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Always and Forever [Decadent Delights 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 12

by Shae Shannon

  She flashed a small smile at both men who sat perched on the couch by the fireplace. Aiden jumped up and offered her a coffee and the containers of food he had brought. “I thought you might be famished after all of the calories you burned last night. I didn’t know exactly what you like, so I tried to bring a little of everything. Amy was cooking this morning, and it was obvious she was having cravings for just about everything. There was a full buffet lined up on the counters, and she was still pulling muffins out of the oven.”

  Giselle’s eyes widened in surprise. “Thank you, Aiden, that was very thoughtful. How did you know she is pregnant? She hasn’t told anyone but Blake, and I caught her at work sicker than a dog. You haven’t told anyone, have you?”

  “No, I haven’t told anyone. All of the shifters that come and go know though. We can smell it. Don’t worry, no one will spill the beans until she does. We stopped in yesterday, and she had to make a beeline to the bathroom. She was in there so long we sent one of the girls in to check on her. That poor girl turned twenty shades of green.” Aiden sat again, leaving the space between him and Brandon open for her. She took the cue and sat, allowing herself to lean against both of them while she tore into the breakfast. She quickly drained the large coffee, and her face twisted in thought.

  “There is another cappuccino on the table for you, love. Aiden knew one would only tide you over until after breakfast.” He grabbed the steaming cup and handed it to her, taking the empty one and the scraps of food left and disposing of them. He sat again, draping his arm around her shoulders. Aiden had claimed her legs, dragging one up over his and covering it with his hand. She relaxed naturally into their touch.

  * * * *

  Aiden’s heart swelled at the ease she seemed to feel in the presence of both of them. This was going easier than he thought. He was so glad she finally slept a night without experiencing the horrible nightmares he had been comforting her through incognito for the last few weeks. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Brandon and I were arguing over who got first dibs on the shower. Now that you are awake, what do you say you take us in there and teach us how to share?”

  Giselle giggled at the question. “I believe you two know how to share just fine, Aiden Grey. Last night you guys worked damn good at sharing me. I do need a shower though. I need to go check on Chloe and those babies. I don’t know when it’s my turn to help with them again. There are way too many people in this place that I am afraid I might have to fight people off to get those three little angels. It was a relief to finally get some rest though.” She stood and strode to the bathroom. A cocky smile passed between Aiden and Brandon before they both bolted to join her.

  She had untied the sash to her robe and was slowly sliding it off of her shoulders when they walked in. A sexy groan erupted from both men, showing their appreciation of her little striptease. They shucked off their clothes into a heap on the floor in a rush to finish and not miss a single second of the show she was taunting them with. She turned her back to them and in painstaking leisure inched the robe down her body. After it slid to midback, she turned and flashed them her seductive, alluring fuck-me eyes. Aiden leapt first. He moved to stand in front of her. He caught the neckline of the silky fabric with his thumbs and moved it down in a rush. She caught it with her elbows, drawing a halt to his impatient antics.

  Without being detected, Aiden flashed a look over her shoulder to Brandon. He immediately jumped behind her and formed against her back. He gently moved her hands, coaxing them in between their bodies. After he had them confined, he rubbed his hard cock along the seam of her ass. Aiden followed him, sliding it off and her arms through before replacing them into the makeshift restraints of Brandon’s body.

  Aiden would never grow tired of the curves and lushness of this woman. She was mesmeric. His emerald eyes scanned up and down her body, taking time to get acquainted with every inch of her body. She had the prettiest ass he had ever seen. It was shaped in a full, lush heart. The round curves of her hips that tapered into her waist rocked his balls. Her figure was the true definition of an hourglass. Her breasts fell heavy and full, with the prettiest rose-colored nipples. She had a face of an angel and the large, full, dark eyes of a temptress. He let out a deep growl. He ran his hands up and down her body. His wolf went wild. He was growing tired of playing and now was demanding to take over. Aiden fought to keep him contained but felt control slipping away. He lunged backward and began to shift. Giselle let out a squeal, and Brandon flipped her behind him to shield her. His body shifted and morphed as he fell to all fours. The clothing he had been wearing dropped in shreds to the floor. He let loose a low, intense howl. Brandon waited to make certain that the wolf wasn’t hostile before he relaxed and stepped aside for Giselle to see him in wolf form.

