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Travis - An Alluring Indulgence Novel

Page 31

by Edwards, Nicole

  “I guess I should be going.” She didn’t give them a chance to say anything because she kept talking. “I’d like to start working on your house soon, and when you’re ready, I’ve found a hotel about twenty minutes from here that’s nice and –”

  “You’re not staying in a hotel,” Gage declared, his face changing from light hearted to serious in an instant. “You can stay here with me, even if you just want to stay in one of the extra bedrooms. Or you can stay with Travis.”

  Kylie stared back at him, building her argument in her mind, but before she could say anything, Travis moved in on her. “I don’t want you in a hotel,” he said softly. “I agree with Gage. You stay here with him, or you stay with me. Or better yet, we’ll alternate.”

  Travis slid his arms around her back, and Kylie thought he was going to pull her in for a hug. He’d been a little subdued and gentle in his approach to both of them for the last hour, so when he didn’t, she was surprised.

  And instantly turned on.

  No, Travis didn’t wrap his arms around her and pull her close; instead he slid his hands beneath the hem of her shorts. Warm hands cupped her bare butt. Her thong offered absolutely no protection from the sensual abrasion, and she decided right then to throw out all other panties as soon as possible.

  “But for now, I’m not interested in talking about your sleeping arrangements because I have no intention of sleeping.”

  Travis’ mouth came down on hers, his lips soft, yet insistent and her hunger intensified. And then he pulled back, his hands disappeared from her backside and he excused himself, walking right out of the kitchen and then the back door.

  Kylie looked at Gage, and he returned her confusion. What just happened?

  “Oh,” Travis’ voice came from the small utility room, “feel free to be naked by the time I get back.”

  She laughed, and Gage cracked a panty melting smile.

  Now that was the Travis she knew.


  Tender and sweet had its merits, but Travis had exhausted all that he had in him for the day. Hell, maybe for the week. He vaulted down the back porch stairs and jogged over to his truck. He’d packed a bag at his house because he hadn’t known where this night would lead and right now, he was making the decision for the three of them.

  He wasn’t going to let Kylie drive back to Killeen by herself, and he was too damn tired to drive her there himself. And Gage clearly didn’t need to be alone, so they’d be staying together. If he had his way, this would be the first of many to come too.

  Technically, it would have started last night at Kylie’s house. Travis smiled. Damn, he’d been doing that a lot lately. He was sure he’d be getting a rash of shit from his brothers sometime in the near future.

  By the time he got back inside the house, the downstairs was dark, which meant only one thing. He heard Kylie’s sexy giggle coming from upstairs and he took the back stairs up to the second floor. All of the rooms on that floor were dark as well. Except for one.

  When he walked in, Travis found Kylie flat on her back, Gage hovering above her, their mouths fused together and once again, Travis found himself the voyeur, his body hardening.

  “We were waiting for you,” Kylie laughed, pushing at Gage’s chest as though she were actually trying to push him away.

  “Don’t hold off for my benefit,” he told them, sitting his gym bag on the floor by the nightstand. “I don’t mind catching up.”

  Gage smiled up at him, the dark clouds that had been looming in his eyes earlier were gone. The hard lines around his mouth from his worry had softened. He was so fucking handsome, Travis was tempted to stand there and stare at him for a while.

  Except he’d done enough of that last night. And this morning. There wouldn’t be any hiccups tonight. He knew exactly what he wanted, knew Kylie and Gage were both down with the idea, and he was more than ready to get his hands on them. Last night had been the introduction, and tonight was all about exploration. The connection was made, the only thing left to do was to escape from reality and get lost in one another.

  The three of them seemed to do that last part well, and Travis was ready to get started.

  “What are you doing?” Kylie questioned as she leaned up on one elbow, peering over the side of the bed to the floor where Travis was digging through his bag.

  “I came prepared.” His hand disappeared inside and then reappeared with a full box of condoms and a tube of lubrication.

  “Well, if that’s what we’re doing, then hold on,” Gage said as he jumped from the bed, padding over to the dresser in bare feet as Travis tracked him across the room. He pulled the same hide-and-seek inside his bag and pulled out…

  “Holy shit,” Travis exclaimed.

  “My thoughts exactly.” Gage turned to Kylie with a mischievous grin on his face.

  “Is that…?” she asked.

  “It is.”

  “Oh, Lord,” she said with a giggle, her head falling back on the pillow.

  “Where’d you get that?” Travis asked, pushing to his feet and placing the condoms and the lube on the bedside table closest to him.

  “Same place I got these,” Gage replied, digging in the bag once more.

  When he pulled out a set of lightweight restraints, Travis nearly fell over. Having never fainted once in his entire life, he was wondering whether he might now. Staring at the toys Gage had brought, his excitement reached astronomical levels.

  “Which was where?” Travis repeated.

  “Kylie’s nightstand. Seems our girl has a very kinky side. And I snuck them out when she wasn’t looking. Not an easy task, let me tell you.”

  Travis’ head jerked toward her, waiting for an explanation although he didn’t necessarily need one. His jeans were too tight as it was, anything that came out of her mouth at this point would put him close to strangulation in the confining denim.

