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BBW ROMANCE: Taming my Alpha Dragon (BBW Alpha Male Shape Shifter Romance) (Contemporary Paranormal Science Fiction Fantasy Short Stories)

Page 44

by Raeden West

  That creamy delight was inside of him waiting to get out and I had the correct tools to alleviate him of that burden.

  Chapter four

  Avery was overcharged. The feel of my lips on him, getting this chance at female loving, had only been a fantasy for him for months. I saw that he was having trouble containing himself and that his knob had swelled to twice its usual size. I knew that even the slightest breeze would have done him in. With that in mind, I backed away and waited for that simmer to come to a boil. Once I was sure that he wasn’t just going to blow off in my mouth, I grabbed the base and brought it down to my lips. My tongue caressed the surface, before allowing it entry into the hot orifice that was awaiting it.

  I didn’t even slow at his eight inches, as I let it glide across my agile tongue all the way to the back of my mouth, I didn’t stop until he was in my throat. I let him feel what I could bring to the table, drooling all over his cock and his sack. When I went down on a guy, I did it with a lot of lubrication and it made for a nice sloppy ride that he was never going to forget. It was time to put this to bed. I let go of the base and I was primarily using only my lips and tongue, as a conduit for his boiling seed.

  “That is absolutely…amazing. I don’t even know what I can possibly do to thank you for this.” The only thing I wanted as a reward was what I was working towards. I gave it all that I had and I felt it coming and then his hips went into high gear and suddenly his cock exploded, but that wasn’t the most surprising thing of all.

  The table actually lifted up and was thrown against the far wall with me guzzling the flood of his cream. I looked up into his eyes and I saw what I had seen when I had first fallen.

  Avery was now replaced by a red dragon with outstretched wings and this scaly hide that made me wonder what the hell was going on. I was terrified and I pulled my mouth off of him, knowing that it was Avery, but not Avery at the same time.

  He was a dragon. I had a dragon in my mouth.

  He swatted me with one of his very imposing wings and I felt myself go flying. Thankfully, I landed on the sofa. He made that same screeching sound that I had heard in my dream, but now I knew for certain that it had been all too real. I wished that it wasn’t, because now I was living a nightmare.

  I didn’t even get the chance to properly consume his orgasm and a lot of it had drizzled down my face and stained my bulky red denim shirt. I had thought about making a run for it, but with my ankle injured, I was pretty much a captive audience. All I could do was watch as he twisted his head from side to side on a long, strong and flexible neck. The chair that he was in was rendered into kindling by his bulky frame and then he shimmered, so quickly that it was hard to see it with the naked eye.

  I reached out and grabbed the fire poker. I held it against my chest with the intention of using it if it got too close. The dragon roared and ranted, and then calmed down enough to fold in on itself, wrapping itself up like a cocoon. The wings retracted and I saw the transformation, but I still couldn’t believe my eyes. Avery was now sitting there with his hands over his knees, a human once more.

  He looked up at me and said “Why did you stop? I can go all night.”

  I was stunned. Did he have no idea what had just happened?

  I had an idea. I walked over to him and stopped in front of a sideboard. I opened it and rummaged around, until I found what I was looking for. A magnifying glass. One of those old ones that you see in Sherlock Holmes stories. He was a little confused at seeing that his chair was broken into pieces and he was sitting among splinters.

  “I need you to stay completely still.”

  He didn’t move and I got closer with the magnifying glass, until I saw the two puncture wounds within the tattoo that had been affixed to his shoulder. It now made perfect sense, except that it didn’t. Whoever had killed his wife had left him with a curse and not just the reminder of seeing his girl dead in front of him.

  “What happened here?” he asked, looking around bewildered.

  I motioned with my finger for him to join me on the couch and I turned to him and took his hands into mine. It was time that he knew the truth, even though he probably wouldn’t believe it. I know that I didn’t and I had already seen it with my own eyes.

  “I’m going to ask you some very odd questions and I need you to be completely honest with me.”

  He nodded his head and I figured that he was giving me the green light “Have you had blackouts? Do you wake up someplace that you don’t remember going? Do you find yourself dreaming and then waking with either blood or tissue sticking to your fingernails or the taste of copper in your mouth?”

  He looked at me in surprise, almost like I was reading his mind. “All of what you are experiencing is because of this bite.” I passed him the magnifying glass and he jumped up and went directly to a mirror.

  “I never saw this before.”

  “I’m going to tell you what I saw and I need you to look into my eyes so you know I’m not lying to you.”

  He came back over and sat back down, still completely naked, although that wasn’t anything to be concerned about under the circumstances. Certainly not for me.

  “The bite has transformed you into what I can only describe as a dragon shifter.” I couldn’t believe that I was actually saying those words out loud. In my adventures I’d seen shifters before but never anything like this. It seemed so bizarre, so foreign, and not something that could possibly be real.

  “Do you think this is the reason why those guys were looking for me?”

  Now that he had broached the topic, I could honestly say that was a pretty good conclusion to make. I didn’t know how to comfort him, but I did what I thought I should. I put my hands on his very strong shoulders and then he leaned in against me and began to weep like a little baby.

