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Butler, Reece - A Contract Bride's Triple Surprise [Bride Train 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 25

by Reece Butler

  “I thought me heart would jump out of me chest and me balls burst from the end of me cock!” He inhaled deeply and let it out, allowing his heart to slow a mite.

  “Is that a good thing?”

  He forced one eye open. She frowned up at him, biting her lip as if worried. “Considerin’ I’ve nae felt so wondrous, yes, ‘tis a good thing.”

  “Good.” She snuggled her round bottom against his exhausted cock. “I expect the same from you.”

  He groaned. “’Twill take some time afore I can sit up, much less perform.”

  It took a few minutes for her to reply.

  “You could sit on the floor while I lie on the edge of the bed. Or is your tongue old and worn-out as well?”

  Old? She thought he was old because it took him more than a few minutes to recover from damn near having his head explode as well as his cock?

  He opened one eye. She grinned up at him like an eager strumpet wanting triple pay.

  “It’s like that, is it? Ye think I’m nae monly?” He struggled to sit up. “Haul that ass to the end of the bed and spread yer legs. I’ll show ye what a real mon can do to please his woman.”

  She moved on hands and knees to the end of the bed. The tilted back gave him a nice view of her glistening pussy. She smoothed the sheet then lay on her back, heels tucked up beside her hips.

  He sighed and hauled himself up. She’d thrown down the challenge and he’d taken it up. After that insult about his age he would tease her for a long, long, time before giving her a release. By then he’d be recharged and ready to slide into her as she spasmed around him.

  She’d better be very careful to obey him for the next few days. He couldn’t wait to spank her fleshy cheeks until she was so hot one finger would set her off. His cock twitched, eager to rise again after so many months of nothing.

  * * * *

  “Please,” she begged. “Let me come. I’ll do anything you want, just don’t stop until I—no!”

  Amelia drummed her heels against Gillis’s back as he lifted his tongue from her clit. He snickered into her pussy, again.

  He’d licked, and sucked, and fingered and tasted her for what seemed like hours. Every time she was almost there, he backed off and moved away. Worse, he laughed at her.

  “Do you want me to burn everything you eat until Ross and Nevin come home? Because if I don’t come soon, I swear I’m going to—yes, there!”

  She lifted her hips, grasped his ears and pulled his face into her pussy. He beard scratched lightly between her cheeks as he flicked his long tongue over her clit. The tension built again, coiling higher than before.

  “You want to come, Amelia?” His words rumbled from between her legs but she heard every precious one.


  He pulled his head back and stood. The lantern flickered over his wet, shiny face and beard. She scrambled back on the bed like a crab at his signal, eager to have his cock give her what she needed.

  He took his time, staring at her eye to eye as he approached on hands and knees. She opened her legs wide, offering herself to him. She needed him to slam into her, deep and hard. Only then would she get her release. Nothing would stop her from this. Nothing!

  But he lay down beside her and motioned her to climb on top. She scrambled onto his huge chest. If she was on top, she could take what she needed from him. His chest was so deep that the only reason her knees touched the mattress was due to the sag of his body.

  He placed his palms under her back cheeks and lifted her into place. She grasped his hard cock and guided him into her. She closed her eyes and sighed when he finally lodged the first inch into her. He let her sink another inch onto him, then raised her up again.

  “What are you doing?” She frowned at him.

  “You ask that when me cock is in yer pussy?”

  “Your cock is only in a few inches. I want all of you in me. Now!”

  “I’ll take that under consideration.”

  He raised her until only his tip was left, then slowly let her sink to halfway. She clenched her muscles and tried to grip him with her knees, but it did no good.

  “I want it hard and fast,” she growled. “I need it hard and fast!”

  “Ye’ll get what I think ye need, and nae more.”

  He continued his slow advance, then retreat, while she fought for more. She groaned her agreement when he tilted her to move forward and back more than up and down. He let his cock reach deep, but he still had an inch or two left. She wanted it all. He shifted again so she sat vertically on his cock.

