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Butler, Reece - A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise [Bride Train 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Reece Butler

  His cock rose valiantly. He didn’t think he could come, but he was hard enough to stroke Amelia into another explosion. He swished his finger in the oil, coating it well. A pink ring appeared when he scratched Amelia’s tight rosebud. He pressed in like a skewer, past her natural resistance. When he felt her relax, he withdrew.

  She held Nev’s cock tight with one hand when she sat up. Nev stared at her breasts as if mesmerized. Ross snorted to himself. He still did the same. What was it about those handfuls that meant so much to a man? Was it because they were so different from his own body?

  She settled herself, rubbing her wet pussy against Nevin’s cock as best as she could. She stared down at him. Ross saw the tension in his smile, the lines beside his eyes. Amelia lifted a breast and squeezed. Nev gulped, hard.

  “Don’t you want to touch these?”

  Nev pulled his hands from behind his head and reached for her breasts. She leaned forward to help. Ross saw that Venus smile of power blaze as Nevin gazed up in awe.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” she said.

  Nev must have done something to her sensitive nipples because she suddenly gasped and thrust into his palms. He groaned. She took control back, grasping him in a two-handed grip. She leaned forward again, mouth opening. Ross’s view improved, her pussy shining and wet right before him.

  “Jehosephat!” Nevin grabbed the bars again.

  Ross, remembering the feel of her mouth when she sucked him and rubbed his hand over his own cock. Nev was probably fighting to keep from exploding. Having Amy’s soft mouth and strong tongue on his cock was something to be enjoyed as long as possible.

  He worked her until three oiled fingers easily pressed into her ass. She moaned when he twisted them, pushing back against him for more. She was ready.

  He poured oil into his cupped palm and set the tin mug on the floor. He knelt behind her. Using his hand to guide, he pressed the head of his cock into her hole.

  “Push out, Amelia,” he whispered.

  When she did, he easily slid in an inch. He stopped to let her adjust. Even though he’d just come, taking her ass made him ready to go again. He pressed in another inch. She groaned around Nev’s cock.

  Ross gave her slow, controlled thrusts. He worked until he was deep in her. Damn, she was hot! Hot and tight.

  He slid his clean hand around her belly. She jerked when he found her clit.

  Nevin, eyes wild, suddenly pounded up, knocking Ross’s hand from her clit. Nev roared, bucking like an unbroken stallion, thrusting wildly. Ross thrust a few inches each way to slam his balls against her clit. He heard a high groan, Amy’s scream muffled by Nev’s cock. He pulled out, still semi-hard.

  Nevin finally collapsed, gasping for air. After a moment, he opened his eyes, the wild coyote grin back again. He pulled Amelia forward until their lips met. He kissed her deeply, molding her breast with one hand. Finally, she sighed and settled, resting her head on his chest.

  Ross got off the bed and cleaned up. When he turned back, Nev had wrapped his arms around Amelia, asleep on his chest. His eyes were closed, his lips pressed tight. Ross blew out the lamp. He wouldn’t want to see his brother’s fight to hold back tears.

  How long had it been since Nev held a loving woman in his arms? Ross had never done so until the night he met Amelia. Why would Nevin be any different?

  He threw on some pants and went downstairs for a snack. He waited until Nevin, fully dressed, came downstairs.

  “She’s still sleeping,” said Nev quietly.

  Though he kept his head down, Ross saw the raw look on his brother’s face. They both knew that Amelia would call out for Ross and would hold her husband during the night.

  Nevin quietly let himself out the door. He didn’t come home the next day.

  Chapter Seventeen

  “Is Nevin avoiding me? He hasn’t been home in two days.”

  Amelia lay with her head on Ross’s chest. She’d started the day with kisses as Ross, pressing her thighs apart, nibbled and licked her awake. She beat the rooster’s morning cry by only a few minutes, thanks to her husband’s nimble tongue. Warm fingers of rosy morning light lit up the valley outside the window. After two days of rain, she planned to wash some of the men’s heavy clothing. Baby things were washed every day and hung on lines over the stove when it was wet.

  “Maybe, but he’ll be back today since it’s dry.”