  He slowly walked up to her and sat on his haunches at her feet. He waited for her reaction before he moved. His ears flattened, and he lowered his head. At least she didn’t run screaming. I guess my damn wolf has a point. They had to meet sooner or later. Don’t start marking your territory indoors, dog. I mean it. We want to woo her, not appall her. His wolf let out a small whine in response.

  She slowly moved her hand to run over the long, wavy, black, silky fur on the top of his head. His ears perked up in excitement. She traced a path down the center of his back, petting up to the end of his wagging tail. His tongue flopped out, and he raised his hips, wiggling under her caress.

  “You silly mutt. You are magnificent in your animal form, Aiden. The black hair shimmers almost blue in the light. And your emerald eyes glow. You take my breath away.” She moved to sit on the edge of the couch, forgetting that she was bare naked. He strolled over to her and prepared to jump on the couch beside her when her arm caught him and left him on the floor. “Oh, no you don’t. No animals on the furniture.”

  “Yeah, we don’t need the place smelling like dog and black hair clinging to our clothes. Down, dumb dog.” Brandon grinned from ear to ear.

  “So does that make you Garfield, Brandon?” She smiled in amusement.

  Aiden turned to face him and snarled his teeth. Both Brandon and Giselle burst out in laughter.

  Aiden rubbed his face against her legs, marking her with his scent. She patted him on the head, snickering at his territorial claim. “So, is this your way of asking me out?” His big tongue came up and licked her cheek, creating more giggles.

  “Geez, Aiden. Quit slobbering all over her.” His nose wrinkled up in distaste. Aiden narrowed his eyes into glowing, green slits before doing his best to roll his eyes.

  Brandon grinned. He reached down and patted him on the head before reaching back and scratching behind his ear. “Aw, you’re a good puppy.” Aiden playfully snapped at his hand. “Hey! Watch it, Fido.”

  Giselle dropped her hand onto Brandon’s thigh. “So, how long is he in his wolf form? I assume he changed because the wolf insisted, does he need to go run or something?”

  Brandon scratched his head, shaking it slowly. “Well, I assume his wolf had enough of being shoved aside. And, now, don’t get upset, but he probably won’t shift back until he is certain that you will perform the mating ritual with us. The amazing sex we had eased the burn, but it also made the need for claim amplify I have been fighting my panther pretty hard. So far he hasn’t made an appearance, but it won’t be long until I can’t control it.” His voice lowered into an almost whisper. Uncertainty clouded his eyes. He glanced at the huge black wolf, who simply nodded at him. “We are destined to mate with you. I think it is safe to say that Aiden and I both are madly, deeply, and completely in love with you, Giselle.”

  Aiden laid his big, furry head in her lap and whined. Giselle’s features swirled with surprise and fear. She moved her gaze between the two men. Carefully moving Aiden’s head from its resting spot on her thigh, she stood. She slowly moved over to the window and looked out at the forest. Her breath shook with every inhale and ragged exhale. When Brandon walked over and caressed her arm, she turned with tears in
her eyes. His arms immediately wrapped around her and Aiden moved to rest along her legs. His nose nudged her hand until she patted him.

  “Why are you crying, love?” The solicitude etched across his rugged face.

  Aiden licked her palm and yelped his anxiety in a high-pitched puppy tone. She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and sniffled. “You boys are just too much. I don’t think that a simple witch like me can help rule one tribe of magical shifters, much less two. You both are kings of a sort. I just don’t think I can live up to either of your statures. I also am not a spring chicken. You both deserve a fertile wife who can produce a brood of pups and cubs to carry on the legacy of you both. I don’t know if I can.” Her eyes pooled again, spilling streams of insecurity down her flushed cheeks. She wrapped her arms around her body, attempting to cover her nakedness.

