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Bought and Sold

Page 2

by Tessa Valmur

  'Go to hell...'

  Mosafa gave a reproving tut-tut then nodded to the woman to continue. For a few moments Zoe felt nothing as the woman fed the mixture into the tube, then satisfied that there was plenty of the mixture in the tube, she inserted a slightly smaller tube with a sealed end into the first and began pushing it after the mixture. She exchanged a knowing glance with her Captain who smiled with satisfaction.

  The mixture was potently hot and as it emptied into her bowels Zoe threw back her head, crying out for them to stop. The woman drew out both tubes.

  'Uhh... no... can't... bear... it...'

  The woman, ignoring her pleading, took a rubber butt plug and smiling sadistically, pushed it firmly into Zoe's anus, ramming it home until the flared base was pressed firmly against her struggling body.

  'Please, stop...' Zoe gasped. She could feel the sweat already pouring off her tethered body and the burning sensation inside her was already unbearable.

  Pulling on black leather gloves the older woman moved to the head of the bench alongside the younger woman. Zoe looked up imploringly at the two women, shaking her head and sighing as the terrible sensation in her body got worse and worse. The older woman smiled down apologetically and stroked Zoe's perspiration soaked face.

  'Hurts... please make it stop!' she begged, unable stand anymore, 'Please! No more!' she howled, begging then screaming for them to stop. The fingers meshed in her tousled hair tightened their grip, holding her head still and the older woman placed a gloved hand over her mouth and held it there silencing her. The burning sensation inside her wasn't getting any worse now and Zoe wondered what else they would do to her to try to make her talk. As she writhed and twisted against the restraints that held her down on the bench she stared up at her interrogators.

  The two women were plainly enjoying watching her distress and the younger of the two was looking lasciviously at her naked body as she struggled helplessly, her skin now shiny with perspiration. She gazed at the two men, her stomach churning and her heart hammering as she thought about what they might do to her next to make her talk. She could save herself if she agreed to co-operate1/4but then if she refused what might she be made to experience1/4

  'Would you like to tell us who you really are now?' asked the Captain as the woman abruptly removed her hand from Zoe's mouth.

  She looked anxiously about her. There was no way she could hold out against them if things turned really nasty, but if they were afraid to actually harm her because of the possible political repercussions, then what was the worst thing that they could do to her? She had seen plenty of men being forcibly interrogated become sexually aroused and now she could understand why. There was a heady thrill at the thought of what these people might do to her next that made her reluctant to cave in just yet to their demands.

  'Will you talk?'

  'No.' Zoe shook her head in denial, reassuring herself that the moment they started to torture her in earnest she'd capitulate and answer their questions. Meantime, she'd see if their interrogation methods were anywhere as imaginative or effective as those the SES had taught her to use.

  'She's very stubborn. She deserves to suffer. Gag her,' Mosafa ordered.

  The words sounded alarm bells in Zoe's head and she was about to speak when the young female guard clapped her leather gloved hand down over her mouth. Zoe shook her head to pull free but the hand came down tighter.

  'Looks like she's got something to say already.'

  'No matter. Gag her then we'll soften her up. She shouldn't have been so stubborn in the first place.'

  Zoe struggled frantically as the two women prepared to fit the gag. She tried twisting her wrists and thrashing her legs but the leather belts were snugly fastened around her ankles and wrists. One of the women held her thrashing head still, then the other taunted her with the gag, dangling its leather straps so they brushed over the her cheeks. All the time Zoe tried to tell them she'd co-operate but the gloved hand remained firmly across her mouth.

  'Once you are wearing this, no-one will hear you, no matter what we do to you.'

  Zoe stared in dismay at the ball gag and she tried ineffectually to shake her head free as one gloved hand prised open her jaws. The leather covered rubber ball was forced into her mouth before she could explain that she was ready to answer their questions. Tears rolling down her cheeks, Zoe shook her head as the leather strap, to which the ball was stitched, was buckled at her nape.

