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Royal Replicas

Page 26

by Michael Pierce

  When the phone rang, I heard it echo. At first, I thought I was hearing things, but when the Queen held up another phone continuing to echo the ring, I knew what—or whom—she had in her possession. All hope of escape drained with each ring.

  “Is this you calling?” the Queen asked haughtily.

  Just then, I saw Kale being led from the crowd in shackles, two soldiers leading him by the arms. There was dried blood on his face and he staggered like he could barely walk.

  “I’m sorry, Victoria. I had to try,” he said warily.

  The Queen had bested me and there was nothing left for me to do, but await her reprimand and execution.

  The ringing of her phone stopped and I waited for the automated message. But my phone continued its ring; I glanced down at the screen and saw a new number displayed, then the ringing stopped and there was crackling on the line.

  “Hello, Victoria,” said an unfamiliar male voice. “Is Queen Dorothea there?”

  “Yes,” the Queen answered. “With whom am I speaking?”

  “That’s not your concern,” the man said. “What is your concern is that I have all the files Victoria has sent regarding Princess Amelia. I have been instructed to release those files if Victoria does not meet me at the predetermined place and time. She must be provided safe passage and must meet me alone.

  “Victoria, be at the devil’s tree at 8 p.m. tomorrow night. If all is good, then you’ll get the files back. If not, they will promptly be released. You will not be able to call this number again. As soon as I hang up, it will be disconnected and these events will be set in motion. Is everything I’ve just stated clear?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “Wait a moment…” the Queen said.

  “Thank you,” I said. “The clock starts now.” I clicked the end button and closed the phone.

  “What have you done?” the Queen demanded.

  “I wouldn’t sacrifice your plan. But I’d sacrifice myself for you,” Kale said, and for his comment, he was jabbed with an electronic baton, immediately sending him to the floor in fierce spasms.

  “Don’t hurt him!” I yelled at the soldiers and quickly turned my attention back to the Queen. “I did what was necessary—made a hard choice if you will. Like you. You’re letting me walk out of here and I am taking the girls—and now Kale as well. If that information gets released, it will bring about a revolution. Your reign will come to a quick and violent end and your family name will be demonized.”

  “Maybe—maybe not,” she said. “There are always options, ways to spin the story. I can release information about my Amelia first.”

  “But do you want to risk those options? The risk of those versus the risk of letting us go to continue with your original plan seems clear. It’s much less risk for you to let us go and guarantee this information doesn’t get released.”

  The Queen was silent for a long moment. “But you can’t guarantee that information doesn’t get released, can you? It’s not strictly your decision anymore. That information is now in the hands of someone else. How do you plan to guarantee me the information is destroyed and never sees the light of day?”

  “It was my plan and my information,” I said. “I am in control of it.”

  The Queen laughed. “No, you’re not. You’re not in control at all.”

  “And neither are you!” I shot back.

  “It seems we are at an impasse,” the Queen said. “If I don’t let you leave, then potentially damaging information will be released. I can take preemptive action to minimize the impact, but the outcome of such action would be unknown and potentially just as damaging.

  “If I let you leave to make your rendezvous, then per your word, the information will not be released. But that is also dependent upon you keeping your word and retaining full control over the information, which you currently do not have. Have I missed anything?”

  “Difficult choices,” I said.

  “Difficult choices, indeed.” She scanned the room of transfixed faces, then returned to her throne by Bethany’s side. “I do not regret my decision to veto you, but I did underestimate what you’re capable of.

  “Here is my offer—and I want to make it abundantly clear you are not holding all the cards. I will allow you to walk out of here unguarded. I retain a link to you. With the phone I’ve confiscated, I have your number. You will leave alone and I will hold the others until you return with some type of definitive proof the information currently out of your possession has been destroyed. Do that and the rest of your sisters and your boyfriend here will go free. If you do not return, they are in my possession indefinitely. If the information is released, then they will be executed.”

  “That’s not good enough,” I countered. “I’m not leaving alone.”

  “Then you’re not leaving. Either you can all die together right now and I’ll deal with the aftermath—or you can bring me what I want and try to play the hero. That is your choice.”

  I could tell by the look in her fiery eyes that she wasn’t going to back down. I’d made my stand, but didn’t entirely have the upper hand and I knew it. I couldn’t help anyone if I was dead. Walking out of here alone at least bought me some time to figure out my next move. I could sense the gears turning in the Queen’s head, already hard at work calculating her next steps. I needed to act fast.

  “If you hurt any more of them, the deal’s off,” I warned.