  Aiden grabbed her arm ever so gently with his teeth and pulled it away, unwrapping her desperate attempt at hiding from them. His wolf and human were both knotted in the same ball of anxiety. She was a strong, independent, gorgeous woman. If pups and cubs can’t be produced, so what! There are plenty of orphans in all of the tribes we could adopt a zoo. Damn it, Brandon, speak up! We are losing her! The wolf in him wanted to chew a chunk out of Brandon’s thigh to grab his attention, but the human knew it would only upset her more. This is bullshit. “Okay, dog. If you want your mate, you gotta let me shift back. She needs me, and there is only so much paws and a wet nose can do to convince her. Fall back and let me take over. We will mate her before the day is over. Trust me!” The mental conversation seemed to have the desired reaction, because he felt his wolf relinquish control and fade into the shadows.

  He immediately shoved forward and began shifting back into his human form. He stood with his teeth gritted, trying to ease the discomfort of shifting. Giselle’s eyes were wide, showing amazement in seeing the shift.

  He instantaneously wrapped his arms around her, pulling her bare chest flush with his. He stroked her spine in soothing motions and planted his lips on her furrowed brow. “Giselle, love, let’s go sit. There are a few things we need to explain. Brandon, grab the comforter off of the bed. I don’t want her catching a chill.” Brandon silently complied and joined them back on the couch. He draped the covers over all three of them and wrapped her into his side. Aiden moved closer and repeated Brandon’s example, wrapping her in their blanket of muscle.

  “Giselle, Brandon and I don’t care if you can’t have babies. There are so many orphans in the tribes that need a loving home. We can adopt a bear cub, panther cub, wolf pup, and any other baby you want. You can have your own zoo! I love you, Giselle Shalay. I want to make you my wife, to be by my side forever. Not behind me in the shadows, not left on the sidelines. I want you to rule with me and keep our tribe safe. Will you marry me?” He reached into the drawer of the end table at his side and pulled out a little velvet black box. He flipped it open, revealing a sparkling diamond ring with emerald stones accenting the huge square-cut diamond. Her hands flew to her mouth in a huge gasp.

  She sat, shaking against the comforting embrace of Brandon. Worry began building in Aiden’s chest. Pain began drawing on the lines of his face as his mind reeled with thoughts of rejection and of losing her.

  He barely caught a faint whisper flutter past her lips. “Yes, Aiden. I would be honored to be your wife and mate. I love you.” She let him put the ring on her left hand. It sparkled and gleamed against the fair contrast of her milky skin. She lunged toward him and smashed her lips to his. He kissed her back with all of the love he had bottled up inside of his soul. He brushed his hand on her jawline, holding her steady. She finally broke their connection and leaned back. Aiden raised his eyebrows at Brandon, inconspicuously signaling for him to do the same.

  Brandon leaned over and dug under the cushion his butt was planted on. With a similar little box, he opened it and presented it to her. “Giselle, unfortunately Aiden beat me to the punch, but I want you to know that you are more than I could ever imagine. Fate definitely blessed us by giving you to us. I love you, Giselle Shalay. Would you do me the honors of marrying me also? We both will do our best to keep you the happiest woman in the world.”

  She didn’t make Brandon wait for an answer like she had Aiden. His wolf growled, feeling a smidge of jealousy and insecurity before he calmed the beast and dismissed it.

  “Yes, Brandon Knight, I would love to be your wife.” She repeated the celebratory kiss. He pulled out his ring for her and placed it on her right hand. This one was an amethyst and diamond ring. “It was my grandmother’s. She was one of the few who shared the same purple eyes. I inherited them from her, but the gene is so rare not many have my eye color.” It held large stones that twisted around in an intricate design. She held up both hands, admiring the beautiful symbolism of each breathtaking piece of jewelry.

  “Thank you, guys. I had come to believe that I was meant to be alone. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be the fated mate to not one, but two gorgeous, sweet, wild and naughty, drool-worthy animals. I love you both so very much. My soul gravitates toward and craves you two.”

  “We love you, baby. Always and forever.” Aiden cradled her head in his huge hands and brushed kisses along her brow. She curled up in the protective walls of bulging muscle in between them and began to drift off.

