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Jake (Immortals of New Orleans Book 8)

Page 9

by Kym Grosso

  “Ah, Goddess,” Kai breathed, continuing to seek his lips as he lightly kissed her.

  Jake tore himself away, his eyes focused on Kai’s. “Sam’s coming. We will deal with this when we get home.”

  Home? Kai blinked, and his words settled in her mind. Home was far, far away. Not in New Orleans.

  “Here she is.” Jake released Kai, backing away.

  Captivated by the Alpha, words failed her as he commanded her body. Master. There was no person who’d ever dominated her, yet there was no denying her beast’s response to the wolf.

  The sound of Samantha’s voice drew her attention, and Kai’s eyes flashed to the redheaded witch who now stood in the room. Quintus nodded to her as he entered the room.

  “Before we get started, I want you to be clear on Kai’s kind…she will need your guidance,” Samantha told him.

  “I want the truth.” Jake focused on Kai.

  Samantha nodded at her. Kai’s stomach tightened as she summoned the courage to tell the wolf. She bit her lip and turned to look out the window.

  “My kind. We are very rare.” She rubbed her fingers over her eyes and faced the Alpha. “I am Pixiu.”

  “What?” Jake raised his eyebrows, his tone skeptical.

  “Let her finish,” Samantha said quietly.

  “Pixiu. Bìxié. I am known as several things and nothing at all. I’m not certain of my powers but know I absorb the good fortune of others. I don’t have control over it right now, but I suspect if I honed my powers, I could wield them as a sword. I’ve spent a lifetime avoiding other supernaturals because I was told long ago that others would attempt to steal my powers, have them for themselves.” Tears brimmed her lashes as she spoke, emotions threading through her chest. “My sister has always been vulnerable because of me. Ilsbeth helped me over a hundred years ago, to hide my abilities from the others, to make me appear human. Without the spell, I will be hunted.”

  ”How will others use your power?” Jake asked.

  “I don’t know. Samantha said what I did to you at your cabin…what I just tried to do, they might be able to use it. But I’m still not convinced it wasn’t the poison. It’s possible if someone controls me, the good fortune would be theirs, but Jake, you need to know this,” Kai’s eyes lifted to his, “I’ve known almost forever she was there, but today…”

  “Who?” Jake’s voice was laced with concern.

  “Her beast. She will shift soon,” Samantha answered.

  “It was the first time I’ve seen her. She looks like a lion. I…I think I have wings.” Kai stuttered as she spoke an almost unbelievable truth.

  “What you did just now.” He gave Kai a pointed stare and then set his attention on Samantha. “Kai just tried to focus her power on me, but it didn’t work.”

  “At the cabin…I could have been affected by Kasdeya,” Kai explained.

  “But you just said, you’re not absorbing my energy. So the question is, do you still need Ilsbeth and this spell?”

  “Others can sense her. Kai’s power grows by the day. Your presence in her life, it obviously has affected her,” Samantha answered.

  “Is this true?” Jake directed his question toward Kai.

  “I don’t know. Look, I just need the spell. I have to go find my sister and I can’t do it the way I am right now. Please,” she begged.

  “She will shift. You must help her,” the witch insisted.

  “Where’s Ilsbeth?” Kai pressed.

  “You must tell him what we discussed,” Samantha told her, ignoring her question.

  “Later. I need Ilsbeth.”

  “Can’t you just whip up whatever she needs?” Jake asked Samantha.

  “I agree with the wolf,” Quintus interjected.

  “Neither one of you gets to decide about this. This is my life. My sister. If you don’t like Ilsbeth, then get the hell out.” Kai’s anger spiked at his interruption. “I need Ilsbeth.”

  “She’s dangerous. There’s no way I’m letting her hurt…” Jake began.

  “Please, Jake.” Kai reached for his arm, her tone softening. “I know this witch did something awful. But I need help. I swear when we leave I’ll tell you anything else you want to know. But right now I need you to trust me…please.”

  “Fucking hell,” Jake cursed.

  “Please.” Kai slipped her hand in his, sending her energy to him. She needed him to feel her, to know she was telling the truth.

  “Samantha, tell me you can do this spell,” he pleaded, frustrated.

