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Wicked Intent bh-4

Page 7

by Lora Leigh

  “If the opportunity presented itself,” Devril said. “Unfortunately, you were hiding this past weekend. It limited the choices.”

  Her gaze flickered to Devril a bit nervously.

  “Come on, baby, unbutton the blouse,” Dev asked her then, rather than ordering her. “We’ll begin here.”

  Chapter Nine

  Tally barely controlled the trembling of her fingers as she pulled her blouse free of her skirt. She kept each movement seductive, sedate. Excitement raced through her body, but that was no reason not to enjoy the experience. She had no idea what they intended and the jittery excitement that caused was making her uncomfortably aware of her entire body. Especially the area between her thighs. She was wetter than she could ever remember being during a sexual situation and it was close to frightening.

  As the hem of her blouse cleared her skirt, she cast them a teasing look from beneath her lowered lashes. They were hot, horny. Their faces were flushed with arousal, their eyes brimming with it. She loved it. It was her greatest challenge, controlling these two men.

  She began loosening the buttons slowly, watching as their eyes followed each movement, their hands clenching into fists as they fought for control of their own desires. Electrified excitement raced through her veins. Anticipation built in waves of sensual awareness as she performed the daring, taunting little striptease.

  She had worn only a demi-bra beneath her blouse; the sheer navy lace did little to hide the gold hoops that pierced her distended nipples. With her shirt unbuttoned, very little would be hidden from their gazes.

  They stood side-by-side now, only a few feet between them and her as the last button slid free and the edges of her shirt parted. She watched them closely, aware of the sexual tension, the blistering aura of energy that seemed to leap from them and surround her.

  She had been with two brothers before, she had no fear of the experience to come, but there was something different about Lucian and Devril. Some intangible something that caressed her flesh with ghostly fingers and denied her the ability to refuse them.

  She was experienced but she wasn’t promiscuous. She was nearly thirty years old and well aware of her power as a woman, until it came to these two men. With them, she felt as nervous, as shaky, as a virgin facing her first lover.

  “You are incredibly beautiful,” Devril said as they approached her.

  Tally held herself carefully still as the two men came along each side of her. They towered over her, her head barely clearing their chests, making her vulnerable, making her aware of her femininity, the weaknesses of her smaller body. It was a feeling she wasn’t accustomed to.

  “Come here, baby.” Lucian pressed her head against his chest, holding her there as his other hand followed Devril’s and pulled the side of her blouse from the swollen flesh of her breast.

  Both men groaned heavily as they revealed the prize they had sought.

  “How beautiful.” Lucian sighed as the backs of his fingers smoothed over the curve of her breast while Devril cupped the other in his worker’s hands.

  The heat of Devril’s palm seared through the lace of her navy demi-bra while Lucian’s calloused fingers caressed the engorged nipple of the other. As the hardened little nub became more sensitive, the weight of the gold ring became more pronounced, tormenting her with the light weight of it.

  She fought to keep from panting but she could feel the light film of perspiration gathering on her forehead. The tremors of arousal were becoming harder to still with each passing minute. She could feel her control threatening to crumble and fought it with every breath she took.

  “So cool and controlled,” Devril murmured, a shade of amusement coloring his voice as his lips lowered to her shoulder. “How long can you keep that control, Tally?” She closed her eyes, awash in sensation, in pleasure, as Lucian adjusted his stance, his hand still cupping the back of her head, his own head lowering.

  She whimpered when his mouth covered her nipple. She couldn’t hold back the sound, or her own pleasure. His tongue played mercilessly with the weight of gold, his mouth drawing on her flesh deeply as Devril followed suit with the other mound. She was caught between them, a feast of sensuality to their lustful appetites.

  Tally clenched her thighs tightly together as the twin mouths worked at her flesh, consuming her, feeding from hard, erect nipples, licking and sucking as she arched into their touch, her body flaming with arousal. Intense pleasure bombarded her senses with the need to be taken. Her pussy was flaming, burning with hunger, demanding fulfillment.