  Chapter 9

  Giselle napped, tangled in their embrace, until midday. Brandon was about to explode from his throbbing, swollen, painful balls. He had fought to no avail at getting his raging hard-on to go away, but it had somehow grown harder and harder every minute sleeping beauty slumbered on him. Her leg draped across his lap, and with every twitch and shuffle she made it rubbed against his groin in a painful, torturous assault. He glanced at Aiden who had woken up also. By the look on his face, he was experiencing the same type of agony. In an unspoken suggestion, he looked at her and back to Aiden, and crooked his neck in a pointing gesture. Aiden smiled and nodded back in agreement. Both men sported ear-to-ear mischievous grins as they eyed their peaceful mate.

  Aiden tugged the cover slowly down her shoulders. His palm grazed along the softness of her cheek. He lazily traced down her neck and chest, stopping to palm her breasts. His thumbs teased her pink buds into tight peaks. Soft cries of contentment fluttered from her lush lips while she floated in the space between dreams and reality.

  Brandon had begun massaging her feet, working his hands up her calves. She shifted her position to her back with her head resting across Aiden’s chest and her butt scooted up flush with Brandon’s thighs and her legs over his, leaning against his chest. He about lost it. The sweet smell of her arousal wafted up to his nose, drawing the attention of his panther. The massive animal came forth from the shadows of his mind and began pacing, releasing a bone-chilling scream. He was definitely agitated and wasn’t going to remain patient any longer. He whispered a “psst!” to get Aiden’s attention. Aiden removed his goggling eyes from the soft globes his hands were kneading. “Unless you want to deal with my panther for the next unknown amount of time, we need to speed this up. I have a feeling if I change, so will you. She may be pretty wild and open to sexual experimentation, but I highly doubt getting into furry loving is something she would consider.”

  Aiden’s eyes widened. As quietly as he could, he whispered, “Gross visual. Okay, let’s amp up the heat on our little drowsy princess so we can sink our cocks and teeth in her before we have to apologize for our animals’ perverse actions.” They exchanged a worried look and turned their attention back to the hot little body stretched across them.

  Brandon slowly and carefully lifted the covers enough to see her bare legs folded against his chest. He moved his hand to slide up her calf, easing his calloused palm along her silky skin. He worked it ever so gently up the back of her thigh and slithered between her legs to part them. He lowered one leg to his lap and opened her knees to expose her glistening pussy. He sucked in a shaky, deep, ragged breath. The need and desire to sink
deep in her and take her almost took over. He glanced at Aiden with his eyes a dark, iridescent purple. He was slightly comforted when glowing green eyes glared back, realizing that Aiden seemed to be experiencing the same amount of problems restraining the beast within. Somehow Giselle still hadn’t pulled fully awake and drifted in and out of reality. When she moaned a deep, sexy, throaty groan, Brandon snapped. He went straight to her cunt. His fingers circled through the moisture that had began to collect on her bare, shaved lips. He rubbed and tickled, saturating his finger before trailing it up to her clit. With precise, calculated movement, he circled the bud of nerves, increasing in pressure with each rotation. When it began to swell under his touch, he pulled the hood back with his thumb and pinched the nub between his fingers. Her hips rocked upward, searching for something to fill her greedy, dripping hole. A low, rumbled panther snarl vibrated from Brandon’s chest. He dove two fingers into her begging channel with the other hand and began pumping in and out of her in a steady tempo. He would stop bumping against her G-spot to scissor his fingers inside her while plucking at her bud of nerves, and then go back to finger-fucking her.

  Aiden had been fondling her perfect tits as he watched Brandon dipping into her sex. He could smell her sweet aroma and fought the impulse to yank her up and bury his face in her pussy to lick her clean. Her eyes fluttered open, revealing a glazed-over appearance. Her hand trailed under where she lay, and she stroked his hard cock that pressed against her shoulder. Without warning, she flipped over with her ass in the air, resting on her elbows to bring her mouth inches from the bulbous head of his cock. Brandon returned to fingering her pussy and toying with her clit. As she sucked Aiden’s cock down her throat in one thrust, Brandon worked a finger into her ass with the two lodged in her cunt.


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