  “I cannot. You must understand. I’m breastfeeding. My magick, while stronger than ever, must remain pure. And I’m afraid Ilsbeth…I’m very sorry, Kai. I’ll let you see her but she’s no longer the same.” Samantha’s face offered sympathy as she revealed the witch’s state. “She no longer does magick. It’s gone.”

  “I need to see her.” Kai’s stomach dropped at the revelation.

  “Holly,” Samantha called into the foyer. “Bring Zella to us.” The feisty redheaded witch turned her attention to the group. “Please sit. All of you. Do not be surprised by what you see.”

  “Zella?” Quintus asked.

  “We have changed her name. For she has changed. Please.” Samantha gestured to the sofa.

  “Stay with me,” Jake said, tightening his hold on her hand.

  Kai allowed him to lead her to the couch. He sat at one end, deliberately arranging Kai protectively between Quintus and himself.

  A thick silence filled the air as the fragile woman entered the room. Kai recalled Ilsbeth’s appearance when they’d met long ago, astonished at the change. Her iconic thick platinum hair had been cut short into a brunette pixie. Instead of the expensive fabrics the high priestess favored, she wore a yellow sundress that dusted the floor as she walked. The female ignored the guests, listening only to Holly as she directed her into the winged chair.

  “Do see, Zella. We have company.” Ilsbeth looked through Kai as if she weren’t there, and quickly gazed back to Holly.

  “Come now, you must remember Jake.” Holly flipped her hair, and gave him a flirtatious smile. “Hey, stranger. I hope you’ll stay afterwards. We can catch up.”

  “Thank you, Holly. Would you mind taking a seat so we can talk?” Samantha asked.

  A flare of jealousy sparked as Holly winked at Jake. Kai glanced to Jake, whose stare was focused solely on Ilsbeth.

  “You may ask her questions, but since her injury she has no recollection of who she was. She does not practice magick,” Samantha said.

  “What happened to her hair?” Quintus asked, his tone terse.

  “When she returned to the coven, it fell out. It just started growing in a month ago. We suspect her magick influenced the color. As you can see, it’s no longer the same. Nothing is the same.”

  “Ilsbeth,” Kai began.

  “Zella,” Samantha interrupted. “We prefer not to speak the high priestess’ name for she is no longer with us.”

  Kai glanced at Jake, who rolled his eyes in response to Samantha’s explanation. “My name is Kai Beckett. I came here a long time ago. I am a Pixiu. You did a spell to hide my magick.”

  Ilsbeth wrung her hands in her lap, and innocently looked to Kai. “I live with many witches. I’m not sure who my parents are or how I got here but Samantha and the others, they take good care of me. I do chores in return for their kindness.”

  “I need you to think. To remember. Please, I need you to do this spell.”

  “I’m very sorry but I don’t do magick. My name is Zella. I’m human.” Ilsbeth wore an expression of innocence, her words sincere.

  “Oh Goddess,” Kai said softly, resting her head against Jake’s shoulder.

  “Don’t do this, Ilsbeth.” Jake glared at her.

  “I am Zella,” Ilsbeth repeated.

  Although she presented an empathetic disposition, Kai questioned Zella’s story. Nothing about the high priestess was ever transparent. It was how she’d climbed her way to the top of the food chain,
how she’d led the coven for over five hundred years. Deception. A clever sleight of hand in her dealings with everyone around her kept her allies in debt and her enemies cowering in fear, that was if they lived. To imagine her simply without magick seemed impossible. As long as life breathed through her cells, a trace of magick had to exist.

  “Stop with the shit,” Jake growled.

  “Did you really think we’d believe this act? There’s no way if she’s sitting here she doesn’t practice magick,” Quintus barked, his eyes roaming over the ancient witch. “Look here, Ilsbeth. I don’t know what kind of game you’re playing but I’m not in the mood. If you think…”

  “Mr. Tullius, I’m afraid I won’t tolerate you berating our guest,” Samantha chastised.

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Quintus countered. He stood and turned, plowing his fingers though his hair. “Me berating her? That’s rich.”

  “You must remain calm. We cannot have negativity brought to our sanctuary,” Holly interjected.

  “You,” Jake pointed to the attractive witch, “have no place here. I don’t even know why you are here.”

