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Blood Will Tell: The Blood is the Key (The Blood series Book 1)

Page 16

by Colleen S. Myers

  “I was. I’m not now. I’m not like any other vampire. Why can I hear thoughts?”

  Rosa sat back, stunned.

  Alex leaned forward. “What?”

  “When I woke up, I could hear Roke's and Theon's thoughts.”

  She looked at her mother and echoed her thoughts. Could this be true? Did it work?

  Rosa plunked down again on the bed. “It worked. That crazy bastard made it work. No wonder they want you.”

  “Dad, you mean?”

  “Yes, your father. He strengthened the marker at the council’s request, but he also had me mutate the virus. They might not know both were involved. We only trialed it on a few subjects. The soldiers were already too far gone. Emotionless. To give them further power would be devastating. They must not have realized it took both. He must have hidden the process before his death. But why are they suspicious now? Why are they after you?”

  “I was making plans to leave when they came after me in the city. Roke said they found out you were alive and were going to use me against you. Could that be why?”

  “I doubt it. They had already tagged you earlier in the day, and Jack was leading you to a trap. Given who you state was his lover at the end, he couldn't have been unaware it was a trap. He was delivering you to them. While at first, his intentions were to protect, he got overwhelmed by the bite.”

  “I don’t want to talk about Jack. Yes, they were going to take me, but why are they still after me? Why did they send Theon?”

  “I would have no idea. He shouldn’t have been changed like you. I’m not sure what is going on there now. Roke might know given how close he was with Serafina.”

  Say what?

  Rosa tucked Isa’s blankets around her. “Anyway, baby. Just wanted to check in. I’ll see you tomorrow and leave you alone now.”

  “Mom, wait.”

  Rosa stopped and looked back. “Yes?”

  “I get to see the files, right?”

  She nodded, slid a glance at Alex and smiled sadly like she knew Isa’s thoughts now.

  Isa flushed as Alex took her spot by the bed.

  “Sweets. Can you hear my thoughts right now?”

  No buzzing. “No.”

  His eyes heated. “Well, I was thinking that we need to spend more time together.”

  Isa flushed even hotter. “Alex. I’m not sure of my control.”

  “Control, smotrol. It doesn't matter.”

  She reeled back. “Well, yeah it matters. I could lose control and turn you. I could hurt you. I would never want to do that. Roke said it would be years before I'd be able to have sex with a human.”

  “Roke said that, did he?” Alex looked away, jaw tense. “What else did Roke say? What else did Roke help you through?”

  Shame washed through her. “You know what? He helped with the change. He held me when my body died then demanded blood. He gave me his.”

  “What else did he give you?”

  “What do you mean?” Isa couldn't meet his eyes.

  “Did you fuck?”

  Isa froze and kept her silence.

  “You did, right? I can accept that. You were turning and had to have blood. They say the first time on turning is an overload of unstoppable sensation. I bet you Roke was happy to help,” Alex said bitterly.

  “He saved my life, Alex. Without him I wouldn't be here.”

  Alex sighed. “I know that. I just wish he wasn't so eager to fuck you as a means of helping you. He agreed to take a step back. He could have respected that.”

  “I don't think his refusal would have stopped me, not right after I turned.”

  “Did he even try to refuse?”

  “He did, he gave me options. He didn’t have to help me through the change. He told me he would find some other way.” She leaned forward and put her hand on Alex’s cheek. “I asked him to help me. I wanted him to help me.”

  “He has been waiting in the wings for this. For something so he could move in. I can accept that you were with him. I won’t accept anymore. But during the turning it was unavoidable. From now on, if you need blood, you come to me. I take care of your needs. Do you understand?”

  “I can’t. I must bite. I must bite and that would exchange the virus. Do you have the marker?”

  “Yes, I do, Isa. I will be fine. We’ll work it out. Maybe I can restrain you.” He winked at this. “That would be fun.”