  “Wait!” Kylie laughed, pushing up to a sitting position. “In my defense, the restraints were one of those free gifts you get when you place a big order.”

  “I don’t give a shit how much they cost,” Gage said with a devious gleam in his eye as he stalked toward the bed like a panther on the prowl. “I’m going to test them out to ensure they were worth the money.”

  “They were free,” she laughed.

  “Like I said… Irrelevant.”

  “Well then what are you waiting for?”

  Travis’ head felt like it was being held on by a rubber band, he jerked back to look at Kylie who’d just issued the most intriguing dare he’d ever heard.

  Well, fuck.

  No one needed to tell him twice. In less than a minute, Travis was naked and crawling on the bed with Kylie who was laughing still, rolling around and pretending to try and get away from him.

  He stilled her, his body coming down atop hers as he clasped their hands together and pressed hers into the mattress above her head, effectively holding her down. “Damn, baby.” They were the only words that got out before she leaned up, meeting his mouth half way and Travis came undone.

  Crushing his mouth down on hers, he pressed his body into hers, letting his cock slide between her bare thighs. She was still dressed, which he vowed to rectify in just a minute, but for now he wanted to taste her sweetness. She was kissing him like she didn’t have a care in the world, and he wasn’t ready to relinquish her mouth at this point.

  Travis heard Gage as he moved around the room. He could only assume he was putting those restraints in place, and the idea of Kylie tied to the bed ratcheted up his hunger another notch. Delving into her mouth, they explored one another as though they were making up for the years they’d lost along the way.

  Travis fully intended to make up for lost time for as long as she would let him. At this point, he was thinking forever sounded pretty damn good to him, although that might just freak her out a little. Hell, it should have freaked him out.

  It didn’t.

  His head spun from the lust this woman induced, a
nd he closed his eyes. Shit, she was like a drug. One he’d become addicted to and after ten years of rehab, he found he still couldn’t deny the need.

  Kylie broke the kiss and Travis pulled back a little, a surge of adrenaline flooding his bloodstream when he saw Gage taking one of her hands and easily maneuvering the novelty restraints around her wrist. She wasn’t pulling away. Quite the contrary, actually. There was a brilliant sparkle in her baby blue eyes.

  “Wait,” he told them, and they both abruptly turned to stare at him like he’d lost his mind.

  He could assure them that he had. No doubt about it.

  Only he had a reason for stopping them now, and it had nothing to do with the crazy thoughts running through his head. “I need to get her naked first.”

  See, no craziness in that.

  Almost as quickly as he’d removed his own clothes, Travis had Kylie stripped bare, and he stared down at her, probably as shell shocked as Gage.

  “When the hell did you have time to do that?” Travis blurted.

  Kylie giggled again. “I told you I had an errand to run.”

  Yeah, well. She could run her errands anytime she wanted to if she came back to him like that. Travis caressed the smooth, bare skin between her thighs as though he’d never seen anything quite as beautiful before. At some point during the day, Kylie had gotten waxed. Bare.

  “Fuck,” Gage breathed.


  Kylie’s head reared back on the pillow as he continued to trail his finger over her bare skin. “Don’t stop. Oh my God. It feels so good.”

  Travis grinned.

  She didn’t need to worry. He had absolutely no intentions of stopping.


  Chapter Thirty Six


  Yes, Kylie had heard that being bare down there would cause heightened sensitivity, but she never imagined it would be like this. Travis was merely grazing the tip of his finger over the freshly waxed skin, and she was about ready to lose it. Then again, maybe it was a combination of Travis touching her and the sensitivity. She had no idea, but didn’t want it to stop, whatever the reason.

  “Do you like that?” Travis asked as Gage reached for her wrist again.

  Focusing on anything other than the gentle caress between her thighs was nearly impossible. Being restrained should’ve been enough to catch her attention, but when Gage had pulled out those restraints from his bag, the only thing she could think was “Yes, please.” Kylie had never been tied down before. Ok, she’d never done much of anything before, so this was a learning experience for her, and she was an eager student, more than ready to learn.

  Before he reached for her leg, she moved it over toward the post at the bottom of the bed, making sure he knew she was a willing participant.

  “Do you, Kylie? Do you like how this feels?” Travis repeated his question and Kylie opened her eyes to look at him.

  “Yes. God, yes.” That was an understatement. The gentle rasp of his finger over her flesh was igniting a firestorm in her belly.

  “Good,” he mumbled. “Then let’s see how this feels.”

  The bed shifted, and Travis was moving down between her thighs. Gage moved on to her other leg which spread her wide. Now she alternated between watching Gage secure her and Travis using his fingers to separate the swollen, wet folds of her sex.

  It was wildly erotic.

  The overhead light wasn’t on, but they were bathed in a soft buttery glow from the lamps on the nightstand which somehow made this seem much more romantic than she thought it would. Not that she was looking for romance tonight. They’d had their fair share of touchy feely last night, and tonight… Tonight Kylie wanted to explode. If she stood half a chance of clearing those shadows from Gage’s beautiful brown eyes, this would be how to make it happen.

