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Forbidden Temptation Volume 2 (Taboo Erotica Five Book Bundle) (Forbidden Temptation Taboo Erotica)

Page 10

by Anya Merchant

  “I have no doubt that you’ve got a cure, what I want to know is why you’d send me on a quest in order for me to have it,” Tim said impatiently. “If your daughter has run away, that’s your problem. Let me pay for the cure and be on my way.”

  “It’s your problem now,” said Jarovian. His voice was still the embodiment of age and wisdom. “I will not send you off without help. Take these artifacts. They will keep the evils you will face at bay.”

  “Why don’t you just go yourself? I’m a stranger to you, who is to say that I will actually follow through with this chase?”

  “I am an old man, and you are a young man with an incentive,” said Jarovian. “It may seem strange for me to say, but I sense inside you a good heart. You will not fail me.”

  Tim looked Jarovian deep in the eyes. They stared back at him, looking like hollow and empty globes. They gave off the impression of someone who had been blind from a young age, possibly since birth. He then looked down at the items that had been placed on the counter. A short but very sharp looking sword was the first thing that caught his eye.

  He couldn’t imagine a situation that would require him to use that, and wondered just what the old man was sending him into. A compass lay beside it, next to it was an old animal skin flask, and to the side of that was a worn and ancient looking map of an ocean, with a less than detailed drawing of an island at the center.

  “Manai,” said the old man, somehow reading his gaze with his blind eyes. “You will find my daughter on the island of Manai. I have given you directions to a ship that will take you across the ocean on the back of the map. Bring my daughter home to me and you will have your cure.”

  “Give me the cure upfront,” said Tim. “I’m not being selfish or trying to deceive you, honestly this task will be a lot easier for me if every woman I come across isn’t trying to jump my bones.”

  “I cannot do that. My daughter Lucia is the only one who has ever formulated the cure you need. You will just have to learn to control yourself and your newfound powers.”

  Tim thought carefully before replying. Everything that was familiar to him in the world seemed to be in jeopardy because of this “curse”, as Jarovian called it. He couldn’t exactly walk away and expect to live a normal life.

  “Fine, I’ll do it,” he said after several silent seconds of deliberation. “But I’m going to need more than just a map and a sword.”

  The man smiled, and then disappeared into the back of his shop. He had an old and weathered tome in his hands when he returned, and after blowing dust off of it, he passed it to Tim.

  “This is the most powerful artifact out of all of the ones I am entrusting you with,” he said. “Be forewarned, it has many instructions for black magic. Much of it is similar in nature to what you have been cursed with. Do not take using it lightly.”

  “I won’t,” Tim said. He looked at Jarovian, and though it was dark in the room, he detected an air of something new around him. The man was very reserved and hard to read, but Tim could see a slight look of desperation in his eyes, and something that looked like hope.

  “I’ll find your daughter and bring her back to you,” said Tim. “Be ready to hold up your end of the bargain. I’ll need that cure for more than just myself.”

  Tim grabbed all of the items Jarovian had entrusted him with off the counter and stuffed them into his bag. He carefully wrapped the sword in a shirt he had in his bag, and then tied it to one of the shoulder straps. Then, after nodding to the old man and receiving a small bow in return, he walked out of the shop without looking back.


  The night sky loomed over his head as he biked back to his house. He was almost overwhelmed by the entire situation. Parsing it out felt like putting together a jigsaw puzzle without any idea of what the original picture looked like, or if all of the pieces were even there. He knew that there was no going back now. He had long since crossed over the invisible line that separated his old life from this new adventure.

  Tim thought about just what exactly this new adventure would entail as he biked. He couldn’t do it alone, that much he was sure of. He figured Marco would be as good of a traveling companion as any, assuming that he could be convinced.

  Then there was the issue of his step mom, Angela. She had also unwittingly drunk a part of the potion, and was now subject to the same curse that he was. Would she be okay left on her own while he was away? There was no telling just how long it would take him to find this girl and bring her back.

  As Tim pulled his bike down the familiar drive that led to his house, a new concern was immediately brought into focus.

  “Fuck, that’s Kate’s car!” he murmured out loud, seeing the familiar pink Volkswagen beetle parked outside.

  Kate was Angela’s biological daughter, and Tim’s step sister. At 19, she was a year older than Tim, and had left for college around the same time that Angela and his father had gotten married. She was a petite girl, with long blond hair, large, gorgeous breasts, and perfect hips, just like her mother. For some reason, she had always been incredibly affectionate towards Tim, and treated him almost as though he was the older sibling, relying on him for advice and protection.

  For her to be here now would add another complication into the mix. Angela would still be under the effect of Tim’s curse, and vice versa. The two of them had been unable to resist giving in earlier that day, and it would be a disaster if the same thing occurred with an actual witness present.

  “Well things could be worse,” Tim said out loud quietly. “At least grandma didn’t decide to swing by for a visit.”

  He brought his bike into the garage, and then headed in through the side door. It was past dinner time, and as usual, Tim noticed that Angela had laid out a plate of food for him on the counter. He went over to it and was bringing it to the table when Kate walked in. She was wearing a pink tank top and a small, tight fitting pair of shorts.

