom and closed the door. With the water running, I called Kale. It rang a bunch of times before going to an automated message. I tried the other phone number and Mina picked up again.

  “Is Kale around? I asked. “I tried calling him, but he didn’t answer.”

  “He’s been gone a few days,” she said. “He seems to do that a lot—leave for several days at a time. I don’t know where he goes.”

  “Well, when he comes back, can you have him call me?”

  “Of course.”

  I needed him to be available if my plan was going to work. It made me nervous not being able to get in touch with him, making me feel something was wrong and there was nothing I could do about it.

  I stepped into the tub, inching down into the warm water and trying to expel all my negative thoughts.

  Soon, the Prince would make his announcement to the Queen and my new life as a Princess of Westeria would begin. Kale would be ready and waiting on the other end of the line, and I’d force the Queen to spare the lives of the other girls. Then I’d be able to free the real Princess Amelia from her dungeon. All I had to do was expel my negative thoughts.


  P rince Byron brought breakfast again the next morning, and this time had a plate for each of us. We gathered around the coffee table and all ate the egg
s Benedict sandwiches he’d retrieved from the kitchen.

  “We’ll let you have some private time,” Bethany said as we all finished up our food.

  Prince Byron glanced at me, and then said, “I insist you stay. This is nice with the four of us. Casual. Sweet. And the hours grow short. I’d like to spend them with each of you.”

  Then everyone glanced at me.

  “Why are you all turning to me?” I asked. “I couldn’t ask for better company.” And it was true. Even though I did want to steal him away, I loved every second of our collective time together.

  So we made the same breakfast date for the following morning.

  I followed him into the hall as he was leaving, and he kissed me goodbye and told me he loved me. It was always hard watching him go, but it was easier with my waiting sisters just inside the room.

  “Let’s get out of here for a bit,” I said, sauntering back into the room.

  “To get our lovely Prince out of your head?” Bethany said. “What are you up for?”

  “Amongst other things. Piper, have you shown her the library?”

  Piper shook her head.

  “I’ve been to the library a bunch of times,” Bethany said.

  “There’s a secret one that Piper found,” I said.

  Bethany’s eyes lit up. “A secret room? How exciting! Let’s go!”

  Bethany was giddy the whole way and we had to shush her squealing when Piper pushed on the hidden door leading to the concealed two-story library.

  “How did you find this?” Bethany asked as she meandered around the room.

  “I’m kind of a snooper,” Piper said. “I’m good at finding things.”

  I laughed at her comment, thinking of the hidden corridor waiting just beyond the upstairs bookcase.

  “Who else knows about this?” Bethany asked.

  “Of the seven girls—” Piper started.

  “Clones,” I clarified.

  “Sisters,” Piper said, sardonically, rolling her eyes. “Of the seven girls, just the three of us.”

  We perused the endless shelves of books. One at a time, each of us claimed a leather chair and began reading. I could read straight into the afternoon, but Bethany and Piper became restless after about an hour.

  “I need a break from reading,” Piper said. “Want to visit the pool?”

  “I’d rather not,” I said, laying my open copy of The Graveyard Book across my lap. I’d needed a new story. The first book in the previous series I’d been reading had been enough. “I’ll stay.”

  “I’ll stay with you,” Bethany said, but I could tell she’d only offered out of a sense of obligation.

  “You don’t have to,” I said. “I’m okay by myself.”

  “You sure?”

  “Totally. Go.”

  “You know where to find us if you need anything,” Bethany said, coming over to give me a hug. Piper waved, and both of them disappeared through the pivoting wall.

  I waited about five minutes before slowly climbing the spiral staircase and pulling on the copy of Pride & Prejudice, opening the real secret door.

  Princess Amelia was listening to her records like the first time I’d come down. Her facial expression was mostly frozen in place, but I could see an extra sparkle in her eyes when she saw me.

  “Hi, Sister,” she said.

  The song she’d been listening to ended and I picked up another record and placed it on the phonograph, setting the needle down gently to reduce the crackling.

  “Did you bring the tablet today?” Princess Amelia asked.

  “No, I didn’t. Sorry, but I forgot.”

  “That’s okay. You can bring it next time and show me more pictures.”

  “Next time…” I said, truly hoping there’d be one. If I could have carried her out of there, I would have done so, but there was no way I could get her up that spiral staircase. I didn’t know how anyone could do that—unless there was another exit?

  I talked to her all about Misty and horseback riding. We listened to several records and I read to her from the book on her desk screen. After I finished a few chapters, I stopped and noticed tear tracks running down her face.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “I’m just so happy—happy to have someone—you to spend time with me. These have been the happiest days of my life.” She lifted one shaking arm to wipe her cheeks, though she could only really reach one.

  I jumped up and grabbed a tissue from across the room and finished wiping her face. It was also a chance to turn and take a moment to retain my own composure.

