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The Crystal Mountain

Page 21

by Thomas M. Reid

  Eirwyn nodded and offered her own apologetic smile. “Yes,” she said. “Though I know the importance of getting every possible soldier on the battlefield, I sense that I am needed elsewhere.”

  As if to reinforce the grimness of the moment, a band of high clouds drifted across the sun, bringing a hint of gloom. They stood on a small, high plaza, near the very top of the tallest buildings of the Court, where the breezes were fresher and unimpeded. The wind ruffled the angel’s hair and carried the barest hint of an odor of smoke upon it.

  Most of the angels of the Court and Trueheart had already headed toward the front, preparing for the impending onslaught of demons headed toward the House. The great hall of Tyr stood nearly empty below the trio.

  “What have we come to?” Garin said softly. “The end of an age? Is this how even the gods pass?”

  “Don’t say that,” Nilsa admonished, her sorrowful look deepening. “Tyr has chosen to walk among his people as a warrior once more. When this unpleasant business is finished, and he has cleared his head of whatever troubles him, all will be set right.”

  “I hope, for both your sakes, that it is so,” Eirwyn said. She reached out and clasped both Garin and Nilsa on the shoulder. “I understand the pain you are feeling. I pray that your sadness, unlike mine when Helm fell, is brief and supplanted by joy again very soon.” She paused and cast her gaze down at the stones between their feet. The next part was harder to say. “I want both of you to know that I bear neither of you any ill will. You have been loyal servants of Tyr, and now Torm, and none can fault you for fulfilling your duties.”

  “Thank you,” Garin said, and he sounded genuinely relieved. “I’m sorry it came to all this.”

  Nilsa didn’t say anything, but she came toward Eirwyn and hugged her tightly.

  When Eirwyn pulled back at last, she said, “We all still fight the fight of law and goodness. I am with you in spirit. But I must do this. I sense its importance.”

  Nilsa looked doubtful, but Garin gave one knowing nod in return. “Very well, then,” he said, “You do what you must. We will miss you.”

  “May the blessings of Ty—of Torm be with you,” Eirwyn said. “Drive them from our holy lands.”

  “We will,” Garin said. He and Nilsa turned to go. They leaped into the air together and swooped out over the railing, leaving Eirwyn standing upon the balcony of the Court by herself. Her eyes followed them as they soared down and away from her, until they were nothing more than tiny specks upon the horizon.

  Eirwyn fought a brief pang of guilt for not going with them to Deepbark Hollow to face the invading demons. The angels and archons there were in for a terrible fight. They would need every last able body they could muster.

  You have other matters to attend to, she reminded herself. They will prevail without you.

  Eirwyn fanned her wings and leaped into the sky, soaring aloft into the gray afternoon. Despite its emptiness, she felt a pall on the House, a grim foreboding of what was to come. She wondered whether Tyr still dwelt within, if the melancholy she felt emanated from the former god, radiating his sorrow.

  He still commands an impressive presence, Eirwyn realized. He knows much blood will be spilled before the day is through. He laments how many celestial creatures will die today.

  Many more demons will perish, she thought. The House of the Triad will stand against all evil.

  With that resolute thought firmly in her mind, Eirwyn winged her way in the opposite direction of Garin and Nilsa, heading toward another part of the plane, on the far side of the great mountain of Celestia. The fresh wind blew at her back, and she quickly left the gleaming white of the Court behind her.

  She couldn’t say with certainty what led her in the direction she had chosen, only a divine sense, a calling that her presence was needed. That was the way of things with her divinations. She could not always explain why she felt what she did, only that the urges were invariably accurate. She felt a familiar comfort in it all.

  As she flew beneath the darkening clouds, she tried to gauge where she ought to seek. She followed her instincts, altering direction more than once as she felt herself getting off course. Before long, she realized where she was headed.

  The Lifespring.

  That was odd. She would not expect anyone to be there, not on that day. Everyone would be at the front, fighting to hold back the tide of demons who were trying to break through the weak point of the plane. Then a glimmer of an idea occurred to her.