  “It’s OK, Avery, we’ll figure this out. I’m here for you and I’m not going anywhere.”

  Two days went by and I documented everything that we were doing. It was still a little hard for me to take. I was experimenting with various stimuli and apparently pain and REM sleep brought on the change, not to mention oral gratification. There was one other thing that might do it, but there was really only one way to find out for sure. This would give me a way to possibly restrain the beast or keep it from coming out entirely.

  I led him into the bedroom and I pushed him gently back onto the mattress, climbing over his frame and dropping the silk black robe that I’d found in the back of his closet. It revealed my naked ebony curves. “I need you to try to stay in the moment. Concentrate just on me and don’t think about the dragon.”

  “I hope that you know what you’re doing. I don’t want to hurt you.” His caring disposition had only made it more necessary to find out if there was a way to pull him back from this abyss.

  “It’s going to be very painful for you. I’m going to pull out all the stops and I don’t want you to react with your mind. Let your body do all the talking for you.” I had given him a couple of sedatives and one of those morphine shots that he had been talking about. His chronic condition of back pain must have been why he was spared. Something in his DNA prevented the killer from doing him in.

  I kissed his nipples, circled them with my tongue and watching for any reaction that would indicate that the dragon inside of him was going to come out and play. His tongue came out and it was slightly pointed, but then it went back to normal.

  “I don’t know if I can do this. You are too irresistible.” I should’ve been able to take that as a compliment, but I knew that this was going to be bad, if he didn’t get a chance to wrangle the beast back into its cage.

  “I just need you to try to stay with me. That morphine shot and those two sedatives should do what they are intended to do. Treat this like an experiment. We need to know what is going to cause you to change and if there’s any way that we can prevent it from happening.”

  I knew that the window of the living room was now boarded up. When I subjected him to electrical
shock, he changed and flew into a fit of rage. His wings expanded and he flew right through that window like it was made of paper. He hadn’t return for several hours. He came back completely naked, covered in blood and holding what looked like the head of a baby rabbit.

  He was in a state of shock and I had to do the honors of cleaning him with soap and water. We talked about it for hours and he agreed that knowing what was going to cause the change was the best sort of defense.

  Back in the moment, I looked down at his naked body and the way that his cock was now jutting into my crotch. I lifted myself, steeled my nerves and took a deep breath, before sliding down his manly pole. I did not give him a chance to get ready. The best way to do this was by complete surprise. I buried him in my tight sheath and lay there with my legs on either side of him. His eyes became unfocused before boring straight into mine.

  His hands gripped my hips and he was holding me steady, while driving into me with such force and ferocity that it seemed almost inhuman. “Yes…fuck me… Avery. Show me the beast, but don’t let it get the best of you. Keep it under tight wraps and feed off of it with your own sexual self. That’s it; you’ve almost got me there. Just a little bit more.”

  He was moving at a speed that was nothing short of remarkable. I was barely able to stay in this position, when he suddenly turned me over and spread my legs with his eyes on fire with a lust that could not be contained. He drove into me and it took my breath away. He pulled back out and slapped repeatedly against my clit with the top of his cock before pressing it back up against my entrance. I had my hands on his chest, watching his eyes and making sure that things were not going to go terribly awry.

  “This is too much to take…April…” Even with his eyes closed, I could see that it was getting to him and that his shoulders were showing signs of that scaly red hide. His voice had changed an octave and he was on that edge between becoming the beast and staying human. “I think I’m going to…cum.”

  “Not without me…Avery… Oh God… YESSSSSSS.”

  My body went into hysterics, my legs wide open and my dark chocolate skin trembling underneath his touch. His cock went off like a volcano and the molten lava from within combined with my own juices to become something that was so hot that it felt like it was burning my insides.

  I saw a semblance of his wings and then they retracted and that red hide disappeared. We had accomplished our goal.

  We agreed that we could not stay here for any length of time. He knew that they were hunting him and for whatever reason they believed that he was a threat to humanity. It was either that, or they were going to experiment on him for government purposes.

  I left with him and I sent an e-mail to Eric telling him that I had found the man of my dreams and that I would be in touch. He was very happy for me and told me that if there was a wedding date that he would be happy to be there, as my best man. It was a little unconventional, but I had this funny feeling that the ring would be on my finger before I knew it. We just had to stay out of the public eye and use the techniques that we had learned together to keep his dragon from getting out.

  This was the guy that I was looking for to spend the rest of my life with. I certainly didn’t have a clue that I was going to have to deal with a Bruce Banner and the incredible hulk kind of thing. Whoever said that relationships were easy, didn’t have to deal with the emotions of a Dragon Shifter.

  Come to think of it…the child I was carrying was going to be a handful. If I thought the terrible two’s was something with other kids, then having a little dragon shifter was going to be something else.


  Taken by a White Wolf

  “Mate with her?” Tate growled at his father.

  The woman that he was talking about was Accalia. She was from pure blood just as Tate was and had been chosen to be Tate’s mate.

  “I loathe the woman,” Tate continued. “Have you ever spent any time with her at all? She is revolting.”