  “I am her caretaker,” Holly stated. “And besides, Jake,” her eyes narrowed, darting from Kai to the wolf, “you know me. Intimately, one might say.”

  Kai’s blood boiled at her assertion. Jealousy stabbed her, its white-hot pick boring into her chest.

  “If you’re only her caretaker, your job is done. I do not want her here,” Kai told Samantha.

  “She is harmless,” Samantha insisted. “Our magick is pure.”

  “I don’t want her to hear another word.” Kai pointed to Holly and then focused on Ilsbeth. She gripped Jake’s forearm, drawing strength from him. “As for her. Zella or whatever you are calling her. She owes me a spell. A debt was paid to her. She did not keep her word. This is a breach of contract on behalf of her and the coven.”

  “As you wish.” Samantha nodded to Holly, who glared at Kai. She did as she was told, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.

  Jake glanced at Kai, catching her gaze. No words spoken, she could sense he was taken aback at her demand. The slight smile in his eyes gave his approval.

  “We must get the spell from her. I don’t know if she’s faking it or not,” Kai continued, regaining her determination.

  “I can assure you she isn’t. You saw her, Jake. She was practically dead when you found her,” Samantha interrupted.

  “With all due respect Samantha, I feel your power. I sense your strength. Obviously you’re leading this coven, but I’ve known Ilsbeth much longer than you have. Assuming she isn’t faking it, that doesn’t prove her magick is completely gone. Even if you cannot sense it, I might. And if it is there, I may be able to feed off her energy. I cannot be certain but we must try,” Kai pleaded.

  “Even if you sense anything, she has no recollection of her existence. She is simply Zella.”

  “Take her hand,” Kai told her.

  Samantha gave an audible sigh, and her lips pursed in irritation.

  “Just do it, Samantha. I don’t know if this is even going to work. But if I’m as powerful as everyone thinks I am, I might be able to jump start her.”

  “Yeah, I’m not sure that’s a good thing,” Jake commented.

  “It’s the only way. We have no choice,” Kai said.

  “Some days I wish I’d left her in the woods.”

  “Just take her hand,” Kai insisted. “Zella, assuming you are not Ilsbeth, you would want to help me, right? I’m in great danger. The person you don’t remember, she was a great witch.”

  “I’m willing to try but there is nothing. The witches have tested me every way they know.”

  Kai noted that Ilsbeth fingered her short hair, playing with the ends as if her muscle memory recalled the long locks that once flowed over her shoulders.

  “I sense no magick but I have been on the receiving end of your deception. For all I know, this is all a spell,” Jake said.

  “Perhaps,” Quintus agreed.

  “I have nothing to hide. You may try.” Zella extended her hands.

  Kai stood, and Jake grabbed her arm, stilling her movement. “Are you sure ya want to do this, sweetheart? I don’t sense any danger but it’s like I just said, this could all be an illusion.”

  “I need to try.” Kai gave him a small smile. “Will you stay with me?”

  “Wild horses couldn’t tear us out of here.” His eyes went to Quintus, who nodded. “We’re not goin’ anywhere.”

  Kai slid past Jake, pleased that the Alpha refused to leave her side. As she sat on the coffee table in front of Ilsbeth, her heart pounded in her chest. It was likely it wouldn’t work. She could barely control the infinite energy that spun inside of her, let alone direct it. And while she prayed to the Goddess that Samantha was a good witch, she had no experience with her.

  “You ready?” she asked Samantha, who nodded.

  Kai locked her eyes on Ilsbeth, and placed her palm against hers. A faint tingle danced on her skin but she couldn’t discern whether it was Samantha or Ilsbeth.

  “Am I supposed to feel anything?” Ilsbeth asked, looking to Samantha. “I don’t think this is working.”

  “Be quiet and concentrate,” Kai scolded. Closing her eyes, she reached within, calling on her beast, demanding she release energy into Ilsbeth. Anger coursed through her as she recalled how her sister had been kidnapped. The witch owed a debt. If she would not give it willingly, Kai would tear it from her.

  “I don’t think it’s…” Ilsbeth began. As if hit with a jolt of electricity, she seized, her eyes glazing over in a crimson hue.

  Kai sensed Samantha’s resistance, and assumed the witch had sealed the connection so that all energy would filter through Ilsbeth. Silence. No, no, no. Disappointment flooded her, but she held tight to the witch.