  She shifted between the two men, searching for relief as she fought back the pleas, the deep moans of surrender. She needed to be touched, taken.

  “Damn, Tally, you’re killing me,” Lucian groaned at her breast as Devril suddenly took the responsibility of holding her upright.

  Lucian’s mouth left her breast, his tongue giving it a final lick before Dev pulled her against his chest and lowered them both to the chair behind him. His hands covered her breasts, his fingers rasping her nipples, pulling on the gold rings as Lucian knelt before them.

  Tally watched him through dazed eyes. Behind her, Devril was breathing harshly; his head lowered to her neck, his lips and tongue caressing her flesh with devastating results.

  She fought to breathe as Lucian began to push her skirt over her thighs. Devril aided him by lifting her, adjusting her on his knees until she was spread out before Lucian like some sensual offering to his lust. His hands caressed her legs, her thighs, as he pushed the skirt to her hips, revealing the navy lace thong that covered the bare, plump lips of her pussy.

  She drew in a hard breath as Devril spread her thighs with his knees, opening her for Lucian’s pleasure as she stared back at him in dazed fascination. She fought to steel herself, to prepare herself for his touch, but when it came it was like a blow of hard pleasure straight to her womb.

  His fingers did no more than smooth over the damp triangle of fabric as his lips parted, his tongue licking over them slowly.

  “You’re wet, Tally,” Lucian whispered roughly.

  “It would seem so,” she quipped, fighting back the guttural moan rising in her chest.

  He grinned, his eyes flaring with amusement at her catty tone.

  “You are such a bad girl,” he whispered as his thumb located the small ring that pierced the hood of her clit.

  “Really?” Her breathing was jerky, her voice hoarse. “So what are you going to do about it?”

  Lucian chuckled, his hot breath caressing her moist flesh with the sound.

  Tally jerked in response, her eyelids fluttering closed as pleasure overwhelmed her.

  “Are you going to tease me all day or do something?” She was not panting, she assured herself. Controlling her breathing was becoming more difficult by the second, though. She was growing weak, dazed. The sensual teasing of Devril’s hands on her breasts, his fingers tugging at the rings as his lips caressed her neck, was bad enough.

  But Lucian, kneeling between her thighs, his fingers slowly removing the damp thong, was almost enough to send her over the edge.

  “I’m going to do something,” Lucian whispered. “I’m going to make you scream, Tally.”

  If anyone could, it would be Lucian, but Tally was just as determined that she would hold on to that last bit of her defenses. She had never screamed. She wasn’t about to start now.

  Helplessly trapped against Devril’s hard body, she watched as Lucian’s head lowered. His thumbs spread the plump lips of her cunt apart, revealing her swollen clit and the ring of gold that graced it.

  He seemed fascinated with the piercing. His tongue played over the ring, tugging at it sensually, moving it around, up and down, until Tally was lifting to his mouth, flames leaping from her pussy to sear the rest of her body with the driving need for orgasm.

  It was intense. Too intense. She could feel her mind dissolving beneath the sensual rush of pleasure, her nerve endings catching fire as the knot of sensation began to tight
en in her womb.

  She needed to be fucked. She needed it now. Enough of the torture, of the slow games… Her moan echoed around her as Lucian eased his finger inside the burning depths of her pussy. His tongue played sadistic games of lust against her clit as his finger fucked her with short, shallow strokes.

  “Lucian, fuck me.” She was panting now. Panting was okay. Damn, it felt so good, so blistering hot and exciting she could barely stand it.

  “Not yet,” he whispered against her soaked flesh. “Soon, baby, but not yet.”

  “No.” She shook her head against Devril’s chest as his teeth nipped at her neck.

  “Now. Fuck me now.” She arched into his thrusting finger, gritting her teeth in an agony of need as her hands tangled in his hair, struggling to attain her release.

  Devril’s fingers tightened on her straining nipples, sending a hard burst of pleasure/pain streaking through her breasts at the same time Lucian added another finger to the first and thrust them hard inside her straining pussy.