  By the time I said goodbye, returned to the corridor and locked her door, I’d completely lost it. I surrendered to uncontrollable, air-sucking sobs.

  None of us could replace Princess Amelia. She was the real deal. She was a beautiful, amazing human being, the rest of us pale and unworthy copies.

  I had to wait quite a while before re-emerging into the known living quarters of the palace without letting everyone see the emotional wreck I’d become. I didn’t know how red my eyes were, so I averted my gaze at the passing of each staff member.

  When I reached my room, I heard a phone ringing and quickly realized it wasn’t coming from the nightstand. I ran over and flipped open the phone I’d stashed in the bottom desk drawer, seeing Kale’s number on the screen.

  “Sorry, I didn’t get back to you sooner,” he said.

  “You had me worried,” I said, relief rushing over me.

  “What? You, worried about me?”

  “Don’t start with me,” I warned. “You know I do. So is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. Nothing to worry about.”

  “I just wanted to make sure you were good with what we talked about. The Choosing Ceremony’s in two days. It’s supposed to start at 8 p.m.”

  “Wow. I can’t believe it’s already here,” Kale said.

  “I need to make sure you’ll be ready?”

  “I’ll be eagerly awaiting your call.” He didn’t try to downplay his sarcasm, but then his tone turned solemn. “I hate the fact I’ll be standing by and not actively doing something to help. It kills me I won’t be there.”

  “You know you can’t be here and you will be actively helping. You’re the one getting me and the other girls out alive.”

  The line was silent.

  “You’re going to make it through this,” Kale said, proclaiming it as fact.

  “We all will,” I answered.


  I t felt like the next day was stolen from me. I was in such an anxious state that time seemed to keep accelerating until the morning of the Choosing Ceremony arrived.

  Prince Byron continued our breakfast routine but the morning was not like the others, the air hanging heavy with an overwhelming tension. It was obvious he felt it too, that it wasn’t just us girls.

  Bethany and Piper left after breakfast, allowing us some private time together; this time, he didn’t protest.

  “I know it’s nearly impossible not to worry about this evening, but I don’t want you to,” the Prince said, once we were alone.

  “You seem just as worried,” I said.

  “It’s an easy decision as I’ve already told you. I love you and I wouldn’t choose anyone else. But I will still be breaking the hearts of six other girls and trying to secure their safety.”

  “And you have a plan for doing that?”

  “Yes. I have a plan in place. And I hope to God it works,” Prince Byron said, not sounding entirely confident in his answer. I had a feeling the lives of the other girls were still going to come down to me—and I had plenty of concerns of my own.

  “But worrying now isn’t going to solve anything,” he said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “It will just make us crazy. Everything’s in motion that needs to be and we’ll attack whatever happens together.”

  “I like that together part,” I said, taking a seat next to him.

  The Prince smiled, deepening the dimples in his
cheeks. He kissed me and his stubble scratched my face, but I wasn’t about to complain. I wanted his reassurance that this night was the beginning, not the end. And right now, his lips were giving me the guarantee I needed.

  Prince Byron had a lot on his plate already. Bethany and Piper went back to their respective rooms to prepare for our last formal event as a group. I welcomed Kimera’s company and her help to transform me into a girl looking fit to be a princess—because that’s who I would be by the end of the night.

  “I’ll need to find you the perfect dress,” Kimera said once I was out of the bath and wrapped in a plush robe.

  After a long search through the cavernous closet, she found me a radiant, golden gown with three-quarter-length sleeves and a skirt that dusted the floor when I wore no shoes.

  Without asking, I donned a pair of shorts under my robe, and when Kimera helped me into the dress, she either didn’t notice or simply didn’t comment on it.

  Instead, Kimera continued picking out a pair of shiny black heels, which luckily weren’t too high. My hair was styled in what she called a French roll updo, my look completed with dangling onyx earrings encircled with diamonds and a thin diamond tiara.

  “Simple and elegant,” Kimera said. “The true effortless-looking style of a princess.”

  “There seems to be a lot of effort into looking effortless,” I said.

  “What do you think?”

  “I never want to wear yellow again after tonight,” I said, viewing myself in the closet trifold mirror. “But I hope you’ll continue to be my assistant.”

  “You’ll have to put in a good word for me,” she said.

  “You know I will.”

  Kimera walked me to the formal dining room like she had done on our first dinner with the Queen, but instead of coming in, she left me at the door. I was the last to arrive except for Eleanor and the Queen, but there was miraculously an open seat next to Prince Byron.

  He turned back and gave me a warm smile as I crossed the expansive room to reach the daunting table.

  Everyone was back to their room colors: Bethany was attired in orange, Piper in blue, Jane in champagne, Danielle in purple, and Constance in red. After what had happened, I didn’t know if Eleanor was in any kind of condition to join the group this evening.


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