  “Shit,” she cursed, throwing her head back and closing her eyes as Travis’ warm breath blew over her naked sex. He wasn’t in a hurry. She was trying not to be either, but it was damn hard considering how close she was to rapture already.

  And they’d done little more than touch her at this point.

  Then again, ever since she’d received Travis’ call early in the day and listened to the sweet surprise he was working on for Gage, she’d been primed and ready to go. Not only was she turned on by the intensity she saw in their eyes when they looked at her, but Kylie found their undeniable vulnerability worked for her also.

  Not that either of them would admit to being vulnerable, but she saw it.

  The tip of Travis’ warm tongue glided through her slick folds, the cool air from the air conditioner contrasting with the heat from his breath and forming goose bumps on her skin. Her nipples were diamond hard, begging for attention. Opening her eyes, Kylie found Gage standing beside the bed, lowering his jeans to his knees as he watched Travis perched between her thighs.

  Never would she have thought that to be sexy, but watching Gage watching her set off another shower of sparks in her core.

  “Mmm,” Travis moaned against her skin and she tried to close her legs to ease the sensation that was taking over her entire body, but she was unable to move more than an inch.

  Her eyes were locked between her legs, and she didn’t look away until she noticed Gage’s huge, naked body standing at the foot of the bed by Travis. His hand swept over Travis’ back, getting his attention and the exquisite torture ceased momentarily.

  “Move over,” Gage instructed and Travis got to his feet beside him, and then they both resumed positions between her thighs. There was some adjustments that had to be made because they didn’t fit side by side, so they twisted and turned until they were face to face mere inches from her sex.

  “I –” Yeah, Kylie had no idea what the hell she was going to say and now it didn’t matter because she couldn’t feel her tongue or remember her where she lived.

  She could feel rough fingers on her flesh, holding her open and then… And then…

  “Oh God!” she screamed. Her muscles locked as her insides erupted in violent tingles, the feel of two tongues against hypersensitive skin was more than she could take. She was trembling violently, her body taking on a life of its own and she could do nothing more than watch as they took her to heights she never even knew existed.

  Gage’s head came up, their eyes meeting as she stared down her own body, totally immobile and unable to get away from the sensual torture that didn’t stop even when she came.

  “That’s it, baby,” Gage crooned. “It’s all about you tonight.”

  Crap. Kylie wasn’t sure she could handle the intensity of both of them focused on her. But they seemed intent on driving her right out of her mind with pleasure.

  As they continued to tease her with their tongues, one relentlessly circling her clit while the other drove into her pussy, she was tempted to figure out how they were managing. Thinking was impossible because her brain cells had been annihilated by the pleasure. That didn’t keep her from watching, the only time she stopped was when her head became too heavy to hold up.

  The second they stopped, her muscles unlocked, and she dropped deeper into the mattress, enjoying the reprieve that she knew wouldn’t last long.

  Movement occurred. Positions changed. And then Kylie was once again thrust into a maelstrom of heavenly sensation as hands and mouths roamed her entire body, from her collarbone to her toes. It was like a sensual massage, and she allowed herself to relax. A sigh must’ve escaped because Travis leaned in close to her face on his next pass up her body, his mouth hovering above hers.

  “Taste yourself on my lips,” he whispered and she did. She took it to the next level too, licking around his mouth before sliding between his lips. The groan that tore from his chest sent a bolt of feminine power flashing inside of her. Even tied to the bed she had the ability to make him moan and the knowledge was more than a little empowering.

  A low hum caught Kylie’s attention, but she couldn’t see what it was because Travis was blocking her view.

/>   On purpose.


  No. No, she really wasn’t.

  Kylie screamed, and Travis inhaled the sound, muffling her whimpers with his mouth as the vibration from what had to be her giant purple vibrator teased her clit. There was such a difference between someone else using it on her than her own hands. Especially because she couldn’t see what was about to happen and Travis’ delicious taste and skillful tongue was dragging her attention farther and farther away...

  Her hips thrust up from the bed of their own volition as the pulsating head of the vibrator slid inside of her. She ripped her mouth from Travis’ in order to breathe because she was overwhelmed by spectacular, unadulterated euphoria.

  Before she could determine what was happening, her orgasm shook her to her very core, making her moan as her body strained against the bonds holding her, internal muscles locking around the magnificent toy that pulsed against her G-spot at the same time it vibrated on her clit.

  As she closed her eyes, trying not to give in to the darkness that threatened to pull her under, the last thing Kylie remembered was thinking that if they kept this up, she was going to die of sexual satisfaction.

  What a way to go.


  “She passed out,” Travis whispered as he shifted to his feet, untying the restraints around Kylie’s wrists. Gage tossed the vibrator toward his duffel and returned to do the same to her legs.

  Shit, he hadn’t expected that thing to do that, but he couldn’t deny enjoying watching Kylie come. Gage wasn’t sex toy savvy, but he damn sure didn’t know they even made a vibrator quite that complex. The damn thing pulsed, and the head pulled a Poltergeist and spun around in circles.

  Fucking-A. That was hot.


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