  “I don't know if that will work. And if I can’t feed from you, I will feed from someone else, and I’m not sure I can separate feeding from sex. I'm not sure of anything. Until I get control, it would be safest for you—”

  “Stop right there, Isa. You will not end this before it even really gets started. I don't give a fuck. Do you hear me? I want to take a risk on you. I want to take a risk on being together. Not just now but for always. We can do it. I know we can. Do you want to take that risk on me?”

  “Last thing I want to do is hurt anyone, especially you.”

  “Why especially me?”

  “You know why.”

  “Say it. I need to hear it. You have no idea how much I need to hear it.”


  “Because you fucking slept with Roke.”

  “You said it didn't bother you. That you understood.”

  “Understanding does not mean accepting or liking. I’m not that pragmatic. Of course, it pisses me off. I don't want anyone else's hands on you. So tell me?”

  “I’m not sure it is the safest time for us to be together.”

  “You’re not sure or Roke's not sure? Are these your words or his?”

  “Give me time to figure out what is going on will you. Jeez. I died. Did you know that? I died, I’m still dealing with that. And I didn't have a choice. Theon changed me after bleeding me. I would have permanently died without the virus.”

  “What do you mean Theon changed you? Did you have sex with him, too?”

  Isabelle recoiled like she'd been slapped. “No, of course not. Just Roke. Theon is, or was, a friend, I guess.

  “Do you care about me?”

  She flopped back. “Why are you asking me that? Isn't it too soon? Is this the right time?”

  “Answer the question.”

  “Of course I care about you.”

  “Well, I don't just care about you, I’m in love with you, Isabelle Mendes. From the day you walked onto my ship all coltish and shy. I wanted you. I want you now. I want you forever. So, you need to decide what you want, once and for all. No dangling anyone.”

  “I’m not dangling anyone. I just got made into a vampire. Give a girl time to think. Please, understand. I don't know how this will affect me. I don't know how this will affect us. Don't rush me into something that could ultimately hurt both of us. Please, don't.”

  “I won’t be the third wheel.”

  “I never said you would be. I said give me time.”

  “While time is now on your side. It is not on mine. I need an answer.”

  “I don't have one for you.”

  And that was his answer.

  Alex shook his head and walked out.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Roke came into the room thirty minutes later dressed in his guard-like threads, all snazzy. Made her want to untuck his shirt. Her shoulders relaxed though she hadn’t realized they were tense.

  “Hi,” he said.

  “Hi.” Tears threatened and she didn’t know why.



  Roke climbed onto the bed and offered his neck. “Feed, baby.”

  As soon as her lips touched his neck, she was lost. The sensation, the feeling. A red haze covered her eyes and when she became aware again, Roke’s cock was deep inside her, relaxing and sliding out.

  He trailed his lips down her neck. His hands eased up her back and teased the curls under her hair.

  “You’re upset. Why?”

  “Argument with Alex. He wanted to keep seeing me.” Roke jerked a little next to her and then
licked her neck. Her chest tightened. “I told him no.”

  Roke closed his eyes and moved to lean his forehead against hers. “It is for the best, you know. He is human.” And you are mine.

  “You’re right.” It still made her sad. But then Roke kissed her, and she forgot everything in her hunger.

  She was released from the infirmary the next day. As she walked back to her room, she contemplated going to her mom's room and grabbing the disks but opted against it. Due to the change, she’d had been moved to the vampire wing, which meant she was in between her mother and Roke. Theon was still in lock up. He refused to talk to anyone but her, and she wasn't up to talking. Not yet. She hadn't slept well the night before. Nightmares. A few hours’ nap sounded good.

  When she got to the room, the biggest cheesiest gaudiest display of flowers met her eyes. The bouquet was so large it covered Alex's face but the legs underneath she would recognize anywhere.

  “Is there a line where jackasses can leave flowers then beg forgiveness? I need that line.”

  “Right here, Mr. Foster.”

  “Oh, she whipped out the last name. Now I know I’m in trouble.”

  She grinned. “What do you want, Alex? I thought we said all we needed to yesterday.”

  “I wanted to apologize for pushing you right after you got back and had been turned. It was insensitive of me.”

