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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 4

by Raeden West

  Maggie screamed in fear, she knew this creature was going to kill her. She tried to understand why the Watchers would bring her to their planet only to feed her to this creature. Once the large creature was in the room Maggie realized that what she was looking at was a Watcher in its natural form. It had six legs, a large body and a tail that was as wide as her wrist and reminded her of a scorpion. Although there was no stinger at the end liquid seeped from the end of the tail.

  Maggie pushed herself as far back into the corner as she could. Her heart began to pound as she watched the creature raise up on its legs. Maggie quickly turned her body so that she was facing the wall. She had no way to defend herself from this creature and knew her life would be coming to an end quickly.

  The Watcher quickly pounced on Maggie which caused her to slam hard against the wall. She could feel its legs wrapping around her body and it felt as if she had walked into a thorn bush. She looked down and saw spikes coming out of the Watchers legs and sliding into her skin. The creature had placed itself around her hips and had knocked her onto her hands and knees.

  Maggie suddenly began to feel the tail of the creature sliding up and down her slit causing her to quickly become wet. It did not matter how scared she was or how much she tried to control her own body, she could not deny the pleasure she felt each time the creature's tail hit her clit. Maggie took a deep breath, trying to calm her body and focus on anything other than the pleasure she was feeling. She tried to focus on how ugly the creature was but it did not work. Her body was reacting to being touched and there was no changing that fact.

  The tail slid up her stomach and slipped over her nipple causing it to quickly harden. It felt as if she were being caressed by this monster that was bringing her so much pain and so much pleasure at the same time. She could feel the sweat beading on her forehead and before it dripped into her eyes the creature used its tail to wipe it away.

  Maggie began to feel as if she were being cared for by the creature, but when she tried to stand it gripped her hard with its legs causing the spikes to burrow deeper into her flesh. Maggie screamed in pain as she was forced back onto her hands and knees.

  The creature resumed sliding its tail over her clit, causing it to swell. Her juices began dripping down her leg and she felt something large pressing against her opening. This time she knew it was not the tail because it was busy teasing her clit. She knew this creature was going to breed her right then. Maggie began to struggle against the Watcher not willing to allow it inside of her body. It was forbidden for humans to have sex unless they were married, this was the law the Watchers had enforced. Maggie had never been married and she had dreamed of the day her husband would make love to her. This was not what she had envisioned and she was not willing to give up without a fight.

  Maggie tried to squeeze her muscles tight, refusing the creature entrance, but it seemed to only anger it. Soon it was pumping forcefully against her and forcing its spikes further into her flesh. Maggie realized that she had been holding her breath and when she let it out all of her muscles began to relax as she took another breath the creature was able to penetrate her slightly. She could feel her body stretching around this creature’s shaft as it pulsated inside of her.

  The Watcher slowly slid itself all the way inside of Maggie and she was thankful that it took its time. It seemed as if it did not want to hurt her, but she knew that could not be true because of the blood that dripped from the cuts on her legs. Maggie knew this was her fate. She had ‘won’ the lottery and no matter how hard she fought there was nothing she could do. She remembered her mother telling her that the Watchers would dispose of those that they were not satisfied with and Maggie decided to relax and allow the creature to do what it wanted.

  She also had to admit that it felt amazing to have this creature inside of her. She was sure that human men did not pulsate as they made love and each time the creature’s shaft swelled and contracted she moaned in pleasure.

  The creature still working at her clit with its tail began to loosen its grip on her thighs as she began to relax. Once she began to relax it did not take long before she was on the verge of ecstasy. Maggie through her head back as pleasure flooded her body. She could feel her pussy walls tightening against the creature’s shaft as she moaned in pleasure. The creature’s pumping began to quicken and she could feel its hot fluid filling her.

  As the creature began to slow its pace it began gently sliding the spikes on its legs out of Maggie’s thighs and placing them back onto the floor. Once all of its legs were on the floor it slid its shaft out of her and Maggie turned to look at the creature. Her eyes immediately went to what had just been inside of her. Glistening with her fluids she could not believe that something that enormous had been inside of her body.

  The creature reached forward with its tail and traced the blood that was drying on Maggie’s thighs as if it were apologizing for causing her pain. Maggie looked at the creature and tried to force a forgiving look on her face but she struggled. She could not get past the fact that what was standing before her looked like the most terrifying spider she had ever encountered in her life. As if the creature could read her mind it quickly pulled its tail away from her thigh and walked back toward the door. The door opened as the creature approached it and without looking back the creature was gone.

  Maggie sat on the floor, the liquid that the creature had filled her with dripping out of her body, and took a deep breath. She prayed silently that it was all a terrible nightmare and that she would wake up soon but she knew she would not.

  The large door opened and in stepped a Watcher in human form. He looked at Maggie with disgust and told her to stand. Maggie had not, up until that point, realized how weak she was and how sore the creature had made her body. Its fluids mixed with her own dripped down her legs with small drops of blood from her thighs as she tried to stand. Another Watcher walked into the room, this one did not seem as cold as the first. His eyes were full of compassion.

