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Blood Will Tell: The Blood is the Key (The Blood series Book 1)

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by Colleen S. Myers

  After the world fell so many things were lost.

  Cities now focused on the water and power plants. They lost most workers, but it was a simple system, and after the council took over, cities were controlled by one or two depending on the size. The Internet still existed but access was severely limited. The vampires had their own individual cities and talent and lost little, not like the rest of the world. They noticed any incursion. The knowledge remained, but the means to get to it was cut off. Food and items were regulated.

  When she escaped with Alex, she couldn't shake the sadness as she traveled into all the abandoned homes falling into ruin, goods and supplies looted long ago. So many things, like video games and sports, were all gone now, though not completely. People still played sports but no more TV. No more sport celebrities. The vampires held blood sports and fights. MMA for the win. Usually the fights were to the death and the loser became dinner. Why would anyone compete? Because they didn't have a choice. Fighters didn't last long, champions easily falling.

  Plays and balls became common place. It was a really weird amalgamation of times and ideas. The bangers flocked to those events. They were broadcast to other cities. A citizen could come in, if willing to donate extra blood. Isabelle couldn't bring herself to go, but Jack had been a constant fixture. Good thing the vampires monitored the donations of their people or addicts like Jack would give and give until there was nothing left.

  So many things from before gone. She had a Nintendo DS and used to play roleplaying games all the time. With the regulation of energy, games were no longer allowed. It was funny to see kids outdoors more, playing on scooters. Rocking horses made a comeback. Legos were now king of all toys, along with Barbies for little girls. Some advocates for the vampires used to hail them for restoring humans to more realistic living. How the fuck was being enslaved in a walled city more realistic? How was giving blood to them monthly for them more rustic?

  Back to the task at hand. There was the virus. It inserted random code into most programs like the infamous rick-roll. It would freeze the computer. Easy way to crash a system. But what were they after? She couldn't tell what the target was, though the code was simple enough.

  Isabelle's fingers had paused in their scrolling.

  Rebs smacked her fingers with a ruler. “Work.”

  She shook her head and got back down to business.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Time passed quickly. Before Isabelle knew it, the sun had set. She and Rebs scarfed down some burritos at lunch, and she continued her rigorous hunt for the virus. Rebs was making IDs for them to get into town. Apparently, a disguise was in order for her. She was one of the crew now. A smile flitted across her face as she brushed a lock of her dark hair off her forehead. Stretching, she leaned back. Damn computer. A day in a chair took its toll on anyone.

  She stood up. “I’m going to stretch.”

  Rebs didn’t even look up from his screen and waved her away.

  She walked onto the bridge. Alex leaned over, looking at something in the water, but turned quickly, whiplashing around when she walked onto the deck.

  A grin stretched across his face and he hadn't shaved, a five o'clock shadow still graced his jaw. That was just unfair to a girl. She did like stubble. Isa sighed as she wandered over to join him by the walls.

  Alex met her halfway. “Hey, sweets. Taking a break finally? We need to train, you know.”

  Groaning, Isabelle bumped against Alex. “I don't know if I can. I should, though. Might help work out these kinks. A few hours in a dark room and look at me, I’m like an old woman.” Her hands rubbed her lower back.

  Alex let his eyes wander from the top of her ebony hair down to linger at her breasts, her waist, her thighs and back up. A deliberate glance done to tease and entice. “I don't see an old woman. I see a beautiful young woman.” Her breath shuddered out and he stepped in closer. “So, ready to...train?” he asked and stepped back.

  “Now who is the tease?”

  Alex winked at her over his shoulder and then curled his finger at her. “Let’s train an hour or two then we can eat and rest.”

  As he walked in front of her, Isa made a diligent effort not to look at his ass, all wasted. She couldn't stop watching his smooth gait and stopped with an “eep” when he halted abruptly in front of her at the bottom of the steps leading back to his room. Isabelle let her eyes rise.