  “Good. He can help me with all those dirty pants, socks, and shirts.”

  Ross’s smile reached his eyes, crinkling the corners. He kissed her forehead.

  “Nope. We’ve got logs to saw. Need boards for Auntie’s home.”

  “You can’t saw in the rain?”

  “The blade binds when it’s wet.”

  She nodded and rested her head on his chest again. His heart, which had pounded like a steam engine after their session, was steady and strong. He combed her hair with his fingers, tickling her when it dangled on her back. The clatter of pots and impatient cry of a baby made Amelia press her hand on his chest to lever herself up.


  “Stop complaining. You had me sitting on your chest a few minutes ago, so don’t complain that one hand is going to squish you.”

  She skittered off the bed and quick-stepped behind the screen before he could reach out a long arm and haul her back to him. By the time she performed her morning ablutions, he was gone. She sighed in relief that she could get dressed alone. He liked to lean a shoulder against the wall and watch her. He didn’t care if she was putting clothes on or off or just brushing her long hair.

  Amelia slowly dressed. It was going to be a hot day, and she’d be getting soaked with wash water, so she didn’t want too many layers. She’d shortened a couple of skirts to wear with her new boots. Walking was much easier without wet skirts flapping around her ankles.

  She had a husband who appreciated her as well as two brothers-in-law and a baby niece who needed her. She enjoyed the company, but Tillie would be leaving with her husband in the next month or so. How could she feel at home when there was so little she was good at? Ross liked her body, but what about her brain… or her heart?

  She descended the stairs and into the busy kitchen. With Auntie at the stove and Tillie feeding a baby, she began the day by taking down the dried baby cloths. She took an armful onto the sunny porch. She inhaled the morning air, full of the aroma of flowers blooming. She set the cloths on the table and began folding. She hummed as she worked, bending over to smooth the folds.

  “Now, ain’t that a purty sight before breakfast.”

  She whirled around at the lazy drawl, pressing the cotton to her chest as if it could protect her. Nevin stood below wearing only pants and boots. Droplets fell from his dark brown hair to his chest. One ran down to his belly. She watched its slow trip. She licked her lips, imagining tasting the fresh creek water off his body. The drop reached his waist and was absorbed by his pants. As she watched, the fabric below his waist stirred, tenting outward.

  “You asking for something, ma’am? I’d be mighty pleased to help.”

  She raised her hot face. He winked.

  “You surprised me,” she said. She pursed her lips.

  He slowly looked to the left and then right. He leaned slightly forward and dropped his voice.

  “Anytime you want to surprise me by finishing up what those eyes of yours started, let me know.” He stood straight and fingered his still-wet hair straight back. “In fact, don’t tell me, just do it.” He came up the stairs and stood beside her. “How about a morning kiss, Mrs. MacDougal?”

  Before she could reply, he stepped close and wrapped his arms around her. She gulped and looked at his chest rather than meet his gaze. He had a few hairs around his nipples, but the rest of his front was smooth. The pulse in his neck throbbed, as did her pussy. She’d barely left her husband’s bed, yet this man made her heart race and her legs quiver!

  “Amelia,” he whispered. “Say, ‘Good morning, Nevin.’”

  She swallowed and took a breath. Inhaling made their chests touch. Only one thin layer of cotton separated her full breasts from his broad chest. She looked up.

  “Good morning, Nevin,” she managed to choke.

  She tried to back up, but he held tight. He shook his head. A corner of his mouth tilted up. He waited a beat and then lowered his head. She knew what he wanted. Sighing, she closed her eyes and tilted her head. Nevin’s lips were cool, as if he’d stuck his whole head in the meltwater stream. They warmed quickly against hers. He was so gentle she relaxed her lips and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Mmm,” he murmured in his throat, lips closed on hers. She opened her lips for more, but he stepped back. His chest heaved as he kissed her forehead.

  “You’ll have to ask for more than that later,” he said. He placed his hands on her bottom and squeezed her cheeks. He released them and moved toward the door. “Breakfast’s waitin’,” he drawled. He touched a finger to his forehead as if it was a hat then went inside.