  “As long as you uphold your end of the bargain, I’ll uphold mine.”

  “Then you’re letting me walk out of here right now?”

  “You’re free to leave,” the Queen said. “I’ll expect to see you again soon.”

  I nodded, taking a few backward steps, nervous of turning my back on the predator hungrily eyeing me from the dais.

  I met Kale’s eyes. “I’ll be back for you.”

  “I know,” he said.

  As I continued to back out of the ballroom, I looked to Piper and Constance still behind a ring of the Prince’s soldiers. “It’ll be okay. I promise,” I said.

  Piper’s mascara was streaked down her cheeks, but she was no longer crying. She was the sole girl still standing on the riser, tall and strong. Constance was on the floor, cradling Danielle’s head in her lap, her expression morose and murderous.

  Then my eyes met Prince Byron’s.

  “Victoria…” he said, a painful timbre to his voice.

  “Don’t,” I said. I didn’t want to speak to him. He didn’t fight for me and I couldn’t trust him. As magical as our short time together had been, the sun had set on us and the night ahead of me was dark.

  I ran up the stairs to exit the ballroom, finally letting it sink in that I was leaving the Château alive. I had no idea who I’d be meeting at the devil’s tree, but it didn’t do any good worrying about it.

  I kicked off my heels and made a mad dash for the stables in bare feet. I freed Misty from her stall, and when I climbed onto the saddle and hiked up the skirt of my gown, I was thankful I’d had another reason to wear shorts under the dress. I kicked Misty into a gallop and we headed for the main gate.

  As the cool evening air whipped through Kimera’s masterful French roll updo, I ripped off the diamond tiara and flung it onto the ground. It no longer suited me. I was no princess.


  Bethany awoke in a cold sweat. It took her more than a moment to remember where she was—back in her orange room with Piper and Constance. Piper was still sound asleep beside her, and Bethany could hear Constance’s heavy breathing coming from the couch.

  Bethany would become the new Princess Amelia, which would be announced at the Kingdom’s upcoming Foundation Day celebration—but for now, she was confined to her room like a captive. All three of them were captives.

  She sat up, taking deep breaths, trying to calm her pounding heart. It had felt like she was there; the dream was so vivid. She gazed down at her stomach where she’d been struck, with blood pouring down her dress from the ragged hole—but there
was no wound. She was not dying after all. The memory of the pain slowly lost its grip. It had only been a dream.

  Bethany took another long breath and sighed.

  “Are you okay?” Piper asked.

  Bethany turned and found Piper gazing up at her in the dim, early morning light. Her face was etched with concern.

  “I am now,” Bethany said. “Just a bad dream.”

  “What was it about?”

  “Oh, you know how dreams are,” Bethany said, shaking her head. “They rarely make sense. And so many of them are dispelled from memory on waking until only a faint feeling remains.”

  “What do you remember?” Piper propped herself up on an elbow.

  The problem was, Bethany did remember, and in all too vivid detail. She couldn’t wait for this dream to fade like the rest, so only a sickly feeling would remain. But it didn’t feel like any other dream she’d ever experienced. It felt like… she was there… or would be there. But that wasn’t possible. Was it?

  Bethany swallowed hard and said, “Blood, death, and the Kingdom collapsing.”

  Piper laughed, causing Constance to stir. “Good thing it was only a dream,” Piper said, dropping her head back down to the pillow.

  “Yeah,” Bethany said, her eyes fixed on the far wall, yet not seeing anything in front of her. “Good thing.”

  # # #

  Ready for the next part of Victoria’s adventure?

  Royal Captives is available now on Amazon.

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  — Michael


  Michael writes YA speculative fiction. He currently lives in Southern California with his wife, kids, and two blood-thirsty chiweenies.

  When he's not at the computer, he enjoys spending quality time with family, practicing yoga, playing guitar behind closed doors, and listening to as many audiobooks as possible.

  Connect with me online:



  Royal Replicas (Book 1)

  Royal Captives (Book 2)

  Royal Threat (Book 3) - coming early 2018


  Provex City (Book 1)

  SUSY Asylum (Book 2)

  Doria Falls (Book 3)

  Archanum Manor (Book 4)

  Table of Contents


  Table of Contents




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44

  Chapter 45

  Chapter 46

  Chapter 47

  Chapter 48

  Chapter 49

  Chapter 50

  Chapter 51

  Chapter 52

  Chapter 53

  Chapter 54

  Chapter 55


  Sign-Up / Review

  About the Author

  Also by Michael Pierce




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