  'Take her to the shower and clean her. Remove the plug from her arse and give her a water enema. Chloroform her first. I think it's time we give her some more persuasive treatment.'

  Zoe watched, wide eyed with alarm, as one of the female guards prepared a cotton wool pad with chloroform then stood over her where she lay strapped down and helpless.

  'Sweet dreams English girl...'

  She grunted through the ball gag as the cotton wool was placed over her nostrils. Immediately her head swam and giddiness overtook her. Her eyelids closed, she felt herself sliding into darkness and the last thing that she was aware of, were voices matter-of-factly discussing her fate.

  'Blindfold her while she is unconscious and not a word about the Englishman, understood?'

  * * *

  Zoe came to as she was being lifted from the shower and dragged across the floor. Her naked body was soaking wet, the butt plug had been removed from her and she felt strangely empty inside. With a jolt of shame she realised that they had given her an enema and she had voided herself in the shower. She groaned in protest but the ball gag made her cry all but inaudible. Her vision was completely obscured by a large blindfold of silk covered leather that was drawn tightly across her cheeks.

  She felt too weak to offer any resistance as, once again, broad leather cuffs were fastened around her wrists. Blindfolded she was unaware of the leather straps being attached to each wristcuff then fed through the hooks secured to the ceiling until the straps were pulled taut and her arms were drawn up above her head. The sensation of being blindfolded and treated like this had her heart hammering but as well as that she found now that she was acutely aware of how vulnerable she was sexually. These people could do anything to me, Zoe thought, twisting her body against the pressure that kept her arms above her head and feeling the humid air against her naked skin.

  The straps were then pulled down and fastened back to her wrists and by means of belt holes the straps were adjusted until they were taut and Zoe's arms were held at full stretch.

  She hung, her arms drawn in opposite directions above her head, gasping what breath she could through her nose. The ball gag completely stopped her breathing through her mouth and combined with the blindfold she felt more exposed that she'd ever felt in her life. She had no way of knowing what would happen next to her and now she'd got the idea in her head that these men and women could do anything to her, she felt herself strangely aroused by the prospect.

  She was just getting used to the discomfort of having her arms outstretched when hands grasped her ankles and jerked her legs apart. Leather cuffs were wrapped around each of her ankles and buckled securely. She could sense that it was women doing this to her. She imagined them, kneeling before her, binding her ankles, the men standing watching. She grunted in mild discomfort as her ankles were drawn apart and she heard the sounds of metal clips catching fast. Her guess that they'd fastened her ankles to something was confirmed when she tried ineffectually to draw her legs back together. The effect of having her legs forcibly held spread was to increase the pressure on her outstretched arms above her head and she groaned through the gag in dismay as she realised that she could get no relief from the pain her stretched limbs were suffering.

  A hand touched between her legs from behind, fleetingly touching her vulva and making her squirm. To her shame she realised that her pussy was already slick with juice and that her body was responding sexually to the physical treatment she was being subjected to. Blindfolded, her awareness was focused on the sensation of touch and she was acute
ly aware of the leather restraints that were tight around her wrists and ankles. She could imagine how she must look, naked and struggling. The way her arms and legs were stretched would emphasise how slender and vulnerable her body was. When the hand stroked her again she tried jerking herself away but it was hopeless. She began imagining what they might do to her next, groaning through the gag in fevered anticipation as an arm circled her slim waist holding her still whilst the hand resumed stroking her. She was unable to contain a sigh of pleasure which even through the gag she was sure would have been heard.

  'Are you ready yet to co-operate with us?' the Major's voice came out of the darkness, making Zoe shamefully realise that they had guessed how she was feeling. Zoe shook her head, part of her not thinking now about holding back secrets from them but aware that if she continued to refuse to co-operate, they would continue... she was already too aroused to be able to be able to resist...

  There was a moment's silence, then the man's voice. What he said made her heart sink.

  'Bind her breasts with cord.'