  “Timothy!” She ran over to him and threw her arms around him. If it had been any other woman, Tim would have just assumed it was in response to his curse. In this case, it was different. Kate and him had always been close. They’d only known each other for the two years that their parents had been an together, but in that time they had developed a natural rapport as brother and sister.

  “Hey sis, long time no see,” he said to her.

  “I’ve missed you so much, little bro! Why haven’t you kept in touch more?”

  “I just figured you’d be busy with school. Things have been pretty boring here, anyway.”

  It was mostly true, thought Tim. Up until the events of the last day, his life had been a relatively routine affair. His sister certainly did seem to have interesting timing, dropping in for a visit when she did, and Tim wondered if there was a reason behind it.

  “So why did you drive down anyway?” He asked her. “Just felt like coming for a weekend visit, or what?”

  “Things have been tough, Tim,” she said to him. He could hear her voice waver with emotion. “I went through a rough break up…really all I want right now is to be here with you and mom.”

  “I guess that’s one more thing we have in common,” Tim said to her. “Lisa dumped me yesterday.”

  Kate looked at him with her soft eyes and seemed to gush with compassion.

  “That’s terrible! Do you want to curl up on the couch tonight and watch a movie?”

  It was only then that Tim noticed that Kate had been rubbing her hand along his arm. It seemed like a tender gesture from a sister to her brother, but the nature of the curse made Tim think that it was something more.

  “Maybe another night,” he said to her. “I have a bunch of homework I need to finish up with.”

  “Are you sure? It would be so much fun!” Kate had begun rubbing her other hand on his chest. It definitely went a little beyond their typical brother and sister behavior, but it was a little more reserved than the reactions he had gotten from other women with the curse. That’s probably a good thing
, Tim thought to himself.

  It was at that moment that Angela walked into the kitchen. She was wearing a nice low cut dress, a tight fitting black number that clung to her frame and showed off her curves. Tim instantly began to feel his dick spring to attention. He knew it was because his mother, like him, was also under the curse.

  Her tits looked amazing in the dress. With both of them under the effect of each other’s curses, it was extremely hard to keep things from developing quickly. The synergy created from the attraction both had for each other made things very tricky. An incident had already happened earlier that day in which Tim was totally unable to resist his mom, resulting in them having an intense sexual encounter that was still fresh in his memory.

  “Hey Tim,” his mom said to him, smiling. “Where have you been all night?”

  Angela walked over and stood a little bit too close to him. The sexual tension hung on the air in a way that was almost palpable. Tim’s mind was on the verge of fogging over, and he had to fight just to keep his hands from reaching out and fondling her gorgeous tits.

  “That’s not really any of your business, mom,” he said to her. In reality, he had no reason not to tell her. It just felt like any concession he made at that moment, in the kitchen and intoxicated with lust, would lead him into a situation with his mom that would quickly end up out of hand.

  “I think you need to tell me, honey,” she said to him. “Don’t you want to give your mom the details?”

  “I think I’ve given you enough details for one day,” he replied. His dick was aching; he couldn’t remember ever feeling this horny before in his life. His cock seemed like it was being drawn towards his mother’s crotch by a magnet, and it took all his willpower to keep space in between them.

  “Besides, Kate is here,” he said, finally willing himself to take a step back from his sex charged mother. “Why don’t we just have a quiet night together and turn in early?”

  “Hey, you guys don’t have to do anything special on my behalf,” Kate said, completely oblivious. “I didn’t really give anyone advance notice, anyway.”

  “Kate’s right Tim,” said Angela. She began to rub her hand along his shoulder. It felt hot to Tim, and he couldn’t fight off the images of her stroking his cock. “Why don’t we go upstairs and talk about your punishment for being out past curfew?”

  “Mom, I can’t,” Tim said, only barely managing to force the words out. “I still have homework to finish.”

  “Fine, have it your way,” she said. “Let me just give you a goodnight hug, in case I don’t see you later tonight.”

  Before he could react, Angela stepped towards him and wrapped her arms around him. From Kate’s perspective, it looked just like a regular, motherly hug. Tim’s hard cock and the way Angela was grinding her cunt against it was totally hidden from view. Her leg on the far side of the hug, hidden from Kate’s view, lifted up and wrapped itself around Tim. He felt his arms begin to meander, and he had to fight the urge to grope her perfect ass cheeks.

  “We almost never hug like this anymore, Tim,” she whispered into his ear. “Why don’t you hug me more?”

  “I can’t mom,” he said. His body seemed to contradict his words, and he was rubbing his cock against his mom in a way that almost seemed like fucking with clothes on. “This is wrong.”

  “Its fine sweetie, we’re just hugging,” she whispered back. “I’ll be up to help you with your…homework, later.”

  The hug went on for a while, longer than what was appropriate for a mother and son. They finally released their embrace, and looked over at Kate’s puzzled face.

  “He was only a half hour late, mom,” she said, confused. “It’s not the end of the world.”