  “I told them it was too much for humans,” he said, looking at the first Watcher. He walked over to Maggie and helped her to her feet. Her legs were weak and she struggled to hold up her own weight. She was thankful for this Watcher even if she knew that underneath he was nothing more than another terrifying creature.

  He helped Maggie to a bathroom and told her that she could clean her wounds there. The other Watcher never said a word, but kept his head bowed the entire time. Maggie wondered who this Watcher was that demanded so much respect, but was still so gentle. She looked at him and began to cry. She knew she could not spend the rest of her life like this and she knew that if she did not her life would be very short.

  “Leave us,” the gentle Watcher said to the other one.

  The Watcher walked out of the room and closed the door. “My name is Ureial,” the Watcher said as he walked to the large tub in the corner of the room and turned the water on. “Why do you cry?” he asked, looking at her, confused. “Did he not bring you any pleasure?”

  Maggie was amazed at how creatures who were known for being so smart could be so stupid. “I suppose he did,” she answered between sobs.

  “Do your cuts hurt?” he asked. “I told them not to use the spikes.”

  “My legs are sore but they will heal,” Maggie replied, looking down at her thighs.

  “Then what is it?”

  Maggie could tell that he was genuinely confused and she did not know how to explain to him how she was feeling. There was a part of Maggie that feared angering Ureial but there was another part of her that did not care. A part that hoped that he would just end her life and she would never have to see one of those monsters again.

  “Why are you doing this?” she asked as she watched him run her a bath. Ureial walked over to her and helped her into the tub. The hot water stung her cuts, but it also helped her muscles to relax.

  “What do you mean?” he asked once she had sat down in the water. “Are you asking why we bring you here?”

; “That,” she began, “and why do you insist on torturing humans for your own pleasure? Why can’t you just leave us on our own planet and let us enjoy our lives?”

  “You do understand that if it were not for us, your planet would have fallen apart,” he said. “We saved your people.” He reached for a washcloth and began lathering it with soap.

  “You saved us so that you could force us to come to your planet, work for you and die in your science experiments?” Maggie asked looking deep into his eyes. He seemed so different from the other Watchers. The other Watchers that Maggie had come into contact with seemed cold and uncaring, but there was something in Urieal’s eyes that told Maggie that he cared.

  “Many years ago we came to your planet,” Urieal began to explain, “many of our men fell in love with human females. There were children born, but these children did not live more than a few months. They took the form of humans, but had the intelligence of Watchers. They were stronger than humans and larger as well. These are what you have called giants in your history books.”

  Maggie listened to his story, as he spoke, he began washing her body. He was gentle and caring with his touch making sure that he did not cause her any pain.

  “We taught humans, many things. Things like how to make medicine, how to build large buildings, we taught them of science and even about astronomy. As more and more of the human women began falling in love with our men, human men became angry. This caused a war between that Watchers and the humans. That was when we left,” Urieal continued, “when we decided to return it was only because there was no way that the human race could survive without us intervening. It is now forbidden for any of the Watchers to go to Earth and mate with women, but we are still attracted to you.”

  Maggie could tell by the way Urieal spoke that he was telling the truth. What she did not understand was that none of this was in her history books. It was if the visit from the Watchers had been hidden from all of the generations that came after them.

  “We still want to find a way to cross our genes, we want to take on the form of humans in fact, you will find that most of the Watchers will take on that form and not our natural form. More importantly, we want for this new hybrid to have our intelligence, our strength, and we want to get rid of human weaknesses,” Urieal went on with his explanation. He was gently washing Maggie’s thighs and she could tell from the bulge in his pants that he was enjoying bathing her just as much as she was enjoying it.

  She had laid back in the tub by then and was relaxing as he pampered her. “There are those of us who were there when we first came to your planet, those of us who know what love for a human is even if it is forbidden. Then there are those like the one you just met, young Watchers who do not understand what love is.” Urieal looked at her gently. “I hope this helps you to understand.”

  Maggie’s head was spinning. It had not helped her to understand anything but had only caused her to have more questions for him. “I don’t understand,” she began, but Urieal stopped her. He stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and stood. Urieal helped her out of the tub and began drying her body.

  “I am sure you have a lot of questions, but they will have to wait. You need to eat and then you need to rest. I have some business to attend to then I will check on you,” he said gently. He wrapped Maggie in a soft towel and led her out of the room.

  The other Watcher was gone and for that Maggie was thankful. Urieal lead her down the long metallic hallway and after making several turns he opened a large door. When Maggie stepped inside she was amazed by what she saw. There was no more metal, but beautiful dark wooden walls, a large four poster bed sat in the middle of the room and everything seemed to be trimmed in gold.

  The room was warm and comforting. On one side of the room was a large table covered in food of every kind. Maggie suddenly realized just how hungry and tired she really was. Urieal walked over to one of the bedside tables and open the draw taking out a small tube he walked back over to Maggie.