  Soon Zoe was twisting and writhing as one of the female guards restrained her and she felt the other slip a noose of fine cord around her right breast. Zoe pleaded for them to stop but the only sound to emerge from the ball gag was as muffled sigh. A soft girl's hand held her breast, drawing it away from her chest while a noose of fine cord was slipped snugly over it and drawn tight.

  'The cords are silk so they won't burn or mark your delicate skin. There will be no evidence of this.'

  Zoe felt the cord tightening, tears pricking her eyes, she twisted her body frantically in an attempt to escape. She felt the cord biting tightly around her breast and she hung her head back, crying through the gag. Her protest though was all but inaudible and the cord was bound repeatedly around the soft orb.

  When the two women had finished, Zoe could only imagine how her firm and shapely 34C breast must now look. She could feel the soft flesh, trapped and swollen as it hung gathered and bound. The sensation was too much... how tight had they bound the cord? Her fevered imagination pictured her generous breast now as a cone of swollen purple, bulging out from the mercilessly tightly bound cord. But, how could she tell, she was blindfolded. All she could do was to experience the sensation and to her shame that brought with it an arousal in her body, an ache between her legs, which the more she thought about, the more she felt. They had her trapped by more than ropes around her limbs, she realised with dismay: the more she imagined her torturers watching her body, seeing how aroused she was becoming the more aroused she felt.

  Zoe shook her head frantically as the two women now set to work on her other breast. By the time they had finished she was choking back the tears and this time when the man asked her if she was ready to co-operate she nearly nodded her agreement. She thought of all she had been taught and all the expectations that had been placed upon her. She couldn't tell them. She had to hold out until they grew tired of questioning her. Wondering what they might do to her next, she again shook her head. The man laughed softly and she felt him touch one of her trapped breasts, squeezing it until she shook herself free.

  'Clamp her nipples. The bitch just needs a little more persuading.'

  Zoe shook her head in objection as she felt a clasp being slid over her right nipple then tightened until it trapped her tender nub. A few more turns on the screw and Zoe was writhing in pain as she felt the trapped flesh throb and burn. A moment later her other nipple had been dealt with in a similar fashion. Zoe hung, groaning through the gag in agony. She shook her blindfolded head in despair. Suspended from her outstretched arms, her shoulders now ached desperately. She could feel her feet just dragging on the stone floor. A thumb brushed over one of her trapped nipples making her gasp. She bit harder on the ball that gagged her mouth, squirming frantically as the thumb flicked across her nipple repeatedly until the delicate flesh was aroused so much her tiny erection pressed painfully into the metal that clamped it.

  'So, would you like to answer our questions now?'

  Zoe shook her head in denial, but the tears were pouring down her cheeks and she knew that she was on the brink of surrender.

  'So delicate... just imagine what it would feel like if a weight was now hung from your poor little tit? Could you stand that English girl?'

  Her heart hammering, her cheeks flushed, she fantasised how it might feel and her nipples ached in sympathy with her fevered imagination. The man asked her again if she was ready to co-operate and again she shook her head in refusal.

  'Weight her nipples,' the man ordered.

  There was an agonising moment's wait then she felt one of the women clasp hold of her breast. Zoe shook her head in protest, whimpering through the gag. When the woman removed her hand from her bound breast Zoe felt the clamp pull sharply at her nipple as it was dragged down by the unseen weight.

  'Uhhh... UUHH!'

  Her cry of protest was audible, despite the ball gag.

  'And her other.'


  'Look how she struggles now.'

  'She is desperate to escape,' commented Mosafa, 'How long will you leave her like this?'

  'Until she talks.'

  'Often they faint,' observed the older woman, 'but we bring them round again.'

  'If it looks like she is resisting the pain there is a simple way to enhance her suffering.'

  'Which is?' asked Mosafa.

  'Bring the whip and show Major Mosafa,' ordered the Captain.

  'I hope you enjoy this, English girl,' the woman whispered, teasing Zoe's slender back with the cool, long coil of the leather whip.

