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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8)

Page 5

by Kym Grosso

  “Kai.” Jake pressed up onto his palms as the night went silent. Although her eyes remained open, she didn’t respond. He glanced down, shocked at the sight of golden blood flowing from a two-inch wound in her leg. “What the…?”

  Logan and Dimitri tore into the courtyard, growling as the entity dissipated. In an attempt to shield her, Jake tore off his jacket and wrapped it around her leg. He scooped her into his arms, and pressed to his feet. As his eyes met his Alpha’s, his stomach clenched. The shit was about to hit the fan.

  “What the hell is going on?” Logan asked, his voice stern. “Is she all right?”

  “She’s fine, but I’ve gotta get her out of here. Something…” Jake wasn’t even sure of what he’d just seen to begin to describe it. “I don’t know what the hell it was, but it attacked Quintus and her. There’re a couple of dead wolves over in the next yard.”

  “Jesus Christ.” Logan strode over to the gate, and shook his head. “They’re not ours.”

  “Rogues.” Dimitri said as he transformed.

  “Where’s Quintus?” Jake asked. “He got attacked but he was still alive. Do you see him?”

  “Nope. Must have puffed out of here.” Dimitri opened the gate to search the property.

  Jake blew out a breath and shook his head. He glanced to Kai, who’d passed out in his arms.

  “Who is she, Jake?” Logan demanded. “Or should I ask, what is she?”

  “This is…” Jake sighed, clutching Kai tightly. “She’s something. I don’t know what. She’s not a wolf.”

  “Witch?” Logan asked.

  “No.” Jake’s lips tensed at his statement, frustrated he didn’t know the answer. Whatever she was, she was vulnerable. “I’ll tell you what I know, but I also don’t want that room full of supes in there, who you know are listening to our conversation, to hear what I’ve gotta tell ya. Let me take her somewhere safe first. I’ll text you, and tomorrow we’ll sort things.”

  “Two dead wolves,” Dimitri stated. “No Quintus.”

  “Goddammit. This is one night. One fucking night of people getting along for charity. A few damn hours. Is that too much to ask?” Logan threw his hands up in the air. “Apparently so.”

  “Hey bro, no worries. I’ll round up someone to help me clean up this mess. You go back to the event,” Dimitri suggested.

  “Get on it. See if you can find any identification on these two. Jake, tomorrow you’ve got some explaining to do. And I want to talk to the vampire.” Logan plowed his fingers through his tousled hair and glanced down to his chest. “I left my clothes in the hallway.”

  “Naked is the new black.” Dimitri smiled. “At least you’ll be wearin’ a smile.”

  “You know I love you, D, but now’s not the time.” Jake stepped toward him, still holding Kai. “Help me here with her. I’ve gotta text the limo.”

  He released a hand to retrieve his cell while his friend supported Kai. Jake quickly sent a message to the driver, calling his car.

  Tonight had been a total clusterfuck, and although Kai had been wounded, the injury appeared superficial. He gave a nod to Dimitri before he pressed through the exit doors. His wolf growled, a knot forming in his stomach, as he mulled over the possibility that something had gone awry with his pack. His pack. Although he’d left San Diego, the responsibility for his wolves had not left his mind. Alpha, his wolf whispered, reminding him of his destiny.

  Jake glanced down to Kai, who lay sleeping in his bed. Although his lips still burned from her kiss, his mind wandered to the incidents over the past two nights. A beautiful stranger arrived on his doorstep, attacked him with some freaky power, then she showed up with badass Quintus at a party, and he ended up bringing her to his home? At the party, she refused to disclose her identity, but had no issue asking for his help. What the hell am I doing? It wasn’t a good idea to bring her home, he knew. If she’d been any other woman, he’d have turned her ass over to Logan in two seconds and walked away. Something about her…he couldn’t put his finger on it. If he hadn’t known any better, he’d have suspected his connection to her was wolf. No other creature could draw his attention this way.

