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Young Titan

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by Michael Shelden

  21. Mackay, Fisher of Kilverstone, 498.

  22. Williams, Defending the Empire, 232.

  23. Gilbert, David Lloyd George, 2:192 and 197; Koss, Asquith, 195.

  24. Bonham Carter, Champion Redoubtable, 53.

  25. Quotation in Morning Post taken from “Assails Churchill as Public Danger,” NYT, April 27, 1915; “German Gibes at Churchill,” NYT, Nov. 14, 1915.

  26. Lloyd George, War Memoirs, 1:139.

  27. Soames, Clementine Churchill, 161; Ashmead-Bartlett, The Uncensored Dardanelles, 121.

  28. Leslie, Lady Randolph Churchill, 356 and 358; Coombs, Sir Winston Churchill, 107.

  29. Soames, Clementine Churchill, 162.

  30. Coombs, Sir Winston Churchill, 115.

  31. Longford, A Pilgrimage of Passion, 409.

  32. WSC to H. H. Asquith, Nov. 11, 1915, and Muriel Wilson to WSC, Nov. 16, 1915, CV 3:2, 1249 and 1274.

  33. Leslie, Lady Randolph Churchill, 362.

  34. Winston and Clementine, 111.


  1. Marcosson, Adventures in Interviewing, 154.



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