  He removed her towel and got down on his knees in front of her. Maggie looked down at Urieal afraid that he was in fact just like the other Watchers and was going to take her right then. Instead, he opened the tube and put a bit of the contents on his finger, then rubbed it on her wounds.

  When he was finished, he stood. “I will talk with the other Watchers and ensure this does not happen to anyone else ever again,” he said with a gentle smile.

  Maggie nodded his head as Urieal handed her the tube. He walked to the door and let himself out. Maggie walked over to the table and was glad to see that it had vegetables, meats, fruits, cheeses and even cakes. She ate her fill and drank the ice cold water that was provided in a pitcher. Once she had eaten her fill she walked over to the bed, she was still naked and she wished that Urieal had provided her with something to wear but was not going to complain.

  Maggie crawled into the bed and was asleep within minutes. She dreamed of being in the sun back on her own planet with her own people. She was happy and everything was back to normal…

  Urieal was on his way to talk to the rest of his men. He did not want anyone touching Maggie, she was going to be saved for him and he was burning with anger. This had been his first time experiencing what happened to the breeders. He had decided it was best if the royal blood flowed through one of the first hybrids and that it was time for him to try to have an offspring of his own.

  Before today he had no idea what really happened to the breeders he trusted that his men were caring for them in the same manner that he would. He called a meeting with his second in command Defoli. Defoli was the Watcher that had looked at Maggie with disgust and it had not gone unnoticed by Urieal.

  “I don’t understand why you are getting so upset over a human,” Defoli exclaimed when Urieal asked if this was normal behavior.

  “You know exactly why,” Urieal replied. It was well known that when the Watchers had first made contact with the humans Urieal had fallen in love with one of them. In fact, he had become King over one of the greatest nations on Earth in those days. His plan was the same then as it was now to create a super race of Watcher/Humans that would reign on Earth.

  He had always had a soft spot for humans, they were so frail and yet so beautiful. Unlike the Watchers that were strong, but hideous to look upon. Urieal had lost three offspring before the war between the Watchers and humans had broken out and instead of fighting the humans he decided that he would leave the planet.

  He could not bring himself to kill even the worst humans and Defoli could not understand why. Defoli knew that if Urieal knew what really happened to the humans Urieal would most likely have him killed. Defoli wanted nothing to do with the humans and he did not mind when their masters became angry with them and killed them. He looked at the breeders as a way to bring his men a bit of joy.

  The female Watchers had no desire for sex. They just laid their eggs and later a male would come to fertilize them. There was no physical contact but the men desired sex. Defoli always wondered if it were some type of joke that the gods were playing on his species. For that he had no problem with watching these humans suffer.

  Either they would comply and not become injured or they would fight and die. “Your father forbids any interaction with humans beyond what is,” Defoli began, “because of what happened to you. It is understandable that you want to continue with the trials and that you want an offspring, but getting caught up in the lives of these bugs is to be avoided at all costs.” Defoli was raising his voice to the prince at this point. He wanted to make sure that Urieal had understood his point.

  Urieal looked up at Defoli with anger in his eyes. “You will announce that no harm will come to any human that is brought to this planet. If I find that humans are being harmed no more humans will be brought here. Do you understand?” Urieal’s voice was intimidating. “You will also announce that no one is to touch the woman Maggie. She is to be left alone and I am the only one that is to have any contact with her unless otherwise

  Defoli nodded his head, then bowed it to the prince. He did not agree with Urieal and he would be sure to discuss the situation with the King, but there was no point in arguing with the prince at this point it would only cause more issues.

  Maggie jumped in the bed as the door opened to her room. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the light and she sighed in relief when she saw Urieal entering the room. He walked over to the table and poured a glass of water, then brought it to her in the bed. Maggie sat up as he handed the water to her and sat down next to her on the bed.

  “I have done as I said I would, no more harm will come to the humans,” he said, looking gently at Maggie. “How are your wounds?”

  “They hurt,” Maggie said honestly. She had never felt so much pain in her life and wondered if she would be able to walk. Each time the muscles in her thighs tightened the cuts began to bleed and caused more pain. “How do you know that no more humans will get hurt,” she asked, taking a drink of the cold water.

  “Because I said so,” Urieal said, lifting his chin. She could see that he was proud, but she was not sure of what. “What I say is the law my beautiful Maggie, I am the prince.”

  Maggie almost choked on her water that this prince had brought to her. “You are the prince?” she asked. Urieal smiled gently at her. “Why are you being so kind?” Maggie blurted out. She was completely confused at this point. She had no idea that the Watchers even had a prince, her family and friends had talked about them as if they were gods now she was learning that they were like humans at least in some ways.

  “I will always be kind to you Maggie, to you and all of your species. I want nothing more than to help you and care for you,” Urieal answered her. He moved closer to Maggie causing the blanket so slide down to her stomach. She quickly grabbed for it trying to cover herself back up. Urieal reached for her hand and her heart began to pound. He was not going to let her hide her body so Maggie pulled her arms across her chest.


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