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Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel

Page 21

by Edwards, Nicole

  Long seconds passed before they separated, both of them struggling to suck in oxygen. As though Travis was worried he would try to get away, his hand tightened in his hair, holding him as their foreheads pressed together.

  “You don’t know how bad I want you. How long I’ve wanted you.” Travis’ words penetrated the fog inside of his brain, but Gage still wasn’t sure what to make of them. He was beginning to want something from this man. And the more he was around Travis, the more he wanted.

  More than sex.

  The sex he could handle. There wasn’t anything that Gage shied away from and having been attracted to both men and women most of his life, he didn’t think twice about what he wanted from Travis when it came down to sexual gratification. It was the other things Gage was beginning to crave. Emotional attachments, tomorrows. The happily ever after shit that everyone else seemed to find but him. He wondered whether Travis would ever be able to give anyone those things.

  A sudden gasp had Gage breaking away from Travis as though they’d just been busted doing something illegal. They both turned to see Kylie standing in the doorway, her hand over her mouth as she stared back at them, her eyes wide as saucers.

  Before Gage could say anything, Kylie turned and ran up the back staircase to the second floor. He couldn’t do anything except stare after her. He tried to put himself in her shoes, to see what she had seen from her perspective, but it didn’t work. Gage had no idea how she interpreted the two of them together. If the look on her face was anything to go by, she didn’t see it with the same desire she’d portrayed when Gage had kissed Travis in the truck.

  Travis pushed away from the wall and turned to go upstairs, but Gage didn’t move. As Travis disappeared up the back stairs, Gage realized that the water upstairs had never come on, the old pipes weren’t rumbling and creaking.


  How long had Kylie been standing there?

  Chapter Twenty Three


  Taking the back stairs that led to the second floor, Kylie fled from what she’d just seen. Her mind was fast tracking through a multitude of emotions. Lust, excitement, and all of a sudden, a heart weary fear. They all flooded her as she tried to come to terms with what she just saw.

  The interaction between Travis and Gage was so powerful, she had a hard time understanding how there was room for her. Well, it didn’t take much to understand how it would physically work. But, that’s not the part she feared. Surprisingly, she could contribute her excitement to that aspect of it. But the connection between the two of them was something that seemed impenetrable from someone on the outside, and she wondered whether they even realized it.

  Travis wanted Gage.

  Gage wanted Travis.

  And if she were to rationalize the situation, she had a hard time figuring how she fit in with the passion that was so potent between them, she’d physically felt it as she stood in the doorway.

  By the time she made it back to the small bedroom that she had escaped to earlier, she was out of breath, but the shock still hadn’t worn off. Not only had she wanted to be a part of that, she had been turned on by what she saw. The way Travis trapped Gage against the wall, then vice versa… the influx of heat and passion was palpable in the still, humid air.

  She slipped into the small bathroom and closed the door behind her, but there wasn’t a lock. She knew one, if not both, of them would come after her – maybe not until they were finished – and she wasn’t sure she wanted to see either of them right then.

  She was just so confused. Like she was living in an alternate universe, and everything was not the way it was supposed to be. Shouldn’t she be jealous? Of at least one of them? Travis was her husband for chrissakes. And Gage… well, there for a while she’d dated him. Kind of. Now the three of them seemed to be involved in this decidedly strange triangle. And she was torn between the heat generating in her core when she watched them and understanding whether this was real or not. And if it was real, was her heart at risk once again?

  For the last few hours she’d ignored that particular organ, not wanting to accept how real this could be. Nonetheless, she couldn’t turn a blind eye to what she desperately yearned for no matter how damn horny they made her.

  Sliding down the wall, she sat on the floor, dropping her head in her hands and closing her eyes, but as soon as she did, the vision of Travis and Gage kissing assaulted her and heart be damned, her blood reheated. It was the hottest thing she’d ever seen.

  Still, she couldn’t wrap her mind around how this situation would even play out. It didn’t matter that she ached for both men, or that she knew given half a chance, they’d give her what she wanted – in the sexual sense at least. Kylie couldn’t help but feel there was something significant going on between the two of them. Something more than sex.

  It sounded like a bad case of lust, based on the words she’d heard, but watching them, and maybe they didn’t even realize it, she knew there was something else there. They were both strong, powerful men, yet when they were like that, it was as though those hard exteriors dissolved and what remained were two men who needed each other.

  So what was her problem? Well, aside from the fact that she wanted them to turn that intensity on her. Desperately. Was there room for her in this? Or was it one of those right place right time scenarios and these men, who were so interested in having a threesome as they refer to it, were including her because it was convenient.

  Ok, so she was overthinking this.

  “Damn it,” she whispered in the dimly lit bathroom, lifting her head to glance around.

  All sorts of erotic images danced through her head as she looked over at the shower. This was an old house, and the shower was small, barely large enough for two people, much less two gigantic men. But that didn’t stop her from fantasizing about what it would be like to have both of them naked in that shower.