  Amelia screwed up her eyes at his nonchalant smile. The quiver in his biceps and trickle of sweat down his temple disproved his air of ease. She returned his look of leisure and lifted her breasts. She squeezed one, then the other. He stared at them, licking his lips when she rubbed the nipples together.

  His tempo sped up, as did his breathing.

  She slid her right hand down her belly and between her legs. She closed her eyes, keeping just enough open to see his expression. One hand on her breast, the other on her pussy, she played with herself as his cock filled her, then released.

  The tension was different now. More intense, as if his fingers and tongue were only an appetizer and she needed to be full to get dessert.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered.

  His eyes widened and he gasped. Finally, he sped up, Thrusting up from below as he let her slid down his cock all the way. Once, twice, then she pinched her clit and nipple, clenched her thighs.

  She threw back her head as stars finally exploded behind her eyes. She leaned forward, bracing her palms on his chest as he pumped her up and down his cock.

  He growled and slammed her down twice, his thick fingers curving into her ass. She heard his roar of triumph before she came again, clenching and shivering as the aftershocks hit.

  When he gasped and released her she fell forward onto his chest, unable to hold herself up.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Ten days later

  Ross had Nevin ride through town while he brought Daniel home in a wide loop. The trail went to the south over a ridge behind the Double Diamond. The boy had amazed everyone, including the doctor, with his fast recovery. Because there was no cleft palate, the surgeon had repaired the break in his lip without too much problem. He’d always have a ridge and scar on his top lip, but he could grow a moustache to cover it. Someday, he’d kiss a pretty girl. For now, he was overjoyed to eat with his mouth closed.

  “Do you think Mrs. MacDougal will like what we brought her?”

  “Yep. That handkerchief is sure pretty.”

  It seemed Daniel could ride for only a few minutes before talking. He was so proud of losing his lisp and worked hard to speak well. Both he and Ross were ready for some alone time. Daniel had been with Ross or Nevin every minute of the day and night and was likely a bit sick of them.

  Ross wanted alone-with-Amelia time.

  Ross let Daniel forge ahead, training him to follow the faint trail. Now and then, he glanced behind him. Usually, he’d take more care of his back trail, but the boy needed his attention. A faint tingling between his shoulder blades bothered him. He shrugged it off as a side effect of Daniel’s chatter.

  He knew what was over the next ridge, but the boy didn’t. He held back, letting him discover it himself.

  “Look! We’re almost home!”

  Daniel turned in the saddle, grinning wildly. Under his new hat, he was tanned and fit, no longer the scrawny child they’d brought home. He still wasn’t as tall as most his age, but his father was a short man. At least he no longer resembled an eight-year-old scarecrow.

  “Lead the way, pardner!”

  The boy gave a yell and encouraged his pony over the ridge. Ross was just as eager, but he knew what to expect. Daniel had never come home before. He let his tired horse pick its way down the slope until they entered the trees. He stopped for a moment in the cool and let the land settle around him like a cloak.

l land. He inhaled and forced out the old air. He sent out his senses and let the energy of the land, the trees, the water, and all life flow into him. After a moment that could have been forever, he continued home.

  When he cleared the trees, he saw Amelia rush out of the house and hug Daniel as soon as he got down from his pony. She held him away from her for a moment before hugging him again. Ross could almost hear her say, “My, you’ve grown” and “Just look at you—aren’t you the handsome boy?”

  It’s what he wished his mother could have said. Instead, she’d told him everything with her eyes and a gentle touch on the shoulder. If only he could write her a letter that no one else would read. He’d tell her how he understood what she had done and why.

  As a child, he believed that Fin and Hugh beat him because his mother was disgusted with him. Looking to fatherhood, he realized she would never be ashamed that her eldest son was part herself and part his father. His father was not one to allow love to show. But his children would have love, from father, mother, cousins, and all.

  He dismounted and walked his horse the rest of the way, both to let it cool off and to give Daniel time with Amelia. When he entered the barn, he rested his forehead against his horse’s shoulder, thanking him for bringing him away and back home safely.