  So close. She whimpered, her breath catching at the intensity of the pleasure as she fought to reach that final threshold. Why were they tormenting her? She could feel Devril’s cock like a wedge of steel beneath his jeans at her back, and she knew Lucian’s was like a length of iron beneath his slacks. Why weren’t they fucking her? Especially when she needed it so damned bad.

  “Come for me, Tally,” Lucian whispered against her clit, his fingers fucking her with exciting roughness as the muscles of her vagina clenched around them.

  She needed more. She was reaching desperately for the pinnacle but it wasn’t there.

  “Fuck me.” She gripped his hair tighter, trying to pull him closer, desperate now to find the release tormenting her body.

  “No yet.” He was breathing hard, rough. “Come for me, Tally. Now.” His lips clamped over her clit, suckling it into his mouth as his tongue flickered over it with velvet roughness. Tally couldn’t halt the sob that escaped her chest. It wasn’t enough. She knew it wouldn’t be enough. She bit her lip, holding back the fury and the screams of disappointment as she strained against him, fighting to climax, to escape the searing knowledge that her body needed more.

  It was like a splash of icy water, that knowledge that she wouldn’t find her release, that Lucian and Devril would suspect the secret she fought to keep so carefully hidden.

  Agonized, her chest exploding with fear, she took the only option left to her. She faked it. She tightened in Devril’s arms, feigning her release, working the muscles of her pussy in a spasmodic clench as she released a muttered moan of satisfaction. In this, her secret would be safe.

  Chapter Ten

  Lucian hid his surprise, his shock. It wasn’t easy and he was well aware that Devril was doing the same. She had actually attempted to fake her orgasm. He couldn’t believe it. He slid his fingers slowly from the fisted grip of her pussy, feeling the ripples of regret in the soft tissue as he retreated and fought to tamp down his anger.

  He couldn’t believe she had dared anything so reckless, so completely unneeded, as what she had just done. Rather than giving in to her own desires, her body’s demand that she release the control she prized so highly, she had instead staged an orgasm so blatantly false that he wanted to paddle her ass for even attempting it.

  Lucian raised his eyes, keeping his gaze hooded as he looked up at her. She was staring at the ceiling, her expression tense, her body taut with both unfulfilled desire and nerves.

  She had a right to be nervous. His eyes met Devril’s; in them he saw the same anger he could feel growing inside himself.

  “Let me go now.” Cool, calm, as though she hadn’t just begged them to fuck her, hadn’t been trembling in their arms as she fought for her release.

  He nodded slowly to his brother, watching as the large hands slid away from the dusky, passion-flushed breasts they had covered. Her nipples were hard, reddened, her arousal in no way abated. She had cheated not just him and Devril, but herself as well, in such a manner that he wondered how often she had done it before. It was a practiced, well-versed move. One that a man of lesser experience might not have caught. But Lucian had caught it, and though now wasn’t the time to force her past the control she was fighting so hard to maintain, he vowed that soon he would push her past that and more.

  Lucian moved back from her slowly, coming to his feet as she stumbled away from Devril. Jerking her blouse from the back of the chair, she quickly pulled it over her arms. Her hands were trembling; her long hair was tangled and mussed, her cheeks flushed with both anger and need. She kept her head lowered, but from her profile he could see the emotions chasing across her face, the fear and vulnerability, the fight for control. Her and her fucking control. He’d had enough of it.

  “Do you think I’m that big of a fool, Tally?” he asked her softly.

  She paused in her attempts to button her shirt, freezing before him, searching desperately for explanations, he could tell.

  “Don’t bother lying to me, Tally.” He lifted her chin with his hand, staring into those incredible brown eyes and for the first time, seeing a vulnerability he hadn’t suspected her of. “Tell me why.”

  She swallowed tightly before jerking away from him and quickly securing the remaining buttons of her shirt as she pushed her feet into her shoes.

  “I’m leaving.” Her voice was husky, remnants of desire and shades of fear shadowing it. “I won’t be back.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest as Devril moved to her.

  “Do you really think running is going to help, Tally?” Dev asked her gently. Lucian could sense his brother’s need for action, to ease her, to take away the pain and fear they could both see in her face.