  “Don’t let go…don’t let go…” Kai’s words rambled until a soft voice broke her concentration.

  “The wolf shall bind you.”

  “What?” Kai’s eyes flew open and her attention went to Samantha, who stared blindly ahead, as if in a daze.

  “The wolf shall bind you,” Samantha stated with no emotion.

  “I need a spell,” Kai said.

  “Must find the Kris. Your blood is his blood. In that you will hide,” the witch repeated.

  “What is she talking about?” Kai asked.

  “Shh…” Quintus knelt before Samantha as she repeated her words. “It’s an athame.”

  “A Kris. Your blood is his blood. In that you will hide.”

  “Where is it?” Jake pressed.

  “Kris. Find the Kris. Beyond the serpent’s breath you will find the Kris. Your blood is his blood. In that you will hide.” Samantha released both their hands and she sucked a deep breath.

  “I don’t understand what you’re saying. I need the spell. Please,” Kai begged. She closed her eyes, struggling to swallow the tears that threatened to fall. Despite the despair hovering over her, she focused on Shilan, telling herself she’d find her sister. A calming touch on her shoulder slammed the brakes on her racing thoughts and she blinked her eyes open, finding Jake at her side.

  “It’s gonna be okay, Kai,” he promised.

  “Some things are meant to be. The universe brings people together who have no reason otherwise to connect. Listen to it,” Samantha whispered.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he suggested, supporting her arm as he stood.

  “I’ve got to find Shilan,” Kai said, her heart heavy. She wore the devastation on her face like a death mask. “Samantha. Thank you for trying to help.”

  “Look, Sam, ya know I appreciate your help, but I’m telling you, I think you need to be careful here with Ilsbeth,” Jake warned. ‘Whatever just happened…that wasn’t you speakin’.”

  “Holly,” Samantha called as she pressed to her feet. She swept both hands into her thick red hair and twisted it into a bun. The young witch entered the parlor, and rushed to
Ilsbeth’s side. “Please take Zella to her room. I’ll be there shortly.”

  Holly nodded, and Kai wondered if the witch had overheard their conversation. Ilsbeth stood as if nothing had ever happened, her expressionless blue eyes dazed. Holly gave Kai a cool smile as she escorted her toward the exit. Ilsbeth stopped mid step and turned to face them.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t of help today. As I told you, I’m human. These kind witches have looked after me, but I expect I’ll leave soon.” Without another word, she exited the room.

  “Luca is not going to take well to this news. I’m not gonna tell him directly, but he’ll find out,” Quintus said.

  “I’m gonna have to tell Logan and Dimitri. I don’t know what exactly just happened here, but this info about the Kris; I’m pretty sure that didn’t come from you.” Jake shook his head in disappointment.

  “Don’t worry yourself with Luca. I will tell him as soon as possible. As for Zella, I can assure you her powers have vanished. But now that we’ve done this, Kai pushed magick through her, I cannot be certain of the ramifications. But be assured that she cannot escape. Still, after today, I will revisit the situation.”

  As Kai stepped through into the foyer, and Quintus opened the door, the cool breeze blew, scattering the magick around her like a deck of cards. Kai wasn’t well versed in witchcraft, but whatever had been in the home when she’d first arrived had been amplified; a renewed hum sang in the air.

  Find the Kris. Beyond the serpent’s breath you will find the Kris. Your blood is his blood. In that you will hide. The words played in Kai’s mind. She was aware they’d been given a clue, a first step in her sister’s salvation. As the Alpha wrapped a strong arm around her, Kai relaxed into his protective touch.

  A master. An Alpha. She glanced up to Jake, whose expression told her they’d be having a long conversation when they returned home. Kai suspected he’d never let her go again. Two souls brought together by the universe, her beast called for him. The wolf. Her wolf.

  Chapter Seven

  Find the Kris. Beyond the serpent’s breath you will find the Kris. Your blood is his blood. In that you will hide. Samantha’s words led to another damn mystery. Nothing is ever easy, Jake thought. Fucking Ilsbeth. There was seemingly no end to her destruction. He didn’t necessarily buy the Sybil act she was playing but there was no other choice but to search for the clue.


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