  Roke stood in the corridor outside Alex's room. He wore no shirt. Just skin and low-cut black leather pants. He leaned in the hallway, legs spread, one arm bracing him against the wall. The other hand held a sword, the edge bright with reflected candlelight. The pose, obviously what it was, showed off every inch of him, and Isa swayed from the magnificent view and looked away. Damn it. It really wasn't fair to a girl.

  Alex walked up to Roke. “What's up with the fuck me clothes and stance, Roke?”

  Roke grinned and pushed off from the wall, tone sexy. “Waiting for Isa to train.”

  Alex's shoulders tightened. “You said just the other day you wanted me to train her. Why the change of heart?”

  “My heart never changed.” Roke's gaze rested on Isa when she glanced up.

  Isa chimed in. “It was a good idea. Alex is human, like me. Safer this way.”

  Roke's hand clenched his sword, and his pose went from casual to rigid. He straightened off the wall. “Your safety is my priority and I’m better than he is,” he said bluntly. “I will train you.”

  Alex blocked Roke’s strut toward her. “I don't think so. Isa wants to train with me.”

  “Why don't we ask Isa?”

  “Yes, why don't we?” They circled each other.

  Isa rolled her eyes. “It's my choice, Roke, and I want Alex to teach me.”

  Alex gave a smug glance at Roke as he passed him on the way into the room. Roke moved to block Isabelle when she passed. “Isa.”

  His hips brushed hers, his chest right in front of her face. That oh-so-bite-able chest with its six pack abs and the vampire too afraid to be with her.

  Isabelle closed her eyes. “You made your choice, Roke. I made mine.”

  “I didn't make a choice, I quailed for a second.” He tipped her face up to his. “Look at me, please.”

  Isa glanced up. Her heart skipped a beat, but she couldn’t, it hurt too much. How easily he ran. It reminded her of Jack. It was too soon, it was too intense, too everything right now. “I need space, please. I need to think. Space away from you.”

  Roke touched his chest. “Ouch.”


  Roke refused to step aside. Isa glared up at him as he stiffened.

  Alex voice grated out of the room. “I'm being very serious when I tell you, you need to step aside, Roke.”

  Roke pivoted and confronted Alex “You going to make me? How are you going to do that? You're only human.”

  Alex slipped a gun out of his belt and held it flush to Roke's forehead. “Try me.”

  Whoa, too much. She needed to stop this now. Isa stepped between the two men. “You two need to kiss and get it over with. Seriously, the suspense is killing me.”

  Two sets of startled eyes, brown and green twisted to hers. She grinned at them, walked through the door, and shut it behind her and Alex, leaving Roke behind.

  Alex removed his shirt and mimicked Roke’s stance inside the room. His exaggerated hip thrust made her laugh out loud.

  “What?” He threw himself back into the wall dramatically. “You no like?”

  She blushed and raised a brow. “Are you offering?”

  His smile fell. “I'm getting damn tired of the conflict with Roke. He a friend, and he’s a useful ally. I need to know if you are... interested. I’m being quite blunt here. I would like to get to know you, see where this goes.” He gestured between them. “If you aren’t interested in the same, let me know now, sweets. I’m a grown-ass man, I can deal. But if you keep dangling me and Roke. Something bad will happen. So, which is it?”

  That was bl
unt. She thought he was flirting casually, but he had risked his life for hers several times, but so had Roke. She needed time from both guys. Isa blushed and crossed her arms. “I need time to get to know you better, but I do like you. You seem nice. Honestly, I’m not sure I can handle either of you.”

  The corner of his lips drifted up. “That is not an answer.”

  Her mind flashed to Roke smiling at her in his apartment. The feel of his arms when he held her and got her away from the docks, his fighting to save her. Then it flashed to his nuzzling her throat, fangs out, the disgust on his face afterward, his running away after promising not to. His subsequent coldness.

  Right now, she couldn't handle that on top of everything else. Alex was by far the smarter choice, and her heart grew heavy yet resolved. But still, she couldn’t. “I don’t know what I want.”