  'The whip will jolt her body and then the weights will swing and give her maximum discomfort,' the Captain commented.

  Zoe shook her head vigorously, groaning through the gag, to try to make them realise that she would talk now. If only they'd give her the chance!

  'I think the bitch wants to talk,' laughed the Captain.

  'Are you ready to co-operate then?' asked Mosafa.

  Zoe nodded her head in agreement; she couldn't take any more of their punishment. She'd tried to hold out, but she couldn't bear the thought of worse than she was already going through.

  'Excellent,' said Mosafa.

  'Shall we ungag her?' asked the Captain.


  A moment later and the ball gag had been removed and Zoe was gulping air again through her mouth and flexing her aching jaws.

  'Tell me who you are?' demanded Mosafa.

  'I'm Zoe Farquerson... now please, let me go...' Zoe begged, breathlessly.

  'Very good. Remove the weights and clips from her nipples as a reward for her honesty. Now tell me, who do you really work for?'

  'The British Government,' Zoe admitted shamefully.

  'And how would describe your work?'

  'I gather information from overseas.'

  'Excellent. Remove the cords from her breasts. She is becoming most co-operative and must be rewarded. So, you spy. This is what you are saying?'

  'Yes, if you have to call it that,' sighed Zoe.

  'So what are you doing in our country?'

  'Collecting information about your dissident pre-democracy movement.'

  'And I imagine you already know quite a bit about them? Names? Addresses? Plans?'


  'You lie.'

  'No. I'm here to find all that out. As yet, I know practically nothing,' objected Zoe.

  'She has plenty more she can tell us. This is just a start. I will want more time with her. I shall return this evening and have her moved,' announced Mosafa.

  'What do you want done with her in the meantime?' asked the Captain.

  'Keep her here until tonight when I return. You may in the meantime enjoy her as a reward for your good work. Encourage her to talk if you can. Make a note of anything she says. If she co-operates, reward her with leniency.'

  'Understood, Major. I shall see if I can loosen her tongue a little more.'

your work, Captain.'

  Zoe listened to the sounds of receding footsteps and the door closing. It had sounded as if two people had left the room. Mosafa and who else? She supposed one of the female guards must have left as well, except that they were wearing heavy boots and the neither of those footsteps that had left sounded like that, both were too quiet.

  'Please let me down... my arms hurt so much...' Zoe begged.

  The Guard Captain gave a short, contemptuous laugh.

  'Gag her,' he ordered. 'Gag her, then whip her. I want to watch her being whipped until she's half-senseless.'

  'You can't whip me... if you mark my body, I'll be able...'

  The man cut her short with a harsh laugh.

  'You don't understand do you? Now that you've admitted you're a spy, you've sealed your fate! The Major will be taking you this evening to a place where no one will find you! So, it's time for you to taste the whip!'

  'No! You can't! Please!'

  'Perhaps you'd care to give me answers to some of the Major's questions then?'

  'All right,' sighed Zoe, 'I'll tell you what I know, but I'm afraid it's not that much.'

  Zoe proceeded to divulge some of the secrets that she'd been told, but those she considered least important. She hoped that if she fed them some facts they might be content and she might be spared more torture. At least for a while.

  'Is that all you know?' demanded the Captain.

  'Yes, honestly.' Zoe replied, praying that he might now at least let her down from where she hung. Her arms were aching so much!

  'Good. Very good.' The captain nodded with satisfaction then spoke to one of the female guards. 'Now gag her.'

  'But I've told you all I can,' protested Zoe.

  'So there's no need now to leave you ungagged!'

  'This isn't fair!' Zoe shook her head as hands caught hold of her face and stilled her. Fingers dug into her cheeks encouraging her jaws to open.

  'No, let me go! Let... me... guhh...'

  Zoe tried twisting her head as the leather ball was forced back into her mouth. It was hopeless though and a second later the gag was in place and she could feel the leather strap tightening at her nape.


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