  Amelia turned back to the baby nappies. She stared at them for a moment, gritting her teeth. If she was a lesser woman, she would have a stomping fit right then and there. He knew he was stirring up trouble when he kissed her. And when she responded, he backed away and left her high and dry.

  No, not dry. Wet and needy.

  She folded the rest of the nappies, muttering to herself. She was so immersed in her work that she shrieked when an arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her from her task.

  “Got a kiss for your husband, too?” He turned her around to face him.

  “What does he think he’s doing, kissing me like that and then walking away?” She knew she pouted up at Ross but didn’t care that her lip stuck out like a child’s.

  Ross answered with a kiss of his own. This time, when she opened her lips, he obliged her, deepening the kiss. His hand found her bottom and pulled her snug against him. She felt the promise of his hard cock. She rubbed her hips against him, eagerly showing what she wanted. They finally broke off the kiss to breathe.

  “Nevin wants the same thing you do,” said Ross. “He’s teasing, seeing if you want more.” He fondled her aroused breast, the hard nipple easily visible through the thin fabric. “Do you want more, Amelia?”

  “Yes.” The word was out of her mouth before she thought of what it meant. She wanted more of Ross, of course. But Nevin?

  “Nevin told you he wants to taste you. He wants to lick that sweet pussy of yours until you come all over him.”

  She quivered, remembering how Ross had woken her with his tongue. She moaned when he rubbed her nipple.

  “We’re working up the hill today. We’d enjoy a mid-afternoon break from a pretty woman, especially if she’s naked.”

  “Outside?” She squeaked the word.

  “That’s the way Mother Nature intended.”

  One more squeeze and he released her. She stepped back and leaned her bottom against the table. Ross entered the kitchen, leaving her hot, bothered, and terribly flustered.

  Take off her clothing outside?

  A flash of heat rose from between her thighs, shooting past her swollen breasts to her forehead. There was no way she was going into that kitchen until the only male in the room was Tillie’s baby son, Peter.

  She might as well get things together for the laundry. She left the pile of neatly folded cloths on the table. She gracefully descended the few stairs and crossed the yard. Tillie had shown her the huge, black washing kettle. They’d filled it with the men’s dirty clothing and let the rain soak them overnight. The two Indian women could read the weather signs and insisted today would be sunny.

  * * * *

  Hours later, Amelia grunted as she poured out the last kettle of wash water. Clean socks, shirts, and pants hung over every possible surface around the yard. The way the sun beat down, at least the socks and shirts would be dry by evening. She’d grabbed breakfast and dinner on the fly, avoiding the men as they came in to eat. She hadn’t missed the hot looks from both Ross and Nevin, however. She felt their eyes on her bottom while she bent over the kettle. They passed as she stirred the clothes with a thick stick.

  A quiet walk up to the creek would be refreshing. She could take off her boots and dip her feet into the water. If no one was around, perhaps she could take a quick dip. Considering how cold the water was, it would have to be quick. Though it was late May, there was still lots of snow melting from the mountains surrounding the valley.

  She walked uphill toward the regular sound of a saw cutting through a log. This time, Nevin was the one uphill and Ross pulled the blade down to create wide pine boards from thick trees. During the rain, they’d checked the cattle as well as other ranch work that she didn’t yet understand. Perhaps once she understood all the women’s work, she would learn about the men’s. That might be a while, though, considering everything that Auntie and Tillie did.

  The caw of a raven announced her presence though she was going to wait until they finished before interrupting them. They didn’t stop, however, keeping the rhythm going until they ran out of log.

  Ross stood up and stretched out his back. He and Nevin windmilled their arms and rotated their shoulders. Muscles rippled over their beautiful brown skin.

  “You thinkin’ what I’m thinkin’?” Nevin tilted his head toward Amelia while looking at Ross.

  “You here to watch us work or for something else?” Ross shook his head before scratching it briskly with both hands. Sawdust and wood chips fell out. Only then did he turn to her.

  She clasped her hands behind her back. “I thought I might dip my feet in the creek.”

  Nevin snorted a laugh. “I was hoping I’d be the one doing the dipping.”