  A fist slammed against the door, making her jump. Roke outside clearly listening. She didn’t want to hurt either man. But Roke hurt her and she needed time.

  Alex smiled grimly at the door then walked toward her. “It is all right, sweets.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, placing her face on his chest. “Sorry.”

  “We don't have to do anything but get to know each other. I needed to clear the air. And I guess I wanted to make sure you knew I was serious.”

  “But why? You don’t know me.”

  “It wasn’t just Roke who watched you grow up. After your mom left, I was the one doing the message carrying. I saw you every day. I would watch the video feeds of you with Roke sometimes. So, I want to give you something else to think about.”

  The corner of his mouth kicked up. His head lowered to hers and then stopped. Breath feathered her lips. Holy crap, two kisses in one day. All she’d known was Jack.

  Alex’s lips touched hers and moved softly. She sighed into his mouth. His hand fisted in her hair and his mouth moved against hers angling deeper as he dug into her lips.

  Taste, lick, sigh. The world spun or at least she thought it did until she realized Alex had turned her and dipped her. Ha, the world was upside down. He straightened and bopped her on the nose.

  His breath sounded harsh. “Training, right? Let’s train before other things spring up.”

  She couldn't resist a peek down. Way too late for that.

  Alex swatted her on the ass once he saw the direction of her gaze. “Focus.” His finger swayed beneath her nose.

  “Got it. Focus.”

  “Okay. What do you know so far?

  “I know how to kick your butt.”

  He laughed and then proceeded to try to belt her in the face. She blocked and dodged right, punching at his kidney.

  With a twist, he got behind her and wrapped an arm around her throat, pulling her up.

  She bit his arm and he cursed. “Damn girl, I hope you are not going to bite at other times.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Really?”

  He danced back, shadowboxing. “Laps.”

  “Where. Here?”

  “Yep, run.”

  Over the next hour, she ran in circles, jumped rope, and boxed. Letting her anxiety go, she worked. Her muscles burned. Sweat beaded along her back, dripping between her breasts. It felt good to exercise. Her mind drifted as she punched.

  “You with me?” Alex stared at her intently.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Pretty damn focused. You've been exercising for over forty-five minutes without a break.”

  “I used to do two-three hours a day.”


  “Nothing else to do.”

  “What was life like with your husband?”

  “Lonely.” She jolted when she realized that was how Roke described his life as a vampire.

  Damn it. No more thinking about Roke.

  Alex had been swinging a blade in a set of serialized movement but stopped at that. He slammed the blade into the wall, walked up and hugged her without preamble. “You’re not alone anymore.”

  She pushed off. “You may not want to hug me. I’m covered in sweat.”

  “Want me to wash it off?”

  She blinked. “No?”

  Alex continued. “Can I watch?”

  She laughed and shooed him out the door. “No.”

  Isa pulled up her hair and twirled it into a knot that she secured with a hair band around her wrist as Alex retrieved and wet a washcloth from the basin in the corner.

  “Sure you don’t need help with your back?”His expression was hopeful.

  “No. I am good. Thank you, Alex.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Around noon, the ship crossed from Ohio into Kentucky. Raiders attempted a takeover soon afterward. Floating on the river, the raiders were easily repelled. The problem was the locks. They left them vulnerable. There had been consistent attacks every stop so far. Multiple injuries. Alex had to dock to pick up more crew which slowed them down even more, three days became four. Ammunition was low, but they were only a few hundred miles away. Training continued day in and day out. The more attacks, the more determined Alex became in Isa’s training.

  So far, Isabelle had learned her stance, blocks, kicks, and attacks. She could defend most basic attacks. Her strength gradually increased and her endurance was phenomenal.

  All the training gave her time with Alex. She learned his smiles and his laughs. He was so damned sweet. Plus, he was on this mission to find his sisters. They’d been lost when he was on a run. Someone attacked their home. Isa would help him find them one day.