  She was reading too much. Maybe she should try a different genre for a change. Romantic suspense or something like that. Hell, maybe a good murder mystery would do her some good because the fleeting thoughts of what it would feel like to be plastered against Travis’ body while Gage stood in front of her, doing all of those wicked things with his tongue…

  Holy shit.

  Taking a deep breath, Kylie contemplated getting up, but she couldn’t find the energy to move.

  What were they doing now? It was clear she’d interrupted a rather intimate moment between the two men. Were they still kissing? Oh, man. The thought sent a lightning streak of sensation straight to her clit.

  Scrubbing a hand over her face, Kylie tried to erase the thoughts. She needed to take a shower. A really cold one. Maybe that would clear some of the cobwebs from the logical part of her brain, and she’d stop thinking with her…

  A strangled chuckle escaped. Was she really sitting there thinking about sex? The idea amused her. Granted, she was downright intimate with her vibrator these days, but other than her battery operated boyfriend, Kylie was lacking anything promising in her life. At least when it came to sex. She’d been engulfed by a big fat dry spell.

  Until recently.

  And technically, this could be an end to that, couldn’t it? Maybe a few romps together, some nights spent rolling around in the sheets with two sexy cowboys… The idea had merit.

  “Get it together, Prescott. You don’t know what you’re asking for.” She said the words out loud, but it didn’t help. She could try to talk herself out of this for the next three hours, and it wouldn’t matter.

  It wouldn’t do a damn bit of good either.

  Kylie wanted what they’d started in the truck earlier. She even wanted what they’d started in the kitchen without her.

  And she wanted to be the filling in that sandwich, dammit.


  Travis moved with purpose. Somehow he managed to pull himself away from Gage and move up the stairs. He couldn’t help but wonder what the hell was going through Kylie’s mind. He had an idea. Or at
least he thought he did.

  Up until the moment in his truck when Kylie had ground her perfect hips, forcing her clit to rub against his straining cock until she came, or in Gage’s truck when Travis had pulled her shirt off, baring her beautiful body to both of them, he’d thought he knew what Kylie wanted from him which equaled a whole hell of a lot of nothing.

  He also thought he had pegged her years ago as being a one man woman. Literally. Now, he was questioning quite a bit of his logic. But there was one thing he was absolutely certain of, he was going to implode if they kept this up. These back and forth emotions were wearing on him, tearing at his resolve and Travis had a feeling he was going to crack.

  It took him a minute or two to maneuver through all of the empty rooms on the second floor before he found the one with the closed door. He didn’t hear any movement on the other side, but he knew that’s where Kylie was. It was the only room with a light on, and she was nowhere to be found.

  Tapping on the door with the tips of his fingers, Travis called out to her, “Kylie, come out here.”

  Barging in would’ve been his usual M.O. but Travis was feeling somewhat generous today. Ok, that was a bold faced lie. He didn’t want to barge in because the last thing he wanted to do was piss her off. Although he wasn’t sure that ordering her around was in his best interest either, but it was undoubtedly the lesser of two evils.

  Almost a minute passed before the door creaked open and Kylie stood before him, looking like an angel even with her disheveled hair and her wrinkled shirt. Or maybe because of her unkempt appearance, he wasn’t sure. She was so beautiful, it wouldn’t matter what she wore or how her hair looked. Travis would still be awed by the sight of her.

  Keeping his tone firm, he said, “Come here.”

  She paused only briefly before she stepped out of what appeared to be a bathroom and into the room he was in. He’d like to assume it was a bedroom, but since it was lacking a bed, to him it was just a room. With a floor. And a hot woman. Who was looking at him like…

  Without thinking, because she interrupted his thought processes when she was near, Travis reached for her. Much to his relief, she practically fell into his arms as he pulled her against him. He wasn’t sure whether she was angry, upset, or confused, but it didn’t matter as long as he could hold her in his arms.

  When she leaned back, he half expected her to lay into him for what she’d seen in the kitchen. What he didn’t expect was for her to push up on her toes and kiss him senseless. The insistent press of her lips against his got his blood pumping, and every drop headed right back to his dick where it had spent most of the day thanks to Kylie and Gage.

  He’d like to conclude by the way she was kissing him that she wasn’t mad. Then again, angry sex could be hot as hell…

  No. no angry sex. Just sex. Good old fashioned sex.

  Shit. He had to stop thinking with his dick. At least for five minutes. That would be five times longer than he’d ever managed before, but…

  When she looked back up at him, it was only to ask him where Gage was, but before Travis could answer, the man was walking through the door. His movements were tentative initially, but something in Kylie’s body language must’ve settled him because he was up against her in seconds.



  If he took the best feeling he’d ever had and multiplied it by a zillion, he still wouldn’t come up with what he was feeling right then.

  Kylie’s much smaller body was pressed between them both, Travis against her chest, Gage at her back and the sudden longing to take a minute, strip, and then start over again was rather intense.

  “Do you still want this?” Kylie surprised him with her question, but he answered her anyway.

  “I’ve always wanted this, baby.”

  “With me?”