  The situation with Anzober Wolves nagged at him. If what Logan was telling him was true, that he had lost contact with the Alpha, there was a good chance Alexander was dead. When he’d been in San Diego, Jake had interrogated every last wolf, assuring that no one had ties to the former Alpha who’d attempted to kill Dimitri’s mate, Gillian. Alexander was strong, a good man. Jake had done what he’d thought was best for the pack, his pack. My pack? Anzober Wolves. Jesus. Acadian Wolves had always been his pack, but now his thoughts were clouded with ownership of the others he’d left in San Diego.

  A moan from Kai’s lips drew his attention, and once again he focused on the female who’d brought trouble to his doorstep. She lay sleeping, hadn’t woken since the incident in the courtyard, but her heartbeat remained strong and steady. Although still uncertain what species she was, Jake suspected whatever had attacked them may have poisoned her. If she didn’t rouse by morning, he planned to call a doctor.

  Jake gently sat on the mattress next to her, and slid the pumps off her feet, taking note of her crimson-painted toes. He considered removing her tattered dress but decided against it as quickly as the thought entered his mind. There was no way he was going to take her clothes off, and risk being accused of something inappropriate.

  Frustrated, he shoved to his feet and went to the bathroom, running warm water over a washcloth. When he returned, he sat with a sigh and glanced to her injured leg, which peeked through the slit of her gown. The two-inch slice that ran up her calf appeared to have stopped bleeding, and had already crusted over, healing. As he washed her wound, specks of gold flaked away, revealing her creamy pale skin. In all his years, Jake had never seen a creature bleed gold.

  A myriad of questions raced through his mind, but it’d have to wait until morning. When she woke, he’d interrogate her, and if his golden girl refused to tell him the truth, he’d call on Luca Macquarie’s wife, Samantha to help. As much as he loathed the idea of going to a witch for help, she was one of the only people who might have an idea as to Kai’s species.

  Jake brushed his fingertips over her leg, amazed at the power that hummed beneath his touch. In the short time they’d been together, their connection had grown exponentially. He’d never felt the sensation in any other being he’d encountered in his lifetime. Recalling how she’d frozen him when injured, he reasoned she’d be able to stun more than one wolf at once. But at the party, she’d claimed she hadn’t known many supernaturals, that it frightened her. Given her abilities, it made no sense.

  Jake sighed, irritated he didn’t have answers. He stood and hurled the washcloth into the sink, his thoughts drifting to Quintus. Jake hadn’t heard anything from the vampire since he’d disappeared. His instinct told him that Quintus would land on his feet. Kai on the other hand, had been injured two days in a row. Jake reasoned for at least one night, he’d keep her safe. Jake had the driver bring them to his penthouse that sat atop Logan’s offices, where he ran security. His home had been warded after the incident with Ilsbeth and Dimitri, and it was iron-clad proof from witches and demons. Nothing would hurt her under his guard.

  As Jake unbuttoned his shirt, he considered all hell would break loose tomorrow. Logan would demand answers, and while he sought the same, a protective instinct surged. Kai had come to him for help and if it were true that Anzober Wolves had taken her sister, it was his responsibility to address the pack.

  Jake eased himself onto the mattress, lying on his side. He studied Kai’s face as she quietly slept, her hands resting under her head. She’d been stunning at the party, but her beauty was even more pronounced now that fear had faded from her face. Her jet black hair feathered over her alabaster skin, her soft pink lips adding a dash of color.

  She moaned and curled toward him. Recalling their kiss, he resisted the urge to reach for her. His dick stirred, and he inwa
rdly cursed. Fuck. No. Not this way. He didn’t know what the hell she was, and it was insane that she was even in his bed. Yet the desire twisting through him ran deep. He shoved the disturbing emotions to the back of his mind, and closed his eyes. Tomorrow he’d have the answers he needed, and soon he’d return to Anzober Wolves.

  Chapter Four

  Kai burned from within, and she tore at the restraining fabric until her bare skin kissed the cool night air. The dream swirled in her mind. The Alpha’s lips ignited her body, consuming her with a craving she’d never known. Light turned to darkness with the demon’s touch, its razor sharp talon slicing into her leg, giving way to the good fortune spilling from her body. Too many supernaturals, their energy filling her faster than she could control. Like being hurled off a cliff, she clutched at the air around her in a futile attempt to gain traction as she plummeted into a frantic wild descent. Falling, falling, falling.