  I wonder … Tauran, I feel your hand in this once more.

  Suspicious that she was on a collision course with old friends and enemies alike, she surged ahead with renewed determination.

  When Eirwyn reached the great floating mountain hovering among the clouds, the beach appeared deserted. The golden waters churned within the great basin, tossed about by the brisk winds that blew across them. She was tempted for a moment to take a quick dip, to allow the healing touch of the magical forces there to soothe her weary body and mind, but she resisted. A sense of urgency buzzed in the back of her mind. Whatever had drawn her here, it demanded her immediate attention.

  She descended to a point along the narrow beach near where the flowing waters spilled over the side and disappeared into endless white below. She settled onto the sand there and looked around, trying to find some sign of what she was meant to do. Nothing caught her attention.

  Eirwyn frowned. If Tauran has need of me here …

  She could not shake the feeling that she was not alone.

  “Eirwyn!” a voice called from high above.

  … he would be in his favorite spot, Eirwyn finished, grinning.

  The angel turned and craned her neck, seeking Tauran. She spotted him easily, standing near the apex of the highest, sharpest pinnacle of rock, where the waters flowed out of the mountain to splash into the pool below.

  Tauran waved to her and motioned to her to join him. She could see that others were there as well.

  Eirwyn took flight again and headed to the top. When she settled upon the stone outcropping of rock, she found Kael, Aliisza, and the drow wizard with Tauran.

  Tauran stood before her, and she was struck by how weary he appeared. His hair, always so golden in the sun, had become a muted brassy shade and didn’t retain its luster of before. His face was gaunt. His eyes had sunken a bit into his skull.

  She embraced Tauran and held him tightly for a long moment. She could feel the tension in him, but she refused to let go until some of it drained away, and then she was practically holding him upright.

  “The road has been long, my friend,” she whispered to him. “But I still feel the strength of righteousness within you. And I am here to share your burden, as I know you would share mine.”

  Tauran clenched her more tightly, then released her and stepped back. A small glimmer of gratitude shone in his eyes. “Thank you,” he said, his voice thick.

  Eirwyn turned and greeted each of the others with smiles and hugs. “I should have known I would find you all here,” she said at last. “Banded together to the end, following your own course, listening to your own wise counsel before accepting the edicts of any other.”

  “We believe Kaanyr will come here,” Aliisza said. “We think he still intends to bathe in these waters.”

  “We all came to the same conclusion when we heard that war was brewing,” Kael said.

  “It’s what he would do,” Tauran said, “just to spite all of us and fulfill what he probably insists is his rightful destiny or some such nonsense. We intend to stop him.”

  Eirwyn looked over at the drow. “You agree with them?” she asked.

  Pharaun shrugged. “I haven’t the barest glimmer of an opinion about the cambion’s motivations,” he said with a chuckle. “But seeing how my prospects are decidedly nonexistent, I gave in to whims of fancy and decided to join the fray.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Eirwyn said. “How can I help?”

  “You don’t need to aid us,” Tauran said.
“You’ve already given up too much for me as it is. I cannot ask for more from you.”

  Eirwyn rolled her eyes and grinned. “Oh, don’t be so melodramatic, Tauran. You should know me better than that by now. You think I just happened to stumble upon you four here while out randomly flying around? I knew I was needed, and I came. Besides, my only other option was killing demons, so it sounds like a wash, to me.”

  Tauran laughed. It was the first time in a long time that Eirwyn remembered him doing so. “Fair enough, my friend,” he said.

  “Now, what’s the plan?” Eirwyn asked.

  “No plan,” Kael said. “We simply wait and watch.”

  “We aren’t sure how Kaanyr intends to get here,” Aliisza said. “He might come alone, hoping to slip past the House’s army, or he might attempt to bull his way here with a horde of his own. I’m betting on the latter. He was never one for subtlety.”

  “Whatever he does,” Tauran said, “from up here, we’ll know when he arrives.”

  Eirwyn hefted her mace. “When he does, let’s make sure he regrets it.”

