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Forbidden Temptation Volume 2 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle) (Forbidden Temptation Taboo Erotica)

Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  “Mmmm, that’s right,” she whispered. “Be a good boy and get nice and hard.”

  It didn’t take long, and the second Julius was sporting a healthy direction, the police woman pushed him back onto a bench running across the back of the room. She stood over him, dominant and sexually feminine. The officer slowly began to strip out of her work uniform, tantalizing Julius with every movement she made.

  He saw now that she truly did have a very nice body. Her breasts were medium sized, but incredibly firm and well-shaped. She didn’t have an ounce of extra fat on her outside of her butt, which was large enough for him to get a good grip on.

  Her bra and panties were the last things she removed, and then she stood before Julius, naked and exposed. It felt almost sacrosanct to be looking upon a woman who represented what remained of the authority in the town entirely naked. His cock twitched as she moved closer to him and slowly settled herself down over his cock.

  Julius picked that moment to act. He reached his hands up and grabbed the woman by the hips, and then forced her down onto his hard member. She was already wet, but her tight pussy took a little bit of extra pressure to accept his rod.

  “Whoa, wait,” she said. “Slow…slow down.”

  Julius ignored her. He began thrusting his hips upwards, lifting the small woman in time with his beginning strokes. She felt amazing, and it made him question whether or not it was really so bad to be the last remaining representative of his gender.

  “Oh yeah, that’s right officer,” he said. “It’s your turn to come along quietly!”

  Officer Kelley began to squeal out loud, almost like a young girl losing her virginity. Julius was enjoying every second of it. Her cunt was squeezing him so tightly that it may as well have been a vice grip. The woman began to tense up after just a couple of solid pumps, and cried out even louder as an orgasm swept over her.

  “Sorry ma’am, but I’m not finished yet,” Julius said with a laugh. He continued pushing into the woman, feeling her juices dripping down onto his crotch. She was in her thirties, maybe around the same age of his mom, and he found himself wondering just how many of the teenagers she had harassed over her career had fantasized about pumping their dicks into the hot, cougar cop.

  That thought was too much for him, and he felt his dick begin to convulse, unloading his seed deep into the back of her womanhood. He let his climax take its course, and then set her down next to him on the bench.

  She was still dazed from the encounter, and didn’t notice Julius quickly moving to grab his clothes along with the keys from her uniform. He unlocked the door and stepped out of the cell, closing it behind him.

  “Hey, hold one,” she cried. “What are you doing?”

  Officer Kelley quickly crossed her legs and covered up her breasts, seeming to snap back to reality. Julius smiled at her.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll be back tomorrow if you haven’t already been released,” he said. “Next time you arrest me, make sure you at least have a charge!”


  By the time Julius made it out of the police station, the sun was beginning to set. A strange feeling began to wash over him as he made his way to the street. There was a small crowd of women, maybe eight or nine, who seemed to have gotten wind of the fact that a man was still alive and in police custody.

  Most of them just stared as he made his way by, but a couple began yelling for him to stop, and one of them grabbed his sweatshirt. Julius had required his pistol on the way out, and pulled it out and fired it into the air. The shot was deafening, but it managed to push the crowd back. He waved to them apologetically and shook his head.

  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s going on any more than you do,” he yelled.

  He continued back down the street. It took him longer to get home on foot than it would have by car, but that was okay. Most of the people in the town had gone inside for the night, and after a moment he felt himself letting his guard down and going into his head. It was nice to have an empty moment to think. It reminded him of being out alone in the forest, and made him yearn for the lifestyle.

  Julius saw that his mom’s car was still in the driveway as he walked up his street. It was no surprise. There was less going on in the town than there ever had been before. Most people seemed to be just hanging around home. The women who did still have jobs continued to work, from what he’d seen, but often found that their job responsibilities had shifted massively since the outbreak.

  He walked in through the front door and took his shoes off. His mom was sitting in the living room and watching TV, wearing only a thin night gown that her tits seemed to be threatening to push right out of.

  “Hey mom,” he said. “I’m back.”

  “Oh my god honey, I was so worried!” she said. Laura stood up and ran over to him, wrapping him in a tight embrace. He could feel the sheer material against his skin, and instantly started to get excited.

  “Yeah, well, I’m fine,” he said. “Totally unharmed.”

  His mom didn’t immediately break the hug, an though he tried to fight his own impulses, his cock began to grow within his pants. It seemed to spring up to its full length in less than a second, and he knew that his mom could feel it pushing against his stomach.

  “Honey, you’re the last male left that anyone knows about,” she said. “There are a lot of women out there who would think about trying to…do things to you, because of that.”

  “I know mom, but don’t worry,” he said, feeling his cock ache as it pushed up against his mother’s soft body. “I’ll be okay.”