  It wouldn’t have bothered Tate so much to mate with Accalia in the sense that humans mate. He would love to put her in her place and then never see her again, but the problem was that werewolves mate for life and Tate did not want to spend the rest of his life with that woman.

  She was a beautiful woman, but not much of a werewolf as far as Tate was concerned. She had never been on a hunt and Tate was pretty sure that she had killed her last assistant. She had turned up missing just a few weeks after she started working for Accalia and even though Accalia did not want to get her pretty hands dirty she had an anger problem.

  Tate wondered if her new assistant Shandra would see the same fate as the last. Shandra was a beautiful dark-skinned Black woman that had all the right curves and was as sweet as could be. Tate had seen the way that Accalia treated Shandra and it was not the way a classy woman would treat her assistant. Accalia was one of those women who thought that just because they had money they could treat everyone else poorly.

  Tate was not that way, though. He was the prince of the pack and he did understand how important it was to keep the royal bloodline pure but he wanted nothing to do with this woman. Accalia also treated the werewolves that were not pure as if they were beneath her to even notice them.

  There were several different types of werewolves. Those that were born of two purebred werewolves, who could trace their lineage back to the Primus. Then there were werewolves who were the product of a werewolf and a human. Then there were those who were changed, by another werewolf. Accalia was the type of werewolf whose lineage went back thousands of years all the way to the beginning. There had never been a human brought into her family. Nothing to muddy her bloodlines.

  Tate could also trace his ancestry back thousands of years and he understood why his family wanted to keep themselves pure, but to him a werewolf was a werewolf just as a human was a human. He had seen the looks that were given when a werewolf tried to bring a human into the pack, when they asked for permission to change them, but what Accalia did was far worse than looks. She was as mean as she could be to the members of the pack that were not pure blood and then the way she treated humans was inexcusable.

  They all had the choice to live in human form or to live in wolf form. Part of the pack stayed in the woods while the other part lived in the city with people. Accalia and her family lived in the city. They were not cut out for life in the wilderness. Tate could not remember the last time that he had actually seen Accalia shift and didn’t even know what she looked like as a werewolf. The only thing that ever reminded others that she was a werewolf was the wild look that she got in her eyes when she was angry and the animalistic noises that followed.

  Tate could see the anger in his father’s eyes. In all of his life he had never been disrespectful to him. He had never questioned his authority, but today he refused to follow an order. Tate’s father had told him that it had already been arranged with Accalia’s family and that she had accepted the offer.

  Tate turned and walked out of his father’s house, jumped into his car and headed down the road. He would so love to be off in the forest right now, where he would be able to shift, run and even hunt something down, taking all of his anger out on it.

  As Tate drove through the city he saw Accalia walking down the sidewalk with Shandra following closely behind. Accalia was a tall woman and slim, while Shandra was just a bit over five feet and very curvy. Accalia had a bad habit of calling her fat, eating in front of her and not allowing her to have breaks for her own meals.

  Accalia always told Shandra that it was for her own good and that one day when she was thin she would thank her, but Tate had seen Shandra on the verge of tears because of the things that Accalia said.

  As Tate watched the two women from afar he could tell that Accalia was talking down to Shandra. Accalia’s mouth was going non-stop and she was making the ugliest faces that Tate had ever seen, all while Shandra struggled to keep up, carrying all of Accalia’s bags, looking as if she were on the verge of tears. It took everyt
hing that Tate had within him not to walk up to Accalia and tell her how much he despised her. He wanted her to know that she would never be his mate.

  As he watched Shandra he wished that his father had been generous enough to find him a mate more like her. Yes, she was human, but Tate did not care. To him she was beautiful. She had a nice round ass with thick thighs. Her breasts jiggled and bounced as she struggled to keep up with Accalia. Tate could think of nothing else but getting his hands on her body as he sat at a stoplight, watching her.

  He had never found himself attracted to a human before and he did not know if it was pure lust or if it was because he did not like the way Accalia was treating the woman, or if it was simply out of defiance to his father, but he knew that there was a part of him that needed that human woman more than he could express.

  He decided that he did not care what his father or anyone else had to say. Shandra would be his and then she could have all the revenge that she wanted on Accalia. As the thought passed through his mind, he smiled. He didn’t care what it was that was attracting him to Shandra. He couldn’t help but smile at the idea of Shandra bossing Accalia around. Maybe he would hire her to be Shandra’s assistant. He knew that Shandra did not have a mean bone in her body and that she would never treat Accalia the way that she had been treated.

  He had met Shandra on several different occasions when his family and Accalia’s family got together or when he was out socializing. He was amazed that no matter where Accalia was she had to have Shandra with her. She had forced her to rent the apartment that was next to her own. Shandra accompanied her wherever she went shopping, getting her hair and nails done and even out to the club. Tate had often wondered if Shandra was in fact the only ‘friend’ that Accalia had.

  He had never seen Accalia out with human or werewolf females. He assumed it was because they would not put up with the way that Accalia insisted on treating them, but often wondered exactly what she could do that would make everyone stay away from her.


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