  A long, ragged line of celestials ran through the woods, angels and archons forming a defense against invasion. They waited and watched the barrier between their own world and the void beyond. The forested land felt calm and pure, towering trees interspersed with green thicket upon the leaf-covered ground, right up to the point where magic altered the fabric of reality. There, the land stopped, and the shapeless clouds of elsewhere crackled with blue lightning.

  Every celestial stared at that seething maelstrom, waiting.

  Garin and Nilsa stood on the edge of a large clearing, a wide glade that spread out for perhaps three hundred paces and ab utted the preternatural storm. The pair of devas commanded a company of archons, the hound warriors milling on either side of them. Their responsibility was the clearing. Nothing was to be allowed past them.

  “Garin, I don’t think I can do this,” Nilsa said, standing next to him.

  The deva pulled his gaze away from the roiling, purplish wall of insane magic and looked at her. “What is it?” he asked.

  Nilsa appeared unsettled. Her wings fanned and fluttered, and she seemed to look nowhere and everywhere at once. “I’m afraid to …” she let the words trail off and gestured helplessly. “I can’t.”

  Garin saw the turmoil in her wide, frightened eyes. He realized she was on the verge of breaking down. He moved closer to her and drew her to him. “Tell me,” he said, trying to comfort her.

  Nilsa shook her head. “I cannot find the courage to …” She looked away, her mouth opening and shutting. “To let him in,” she said. She brought her hands up and pressed her palms against her temples. “Torm, I mean. I want to, I really do, but …”

  Garin’s eyes widened. “You have not pledged fealty to Torm yet?” he asked, incredulous. “Nilsa, you must. You have no power! You cannot withstand the demons if you—”

  “I know,” she said, her voice breaking. “I just can’t. There’s a part of me that will die if I accept that Tyr has … has … Oh, Garin, I’m so scared!”

  His own heart pounding, his own hands trembling, Garin firmed his grasp on his companion. He began a silent prayer.

  Blessed Tyr—No. Torm, he corrected. Blessed Torm. Grant us strength today, not just in our limbs, but in our hearts. Please guide us and grant us courage so that we may face the looming battle before us unafraid.

  Garin drew a deep breath, feeling calm wash over him. Torm’s spirit infused him. It felt different from the familiar touch of Tyr, but it comforted him.

  She just needs a glimpse of this to understand. Once she knows him, she’ll embrace him.

  “Nilsa,” he said, drawing her gaze to his own. He stared deeply into her eyes. “This is real, right now. You’ve got to do this, or you will not survive the field today.”

  She nodded. “Yes,” she said. “Help me.”

  “Torm welcomes you into the fold. It is strange and frightening, I know, but he will comfort you. Tyr wishes it. Do not be afraid. Instead, let your spirit soar, let your majestic countenance reflect Torm’s might, even as your heart sings for Tyr’s safety.”

  “I want to,” she said, “but I—”

  A thunderous blast erupted from the opposite side of the glade, drowning out Nilsa’s final words. Fire roared into the sky. Trees and dirt sprayed everywhere. Black, churning smoke poured out of a jagged opening in the ground very near the edge of the world, blotting out the wall of nothingness beyond.

  Another eruption struck to the angel’s left, and then two more, almost simultaneously, to Garin’s right. A cacophony of blasts reverberated through the surrounding woods as explosion after explosion tore the land apart and filled the sky with flame and ash. An entire row of the devastating blasts formed a continuous wall before the celestials.

  The first of the demons rushed out of that conflagration, a motley swarm of every imaginable shape and size, all disgusting to behold. Hideous creatures of pasty white or red flesh loped on misshapen legs. Bulbous heads that seemed too fat for spindly necks jostled and bounced, while arms that looked to be too short to be useful flapped spastically. Flames licked the ground where they ran, and a foul stench preceded them. They screamed in delight at the sight of the defenders and rushed forward, waving clubs and sickles, spears and blades at their enemies. Behind them, a constant flow fed the swarm, pouring from the gashes in the ground.

  Garin released Nilsa and spun to his right. “First rank, to them!” he cried, magically amplifying his voice so that the archons all down the line could hear him. “Second rank, hold!”