  She let her hair fall to cover her face. “Well, thank you.”

  She walked past him into her room. The walls were bare. Just a single bed filled the space with a nightstand and dresser. There as a lone closet and a doorway off to the bathroom on the side. No windows.

  Alex crowded in behind her. “Jeez even my room is bigger than this.”

  Isa shrugged and sat on the bed. Alex perched next to her, his arm going around her back and pulling her in tight to his side. “I'm sorry you got changed.”

  “I'm not. I would have died otherwise, and I wanted to live. As I was lying there, I knew I wanted to live. I don’t think I realized that before.”

  “I'm glad you didn't die. Don't get me wrong. Your change just complicates things.”

  She nodded.

  Shouts filtered to her, Roke’s voice. “Isa!”

  Alex swore. “He has shit timing.”


  Roke rushed in then stopped at the sight of Alex. He shook his head then turned to Isa. “Your mom’s been taken.”

  Isa jumped up. “What?” Her heat thumped hard once then raced.

  “She was out on patrol. They took Rosa and the research you gathered. Plus, Theon is gone. You said you could talk to him. We need to know where they are and if they are together, if we’re to get Rosa back, and figure out what the fuck is going on.”

  “Okay, okay, give me a second. I think he did most of it last time. I haven't really gotten to explore my…” She waved her fingers at her head. “This yet. “

  She sat. Alex curled up to her side. Roke loomed in the middle of the room. She closed her eyes.


  Nothing. “I think I need to be close or something. I don't know, I haven't done anything with it. Where were they holding him? Maybe something he was near will help. I just don't know.” She'd just found her mother again only to lose her? It wasn't fair. Where was she? Why wouldn't the vampires give up? In the scheme of things, she was small fish to them. What did they want with her?

  Roke escorted her to the labs. Alex accompanied them. When she stepped into Theon's cell, compassion filled her. Just a cot and a bucket. Her own room had only a little more amenities. Blood stained the floor near the bed.

  “Did Theon fight?”

  “I don't know.”

  “There's blood but not a lot. He is a good fighter. I would expect a mess if they were fighting.” She leaned over and touched the ground near the blood, slid her fingers through the puddle. Still warm.


  This time he answered. There you are, Isa.

  Where are you?

  Airport. Better hurry before we take off.

  On the way.

  That's peachy.


  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The car ride was tense to say the least. Alex made it a point to hug Isa, and when he did Roke's hands strangled the steering wheel, but they didn’t fight.

  At the airport, they clambered out and took off for the runway on foot.

  Serafina, the current leader of the Romeran Clan, stood on the tarmac by a fueled up Lear jet. Her curly black hair streamed in the wake from the propellers. She wore her signature look, dark ruffled skirt and white peasant blouse. A personal guard stood behind her. He had one hand on her waist and the other hand on a short sword. A hat blocked Isa’s view of his face. Serafina smiled back at him then smirked over at Isa as they approached.

  “Hello, Isabelle.” Her voice was heavily accented and rough. Romanian? It would explain the gypsy get up.

  “I’m here for my mother.”

  “Yes. I know, dear. I know a lot more than you think. And look. Roke. My favorite.” Her eyes flashed as she placed emphasis on her last words.

  Roke moved to stand in front of Isa and Alex. “Serafina.”

  “Have you slept with her yet? Your precious Isa?”

  Isa's eyebrows winged up and she glanced down at the ground. Roke had a much closer relationship with Serafina than she thought from the sound of it. Her stomach churned, and she felt her jaw tighten as her fangs threatened to drop.

  Roke laughed softly. “Jealous as usual I see, Fina.”

  “Not jealous. There is nothing that she has had that I didn’t have, including her husband. How about that?”

  Wait, what? “Jack?” Not that surprising really. He was a banger.

  “Yes, Jack.” Serafin waved her hand to her companion. The vampire next to her swept off his hat.

  Jack's blue eyes stared at Isabelle, gloating. “Hi, Isa.”