  Daniel had already unsaddled his pony, brushed, fed, and watered him, cleaned the tack, and put everything away. The pony contentedly crunched on sweet feed in his stall. Somehow, they had to find a way to keep the boy, to hide him from his father until he was old enough to make his own decisions. He’d set a fine example for all the children Ross wanted.

  He removed the saddle bags carefully and set them aside. He hauled the saddle off, removed the tack, and picked up a brush. When he bent over to brush off the beast’s front leg, a hand slid into his back pocket. He knew she was there, no matter how soft her steps.

  “How’s my favorite wife?”

  She pulled her hand out of his pocket, grabbed his lapels, and hauled him down for a kiss. Her desperation soon matched his. Still kissing, he walked forward until her back rested against one of the wide timbers.

  “I’d better be your only wife,” she gasped when she came up for air. She scrabbled at his pants, fighting the undo the buttons. “Now! I want you in me now!”

  He helped her to free his cock and hauled her skirts up to her waist. He cupped his hands under her cheeks and lifted her. She caught him around his waist with her legs and crossed her ankles. He leaned her back against the wall and slid home.

  He exhaled and rested there, her soft, wet pussy enveloping him. She clenched her muscles and tilted her hips, sucking him deeper. He pressed all the way in and held her there. Pinned to the wall by his cock. She hadn’t stopped with his pants buttons. Her breasts now spilled out of her dress, lush and full, begging for his lips. He suckled deep, his need for her immediate.

  His balls tightened, ready to burst. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He stepped away from the wall and grabbed her ass in his hands, one for each cheek. She held on tight as he braced his legs and slammed her up and down. He lasted maybe four times before his white-hot balls exploded. He roared, filling her with weeks of his seed, weeks of need. She cried out, her legs almost cutting him in two as she joined him, thrusting her own hips when he slowed.

  He staggered forward and rested her against the wall again before his rubbery legs gave way. She groaned, smiling. His kissed her forehead tenderly. She looked up at him with eyes only half open.

  “Welcome home, my favorite husband.”

  She purred the words up at him like a cat full of cream. His cream.

  “Damn, I missed you.” He panted as he reluctantly backed away so she could let her legs down. They sank to the floor. He hauled her into his lap and just held her for a while.

  “Beth said she could borrow Daniel for a few days.” Amelia drew a finger down his chest in suggestion.

  “I’m all for it.” He kissed her nose.


  “More? As in two, or three?”

  A flush rose up Amelia’s face. After everything she’d done, he was amazed she still blushed like a virgin. Had Gil finally relaxed enough to join the living?

  “Gillis said he had to sleep with me so I wouldn’t wake him with my nightmares.”

  “He did? And how much sleep did you get, vixen?”

  She pouted. “Lots. He only played with me a couple times.”

  Ross laughed. “Was that a complaint?”

  “Yes! He was too gentle with me. It’s nice now and then, but I’m not going to break. So I need lots and lots of you.”

  She pushed out her lower lip. He nipped it as a warning.

  “Ah, laddie. Wastin’ time while chores are needin’ to be done.”

  “You’re the one who didn’t take care of my wife well enough. She jumped me before I could finish my horse.”

  Gillis picked up the brush and took over from Ross. “Did she now? I treated her as the sweet woman she is. Mayhaps the lass needs a bit of spanking for all her complaints.”

  “What?” Amelia fought her way out of Ross’s lap. She got to her feet and shook a finger at Gillis. “When you finally played with me, you teased me for hours!”

  Ross sent a silent prayer of thanks. Whatever the two of them had done, or not, it had brought his brother alive. No more moping around in silent grief, day and night.

  * * * *

  Gillis hid a smile at the way Amelia’s lush breasts forced their way past her buttons. The two of them had wasted no time.

  “’Tis a bonnie pair ye have, but do ye not think it best to close up yer dress? Or are ye asking for more?”

  Amelia looked down at the open buttons. She almost spat fire as she struggled to do them up. Ross stood and turned his back to quietly do the same with his pants.