  “That’s not what I mean,” said Laura. “I…I think you need to find a way to take care of yourself a little better.”

  Julius felt his mom’s hand rubbing up and down the length of his back. He looked into her eyes, and saw a mixture of motherly love, and something else. Her perfume smelled amazing, and though it made him feel incredibly awkward, part of him wanted to push his crotch forward against her.

  “I just want to make sure that you’re not tempted into doing anything that goes against your interests, sweetie,” she said, her hand beginning to stray down his chest, down his stomach, and then, even further. “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

  “Mom!” cried Julius. She was rubbing her soft hand over his covered bulge, and it managed to feel incredibly wrong and incredibly amazing at the same time.

  “Don’t worry, honey, it’s fine,” she said. “Don’t think of it a sexual thing. Just let mommy take care of you.”

  Despite her words, it was hard for Julius to put aside the fact that she was his mother. She led him over to the couch, and sat him down on it. Part of him wanted to stand up and rip her tiny night gown right off, but he managed to keep controlled.

  Laura sat down next to her son and went to work with her hands. She unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out through the flap of his boxers, and then began working it, slowly and steadily.

  “Oh god mom,” he moaned. “That feels so amazing…”

  “I know it does baby,” she said. “Remember when I used to rub your back when you were little? Remember how good it felt?”

  She was moving her hand up and down his shaft, gently and deliberately. Julius had experienced hand jobs before, and had never much liked them. This was different, though. His mom’s light touch seemed to send waves of pleasure through his body. His hips angled up slightly with each of her strokes, as though trying to give her a better angle to work from.

  “Just let mommy take care of you, sweetie,” whispered Laura.

  She sped up, pumping her son’s cock up and down and rubbing his inner thigh with her free hand. Laura shifted her position so she was down on her knees in front of him, close enough so that he could feel her hot breath on the sensitive head of his cock.

  “Oh, mom,” he said. “Please keep going mom, don’t stop! I’m gonna, I’m gonna…”

  “Do it sweetie,” she whispered. “Do it for me.”

  Julius couldn’t hold out
any longer. His dick began to explode, tensing up in the most powerful orgasm he had experienced all day. His mom held her hand over the tip of his cock, catching his cum and then smearing it back along his shaft almost as though she was using it as lube to milk out the last few drops.

  He was breathing heavy, and almost felt like he had to take a second to come back to reality and confirm what had happened. His mom had masturbated him, and he had enjoyed it, as guilty and ashamed of that fact that he was. It was hard for him to even look her in the eye.

  “I think I should try to take care of you as often as I can, honey,” whispered Laura. “Anytime you get an urge, just come tell me. And no matter what, don’t let any other women…do things to you. Please?”

  Julius looked at his mom and nodded.

  “I won’t,” he said, hoping that he would be able to hold to that promise.

  Laura walked upstairs to the bathroom to clean up. Julius zipped up his pants and then turned on the TV. A news reporter seemed to be announcing a breaking story, and he turned up the volume so he could follow along.

  “We have been receiving reports of a man alive in the United States that is immune to the plague. Due to an information blockade vital for the security of the nation, we cannot release anything more than that. The President is currently in a meeting with her advisors, and we will keep you updated on this story as we learn more about it.”

  Julius smiled, and turned it off. He walked up to his room and climbed into bed, knowing as he closed his eyes that his life would never again be the same.


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  Thanks for reading!

  Anya Merchant

  For other stories by the same author, check out

  Last Man Alive 2 (Taboo Erotica)

  Curse Of Desire: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica Novel)

  The Exchange Student: Complete And Uncut (Taboo Erotica Novella)

  Forbidden Temptation Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Home Temptation Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Home Temptation Volume 2 (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Home Temptation Volume 3 (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Home Temptation Volume 4 (Taboo Erotica Collection)

  Arousal Drug Research


  Anya Merchant

  Copyright © 2014 by Anya Merchant

  All rights reserved

  Kindle Edition

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work is intended for adults only. It contains substantial sexually explicit language and scenes that may be considered offensive by some readers.


  Andy had tried to stop his step mother, Vanessa. He had tried to calm her down, and to get her to listen to reason. But the drug had been affecting her too strongly, and she had pushed herself up against him. His cock had responded in the same way as it would have for any woman, and the fact that she was his mom didn’t stop him from quickly getting hard.

  Andy had experienced the effect of the drug before first hand, and knew what she was going through. He had not been able to resist, either. But this was different. This was his mom, and she was pushing herself up against him like a cat in heat. Her cheeks were blushing red, as though she knew how perverse it was for a mother to be throwing herself at her son, desperate for sex, but just couldn’t stop himself.

  The worst of it was that Andy wanted her, too. His cock was rock hard, more ready than it had ever ben for any other woman before. He wanted to feel the inside of his mother, he wanted to push his member deep inside her and let his hips go wild. But he felt ashamed of his desires, and guilty for even entertaining them.