  She didn’t understand what he meant until he shook out a leg and adjusted himself. The heat from washing clothes was nothing compared to the jolt that hit her pussy.

  “She’s blushing, Nev. That means she’s hot.” He turned and began walking toward her. “You hot, wife? I think a dip in the creek is a good idea.”

  He reached her and pulled her into his arms. His sweaty chest pressed against her perspiration-soaked dress. He smelled like a man who started out clean and worked hard all day. Her nostrils flared as his musky scent enveloped her along with his arms.

  She licked a drop of sweat from his nipple. He groaned. He dropped his hands to her bottom and began pulling up fabric. She tried to pull away as the breeze touched the backs of her knees, but he held tight and kept lifting. In a moment, the sun’s rays touched her bare bottom.

  “That’s one fine ass,” groaned Nevin from behind her.

  Ross walked his fingers over her bottom, pulling her cheeks apart. He slid a finger between her pussy lips from behind. She clenched, moaning her need.

  “That’s it,” choked Ross.

  He lifted her by the waist and carried her uphill to the narrow log supporting the one they’d just cut. It reached her hips. Nevin tossed him a shirt, which he placed over the wood. The top surface was flat. Ross stood behind her, massaging her back cheeks.

  “Tell me to stop, Amy. Tell me now or have both of us.”

  Nevin faced her, rubbing his hard cock through his pants. The way he stared at her, as if he would die unless he saw Ross take her, sent a shiver of heat through her. Staring back at Nevin, she lifted her hands and began unbuttoning her damp dress. Ross, standing behind her, didn’t move, but his breathing roughened.

  Nevin’s eyes followed her hands, mesmerizing her. She kept the fabric edges closed until she reached the last one at her hips. She held her lapels and opened her dress, revealing her breasts to the sunlight for the first time. Ross moaned and held them from behind, massaging them with his callused skin. She arched her back, thrusting into his hands. Her dress fell to the ground.

  She dropped her right hand to her curls and parted them. Every movement she made increased the heat in Nevin’s eyes. He licked his lips, eyes flicking from her breasts to her fingers busy in her pussy.
  “Damn!” he muttered. He opened his pants and drew out his cock. The sun caught the drop on the tip, making it sparkle. Better than gold. She licked her lips and circled her clit.

  “She’s wet, Nev,” whispered Ross hoarsely.


  The word was both question and plea. She nodded.

  Nevin knelt in front of her. She opened her legs. He inhaled, closed his eyes, and moaned. He tentatively touched her clit with his finger. She tilted her pelvis forward, bending her knees to open herself up. His first touch was light, almost a tickle. She pressed her hips forward. He took her offer and kissed her pussy, inhaling deeply.

  Ross turned her to face the log and pressed her feet apart. Big hands grasped her hips and lifted. Ross sighed as he slid into her pussy. Nevin, still kneeling, groaned. Ross’s fullness stretched her, straining her senses to overload. Nevin stared at the place where she and Ross joined, the hand on his cock keeping rhythm with Ross’s slow thrusts.

  “Watch Nev,” ordered Ross in a rasping whisper. “See how much he wants to fuck you. Hard and fast, Amy. That’s what fucking as lovemaking is. He wants his cock to be deep inside you, like this.”

  She moaned as his balls slapped against her clit, tantalizing her.

  “Nev wants to suck your clit to make you come.”

  She gasped and clenched at the thought. She loved Ross’s tongue and his cock. But to have both at once!

  “She wants it, Nev,” gasped Ross. Nevin’s eyes opened wide. “Don’t you, Amy. Nod if you want my brother to lick and suck your clit while I fuck you. Do you want it?”

  She nodded, eager for more and not caring how or why.

  Nevin moved under her. She couldn’t see his face anymore but, oh! She felt his tongue. Ross widened his stance. He grasped her thighs, lifted, and spread her wide.

  Nevin’s tongue slid over and around her clit. Ross tilted his cock so it scraped against something that revved her higher. Nev nipped her clit with his lips. She clenched, and Ross sped up. A hand brushed against her breast then squeezed. She wriggled, her body one mass of need.


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