  Her head rose, fury engulfing her expression for one shattering moment before cool mockery overcame it.

  “Such arrogance,” she said imperiously. “I’m not running, I’m merely disinterested now. You tried, you failed. Too bad, so sad.” She shrugged negligently. “No harm done.”

  Then she raised her head proudly and though Lucian could sense her need to make a graceful exit, she was practically running for the door.

  “Tally, do you really think this is over?” He followed her, pausing in the doorway and watching as she jerked her purse from the desk.

  As she turned back to speak to him the outer door opened and Jesse and Terrie walked in before stopping and staring at Tally in amazement. Dev watched fleeting horror cross her face before she rushed past them and out of the office.

  “Dammit.” Devril cursed furiously as he started through the door.

  “Wait,” Lucian cautioned him. “Let her go for now.”

  “What the hell has happened here?” Terrie turned from the door, anger filling her face. “What did you do to her?”

  “Not nearly enough, I would suspect.” Lucian pushed his fingers wearily through his hair as he turned back to Devril. “Make sure she gets home okay. I’ll be there later.”

  “You shouldn’t have let her leave,” Devril snapped, his green eyes coldly furious.

  “Dammit, Lucian, she was in no shape to be walking out of here.”

  “She was in no condition to fight.” Lucian sighed. “Follow her home. We’ll decide what to do later.”

  Devril stalked from the offices and Lucian turned back to face Jesse and Terrie’s concern.

  “You and I need to talk,” he told Terrie. “There are obviously a few details about your friend Tally that you neglected to mention in the past few months. I think it would be a good idea if you mentioned them now.”

  * * *

  She had made such a fool of herself. Tally accelerated out of the company parking lot, barely missing an incoming employee as she rounded the curve and headed for the freeway.

  She breathed in deeply, fighting the excess emotion straining to be free. She needed to scream or rage or something. It had never been like that. Never before had an orgasm completely eluded her in such a way. They were often not satisfying, ba
rely taking the edge off the hunger that strained inside her, but rarely had she failed to achieve any relief at all, and with such horrifying results. They had known. Her fingers clenched on the steering wheel as fear and humiliation swept over her. They were aware that she had faked the release; that she had been unable to achieve her orgasm despite the fierce, exacting pleasure sweeping through her body.

  God, it had felt so good. Their hands, their mouths, Lucian’s lips at her clit, his tongue raking the little gold ring that pierced it. The pleasure had been unlike anything she had known in her life, sweeping through her, sensitizing every nerve and cell in her body until the need for release had consumed her. Yet the harder she had reached for it, the farther away it seemed.

  She was burning now. Her skirt was hopelessly stained with her own juices, she knew, and horribly wrinkled. Wrinkles were a sign of sloppiness, both of mind and of appearance; the sisters of the Catholic school she had once attended had lectured that point to her constantly. Her blouse wasn’t even buttoned straight. She clenched her teeth against the overwhelming urge to scream out her mortification.

  Years — years of careful control, of watching every move she made, controlling every hidden impulse and presenting an appearance of unshakable calm had been destroyed at the hands of the two men who now knew her most shameful secret.

  She needed the pain.

  A low growl of fury passed her lips before she throttled it back and once again forcibly controlled her inborn fury. They were dominants, for pity’s sake. Trojans. Part of the much whispered about Club. They liked their sex wild and rough, their women submissive and screaming, not whimpering from the gentleness of their touch. Of all the men she had thought could bring her to mind-blowing orgasm, she had thought Lucian and Devril surely could.

  The drive to the upscale apartment complex where she lived was made in record time. She refused to admit she was speeding. She never broke the law. It was a point of pride for her. Just as an unwrinkled skirt, smooth hair and unblemished skin were points of pride. One’s inner person was reflected in the way she carried herself, how she handled hardships. She grimaced at the thought. Why were those old, harshly worded lectures tormenting her now? The good sisters of the St. Augustine’s Academy were a part of her past, or so she had tried to convince herself.


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