  Unfortunately, he wasn’t sure if that guilt would be enough to stop him, and as his mother began to pull his hands onto her breasts and unbutton his pants, he wondered if he would be able to keep resisting…


  “Come on, Andy! We signed up for it, we might as well follow through.”

  Andy Riven was walking behind his step sister, Mikhaela. The two of them were on their way to the town’s health clinic, reporting in for a research study they had found and volunteered for online.

  “It’s not that I want to ditch out, sis,” said Andy. “I just think they are being awfully vague about the whole thing. Participants wanted for “Excitement Research”? What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  Mikhaela lengthened her stride down the sidewalk. It was early fall, and there was just enough sun out to bring the air to a comfortable temperature. Andy and Mikhaela had been siblings almost since birth, when Andy’s dad had married Mikhaela’s mom, Vanessa.

  “I realize that you’ve done this kind of thing before at your college, but I just turned 18,” said Andy. “What if this turns out to be a lab rat type thing?”

  Mikhaela didn’t slow down. Andy couldn’t help but notice the slight wiggle of her hips as she walked. She had an amazing body, petite but with large breasts and curvy hips. He had been tortured all through puberty with thoughts of her, and still had the occasional unwanted urge of desire towards her every now and then.

  “Would you quit worrying, little brother?” she said, turning and glaring at him. “Just trust me, it’ll be fine. I’m betting it might even be fun, and we’ll both earn an easy hundred bucks out of it.”

  Andy sighed and walked faster to keep up with her. His sister had always been a little bossy, but it was his fault, in part. He was a little too accepting of her crazy ideas, and often went along with plots that led him into trouble.

  The clinic was only a short walk from their house. Andy was surprised to see that there was no sign or indicator of the study out front, just the same usually empty walkway that he was used to. The two of them walked in through the sliding doors and were greeted by an attendant behind the front desk.

  “Would you two happen to be…Andy and Mikhaela Riven?” she asked.

  “Yes, that’s us,” replied Mikhaela.

  “Great, have a seat and the researchers will be with you shortly,” the woman said.

  Mikhaela gave her brother a reassuring smile, and the two of them walked over to a pair of empty chairs and sat down. They were only waiting for about a minute when a woman in a long lab coat walked up to them. She was wearing pink rimmed glasses and had an attractive, albeight bookish look to her.

  “Hello, I’m Dr. Thompson,” she said. “I’m the head of the research study for today. If the two of you will follow me, I’ll lead you into an examination room and get things rolling.”

  She began to walk quickly down a hallway in the back of the lobby, Andy and his sister following along. They went into a room on the far side of the facility. IT was different from what Andy had been expecting.

  Instead of being a typical examination room, it was more of a Spartan affair. All of the walls were painted white except for one, which had what looked like a full length mirror on it. There was only one piece of furniture, a table that looked like relatively standard medical affair except for the fact that it was lower to the ground that usual, at about the height of a regular bed.

  “You two can get comfortable, this is where the study will take place,” said Dr. Thompson. “In case you were wondering, the mirror on the wall is two way and me and my associates will be observing you through it.”

  She looked at Andy and Mikhaela as if expecting them to be brimming with questions.

  “Uh…” Andy finally started. “So just what is the study going to involve?”

  Dr. Thompson smiled, and reached into her lab coat pocket. She pulled out a small pill bottle full of tiny, white tablets.
r />   “Each of you just takes one of these, and then waits in the observation room for effects to kick in,” she said.

  Andy looked at his sister doubtfully.

  “That’s it, that’s all the information we get?” he asked.

  “I assure you, all you are being given is a more effective drug that is in many ways, similar to others already on the market,” said Dr. Thompson. “Both of you have signed your waivers already online, but you are still free to back out if you want.”

  Mikhaela shook her head, and gave Andy a harsh look.

  “No, we both want to do it,” she said. “So we’ll be paid at the end?”

  “Yes,” said the doctor. “We’ll keep you here for a couple of hours or we’ve verified that the drug works, whichever comes first.”

  An odd smile slipped onto her face, and she took out one pill for each of them and placed it in their hands. Mikhaela took hers without any hesitation. Andy looked at his for a moment, and then swallowed it.

  “Excellent, I will be observing with my fellow researchers from the room next door,” the doctor said. “If you need anything, just knock on the glass.”

  She walked over to the door and left the room, leaving Andy and Mikhaela to wonder about just what they had signed on for.


  “Are you feeling anything yet?” asked Mikhaela.

  It had been about a half hour since they’d taken the pills. Andy was sitting on the small examination bed, and his sister was leaning against a wall. He couldn’t help but wonder just what the researchers were expecting to get out of the study.

  “Not really,” said Andy. “I mean, nothing that seems medically relevant.”


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