  Tim said good night to his sister, and then made his way upstairs. His cock continued to throb. He knew that it was just a side effect of being around his mom, but more than anything he wanted release. It took him several minutes to push the thoughts of her out of his mind, and even then, his dick was still erect. It almost seemed comical, but instead of coming up with a punch line, he set to work sorting things out.

  He emptied his knapsack and took a closer look at the items the old man had given him. The sword was his first priority, and he inspected it carefully. It had a strange gleam to it, and stood out from the rest of the artifacts. The hilt was made of some type of black stone, possibly onyx, and looked as though it had been extensively polished. The blade was shiny, double edged, and almost new looking. After touching the point of it, he realized that it was razor sharp. The old man had not given him a scabbard for it, and after a quick search around his room, he found an old leather belt that wrapped into a holster shape easily enough. He knotted the end of it into a loop that he could slide another belt through, allowing him to carry it much more easily.

  Tim then turned his attention to the compass and the map. This almost seems like something out of a video game, he thought to himself. There was nothing incredibly unusual about the compass, excepting the fact that the needle seemed to be adorned with a tiny red jewel. The map on the other hand was unlike any Tim had seen before. It was incredibly old, and seemed to be printed on a type of sturdy cloth that didn’t seem like it would tear easily regardless of age. Colored ink had been used for the details, and he noticed that though it was lacking in most specific details, several lakes and waterways could easily be identified on the island. Combined with the animal flask, which also looked to be just a normal item, he would be well off if the trip took long enough to require a refill on fresh water.

  The last item, and the one that the old man had included a warning about, was the ancient looking hard cover book. The title on the front was written in a language that seemed indecipherable to Tim. He flipped it open and noticed that most of the pages were the same. Strangely, there were basic illustrations to go along with much of the writing. They looked medieval in origin, and though they were crude, many of them involved people dripping blood, or floating, or various other conditions that seemed almost arcane and spell like. It did not come as a huge surprise, and he figured that if the curse he was under was real, others like it must also exist. The last ten or twenty pages were blank. After flipping back to the beginning, Tim carefully closed the tome and set it aside.

  “Well, at least I’ll have some interesting toys to play with,” he to himself quietly.

  The other conclusion Tim had arrived at was that if he was going to be traveling thousands of miles to a remote island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, he was going to need some company. Marco was the obvious choice of traveling companion. Tim thought for a moment about how to convince him, and then dialed his phone.

  “Hey man,” he said when Marco answered. “How are things?”

  “That’s my question,” Marco said. His voice was laden with concern. “You just ran off after the fight with Carter today, what the hell has been going on with you?”

  “It’s a long story. In a nutshell, I’ve been cursed by an old and crazy wizard.”

  “Why can’t you ever be serious? I’m hanging up…”

  It took Tim several minutes to explain everything that had happened to Marco. He left out the parts concerning the exact effects of the curse, along with the forays he’d had with his mom and his teacher, Ms. Ashby. When he finished, there was silence on the other end of the receiver.

  “It’s going to be the epic quest of a lifetime,” Tim added. “And you’ll get a free trip to an exotic island.”

  “You are a complete and utter lunatic,” Marco said to him. “Whatever, man. I’ll go if you let me film everything for my YouTube channel.”

  “Awesome! And I won’t even comment on how much of a nerd you are,” Tim said happily.

  “Alright, so when do we leave?”

  “First thing tomorrow morning, bring survival gear.”

  Tim heard Marco sigh into the phone.

  “Trust me, Marco. This is going to be fun.”

  Nothing could hav
e been further from the truth.

  Tim figured he would put off the rest of his preparations until the morning. He felt as though there was no real way to predict just what he would be encountering, and had resigned himself to just focus on what was under his control. At the moment, that was making sure he got enough sleep. After showering and brushing his teeth, he collapsed onto his bed, and passed out almost immediately.

  He was awoken midway through the night by the feeling of his sheets being pulled down. Soft hands slid their way across his chest, and he realized what was going on.

  “Mom? Is that you?” The room was dark, and he had to keep his voice to a whisper. He could feel her lips kissing his stomach, and working their way down to his crotch.

  “It’s me honey,” she said to him, very quietly but with a seductive edge. “I just couldn’t leave things like they were for the night.”

  “We can’t mom, you have to stop,” Tim said to her. “I’m leaving first thing tomorrow to find a cure for this. A cure for both of us.”

  “I don’t want a cure, honey,” she said, licking his now rock hard member. It felt amazing, and Tim had to work to remind himself that his sister was home and he had to stay quiet. “I like having this power. You should like it, too. Let me show you…”

  His mom lowered her mouth over his cock and wrapped her lips tightly on it. Tim moaned with pleasure. It felt incredible, and the fact that she was his mom just made it hotter. The illicit nature of it filled him with sexual desire.

  “Oh mom,” he said to her. “Oh god mom, don’t stop.”

  He gave in to the sensation, figuring that it was easier to just cum and get it over with than to fight her. After all, it forcing her back into her room against her will would make even more noise. The last thing Tim wanted was for Kate to get any hint of what was going on.


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