  Kai’s eyes flew open, her chest heaving for breath. Her fever broken, she was thankful to be alive. As she adjusted to the darkness, the hard jawline of the Alpha came into view. Her savior. Her executioner. When she’d entered the ballroom with Quintus, he’d assured her safety. As much as she’d wanted to believe the ancient vampire, it had been an empty promise. She had rarely been in the presence of supernaturals, and the party had been more than she’d been able to handle. Wolves. Vampires. Their energy rushed her, making it nearly impossible to breathe. The Alpha had immediately detected her presence. The moment he took her hand in his, a connection seared her palm. His power ran through her skin, filling her with strength. As she’d danced with him, she’d vacillated between terror and arousal.

  Her gaze painted over the contours of Jake’s face. Handsome, there was something about this wolf, so strong yet gentle. He’d saved her in the courtyard, and now kept her protected in what she assumed was his home. Kai closed her eyes and listened, attempting to sense any other beings in his home. We’re alone. Relief flooded through her that he hadn’t brought in his Alpha. Despite all he’d experienced with her, he wasn’t afraid, and now lay sleeping with her alone.

  Kai’s pulse raced as she lay bare in his bed, yet she made no effort to conceal her body. Her eyes drifted over his muscular chest, and she recalled his searing kiss. Drawn to his energy, the urge to touch him surged, and her palm slid over the smooth cotton sheets, reaching toward him. Oh Goddess. No, Kai. Don’t do this. He’s a wolf. As her fingertips brushed his shoulder, she shivered with arousal. Kai placed her palm on his chest, and his peaceful vibrations ran through her. Unlike with other beings, it simply merged with her own power.

  Her luminescent creature within purred, sensing his wolf. Alpha. The word ran through her mind as a command. Desire twisted through her body at the thought of making love to him, and she startled at her fantasy. Jake’s eyes flew open, his intense stare boring through her. As if she’d touched fire, she yanked her hand away, and jolted as strong fingers wrapped around her wrist.

  “Whatcha doin’, sweetheart?” he growled.

  “I’m sorry…I just had to…” Kai’s eyes roamed down his tanned abs before flashing up to meet his gaze. “Your energy. It’s special.”

  “My energy, huh?” A small grin formed as he glanced at her bared skin. “So that’s what you call it?”

  “I…I’ve never been around anyone like you,” she confessed. “Not like this.”

  “Now call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure when I put you in bed, you had your dress on. Am I wrong ‘bout that?” He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow at her.

  “The poison. I was so hot. I had a dream.”

  “I’d say by the look of things, you’re pretty damn hot all right. I’m just hopin’ I was in this dream.”

  “No, my leg…” Kai yanked at her arm, but he held tight. Her heart fluttered as his thumb trailed over her skin.

  “About that.” Jake pinned his eyes on hers. “You seem to heal quickly. And for a supe, that’s fair play. But the thing is, your blood…you do know about the gold thing ya got goin’ on?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Kai had hidden it all her life. As Jake inched closer to her, Kai struggled to thwart her arousal. His masculine scent drifted into the air, and her beast urged her to press her cheek onto his chest.

  “Yes.” He nodded. “So it seems we’re getting somewhere with the truth.”

  “I can’t tell you everything. I need time.” Time for you to find my sister. Time for me to disappear.

  “Never in my life have I seen someone bleed gold, which tells me that whatever you are, your species, you’re rare. How do you breed?”

  “We are simply born,” Kai countered, defensively.

  “Now, everyone’s bred. It’s just a matter of how and when.”

  “I am chosen. While my mother gave birth to me, she had no choice in my creation. The Goddess decides our fate. Our kind, we exist…we are created.” Relief rushed over Kai as she spoke the words that had never passed her lips, admitting the secret. A mythological being, her kind didn’t breed. She’d never know children.

  “Tonight in the courtyard. Those friends of yours?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t know who they were,” she lied, suspecting the demon mistress had sent them.

  “They seemed to know you.”