  “I put on weight while you were gone,” said Amelia. Her buttons strained in their holes. “I did a lot of baking for Gillis.” Gil rubbed his belly appreciatively. “Now you’re back, I’ll be so busy I’ll soon be back to normal.” She pointed a finger at both men. “And that means no eating a whole berry pie after supper!”

  She stomped out of the barn. When she reached the sun, she stopped and looked over her shoulder provocatively. Hips gently swaying, she strolled to the house, knowing Gillis and Ross watched every step.

  “Aye, she needs to be put across yer lap, laddie. Both sitting on yer cock and face down with that saucy bottom under yer hand.”

  Ross scratched his few days’ growth and turned. Gillis raised an eyebrow and waited. Ross coughed and cleared his throat. “Is she sick in the morning yet?”

  Gillis grinned in response. “Caught that, did ye?” Ross nodded, his body tense. “Nay, but I expect it any day. Prue was the same. Breasts swelled up before her belly was upset. Yer seed is strong. Auntie told me afore she left. ‘Tis the only reason I touched her.”

  “You knew, and didn’t tell me?”

  “Would ye have left yer wife if ye’d known?”

  “No.” Ross grasped the rough top of the stall with both hands. He leaned over and rested his forehead on them for a moment. “I don’t know how to be a good father.”

  “Dinna fash, laddie. Ye had many years with the tribe and three with the Elliotts. All I had was Pa. Ye’ll do fine.” He slapped Ross on the back, harder than necessary. Ross raised his fists and glowered.

  “That’s more like it,” said Gillis. His face felt like it would split from smiling so damn much. He nodded toward the house. “I’ve said naught to her. Best go say why she’ll have to make new dresses. Give her bit of happy afore she has to spend the mornin’ chucking into a chamberpot.”

  Ross nodded. He squared his shoulders and walked out of the barn. His steps quickened. He yelled for Amelia. She ran into the yard shaking her finger at him. He caught her and swirled her around. He put her down and spoke to her. She cried out once and reached for him. Ross swept her into his arms and carried her into the house.

sp; Gillis gave a wry smile and went back to brushing the horse.

  “I prayed to the Lord that she’d catch,” he said. He bent to brush off the fetlocks. The horse nibbled his hair. “It’s up to Him whether the babe is a healthy lad or not.” He looked up, past the horse.

  “Hear that, Lord? Ye have my wife now. I need a MacDougal lad in return.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Nevin trudged into the yard. The new moon barely lit the ground, but the horse beside him knew the way. It nickered and was answered from the barn. It quickened its steps, and he kept pace.

  Ross and Gillis were there to greet him in the barn. Ross handed him a cup of lukewarm coffee. He nodded his thanks and drank.

  “Thought you’d be home for dinner,” said Ross. He took the reins and led the eager horse inside. “Gil said one of the cousins stopped by. Tillie and Auntie decided to go back with the Tribe for a couple more weeks. Amelia made a good dinner, but we ate it all when you didn’t show up. Her pastry’s improving.”

  “Horse threw a shoe the other side of town,” said Nevin. “Smitty took longer than I expected, so I had an excuse to hang around, get a bath and all.” He leaned against the wall and let his brothers take care of the horse. “Did you tell Gil the men we want are nearby?”

  Gillis unhooked the belly band and turned to Nevin. “He’s been a mite too busy to talk to the likes of me.”

  “Celebrating coming home to Amelia?” Nevin’s cock stirred to life. He grinned in anticipation of her soft mouth going down on him.

  “Tell him, laddie.”

  “Tell me what?” When Ross didn’t answer, Nev stepped forward. “Is she sick?”

  Ross quivered with a strange energy, one Nev hadn’t seen around his brother before.

  “Gil thinks she might be in a day or so. But only in the morning.”

  Nevin looked from Ross to Gillis and back. “Dammit, is she sick or not?”

  “She’s with child, Nev. My child.”

  Nevin tossed the tin cup aside. He grabbed his brother’s arms and looked at him. “You’re happy. That’s the energy I feel.” Grinning, he shook Ross and released him. “Damn, man. That’s wonderful!”


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