  Isa’s head swam. “But, but you’re dead. I saw you dead.” She moved forward and exchanged glances with Roke. “He was dead right?”

  “Bitten and changed, my love. Not dead. You didn’t check for a pulse, did you?” He smirked. “I knew you wouldn't. Too timid to get your hands dirty.” All the favorable thoughts she had since her mother told her he protected her went up in flames. Bastard. She wished he were dead still.

  Her world rocked on its axis and as it settled, rage filled its place. Alive this whole time. Setting her up. Betraying her. Isa's jaw clenched.

  Roke put his arm around her and held her back. “Enough with the games. What has this all been about? You set us up in the city to take the fall for Mara’s murder. That I know. Why are you still after us? It would be better for you if we were never found. If no questions were asked about how one sole vampire and a human could kill so many. Better to let us go. So why are you here? Why did you go after Rosa?”

  “But Roke, I can’t let my beloved sister’s killer get away. The plan was to have something to hold over Rosa's head and get her back. Plus, Isa, here, was one of the rejects. She was never to be turned. When we heard, we just had to come see for ourselves. Who turned her?” She was not a reject.


  “Theon?” Her eyes narrowed. “Are you sure? He is the one who called us with such interesting news. We had just about given up on finding you when, he rang.”


  No, he wouldn’t do this. He wouldn’t. Who was she kidding? Her shoulders drooped. She would have fallen if Roke hadn’t held onto her. Alex came up on her other side and put his hand on her shoulder in support.

  Theon walked up from behind them toward the plan. Jack moved to block his path. Theon laughed and shoved him away before taking a position between the vampires and Isa’s group.

  “Serafina, I told you she was changed. Not how it happened.”

  She raised a brow. “You also told us how to get Rosa. A lot of people died.”

  Oh God, she was right. How many people died to get
my mother? She still didn’t know where they put her. Her hands clenched.

  Why, Theon?

  Serafin watched Theon like a microbe under the scope. “Why am I here?”

  “To die,” he said before he glanced Isa’s way. Trust me.

  He threw out his arm once, Serafina’s head popped off. Her hair rustled in the air and the head bounced across the runway. Roke’s face slackened as the head came to a rest at his boot.

  Well, shit.

  Isabelle gaped at Theon who smiled oh so innocently.

  A primal cry ripped out of Jack, but his head joined Serafin’s on the ground a minute later. None of the guards were close enough to help.

  Isabelle couldn't look away from the bodies. Serafina, whoever she was and Jack, her Jack. Dead. Again. God, she hoped he didn’t come back this time.

  How did she feel about this? Her hands shook and her head buzzed.

  Theon wiped his sword off with a handkerchief from his pocket. “Are you okay, Isa?”

  “Processing.” She peeked at Roke. “I feel like I need to check Jack’s pulse still.”

  Roke stepped in front of her. “Why?”

  “Serafina was the one who oversaw all the research. Everything ever done to either of us had her hands in it. She deserved to die.”

  “You set us up this whole time. The killing of Mara. Jack’s supposed death. Padraig? Serafina. This leaves you a clear channel to gain power. This was all about power. Not about us?” Roke asked.

  “Yes, power, but also, friends. Isa is my one true friend.”

  That didn’t make Isa feel better. “Why did you turn me?”

  “So you could live. They were coming to kill you. Why do you think they never moved on you prior to now? I knew your mother was alive. I hid it to protect you. I killed them to protect you. I killed Jack for you too, Isa. He really was a prick, you know.”

  Isa was too numb to reply. Alex took position between Theon and Isabelle.

  Theon glared at Isabelle. “What, no thank you? I just did you a favor. Several favors. What have you ever done for me?” His eyes flashed and a memory stirred.

  This Theon she knew. She saw him at six years old. He’d just lost his front teeth and couldn’t have been less threatening with his soft curls and gap-toothed smile. He was older than her but they did everything together. Legos, they built villages and towns and told stories. And only she could take his pain away after they hurt him. She would help him step away from the pain. He needed her and she forgot him.


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