  Why she sounded so uncertain he didn’t know. Maybe seeing him and Gage in the kitchen had given her the impression that there wasn’t room for her in this, but that was obviously not the case.

  Although he was still a little nervous about whether Kylie knew what she wanted, he was quite confident that, for the first time in his life, he’d found a man who wanted the same thing he did. And it just so turned out that they both wanted her.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more,” he whispered as he pressed his lips to hers. She was pliant in his arms, her soft curves molded to his body, making him yearn to get this moving along.

  In his defense, his dick had been playing inflate/deflate for the better part of the day. And the damn thing was tired.

  “I don’t know how this works,” she admitted, continuing to deliver small kisses against his mouth. “But I want to find out.”

  Hot damn!

  Travis looked over her head at Gage and waited for a signal. As much as he wanted this, he needed them to all be on the same page. A curt nod was all he received, but then there was a devilish smile that came right on its heels.

  “Let’s move this to the shower,” Kylie suggested.

  And the woman said she didn’t know how this worked.

  Chapter Twenty Four


  Kylie’s heart pounded against her ribs. Hmm, she was having a hard time breathing. The only difference between what was happening now and running a marathon was that she wasn’t sweating. Yet. And she was undeniably more hot than bothered by the idea of what they were about to do.

  There must’ve been some sort of trigger inside her head, activated anytime Travis used that stern, demanding tone of voice. She managed to get herself worked up from the graphic images in that cinematic area reserved just for those sort of memories, but she went from simmer to a rapid boil as soon as Travis told her to come out of the bathroom. He hadn’t requested it, he’d demanded it. She could add that to the long list of things she was quickly learning about herself since she’d been thrust back into Travis’ orbit.

  Although she logically tried to come up with a reason for her to be terrified of what this encounter might bring, she couldn’t bring herself to do it because she was so eager to be with Travis and Gage again that she continued to come up with enough ammunition to shoot every one of her doubts right out of the sky.

  And with the warmth of Travis at her front and Gage at her back, she suddenly felt that same feelings she’d felt before. Only this time, she felt it all at once. The security and safety these men made her feel – despite the fact that they’d both broken her heart at one point – wasn’t an easy thing to ignore.

  Nor did she want to.

  With her heart trembling, attempting to support her decision despite its hesitance, Kylie committed herself fully, understanding that there was no turning back. She prayed that the very naïve part of her wouldn’t be shattered into a million pieces all over again, but her hormones had chosen to take over, which meant she couldn’t even worry about anything else.

  When Gage’s mouth brushed against her ear, some of her nerve faltered, but the warmth of his breath encouraged her.

  What was she thinking about again?

  “I’m not sure there’s enough room in that bathroom for us to undress,” Gage murmured against her ear. “I think we should get started right here.”

  Eh, thinking was way overrated anyway.

  She was fully onboard with naked though. Naked was good.

  Kylie might question the logistics of how this would work – with twice as many arms and legs and… Yeah, well, twice as many everything – but she understood the concept. Foreign or not, it was like her body knew that it should be primed and ready to accept them both at the same time. And it was.

  Because they both seemed so reluctant – kind of like they were worried she was made of glass and would shatter if they moved too fast – Kylie took the initiative and slid her hands underneath Travis’ shirt, quickly pushing it up and forcing him to finish the job and pull it over his head.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she admitted, wanting to make sure they understood she needed their re
assurance even if she wanted this more than anything.

  The devilish smirk that tilted Travis’ delectable lips had Kylie’s girl parts dancing.

  Despite the smile on his face, Kylie could sense the tension in his body. Playfully, she smacked his chest. “Travis Walker, you know I’m not a virgin.”

  His sexy chuckle, combined with the feel of Gage’s lips against her ear, sent an army of butterflies spiraling around her tummy. Travis wouldn’t need to be reminded that she wasn’t a virgin because he just so happened to be the man who took her virginity all those years ago.

  “I need you to understand something,” Travis said suddenly serious, belying the tentative smile he gave her at her attempted humor.

  Kylie nodded, unable to form words as she waited for him to share whatever was on his mind.

  “I’ve always loved you. I don’t ever want you to think that it wasn’t enough. It’s just that…”

  She noticed the instant Gage took a step back, as though Travis’ words had sucker punched him. Kylie was unable to reassure him because she was holding her breath, the word “love” triggering her heart to do somersaults in her chest.

  “I didn’t want to hurt you then, and I don’t want to hurt you now. Whatever happens… between you and me or me and Gage, I need you to know…”

  What?!? Kylie wanted to scream the question, but she knew Travis couldn’t be rushed. She focused on remaining motionless, trying not to pull his head down so she could lose herself in his kiss, which would’ve been so much easier than being put back into the emotional blender.

  “I don’t think I can walk away again,” Travis whispered, and Kylie’s eyes filled with tears.

  The sincerity in his tone had her heart pounding harder.

  Then he looked up, over her head and said, “And no matter what you think about me, this isn’t casual.”

  There was a pause and then Gage’s body heat was once again toasty and reassuring against her back.


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