  “Others…they sense my power. They will come for me. Someone took my sister. I need to find her but first I need to see the witch.” Kai avoided confiding in him regarding Kasdeya. It was too soon; she didn’t trust him with all her secrets.

  “The witch?” Jake’s tone went cold.

  “Yes, Ilsbeth.”

  “Hell no,” Jake replied flatly.

  “She knows a spell…”

  “Oh, I bet she does. We aren’t getting anywhere near that woman. No way.”

  “But she can help me,” Kai insisted. “Keep me safe.”

  “I’ll keep you safe.” His eyes pierced through her, his tone serious.

  Kai’s heart tightened at his words. No one had ever offered to protect her, to keep her safe from the evil that would take her life. Hunter Livingston knew she was supernatural, had promised her refuge on his land, but never offered anything else.

  “Jake, I need you to help me find my sister…”

  “Yeah, yeah. Got that bit. But you, Kai? I’ve protected you. You are the one I care about. Don’t ask me why, because right at this moment I’m goin’ on nothing but instinct. Something about you…”

  “You don’t owe me anything. It’s just your wolves…they might have her.”

  “No way my wolves have her. Not Acadian. Not Anzober. I can do some askin’ around anyway, find out if anyone knows anything.”

  “Please. I have to see the witch.”

  “Ilsbeth? Jesus Christ already. Do you know what she’s capable of?”

  “I know she’s dangerous.” Kai recalled trading her own blood to Ilsbeth in exchange for the spell. “But I’m exposed. Tonight at the ball, I could have been killed. I could feel everyone. It’s just a matter of time. After all, I’m in New Orleans.”

  “What are you?”

  “I’m a creature that others want,” she confessed, not ready to disclose her true nature. A partial truth would have to sate his curiosity. “They think they can use my power if they drain my blood.”

  “And what power’s this? What you did to me in the woods?”

  “Yes.” The lie rolled off her tongue like a bitter pill.

  “That’s it, huh?” he asked, his tone skeptical.

  “I’ve been hidden for a long time. The witch…”

  “I don’t want to talk about her tonight.”

  “She hurt you?” Kai detected the anger in his voice.

  “She hurt a friend.” He paused. “No more talk of her.”

  “Alpha, all I can promise is that when this is all over, I’ll tell you everything. I know I have no right to come to you. You have no reason to help me. But my kind, if I’m taken, something bad could happen.”

in the courtyard.” His eyes drifted to her lips and back to her eyes.

  The kiss. Kai knew it had been trouble. Something had stirred within her, and she struggled to shake it.

  “I’m not wolf,” she began. I’m not his. I could never be what he needs.

  “I think we established that.” Jake smiled.

  He released her wrist, and Kai sighed, desire threading through her as his fingers trailed down her arm.

  “I’m gonna be honest here, sweetheart. I’m not sure you and I should be startin’ anything, but after kissing you tonight, well, I’m not sure I can resist you here in my bed. I think I oughta be coverin’ you up.”

  “No,” Kai breathed. Bared, her skin burned for the wolf’s touch. “Alpha.”

  “I’m not your Alpha. I’m not anyone’s Alpha.” He brushed the back of his hand over her cheek.

  “You don’t recognize who you are,” she breathed. Alpha. Her pulse raced as he continued his slow path, his knuckles grazing over her collarbone, then slowly down her chest.

  “And you do?” he questioned, never taking his eyes off hers.

  “I feel you,” she responded in truth.

  “You’re beautiful,” he told her.

  “I…” Kai lost her words as he brushed his fingers over her taut nipple. She leaned into his touch, an ache growing between her legs. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Never again, sweetheart.”

  Kai’s heart pounded as his lips met hers, his palm caressing her breast. Consumed with desire, she relinquished control, her hands reaching around his neck. Jake tugged her flush against him as he kissed her. His tongue swept against hers, and she opened to him, tasting his powerful essence. She wrapped a leg around his waist and tilted her pelvis against him, seeking friction. His strong lips took hers and she sucked a breath as his fingers slid down her hip, his grip firm on her ass. The Alpha’s energy washed over her, and she reveled in his touch.


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