  Surprisingly, Roke gave her the space she requested. She didn’t know if that made her happy or pissed off, or both. Well, she did know. It pissed her off and hurt, damn it. She didn’t know what she wanted, but his radio silence, even though she requested it, wasn’t it.

  When she wasn't training, she coded. She was determined to show Reb she could contribute. He called her Face, like the guy from the A-team, not that she ever saw the show. Her mother liked it. It made her squirm every time he called her that. He meant it as a compliment, hopefully.

  Alex wanted to see how well she could shoot, but with the increased number of raids, ammunition was at a premium and everyone saved their casings. It wasn't feasible to practice now. They needed to make it to Louisville and supplies. No one had anticipated the amount of resistance they had so far received. How did the clans know Isa was on the move? Her mother was the target, but they had no qualms in taking Isa out in the crossfire.

  She stood gripping the railing thinking about her mother when Alex approached.

  “Hey, sweetness,” he drawled.

  Isa gave him a small smile and leaned into his side. “How goes piracy?”

  “It goes. We’ll be in Louisville soon.” He rested his head on top of hers.

  So quick. She stiffened then nodded. “Soon. Should I expect anything?”

  “There will be scans and exams before we get too far into the city. You were in Pittsburgh with the Romerans for years and while the route to Louisville is not exactly a secret, the location of their base is. If they marked you, we need to find the tags and use them to throw them off. The raids have increased. They seemed to know where we’re going and that is unusual.”

  “Okay.” She tightened her hands on the rails. That last exam hurt.

  “It’s for everyone's safety.” His fingers grazed her chin and forced her head up. Warmth spread through her at the look in his eyes. He focused on her and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He bent toward her, lips hovering.

  She stood still. Her skin tingled, and she waited. But it was Roke’s eyes she saw in her dreams. She turned her head at the last minute. Alex leaned his head against hers.

  A shudder wracked the ship. Alex swore in an undertone. “We can’t withstand many more raids. There has been too much damage, too much loss. We are low on ammo. We need to get to Louisville soon.”

  Thank goodness, they arrived in Louisville the next day. No raids during the day or night. They hit the docks late morni

  The docks resembled the harbors at home. The bracing, briny smell of fish wafted in the air. Sunlight pounded them, a faint haze hung in the sky. No breeze to speak of. When they disembarked, Alex stuck close. Roke stood on her other side, sword out. In fact, this was the first time she had seen Roke in two days. His cheekbones stuck out, he appeared pale. She wanted to ask how he was but was too afraid. She had put this separation here. She would give anything to know what he was thinking. A sigh slipped out.

  Alex cocked his head at her.

  “It's nothing,” she said. Nerves twisted in her stomach, and she found herself biting her nails. An old habit she thought she gotten rid of long ago. One resurrected mom and look what happened.

  The guys led Isa to another boat. Exams began. Just like in the city, she gave blood and urine samples. Her DNA was tested and she had an internal exam. X-rays were taken of pretty much every part of her. As she waited for her results and clearance for them all to proceed, she inspected the room. A small camera blinked in the corner and she found herself looking up into it. She imagined her mom on the other side watching and her stomach twisted again, more violently. Her hand drifted across her stomach. The pelvic exam was less painful than she expected.

  A human technician came in a few minutes later with an ultrasound machine. This was new. “What's going on?”

  “Please, get on the table. This will only take a second.”

  Alarm filled her. “Why?”

  “Get on the table, please,” the technician repeated.

  Ha, ha, like that would scare her. She was done taking orders without explanation. “Not until you tell me why.”

  The technician’s gaze moved to the camera. “They saw something on x-rays. “

  “What?” Her stomach fell. What the fuck did that mean?

  “Please, lay back. We need to see what the vampires did.”

  Isabelle got up on the table and laid down. When the guy asked her to scoot down and brought out stirrups, her eyes closed tight. Jesus. What did the vampires do to her? Tears burned in her eyes and her hands clenched the table.


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