  He turned back and found Nilsa down on her knees, gaping at the onrushing horde. She was not issuing orders to her troops. They were milling in confusion as his side of the line pressed forward.

  Garin repeated his orders to the celestials under Nilsa’s command, then squatted down and grabbed her face in his hands.

  “Nilsa!” he shouted at her, making her look at him. “I need you, right now! Open your heart to Torm! His presence will give you strength, but you have to trust him as you always trusted Tyr.”

  He risked a glance up at the field of battle and saw that the demons and the archons were only thirty paces apart by then, two rows of combatants charging full tilt at one another.

  Nilsa sobbed. “I’m so scared!” she cried. “I cannot abandon Tyr! He will fade away! I could not bear it!”

  Garin fought back his panic with every ounce of his self-control. He pulled his gaze away from the impending melee and returned his attention to the angel weeping at his feet. “Nilsa,” he said as calmly as he could, “Tyr’s destiny is his own. You cannot control it. You can only follow the path set before you. Torm needs you. These soldiers need you.” He drew a deep breath and added, “I need you.”

  Please, Nilsa, stand up and fight.

  Nilsa swallowed and closed her eyes. “Very well,” she said, her voice trembling.

  A great shout erupted as the two moving walls, archon and demon, slammed together. Garin shot a glance up. The battle had been joined.

  Garin looked down to see Nilsa, her lips trembling, her eyes squeezed shut, muttering something he could not hear.

  That’s it, he thought. You can do it. Torm will bless you if you only let him in.

  Nilsa gasped, and Garin could almost see a new radiance burst around her. Her features smoothed, and the anguish and fear faded, leaving her body. Her mouth widened in a contented smile. She opened her eyes, and they glowed with newfound reverence.

  “He told me that he was proud of me,” she said. “He told me to be his example.” She climbed to her feet. “I’m sorry. I’m ready now.”

  Relieved, Garin pointed to the reserve forces of archons that had remained back. “Take your command,” he said. “Do not advance until I give you the signal.”

  Nilsa nodded, still smiling. “As we agreed,” she said.

  Garin turned and left her there. He pushed himself into the air and sped toward the m
ad clash ahead. Already, he could see countless bodies, more demons than archons, scattered across the field. The celestials fought with precision, using one another for protection, as they had been trained.

  The demons swarmed in a mad, chaotic mess.

  They dropped by the dozen, sliced and stabbed by the archons.

  For every fiend slain, ten scampered out of the rift in the ground.

  Blessed Torm, Garin prayed as he rushed toward a weak point in the archons’ line. Give me the strength to withstand this.

  He reached the gap and slammed his mace through the skull of a slavering demon. Without waiting to watch it fall, he shouted a holy word of power at the mass of demons behind it. The divine energy of the bellow pummeled the fiends like a shock wave, bowling them over four ranks deep. Archons advanced into the midst of them and attacked, slaying demons as rapidly as they could swing their weapons.

  Garin turned and uttered the powerful holy word again, blasting another dozen demons backward. Archons surged into the hole and made short work of their downed foes.

  Good, Garin thought, growing more confident. Quick and efficient. We must conserve our—

  A shadow engulfed Garin, and he looked up just in time to be struck by the taloned feet of a demon. The blow caught him on the shoulder. It tore through his tunic and sliced into his flesh as it sent him flailing backward onto the torn, blood-soaked ground.

  Garin scrambled to rise again. He took a better look at the stout creature and faltered. It had the pincers and markings of a glabrezu demon, but it was no ordinary member of its species. Larger and more powerfully built than any glabrezu Garin had ever seen, it sprouted broad wings that fanned out to either side of its back.

  By the Maimed One, he thought out of habit, they’re breeding them to fly. Ty—Torm save us all.

  The demon rose to its full height and bellowed out a rumbling word in Abyssal that made Garin cringe and cover his ears. Archons for five paces on a side stumbled and faltered at the sound. They seemed to lose their way, their concentration, unable to resist as the lesser demons leaped upon them and rent them with their claws and weapons.


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